LIBRAEC AHCKLANL G ood G riefs - 6 OCT 1989 Dealing with illness & death COLLEGE OF EDOCA.TTO" M erataM itasFilm Tigers D o Climb T rees BY POPULAR DEMAND THE KATHERINE MANSFIELD POSTER (“Behind every great woman is a man who tried to stop her”) HAS BEEN REPRINTED ORDER YOUR POSTER/S NOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER TO BROADSHEET READERS ONLY $10and($lP&P) 2@$16($1P&P) 3@$24($1P&P) NAME ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________ ________________________ CITY ____________________________________ v i s a Q b a n k c a r d Q c a s h D EXPIRY DATE AUCKLANDS NEWEST AND FORMOST AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CAFE NOW OPEN IN PONSONBY OPEN FROM 5.30 TIL LATE CATE 7 DAYS LUNCH 12-2 MON-FRI * IGUANA 2 POMPALLIER TERRACE PONSONBY $ PHONE 789-143 FREE PARKING ♦C^O*N*T^E^N^T ♦ S ♦ OCTOBER ISSUE 172 1989 FEATURES _______________ 13 Good Grief When death and illness aren’t dirty words Lisa Sabbage 18 Tigers Do Climb Trees short story Barbara Murison 20 Fears, Dreams, Desires Broadsheet talks to expatriate artist Alexis Hunter 25 A Little Ray of Hope Is the treatment of cervical cancer as bad as the disease? Chrissy Duggan 28 Mauri Thoughts and responses to Merata Mita’s feature film Tepora Kupenga REGULARS 2 Herspective 3 Letters cartoon 6 Broadcast Mental Health Network 0 Zapping Pom 0 Hormone Horrors 0 AIDS Support 0 Kids on Campus 0 Sandinista Visitor 0 Our Women in the House 27 The Spots on the Appaloosa Lyndsay QuiIter’s Cartoon 39 What’s New 40 Classified 3i ARTS A Tile Story 0 Young Artists Award 0 Fair is Foul 0 Dance Shakti 0 Honouring the Treaty 0 Jenny Morris 0 KD Lang 0 Short and Girlies 0 Lesbian soap opera BROADSHEET OCT 1989 1 BROADSHEET BROADSHEET is published by Broadsheet Magazine Ltd, P O Box 56-147, Dominion Rd, Auckland. Registered office: 228 Dominion Rd, Auckland Office, bookshop and advertising, phone (09) 608-535. Editorial and art H e RSPEOTIVE department, phone (09) 607-162 BROADSHEET COLLECTIVE Sharon Alston, Martine Bouillir, Jan Cowan, PHOTO: NEVILLE PEAT Edith Gorringe, Carol Jillsun, Claire-Louise McCurdy, Pat MacKay, Pat Rosier, Lisa Sabbage, Shirley Tamihana, 4 OMEN IN POWER Who are these one little girl exercising her lungs is per­ Athina Tsoulis. j f women and how will they change ceived as a whole chorus. your life?” proclaimed the June 1989 cover The Spender effect has been documented Editorial and policy decisions are made by the collective. Main areas of responsibility are: of North and South magazine. Inside on in publishing (see Spender and Cline, Design and layout, Sharon Alston with help page 41 Rosemary McLeod exclaims “Sud­ Reflecting Men at Twice their Natural Size, from Pat MacKay; Editorial, Pat Rosier denly, they’re everywhere”. Profiles of 30 Andre Deutsch, 1987) and my article “A and Lisa Sabbage; Finances and accounts Athina Tsoulis and “top girls” follow this claim. Thirty out of a third is too Much” in the NZ Listener, 5 Lisa Sabbage, Subscriptions, population of 3.3 million - what percentage March 1988). I believe it is also operating Edith Gorringe. is that? You figure it out. in politics, business and every other sphere I am not aware of any New Zealand of life. For example, now that Auckland has Cover Painting Conflicts of the Psyche - The Struggle between Ambition and Desire 11 research which provides statistically valid a woman mayor, it is popularly believed by Alexis Hunter information on whether there really has that women have “made it” in local govern­ Cover design: Sharon Alston been an increase in the percentage of New ment. That they are participating equally, or These women helped around Broadsheet Zealand women reaching powerful posi­ even more than eQually. Is this true? this month: Michelle Quinn and Cathy Hall. tions within New Zealand society. (Or per­ You can check it out for yourself by run­ haps it would be better to use the term ning through the list of candidates offering Printed by Rodney and Waitemata Times, “potentially influential” rather than power­ themselves for the local body elections Mill Lane, Warkworth, Electronic pagination by Paradigm, Photoprints by Monoset, ful, since none of the women profiled in which should have been published in your Film Separations by Star Graphics. North and South actually owns or directs a daily paper on September 1. In Otago I major company, leads the parliamentary looked at two bodies which I thought repre­ Publication date: 1 October 1989 wing of a political party, sits in the High sented opposite extremes of male and BROADSHEET annual subscription $44 Court or heads a State-Owned Enterprise.) female involvement - the Area Health Overseas surface $56. Overseas airmail: This research has been done in Britain, Board and the Regional Council. Health is a Europe $101.65, America and Asia, $85.40, Australia and South Pacific, $66. and the results are not encouraging. As doc­ traditionally female interest, yet only 39 umented by Angela Coyle and Jane Skinner percent of the candidates are women. It is Articles and illustrations remain the property in their book Women and Work (MacMillan, unlikely, therefore, that women will consti­ of the contributor. Permission must be sought 1988), in the past eighty years in Britain tute more than 30 percent of the newly from Broadsheet and from the contributor before any item is reprinted. there has been a decline in the percentage of elected board. It will be interesting to see women in “top” positions. In 1911 there whether they are perceived as taking up HERSPECTIVE... this month’s writer, Christine was actually a higher percentage of “top more space than this. Dann, has been involved with feminism in New Zealand since the early days of the girls” than there is today. Not only have The Regional Council is a new body, Women’s Liberation movement. women not been getting to the top in tradi­ which takes over the functions of United At present she is working freelance tionally male occupations, men have been Councils, Catchment Boards, pest and nox­ and living in Dunedin. moving into top positions in occupations ious plant authorities, Harbour Boards and LETTERS POLICY: The Broadsheet Collective which were once exclusive to women, such other land and natural resource management may not agree with or endorse views expressed as nursing and home science. authorities. This is a traditionally male- in letters. Nearly all the letters we are sent get published. Those that are not published in full So why do lots of women (and even dominated area - 100 percent so in Otago. are edited in consultation with the writer. We do more men) believe that women are really Yet this is also an area where women should not publish personal attacks. Letters from men getting on and gaining more power and have more involvement, since rural women are published only when they correct matters of fact or at the discretion of the Collective. We influence in modern societies? I think that are just as Qualified to make decisions on particularly welcome letters about the content of what we are seeing here is a phenomenon environmental issues as rural men, and the magazine. Letters that are addressed to the which I have dubbed “the Spender effect”, urban women are often better qualified (by collective or to the editor are assumed to be intended for publication. Please indicate clearly after the feminist researcher and writer Dale virtue of their formal and informal educa­ if they are not. Spender. One of Spender’s research inter­ tion on environmental matters). In Otago, ests is the difference between male and however, only 10 percent of the candidates ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertisements are accepted at the discretion of the collective and all female perceptions of ordinary social inter­ for Regional Council are female. So when it copy and artwork is subject to approval by the actions. By taping tutorials and discussions comes to making genuinely important deci­ collective, which reserves the right to decline or which contain both men and women she sions which will affect the lives of thou­ cancel any advertisement. We do not advertise cigarette or alcohol products. We ask readers to demonstrated that under normal conditions sands, such as where to site industry and support our advertisers as a way of sharing your men talk more than half of the time, and how to conserve soil and water, women’s enthusiasm for Broadsheet. that when women talk more that 30 percent voices will be hard to hear. BROADSHEET is on file at the Women’s Col­ of the time men perceive them talking Women in power? Dream on... and lection Special Dept, Northwestern University “most” of the time. So what we are witness­ fight on, sisters. Library, Evanston, ing here is not a genuine shift in power, but Illinois 60201, USA rather a shift in perception. In a society ISSN 01 10-8603 where the norm has always been “Little Registered at the GPO as a magazine girls should be seen and not heard”, even 2 BROADSHEET OCT 1989 LETTERS PASSING THE TORCH join us, please write to PO Box Dear Broadsheet, 63, Hamilton and we’ll send I would like to refute the idea, you our magazine. (Cost is (in the excerpt from Ms in the around one dollar, including July/August Broadsheet), that postage, but if you can’t man­ the feminists of the 19th and age it don’t worry). early 20th century failed to Also the womin who wrote “pass the torch on”. to us from Australia - could This may be generally true you write again please - we’ve but it was not true of some lost your letter!! (arrghh, individuals.
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