The Church of God International OME BIBL HStudy CourseE ver and over again, God reveals Later, in the post-Exile period, to us that the Feast of Nehemiah read from the law and taught OTabernacles is a time of rejoic- the people about the Feast of ing! It portrays for us the millennial Tabernacles. They had forgotten the law 14 reign of Jesus Christ: a glorious golden and knew little or nothing of the Feast of age, the new world of the future. Tabernacles. But now they were discov- Understanding The holy convocation of the Feast of ering that the fall festival was one of the Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth) was the most joy- “very great gladness” (Nehemiah 8:17). Tabernacles ous event of the year for the Israelites. For seven days they were required to Review live in booths made of branches, living 1. The Feast of Tabernacles is revealed _____________ out under the stars (Leviticus 23:40). as a great time of rejoicing. Doctrinal Statement: The Feast of Tabernacles brought an 2. Ancient Israel lived in booths for _____________ end to the harvest season and a begin- seven days. ning to their celebration (Deuteronomy 3. The celebration of the Feast of This festival portrays the 16:13). It lasted seven days and was Tabernacles began at the end of the Millennium—the thousand observed from the fifteenth day through harvest. years of Christ’s reign on the twenty-first day of Tishri (Leviticus 4. The feast began on the fifteenth and earth. The true harvest of 23:34–35), according to the Hebrew cal- ended on the twenty-first day of Tishri. endar. 5. During the Feast of Tabernacles the mankind can now take In Jerusalem during the celebration of law was read. place. Without the influ- the Feast of Tabernacles, the Temple 6. The feast was a great time of glad- ence of Satan—the source area was filled with light from the torch- ness. of evil—all nations can be es of the worshipers. The twelfth chap- brought to God. For one ter of Isaiah was chanted, and water Rejoicing Commanded thousand years, a “golden from the pool of Siloam was poured out God intends that all mankind keep the age” shall reign: happiness upon the altar of burnt offering by the Feast of Tabernacles—each and every and peace shall be reality anointed priest. “Behold, God is my sal- family from every social strata and eco- and worldwide salvation vation, I will trust and not be afraid; nomic level. They are required to come shall be possible. This har- ‘For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and and rejoice in the feast (Deuteronomy vest of persons is far larger song; He also has become my salva- 12:5,7,12; 16:14). It is also mandatory than the first one, just as tion.’ Therefore with joy you will draw for all grown males to appear at the feast the fall harvest is much water from the wells of salvation” (16:16). larger than the spring har- (Isaiah 12:2–3). It is God’s overall intent that we vest in the agricultural It was during the Feast of Tabernacles should enjoy the very best of food and cycle. The Millennium that the law was read to all Israel drink at His feast (Deuteronomy 14:26) (Deuteronomy 31:9–11). because it portrays the wonderful abun- shall be the time when God As a reminder of their rescue from dance that will be available to all people sets His hand to save the Egypt, the Israelites lived in booths. during the millennial rule of Jesus world. It shall be a time of Once in the Promised Land, they were Christ. Of course, moderation in all rebuilding, the forging of a to meditate about the protection and things is God’s way. God does not like new modern society under guidance that they had received from overindulgence of any kind, but He does God’s laws. God during their years of wandering. want us to rejoice with all our heart. Home Bible Study Course Obedience to God’s command- of an infant child crawling safely representatives of their respective ments and revealed way of life will among poisonous snakes, or a small governments, to Jerusalem to wor- make the new world a place of hap- child putting his hand into a nest of ship the King, rejoicing joyfully in piness, peace, and prosperity beyond deadly adders without harm (Isaiah the Lord Jesus Christ (Zechariah our ability at this time to fully com- 11:8). 14:16–17). prehend. Those accounted worthy to God’s “holy mountain” means be in the first resurrection will have millennial Jerusalem. There will be Review at their fingertips all the powers and nothing in it that will hurt or destroy 1. God intends for all the families of possessions of God, to use for the because the whole earth will be the earth to keep the Feast of good of the whole created universe. changed, and the personal saving Tabernacles. When the Holy Spirit of God is knowledge of Messiah (Jesus 2. All grown males are to appear poured out freely it will be a mar- Christ) will be everywhere (Isaiah before the Lord during the Feast of velous thing to witness. The natures 11:9). Tabernacles. of men and animals will be changed All of these wonderful changes 3. God wants us to enjoy the best of (Isaiah 11:6–9). God will even that will come about in the natures everything during the feast. change the internal digestive sys- of humans and animals is the major 4. Enjoying the best we can afford tems of carnivorous animals so they reason the Feast of Tabernacles is now during the feast portrays the will be able to receive their nourish- observed with such great rejoicing. abundance that will be available ment from vegetation (see Isaiah During the Millennium, which the during the Millennium. 11:7; 65:25). feast pictures, all the tribes of Israel 5. Obedience to God’s command- Looking into the future, Isaiah will keep the feast. Even Gentile ments and revealed way of life gives us another picture of the nations will join with Israel in the brings happiness. Messiah (Isaiah 11:1–2). The keeping of the Feast of Tabernacles 6. The natures of mankind and ani- “Branch” comes from the stem of (Zechariah 14:16). Christ and the mals will be changed during the Jesse (as David did), indicating that elect who come up in the First Millennium. the Branch—the Messiah—would Resurrection will start immediately 7. It is this change of nature that will be a second David. David means to reeducate all the people of the bring great rejoicing during the “Beloved.” When the voice of the world through God’s holy days. The Millennium. Father from heaven said, “This is people will come to know the Lord, 8. All the tribes of Israel will keep my beloved Son,” He was stating His plan, and His purpose for all the feast during the Millennium. that Jesus was His second “David” mankind. But to receive this salva- 9. Gentile nations must also keep the (Matthew 3:17), fulfilling what tion, all will have to keep this festi- feast during the Millennium or suffer David represented. val, and it is of course commanded drought. Isaiah also prophesied that He forever (Leviticus 23:41). 10. In the beginning of the would sit on the throne of David The people of the nations that Millennium, Jesus Christ will have (Isaiah 9:7). The feminine form of refuse to come up and be reeducated to rule with a rod of iron. the Hebrew word for “Branch” and indoctrinated with God’s way of 11. Representatives of all nations (netser) became the name of life, and in their ignorance continue will come to Jerusalem to worship Nazereth (netsereth). Therefore, to refuse salvation, will be punished the King, Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth (or Jesus the by receiving no rain on their land 12. If they do not come, they will be Nazarene in the Hebrew) would be (Zechariah 14:17). In the beginning plagued with a drought. No rain will Yeshua Hannetseri. Hannetseri can it will be necessary for Jesus Christ fall on their land. mean either “the Man of Nazareth,” to rule with a rod of iron (Revelation or “the Man of the Branch.” “And he 12:5). All Mankind Converted came and dwelt in a city called And if the nations still remain Many people believe today is the Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled stubborn, not obeying Jesus Christ only day of salvation, and all who which was spoken by the prophets, and not coming up to keep the feast, are not saved now will be sent to an ‘He shall be called a Nazarene’” then God will plague them with no everburning hell. (Matthew 2:23). rain until they do come to obedience In previous lessons we have The millennial condition of the (Zechariah 14:18–19). learned that this is not true. It is earth, including man and animal, is In honor and respect of God, all God’s plan to call only a few to depicted clearly to us by the imagery nations will have to send emissaries, repentance at this time, and the 2 Home Bible Study Course much larger harvest of souls will be Joel 2:24–25. ated a fall harvest festival (Exodus reaped during the Millennium. There is going to be a moderate 23:16).
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