<3 °SS*)^§@0 & 1 & 0 OS )Q5 THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ff°2S» 1 2 ,1 4 9 — I 9 6 0 gjs£ 2 4 — 2 4 . 6 . 1 9 6 0 No. 12,149— FR ID A Y, JUNE 24, 1960 (Published by Authority) PART V-BOOK LIST, &c. (Separate paging is given to each language of every Part in order that it may he filed eeparately,) Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon and Registered under the Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Cap. 137), as amended by The Printers and Publishers (Amendment) Act, No. 28 of 1951, during the Quarter ended March 31, 1959 CONTRACTIONS : (a) The language in which the book is written ;(b) The name of the author, translator or editor of the book or any part thereof; (c) The subject; (d) The place of printing; (e) The place of publication ; (f) The name or firm of the printer ; (g) The name or firm of the publisher ; (h) The date of issue from the press ; (i) The number of pages ; (j) The size; (k) The first, second or other number of the edition; (1) The number of copies of which the edition consists ; (m) Whether the book is printed or lithographed; (n) The price at which the book is sold to the public ;(o) The name and ■residence of the proprietor of the copyright,or of any portion of the copyright. Quarter ended March 31,1959—First Quarter 1959 GENERAL WORKS GENERAL PERIODICALS 75175 Muthukumarath Thambiran—Ninaivu Malar 75270 Samastha Lanka Welanda Manthrana Sabhawa— (a) Tamil, (b) S. Ambihaipakan, (c) Memorial 1959 (Inaugural Issue) Number, (d) Colombo, (e) Jaffna, (f) The Kalanilaya Pathippakam, (g) Kalanilaya Pathippakam, P. O. Box (a) Sinhala, Tamil and English, (b) A. S. de Alwis and 49, Jaffna, (h) 2.1.59, (i) 72, (j) Crown 8vo., (k) First, Peter Muthukumarana, (c) Journal of the All Ceylon (1) 1,000, (m) Printed, (n) Free distribution, (o) -----. Trade Chamber, (d) Colombo, (e) Colombo, (f) M. D. Gunasena & Company Limited, (g) The All Ceylon Trade Chamber, Second Cross Street, Colombo, (h) 14.2.1959, (i) 120, (j) Crown 8vo., (k) Inaugural issue, 75294 Sitambara Malar (1) 2,000, (m) Printed, (n) -----, (o) The All Ceylon Trade Chamber, Second Cross Street, Colombo 11. (a) Tamil, (b) V. Y. Nallathamby, (c) Memorial Number, (d) Jaffna, (e) Jaffna, (f) The Ananda Print­ ing Works, (g) S. Rajaratnam, (h) 11.2.59, (i) 20, (j) 74916 Sri Sangamitta Kantha Samitiya—Dasawarshika Crown 4to., (k) First, (1) 300, (m) Printed, (n) Free Sangrahaya—1958 distribution, (o) S. Rajaratnam, Jaffna. (a) Sinhala, (b) Sri Sangamitta Kantha Samitiya, ( c ) Souvenir, (d) Kandy, (e) Kandy, (f) The Sita Printing Press, (g) Sri Sangamitta Kantha Samitiya, Ampitiya, (h) 19.12.1958, ' (i) 82, (j) Demy 16, (k) First, (1) 500, (m) Printed, (n) 30 cents, (o) Sri San­ GENERAL gamitta Kantha Samitiya, Ampitiya. 75150 Guru Deva Deerghayu Prarthana 75173 Mahadevan’s Memorial Number (a) Sinhala, (b) Rev. W. Somarama Thero, (c) (a) Tamil and English, (b) S. Navaratnam, (c) General, (d) Tangalle, (e) Tangalle, (f) The Dharma- Memorial Number, (d) Jaffna, (e) Jaffna, (f) Kalani- bandhu Printing Works, (g) Rev. W. Somarama Thero, laya Press, (g) S. Navaratnam, (h) 10.1.1959, (i) 28, (h) 2.1.59, (i) 10, (j) Demy i, (k) First, (1) 500, (m) (j) Demy 1/4, (k) First, (1) 4,000, (m) Printed, Printed, (n) ------, (o) Rev. W. Somarama Thero, (n) Free Distribution, (o ) -----. Palathuduwa, Tangalle. 183—J. N. B 24603— 378 (6/60) G 1 184 V Qv& ®®jOea — c oi®’ -s^9®s aajca— 1960 gjs£ 24 OisS Past V — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — June 24, 1960 74945 Ariwuchch Sudar—I 75455 Vikari Varusha Vakkiya Panchangam (a) Tamil, (b) Rev. Fr. A. N. Getersz, (c) General, (a) Tamil, (b) R. S. Ragunatha, (c) Tamil Almanac (d) Batticaloa, (e) Trincomalee, (f) The R. C. Mission 1959-1960, (d) Kokuvil, (e) Kokuvil, (f) The Sothida Press, (g) Henry Raju, (h) 12.12.58, (i) 6, (j) 9" X 12", Prakasa Press, (g) R. S. Ragunatha, (h), February, (k) First, (1) 600, (m) Printed, (n) --------------------------- , 1959,(o) Rev.(i) 96, Fr. (i) Demy 8vo., (k) First, (1) 50,000, (m) A. M. Getersz, St. Mary’s, Trincomalee. Printed, (n) Re. 1.25, (o) R. S. Ragunatha, Sothidapari- pala Madam, Kokuvil. 75225 Kunjibery Nawa Nathirin Wali Nadai Sinthu (a) Tamil, (b) S. R. Rengiah, (c) Songs, (d) Dikoya, 74994 Scientific Astrology (e) Dikoya, (f) The Up Country Printing Works, (g) (a) English, (b) S. Somasundram, (c) Casting of S. R. Rengiah, (h) 8.2.59, (i) 5, (j) Demy i, (k) First,Horoscope and Transit or Gochara Effect of Planets, (d) (1) 1,000, (m) Printed, (n) 30 cents, (o) S. R. Rengiah, Colombo, (e) Colombo, (f) Ceylon Printers Ltd., (g) New Valley, Norwood. S. Somasundram, Jaffna, (h) 8.1.1959, (i) 70, (j) Demy, 1/8, (k) First, (1) 2,000, (m) Printed, (n) ------, (o) PHILOSOPHY OCCULT SCIENCES PSYCHOLOGY 75414 Bulathsinhala Panchanga Lita—-1959-60 75679 Karadara Netikara Ganne Keseda (a) Sinhala, (b) C. A. C. Bulatsinhala, (c) Ephe- (a) Sinhalese, (b) K. Lionel Perera, (c) Individual meris and Almanac, (d) Colombo 10, (e) Colombo 10, Psychology, (d) Colombo, (e) Colombo, (f) M, D. (f) The Anula Printing Works, (g) C. A. C. Bulat­ Gunasena & Co., Ltd., (g) M. D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd., sinhala, (h) 8.2.59, (i) 71, (j) Royal 8vo., (k) First, (1) (h) March, 1959, (i) 77, (j) Crown 8vo., (k) First 2,000, (m) Printed, (n) Re. 1, (o) C. A. C. Bulatsinhala, Edition, (1) 2,000, (m) Printed, (n) Re. 1.50, (o) M. Kottawa, Pannipitiya. ~ D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., Norris Road, Colombo. 75719' Deepaloka Pala Pala Vistaraya , (a) Sinhala, (b) A. H. Jayasekera, • (c) Predictions, ETHICS (d) Colombo, (er) Colombo, (f) H. W. C. Abeyadeera, Colombo Wijaya Press, (g) H. W. D. Abeyadeera, (h) 75425 Gihigei Vitti Hevat Pawule Premay a 1.12.58, (i) 8, (j) Single Demy J, (k) First, (1) 5,000, (a) Sinhalese, (b) D. P. Wettesinghe, (c) Family (m) Printed, (n) 5 cents, (o ) -----. Ethics, (d) Kuliyapitiya, (e) Kuliyapitiya, (f) Sas- throdaya Printing Works, (g) Sasthrodaya, Printing 75139 Gedera Sepatha Works, Kuliyapitiya, (h) 25.2.1959, (i) 62, (j) Demy 8vo., (k) First, (1) 1,800, (m) printed, (n) Re. 1.25, (a) Sinhala, (b) Rev. Naunthuduwe Medananda (o) Sasthrodaya Printing Works, Kuliyapitiya. Thero, (c) Occultism, (d). Alutgama, (e) Alutgama, (f) The Alutgama Printing Works, (g) Rev. Naunthuduwe Medananda Thero, (h) 28.1.59, (i) 42, (j) Demy &, (k) First, (1) 1,000, (m) Printed, (n). Re. 1, (o) Rev. 75442 Mawakata Nanunthuduwe Medananda Thero, Ananda Vidyalaya, (a) Sinhalese, (b) W. S. Fernando, (c) Family Alutgama. Ethics, (d) Colombo, (e) Colombo, (f) M. D. Guna­ sena & Co. Ltd., (g) M. D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., (h) 4.3.1959, (i) 128, (j) Crown 8vo., (k) First, (1) 2,000, 75682 Grahaphala Siddhantaya (m) Printed, (n) Re. 1.50, (o) M. D. Gunasena & Co., , (a) Sinhalese, (b) L. A. D. William Appuhamy, (c) Ltd., Norris Road, Colombo. Astrology—Planets’ Places, (d) Colombo, (e) Colombo, (f) M. D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd., (g) M. D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd., (h) March 1959, (i) 136, (j) Demy 8vo., (k) First Edition, (1) 2,000, (m) Printed, (n) Rs. 2.50, (o) 75354 Vana Katha 2—Miturange Age M. D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd., Norris Road, Colombo. (a) Sinhalese, (b) Rev. Yakkaduwe Pragnarama, (c) Moral Stories from Ancient Writings, (d) Kelaniya, (e) Kelaniya, (f) Vidyalankara Press, (g) K. K. Punchi- 75422 Handahan Baleema banda, (h) 2.1.1959, (i) 202, (j) Crown 8vo., (k) Second, (1). 4,000, (m) Printed, (n) Rs. 3.00, (o) Rev. (a) Sinhalese, (b') D. D. Periyapperuma Appuhamy, Yakkaduwe Pragnarama, Vidyalankara Pirivena, (c) Horoscopes, (d) Aluthgama, (e) Colombo, (f) Kelaniya. Gunasekera Press, (g) C. S. Mudannayaka, Maradana, (h) , (i) 72, (j) Demy £, (k) First Edition, (1) 2,000, (m) Printed, (n) Rs. 2, (o) C. S. Mudannayaka, Vidyadhara Book Shop, Maligakanda Road, Maradana. RELIGION BUDDHISM 75423 Jyothisha Sastraya 75395 Abidharmaye Kata Padamin Tabagatayutu Kotas (a) Sinhalese, (b) E. Hecter Perera, (c) Astrology— A Comprehensive Work, (d) Aluthgama, (e) Colombo, (aj Sinhalese, (b) Rev. Bandaluwe Dhirananda, (c) (f) Gunasekera Press, (g) Abayagunawardena Mudan­ Abhidharma, (d) Horana, (e) Horana, (f) Wijaya nayaka, Maradana, (h) — —, (i) 132, (j) Royal &, (k) Press, (g) Rev. Bandaluwe Dhirananda, (h) 27.2.1959, First Edition, (1) 1,000, (m) Printed, (n) Rs. 3, (o) (i) 8, (j) Demy 8, (k) First, (1) 1,000, (m) Printed, (n) Free, (o) Rev. Bandaluwe Dhirananda, Sri Vina- C. S. Mudannayaka, Vidyadhara Book Shop, Maradana. yalankaramaya, Pokunawita. 75065 Sri Chinthamani Panchangalita, 1959-1960 (a) Sinhalese, (b) M. P. Jayasekera Amaratunge, (c) 75470 Anapana Satiya Ephemeris and Almanac, (d) Maradana, (e) Pettah, (a) Sinhalese, (b) Rev. Madihe Pagnaseeha, (c) (f) Anula Press, (g) M. D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., (h) Bhavana, (d) Colombo, (e) Colombo, (f) Epa Press, 17.1.59, (i) 80, (j) Royal §, (k) First Edition, (1) 3,000, (g) A. A. S. Perera, Kollupitiya, (h) 20.2.1959, (i) 500, (m) Printed, (n) Re. 1, (o) M. P. Jayasekera (m) Printed, (n) Free, (o) A. A. S. Perera, 20/2, Pen- Amaratunge, Udahamulle, Nugegoda. denis Avenue, Kollupitiya. 75601 Vaseekarana Tantraya 75043 Daham Gunaya (a) Sinhalese, (b) Richard P. B. Dunuwila, (c) (a) Sinhalese, (b) R. Saranasekera, (c) Buddhism Hypnotism, (d) Nugegoda, (e) Nugegoda, (f) Modern —An Appreciation, (d) Colombo, (e) Colombo, (f) Book Shop, (g) Modern Book Shop, Nugegoda, (h) M, D. Gunasena 8s Co. Ltd., (g) M. D. Gunasena & Co. 1.04, (j)'D em y 1/8, (k) Third Edition, (1) Ltd., (h) 21.1.1959, (i) 130, (j) Crown 8vo., (k) First, 1,000, (m) Printed, (n) Rs.
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