ACCESSIONSACCESSIONSAANWINSTE • EZONGEZELELWEYO NON-FICTION Q 291.35 GRA Q 362.1969 HIV 610.92 PIC Gray, Martin. Sacred earth.- HIV and nutrition.- Publishing Pick, William. The slave has VAKLEKTUUR Sterling, c2007. Resource Solutions, 2008. overcome.- W. Pick, 2007. Q 296.16 WHI 362.1969 WHI 612.84 ING General Whitehouse, Maggy. Whiteside, Alan W. HIV/AIDS.- Ings, Simon. The eye.- Algemeen Understanding the mysteries Oxford U.P., 2008. Bloomsbury, 2007. of Kabbalah.- Hermes House, Q 362.4 LOO 613.2 HOL 004.16 WHI c2007. White, Ron. How computers Look at me.- Genugtig!, 2008. Holford, Patrick. Optimum 297.1977 BHU nutrition made easy.- Piatkus, work.- Que, c2008. 362.71 GRE Bhutto, Benazir. Reconciliation.- 2008. Gregory, Julie. My father’s 004.67 GRA Simon, 2008. Gray, Michael. Create your own keeper.- HarperElement, 2008. 615.321 PIE 297.4 NAS Pienaar, Antoinette. Kruidjie website.- Collins, 2008. 362.88 NGE Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. The roer my.- Umuzi, 2008. 006.6869 ADO Ngenelwa, Thembelani. The day garden of truth.- HarperOne, Steuer, Sharon. The Adobe I died.- Kwela, 2007. 615.822 KEE c2007. Keet, Louise. Hand refl exology.- Illustrator CS3 WOW! book.- 363.7392 SPR Peachpit P., c2008. Hamlyn, 2007. Social Science Spratt, David. Climate code 032.02 HOM red.- Scribe, 2008. Q 616.009 DOB Homer, Trevor. The book of Sosiale Wetenskap Dobson, Mary. Disease.- 371.2 CLA origins.- Portrait, 2007. Quercus, 2007. 303.4834 CIN Clarke, A. The handbook of Cindrich, Sharon Miller. E- school management.- 616.44 RUB Philosophy and Psychology parenting.- Random House, K. McCallum, 2007. Rubin, Alan L. Thyroid for Filosofi e en Sielkunde c2007. dummies.- Wiley, c2007. 391.65 REA 111.85 ECO 306.89 SMI Reardon, John. The complete 616.833 MOS Eco, Umberto. On ugliness.- Smit, Guillaume. Ek is geskei.- idiot’s guide to getting a tattoo.- Mosley, Anthony D. The A Harvill Secker, 2007. Lux Verbi.BM, 2006. Alpha Bks., c2008. to Z of Parkinson’s disease.- Checkmark Bks., c2007. 155.413 MAR 307.76 END Maree, Kobus. Smarter -- the The Endless city.- Phaidon, 2007. Language 621.3845 BUC easy way.- Lapa, 2008. 307.76 GAS 413 UYS Buckley, Peter. The Rough guide 158.1 BIR Gastman, Roger. Street world.- Uys, Isabel. The six language to the iPhone.- Rough Guides, Bird, John. The 10 keys to Thames, 2007. picture aid.- Protea Book 2008. House, 2008. success.- Vermilion, 2008. 320.968 POT Q 623.409 BLA 158.1 MCG Pottinger, Brian. The Mbeki 422.03 KIP Black, Jeremy. Tools of war.- McGraw, Phillip C. Real life.- legacy.- Zebra, 2008. Kipfer, Barbara Ann. Word Quercus, 2007. Simon, 2008. 321.642 SER nerd.- Sourcebooks, c2007. 623.441 PAY 158.1 SIM Service, Robert. Comrades.- Payne-Gallwey, Ralph. The Simmons, Russell. Do you!- Pan, 2008. Science crossbow.- Skyhorse Pub., Gotham Bks., 2008. c2007. 327.4205 HER Wetenskap Herman, Arthur. Gandhi & Q 629.1325 RAU Religion 510.93 RUD Churchill.- Hutchinson, 2008. Raubenheimer, Helgaard. Gyro- Godsdiens Rudman, Peter S. How vlieg.- Alfabet-Uitg., 2008. 333.33 BAR mathematics happened.- Q 635.9663 PRY 221.93 PAR Barrow, Colin. The global Prometheus Bks., 2007. Parfi tt, Tudor. The lost Ark of property investor’s toolkit.- Pryke, Paula. Classic Paula the Covenant.- HarperElement, Capstone, 2008. Q 595.0968 LIE Pryke.- Beazley, 2008. Lieberman, Dan. Hidden 2008. Q 635.9663 PRY 333.9109 MAD wonders.- Jacana, 2007. 232.908 BEN Madden, Craig. Every last drop.- Pryke, Paula. Table fl owers.- Benedict XVI, Pope. Jesus of Random House, 2007. 597.9 ATT J. Small, 2007. Attenborough, David. Life in Nazareth.- Bloomsbury, 2007. 635.968 PUR 338.9 SAC cold blood.- BBC, 2008. 232.908 GAR Sachs, Jeffrey D. Common Purnell, Bob. Crops in pots.- Hamlyn, 2007. Gardner, Laurence. The Grail wealth.- Allen Lane, 2008. Applied Science enigma.- HarperElement, 2008. Q 636.5 EKA 339.46 SEA Toegepaste Wetenskap Q 291.35 DOU Seabrook, Jeremy. The no- Ekarius, Carol. Storey’s Douglas, David. The atlas of nonsense guide to world Q 608.7 MAY illustrated guide to poultry sacred and spiritual sites.- poverty.- New Internationalist, May, James. James May’s 20th breeds.- Storey, c2007. Godsfi eld, 2007. c2003. century.- Hodder, 2007. Kaapse Bibliotekaris, Julie/Augustus 2009 3333 ACCESSIONSAANWINSTE • EZONGEZELELWEYO ACCESSIONS 636.7088 SON Q 709.68 KEN and fall.- Blood Moon, 2007. Maskew Miller Longman, 2007. Sonntag, Quixi. Good dog.- Kentridge, William. William 780.92 MAR X 896.2 TUT New Holland, 2007. Kentridge - tapestries.- Farley, Christopher John. Before Tutani, Ndumiso. Gawulayo! Philadelphia Museum of Art, 641.5945 LOC the legend.- Amistad, 2007. Gawulayo!- Maskew Miller Locatelli, Giorgio. Made in Italy.- c2008. 780.92 WIL Longman, 2008. Fourth Estate, 2008. Q 720.9687 FAG Carlin, Peter Ames. Catch a Q 641.85 PAR Fagan, Gawie. Brakdak wave.- Rodale, 2007. Travel Party animals.- ACP Bks., c2007. - platdakke in die Karoo.- Reisbeskrywing Breestraat, 2008. 791.4309 AND 649.1 SMI Andrews, Julie. Home.- 909 AYD Smith, Hollie. Toddling to ten.- Q 741.642 SAL Weidenfeld, 2008. Aydon, Cyril. The story of man.- Headline, 2008. Salisbury, Martin. Play pen.- 791.4309 CAI Constable, 2007. 649.64 CAW Laurence King, 2007. Hall, William. Sir Michael Caine.- 910.4 BAK Cawood, Anne. Children need Q 745.5941 HAN John Blake, 2007. Bakkes, C Johan. Norrevok.- boundaries.- Metz P., 2007. Hancocks, Amanda. Handmade 791.4309 LED Human, 2008. 649.64 CAW greeting cards for special McShane, John. Heath Ledger.- Cawood, Anne. Kinders moet occasions.- Sterling, c2007. 914.36 AUS John Blake, 2008. Austria.- Dorling Kindersley, grense hê.- Metz P., 2007. Q 746.432 GSC 791.4309 TUR 2008. 658.84 ARN Gschwandtner, Sabrina. Turner, Kathleen. Send yourself Arnold, John. E-mail marketing Knitknit.- Stewart, Tabori, 2007. 914.796 LAT roses.- Headline, 2008. Latvia.- Thomas Cook, c2008. for dummies.- Wiley, c2008. 746.432 TIL Q 663.2096 BOS Tillman, Anna. Fab feet & cosy 791.4365 DAV 914.89 DEN Boschendal.- Boschendal Ltd., toes.- Hamlyn, 2008. Davies, Steven Paul. Out at the Denmark.- Dorling Kindersley, movies.- Kamera Bks., 2008. 2008. 2007. 746.92 VOG 663.52 SOU Vogel, Steven. Streetwear.- Q 793.21 KID 914.9515 MOL The South African whisky Thames, 2007. Kids’ perfect party book.- ACP Mole, John. It’s all Greek to me!- Bks., c2007. Brealey, 2006. handbook, 2007.- SchreiberFord, 747.296 FRA 2007. Fraser, Craig. The new safari.- 796.09 HAR 915 THE Q 677 COL Quivertree, c2007. Harris, Tim. Sport.- Yellow Theroux, Paul. Ghost train to Colchester, Chloe. Textiles Jersey, 2008. the eastern star.- H. Hamilton, Q 751.45 SID today.- Thames, 2007. 2008. Sidaway, Ian. Oils in 10 steps.- Q 796.48 MIL Q 684.8 IRO Hamlyn, 2007. Miller, David. The offi cial history 915.173 MON Irons, Phil. Woodturning.- Struik, of the Olympic Games and the Mongolia.- Lonely Planet Publ., Q 758.42 COL 2007. IOC.- Mainstream, c2008. 2008. Collins, Julie. Painting fl owers Q 690.0968 CEN with impact in watercolour.- 796.72 COU 915.2135 TOK A Century of building South David & Charles, 2007. Coulthard, David. It is what it Tokyo.- Dorling Kindersley, 2008. Africa.- Chris van Rensburg Pub., is.- Orion, 2007. 916.1 HAW c2007. Q 758.42 WHI Whittle, Janet. Q 799.0968 ETO Hawes, Annie. A handful of Etosha 100.- Venture Publ., 2007. Arts and Recreation Waterverfblomme.- Metz P., honey.- Pan, 2008. 2007. Kunste en Ontspanning Literature 916.872 FLE 759.2 BUR Fleminger, David. Richtersveld.- Q 709.6 AFR Stevenson, Jane. Edward Burra.- Letterkunde 30 degrees South Pub., 2008. Africa remix.- Jacana, 2007. Cape, 2007. 821.914 DIK Q 916.88 VOG Q 709.68 BOS Q 759.9492 VAN Dikeni, Sandile. Planting water.- Vogt, Andreas. A closer look at Boshoff, Willem. Word forms Thomson, Belinda. Van Gogh Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal P., 2007. Namibia.- A. Vogt, 2007. and language shapes, 1975- paintings.- Thames, 2007. 2007.- Standard Bank Gallery, X 896.1 MGQ 916.91 MAD 2007. 778.53 ASC Mgqwetho, Nontsizi. The Madagascar & Comoros.- Ascher, Steven. The fi lmmaker’s nation’s bounty.- Wits U.P., 2007. Lonely Planet Publ., 2008. Q 709.68 GEE handbook.- Plume, 2007. Geers, Kendell. Irrespektiv.- X 896.2 MAG 918.7 VEN Bom, 2007. 780.92 FEL Magona, Sindiwe. Vukani!- Juta Venezuela.- Lonely Planet Publ., Felder, Don. Heaven and hell.- Gariep, 2007. 2007. Q 709.68 HAS Weidenfeld, 2007. Hassan, Kay. Fixing time.- SMAC X 896.2 NOT Pub., 2007. 780.92 JAC Notununu, P. Ndiyazisola.- Porter, Darwin. Jacko - his rise 3434 Cape Librarian, July/August 2009 ACCESSIONSACCESSIONSAANWINSTE • EZONGEZELELWEYO Biography Q 920 MAN Q 968.72 WES Brown, Janelle. All we ever Magubane, Peter. Man of the A West Coast odyssey.- wanted was everything.- Lewensbeskrywing people.- Pan Macmillan, 2008. Historical Media, 2008. Hutchinson, 2008. 920 AMI 920 MIT 968.9107 GUK Brown, Teri. Read my lips.- Powell, Neil. Amis & son.- The Mitfords.- Harper Perennial, Gukurahundi in Zimbabwe.- Simon Pulse, 2008. Macmillan, 2008. 2008. Jacana, 2007. Campbell, Duncan. The paradise 920 BAL 920 NAI Q 997.3 CAS trail.- Headline Review, 2008. Ballard, James Graham. Miracles French, Patrick. The world is Castell, Robin. St. Helena.- Campbell, Karen. The twilight of life.- Fourth Estate, 2008. what it is.- Picador, 2008. Castell Collection, 2008. time.- Hodder, 2008. 920 BEL 920 SHA Carey, Peter. His illegal self.- Belfort, Jordan. The wolf of Wall Sharples, Nancy. She wasn’t a Street.- Hodder, 2007. prude.- Knysna P., 2007. ENGLISH FICTION Faber, 2008. 920 BEL 920 STA Cercas, Javier. The speed of Howell, Georgina. Daughter of Montefi ore, Sebag. Young Adelaide, Debra. The household light.- Bloomsbury, 2007. the desert.- Pan, 2007. Stalin.- Phoenix, 2008. guide to dying.- HarperCollins, Chance, Alex. The fi nal days.- 920 BOS 920 TUS 2008. Heinemann, 2008. Remembering Bosman.- Berridge, Kate. Waxing Agualusa, Jose Eduardo. The Clark, Mary Higgins.
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