Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Minutes Meeting of the Nominating Connnitte~ October 26, 1979 Present: Messrs. Dilworth (Acting Chairman) and Woolf. Also, Mesdames Delmas and Whitehead, Messrs. Straus and Linder (emeritus) . Also, Messrs. Hunt (Secretary) and Rowe. Absent: Messrs . Byrom, Opel, Petersen, and Taplin. Presiding Officer: Mr Dilworth opened the meeting at 3:05 p.m. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the Nominating Connnittee which was held at the Institute on April 27, 1979, were approved. Recommendation for Board action: Mr Dilworth reported that the name of Professor Daniel Bell of Harvard University had been placed before the Committee as a replacement for Robert Solow, representing the School of Social Science. Mr Dilworth presented to the Committee the signed approvals of Mr Byrom and Mr Opel. It was thereupon agreed that Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA Minutes 2 Meeting of the Nominating Connnittee October 26, 1979 Professor Bell would be recommended for election to the Board of Trustees. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. of the Corporation Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540 Telephone-609-924-4400 October 15, 1979 Mr John R. Opel President IBM Corporation Old Orchard Road Armonk, New York 10504 Dear John: The meeting of the Nominating Connnittee will take place on Friday, October 26, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm in the West Building Seminar Room. An agenda for t he meeting is enclosed. I have noted Harry's letter to you of October 1, 1979, enclosing biographical material on Professor Daniel Bell. Professor Bell's resume along with similar background documentation which has been distributed in the past on other candidates will be available at the meeting for consideration by Connnittee members as needed. I look forward to seeing you on October 26. Sincerely, (l,- Hunt f Corporation ·- - Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Meeting of the Nominating Committee Friday, October 26, 1979 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. West Building - Second Floor Seminar Room AGENDA I. Minutes of the April 27, 1979, meeting II. Report of John Opel, Chairman III. Review of candidates IV. Recommendations for Board action V. Other business Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Meeting of the Nominating Couunittee Friday, October 26, 1979 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. West Building - Second Floor Seminar Room AGENDA I. Minutes of the April 27, 1979, meeting II. Report of John Opel, Chairman III. Review of candidates IV . Recouunendations for Board action V. Other business Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA y/ J 01. ~ L{/ October 10, 1979 Memorandum to: Mr . F. L. Byrom Mr . F . E . Taplin Dr. Daniel Bell of Harvard University has been recommended for nomination to the Board of Trustees of the Institute. Some informa­ tion concerning Dr. Bell is attached, although I feel confident that each of you know him personally or know of his work. I would appreciate your giving some consideration to this and letting me know prior to the meeting of the Trustees on October 26-27 whether you approve of his name being put before the Board. :vtany thanks. Original sizned by John R. Opel CC: Dr . Hcwry Wool! Attachments / I would recommend Dr. Bell for election I do not recommend Dr . Bell for election Other comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Board of Trustees____.j Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA October 10, 19791\r Memorandum to: ~;- . F L. Byrom Gf 0 Mr. F. E. Taplin Dr . Daniel Bell of Harvard University has been recommended for nomination to the Board of Trustees of the Institute. Some informa­ tion concerning Dr . Bell is attached, although I feel confident that each of you know him personally or know of his work . I would appreciate your giving some consideration to this and letting . ,. me know prior to the meeting of the Trustees on October 26-2_'L_ \ / / whether you approve of his name being put before the Board. Many thanks . John R. Opel CC: Dr. Harry Woolr-<z:~--------­ Attachments ---x-----~-~:~~~--~:~-::~:~::-:~:::::--CE;~- ~- ct-r l do not recommend Dr. Bell for election J: ..JJ/},, :-:: ,,";:t-~ qr~ -;djdAv ~vv·: ,/ ~-4- )kd./ ~ J. /f~~ii.tl1. ~:tL ~ rrL· ~ Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA HARV ARD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY DANIEL BELL William fames Hail 370 [am bridge, •./vlassacluisetts 02138 617-495-3843 September 24, 1979 Dr. Harry Woolf, Director Institute of Advanced Studies Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Dear Harry: I am very pleased to be considered for the position as a Trustee or Board Member of the Institute of Advanced Studies. I would be very happy to accept if the invitation was extended to me. I am enclosing a condensed curriculum vita. There are two things I should add to it. I have in press a book entitled "The Winding Passage: Essays and Sociological Journeys, 1960-1980." These include about 17 essays, a number of which are listed on page 2 of the vita. (Beyond tha~ I have in various stages of manuscript a draft of three books which I hope to complete in the next few years.) In addition, in February of 1980, the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, will be giv­ ing me an honorary degree for my work in education. In short, if nominated, I would be glad to accept; if accepted, I would be happy to serve. ~c:,J M- Daniel Bell DB:am Enclosure Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY PRlNCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540 Telephone-609-924-4400 nm DIR.ECTOR October 1, 1979 Professor Clifford Geertz Professor Albert O. Rirscbman School of Social Science Institute for Advanced Study Dear Cliff and Albert: Just a short note. to say that informal conversation with Dan Bell has established his interest in being on the Board, and I am forwarding my recommendation for him to the Nominating Committee of the Board of Trustees. I shall keep you informed of the progress of his candidacy. Cordia~ly yours, :I _, v._~ (J, 1 li ~ Har~ Woolf I Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA October 1 9 1979 Mr. John Opel I.B.M. Armonk. New Yo~k l0.504 Dear John: The School of Social Scienc• baa suggeatad se'9'eT'&l. name• u candidate• for it.a rapre..ut::ative Trust" on the Board. ID diactuaaing the mact:ar with chem we have cakan' from their lllt the 1u11ne of Pl:ofaeeor Dmiel. Bell ol B.arrard University- u our raCOllD9!lldaeian. I encloa. a COl>Y of his entty ia Whoa ~ and other rel.aced mated.al, with the requeat that: you preaene bia candidacy to the Nomina!:ing Committee md9 it appTtnWd. to Cha Board of Truatees ac th• Meting on October 26-27. 'I1um1c you. Sincerely yours, Rany Woolf 'F.ncloaurett "J. '" ~:'.;: Board of Trustees Records: Committee Files: Box 3: Meeting of the Nominating Committee October 26, 1979 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA HARVARD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY DANIEL BELL William James Hali 370 Cambridge, Jvfassachusetts 02138 Daniel Bell--Curriculum Vita ~May 10, 1919, New York City Educated, New York City schools, Stuyvesant High School, The City College of New York (B.S.S . , 1939), Columbia University (PhD , 1960). Present Position: Professor of Sociology, Harvard University Previous Positions: Staff Writer, The New Leader, 1940-1941 Managing Editor, The New Leader, 1941-1944 Managing Editor, Common Sense, 1945 Instructor in Social Science, University of Chicago, 1945-1948 Editorial Board, Fortune Magazine, 1948-1958 Associate Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, 1959-1962 Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, 1962-1969 Professor of Sociology, Harvard University, 1969 to date. Other Positions: Lecturer in Sociology, Columbia University, 1952-1956 (part-time) Director of Seminar Programs, Congress for Cultural Freedom (Paris) 1956-1957, while on leave from Fortune Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, California, 1958-1959 Lecturer, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies. 1953, 19591 1969, 1977 Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, 1966-1967 Visiting Fellow, Russell Sage Foundation, 1969-1970 Visiting Fellow, London School of Economics, 1976-1977 Books: Marxian Socialism in the United States (1952; Paperback edition with new foreword, 1967) The New American Right (Editor and Contributor) (1955) Work and Its Discontents, 1956 The Radical Right (Editor and Contributor) , 1959 The End of Ideology (1960) The Reforming of General Education (1965) (Paperback edition with new foreward, 1967.
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