,-i. ■ V - ; 7 . 7 5 5 9 0 2 4/10/959 5 w c SST£!^N T KICPOGRAPHIHICS. • APTT E 12 S 3oOO u LT LAKE CITY UTT s * .'1 1 V '-I. k \ e m ^ ' W K m ^ j : M nt» Goodnmorning Today’s forecsxast: Snow up to an inch likely. Highs around 30. Lows;1 IS 5 lo 20. P * 0 * A 2 ’ ConfessionalJ secrecys • A Boise lawmakoikcr wants to exempt re- ligious leaders fromfn reporting child abuse they Icam aboabout in confessions. P a g e B I Claim threateitens school Paying lawyer'sr's fees in a tort claim against the schoollol district threatens to bankrupt the one-ro:-room school at Three Creek. P a g e B I Library needsds to adjust Twin F alk Public)Iic Library offl^iols are surveying libraryry patrons| to find out what they want. P a o e B I Tough endingg ..............1116 Magic Valley'ley's two championship contenders came: upu| short in the state girls' basketball tounsunuunent Saturday ■ ■ ura'B M je P ag eO il T ro u t {Rsherman D an J o o ■ r lo o sten o f R upert c a s ts hlallnelntotheh SnaksRIRiver neer tho Minidokaca DamI during an outing lastMarch.li . Eaglemania Il was snowing inside,ins too, as the Col- , lege o f Southem IdahoIdu basketball team’ took on Snow CollcgiIcgc S a m ^ ^ n ^ l ^ G r o i (c r d w i f d s t ll i e o vitd o f f l Scan L M c G ix ^ Outdoor-iecrratlration o i^ rtu n iti'es need to i i - l competing with snowmobileibilersftrscoess.to mmii! Times-News writer remain near citie ities yet provide solitude, winter trails, while canoeieo^istS'ahd'-watOTi' Love at first sigsight King said. skies^ are forced to share,■nvers. nv< ■ ..... ■TWIN.'f a LLS - A s » youngster,ypi Dan ; ® ; iC R p i A Buhl woman'sn's description of her | H . "No ono want!mts.more people coming - TTipse ctJnflicts reveal the changing '& oe, - Dane learned tpcast flics aloialong Billingsley perfect partner was'as the winner of The / down to their favoritefa\ recreation spot," of American rpcrerifion;ion', ■ K ln y , wid'.,; ‘ Creek niar Hdgormah. But'Daiie.Bu 29, ’might accccelerate if Boise-b&4^ M Times-News' ‘Lookjoking for the Perfect ^ Micron King- said. ‘That'sa t’s one thing lhal we Ida- Tourists who used to pilelile into a atailon: doesn’t fly-fish there anymoimore, preferring Technolojlo&y Inc. idecides to VjiHd's Mate Contest.' d ,a new hoa;is are very clesclear about.'! waron and spend , a couple t instead to take his rod and fiiesfii< to more rc- 3,500-wor pleof \yc«ks op « - ' P a g e d J . T o,brace for ,thetht fnoreased'demands on' multi-state TOation’^ ^ m ote waterw aj^ In the M ap c pcValleyT - "The tir kojicci- : their services, local'lot recreation directors “I’m anti-social,^ Dane s and comfort in lo i^ W p o I ^ e said. “I don't sions onI tlt h c s T r t s f u n i ^ is tj;” said lyjji^iOari.woric» k cua a masted plffn fdrran - '• Amazlngjournmey vwafttto sharcimji.fMtogS||«rtpi?kJidth':anSWe: r.-NSU-Wog; is: Sup^nteififiapt'-oW Hag<agerraan 80-mile'8trcteh;olj;o f‘tfie Snokp River;The--'-• • don’t,want'pcOTlei' That’s half of fishlni ib ^ t t i r M - 1 JapaneseMC prisoner o f war .has 1 •ttinft'aftay Ooiri'' Fossil.SededsNptional Monument! ''' - .. plaij is being era:crafted over the next two :King.said.--.:^ ^ ^ il aD -jU st you and tfie river." recoiny released tiis:lis self-published'duto- : yeara widj the hel^hel o f theJ^iiliSiial Eaiks loat’s alrtiody-ttuii^nbtpw6aljle'm{pe0t*i:; ‘ biography. For Dane, owner of Littletie Wood Trout- ' Plannitaj tag^f^r conflicts Service, and willill nvipt out die rixreational tion betwjcen May. end Octol fitter in downtown Twin Fall tetober at some o f > P a g e C I f ■alls, and countr . Com ppiipnies su ch ^s Micirtfn andid other needs .for Snaked1C W ver locales, from King less other local anglers, the the area’s heralded attiiactations,' sucb!ts’ , 'i the search fo f 0 ©mployef*n look'for i;ecrratiofial aine(Titles Hill east to isacreTlock:'.'’: fishing hole to calUne^s own ReafishL^T^;Stulty;'i!y;'A^fN(%its )wn is becoming When the'ley’re decicBng' where to> move,n ‘'We’re not sellileUing anytbing except the alsoi m wuy.bfl^eral’m a more arduous as more people pie are choosing King said,d. ,The Magic Valley is o popularpo idea tbat the planniinning process n e ^ to take 'ilions o f dollats into totnw \ai to live, travel and play in the v st .raem tin at the Don’t repeat papast errors '' le valley. destinatioiion becausc'niuch of the landla is place," King saiij.itl. ICity o f Rocks Natiopal ReM Growth is straining the rcc recreational op- publicly owned,o open- for recreatiorion o£d Not only are mom ore people shom ng up at Some of die valley ’s small Twin Falls County'sy's dreadful histoiy with nportunities for which Idah nailer touns want laho is widely widiin reaeach of the lo ^l populationon cen- l o u l parlu, butt they’reth showing up with toi provide oul-of-Ujc-way'ay spots, for rest grand juries should rivet/ct thet curtcnl prosecutor’s kknown and appreciated,, andmd that growth ters. attoitiOQ, today's editorial conflicting recreatreatlonal goalsi ^ ie rs orialsays. ....PIea8e,^..Qe OROWTH/^l P a g e A S i^m iiiiniiiii AUeg^1 stock &iraudrii] ngleadei White H(loiise V Veto vow President Clinton hasas ppledged to veto any at- 1 tempt to scrap plans lo) putpui IM.OOO more police^ modestl^ defend ly« whileI coverinnghistr;racks men on the streets. ihfiAModstedPiess l > W A 3 ''' W L * * - r ' sterilizati NEW YORK — He lives:s inii a one-story I Political hustlerers acream-colored bungalow in aimiddle-clasade- mi [& . ’Ilie A sn c ia te d P M i,’'! 's' ; '. i . ■ Sen. Bob Dole, Sen.0. PhilP Gramni and other velopmentv< of.idenb'c^ hoineses ini Florida^ He . GOP presidential hopefulsfuls are busy raising mon- drives<h a 1993 gold-tin(ed!SatiSaturn compact. WASHINGTON.^.The:^ ■ ey for the 1996'primaiyy seseason. Many neighbors say .thej' don’Ion't even loiow played down the'iim ifi^ P a g e A 4 him. ' ■ - of revelations that ■ Charles Brumfield, allegedd ringleaderri ofa nominee for surgeon g i^ faT-niu% $2.6 nullion insiderT trtrading scheme formed hysleiectomies tb^st unveiled this past week, apparentirently has flaunt- B | | | B | | | sev^:^retaided, ^oipen j cd few sig w o f ostcntatiousness. Guerrilla cracackdown A look at his lifestyle and metmediods o f cvad- - While House press'seci ------— QtKstioRS'haveBiixnen Q over tlie Mcxiian gov- ~ingin dcl^cli0il, baMd on rescancarcb and M ctjuny said the inlormSHotation w a s ^ ^ ^ i; v.-. eimnenl's crackdown on guariliss£ in the south- viewsvi with neighbors and fedecderal investiga- able to administrMoOiOlH' era paitofthe country. toi^to s u j ^ t s bow Biumfield, whwho turns 52. on Clmton’s selectitm’of Dr. JH P a g e A 7 today,to covered die tracks for fourfc years, or-. He said Foster, i n 's d u l^riy.witiiigs;bsd y i diestratingdi what atithorides desabscribe as one o f , “eloqucnfly" explained tiisiscondoctmdie o ■ j the biggest securities fraud[ 'ringsrir sincc ^ e context of medical tfainking'i 1980s takeover boom. “We wanted to know mo The cast against Brumfield i circnmstBnc0B4)F,ihis,Vwti^! First wolves, noi1 0 W « . pg :Id and other people, unvcilM by tbe Manhattamttan U.S. Attor- - , practicei'w ere at the.fiiiBe, 'Residenuofldahotimb)imber towns ore leeiy ofa ney'sne ofllce and the Securities» anda Ewhangc . * ^ e loicdud into the Ina proposal to introduce grizzrizzly bears into the state. CommissionO on Thmsday. is staitling'instar ihog-r Administration ofBcialsals Isaid'FosterrJ'*' P ilg e A S nitude.nil - , , ^ Thtsmod«destKcmt belbijigs td ChiiftesCh Brumfield, chargiirgedwlth.orcheftr^*' . aIong‘Witfi.tbfe,mains6eam(iimlbedicai e d ^ - '' i ‘A middle manager in AT&T ( munity, no rongcrConsidenJerafetil&ttlpii'’. • ; t Coip.’a Laboi' Irffl o n e do f the biggek SMurttlea:»a: fraud rings since ttw11980a ta k e o y ^ ^ ': __________ RiRdalions dcpartmenv in Morriorristown, N.J., boom.' ■ o f retarded ‘wpmcn by hysiiiy«tcr?et<^;lo: Briihifield was ^ d to have passp^secnrfin- .iiicschen ^be’apiwQpriatc..,.: . eme as described by federal inyesd-in> Y d ewcJence o ff^the-soitoflavish th« iq>adii4 ■ ' fonnaJion' about four p^d in g AT&TAT takeover u io ts yields '. ' TSbduUsebatoiswisbtoq Ided Brumfield and ThomasI Alger,A typical of some of•f VWall Street^s-biggest-ac—' :•-abcwrtheseinattds.hewmt targets » a web o f fiimily andd flicnds.inli five his subordini S e c tio n A DC e a rA b b y ...... 3 “ inale at AT&T, more than $30C500,000 cused w hite<bllarI culpritsa failed to emerge ■ position tb additss th i ^ ^ Mi EaSem.states, who in nim tradedided stocks prof- kickbacksks. Both have pleaded gtrilty. ti Weather...........2 C ro ssw o rd .......8 , . -11>e admmistraHtfn'VQhii'Q h i n i w ^ ^ itablyondietips. curides fnuxl iseefUNGLEApER/A Nation.......... 3-5 KM o v ies............10 ud and other, ctunibM clui^es.' 2 niunes o f prprpinent'doctootoai^.^dit- ' Id a h o .................6 >h8^->eGn.
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