Regis University ePublications at Regis University Highlander - Regis University's Student-Written Archives and Special Collections Newspaper 11-13-2007 2007 Highlander Vol 90 No 11 November 13, 2007 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/highlander Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "2007 Highlander Vol 90 No 11 November 13, 2007" (2007). Highlander - Regis University's Student-Written Newspaper. 252. https://epublications.regis.edu/highlander/252 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Highlander - Regis University's Student-Written Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. REGIS HAD A FOOTBALL TEAMl STUDENTS LIVE IT UP... JESUIT STYLE The Highlander tells the true story behind the A look into the University's two new "Regis 11." learning communities, Ignatian Village and the Magis Experience. · See Pages 6-7 See Page 8-10 REGIS UNIVERSITY - a weekly publication Serving the Regis community since 1888 Volume 90, Issue 11 www.regishighlander.com Tuesday, November 13, 2007 MAM ACCEPTS HONORARY DIPLOMA Somaly Mam, an internationally recognized activist in the fight against human trafficking, was awarded an honorary doctorate of Public Service Nov. 9 in the St. John Francis Regis Chapel. To date, her organization AFESIP has rescued over 3,400 girls from the sex slave trade in Cambodia. Ashton Do before a full house of over 500 atten­ trade both in Cambodia and other She took the stage, clutching the StaffReporter dees in the Chapel, she hesitated. parts of the world: young girls are suf- diploma with both hands. "I was born without a family," she fering and dying by the hand of wide- "Wow," she said. "Thank you every- Victims of sexual slavery never for­ began. A long pause followed as she spread sexual slavery. one- you cannot imagine how much I get the horrors of their entrapment. took in a deep breath, her eyes visibly Dr. Tom Reynolds, vice-president of am so happy. It was my dream. When I "What is a victim? How does a victim watery at the podium. Mission, started the evening with a for- was young, I saw all the other children feel?" asked human activist Somaly "I'm sorry," she said. "I just want to mal introduction of notable individu- go to school and I just cried because I Mam. " ... To be a victim, is to be a vic­ say thank you. If you.want to know me als and sponsors for the presentation, had to work, I had to be slave, I had tim for life." more, you can go to (my) website, including over six university depart- been exploited by my grandfather." The author and activist spoke at the somaly.org. You can see all of my ments and SASSY 107.1FM. Mam explained that she has been St. John Francis Regis Chapel about activities (there), but today I am out After a brief clip from CNN about teaching herself English for a little the severity of human trafficking and already. Today I'm out." Somaly Mam, University President Fr. under a year. the emerging battle against it on Mam then revealed that a seven Michael Sheeran, S.J., took the micro- Mam called a young girl to the podi­ Friday evening, Nov. 9. year-old girl was dying back at her phone to present an honorary doctor- um, she too was a victim and survivor "I know you're here tonight because home in Cambodia. In her deathbed, ate to Mam. of sexual slavery. With the help of an you want to support us," she said. the girl wanted to see Mam once more, "For your continuing efforts to bring interpreter, the young girl expressed Her own experience as a young sex but Mam was unable to be there for change and make a real difference in gratitude to Mam, and to Nicholas slave was filled with rape, torture, and her. our world, for your enduring commit- _ Lumpp and Jared Greenberg, Air unspeakable abuse. But as an interna­ "The doctor said to me she is going ment to the service of the people," Force Academy alums who were cru­ tionally recognized woman in the fight to die and she is now in the hospital for Sheeran said, "the Board of Trustees of cial to a new American-based founda­ against human trafficking, she has told today," she said. "So, I don't know how Regis University, by virtue of the tion against sex slavery. her story several times before. to speak with you ... but we need your authority vested in it, does hereby con- This presentation was supposed to help." fer on Somaly Mam the doctorate of be no different- however, standing This is the reality of the sex slave public service." See Somaly on Page 2 -~-------- • ' ' t ' • • •• ' , 1. I t , t .•• 2 Highlander NEWS I TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 2007 ,Contact the Highlander 3333 Regis Blvd, Mail Stop I-8 Denver, CO 80221 Our Mission: As the staff of the Regis University weekly publication, the Highlander, we intend to serve the campus and the neighborhood by providing a forum for news, infor- mation and exploring ideas. Our publication is designed to cultivate awareness, undestanding and dialogue about matters of community importance. Editor-in-Chief Maricor Coquia Opinions Editors Jen Janes Jacqueline Kharouf Sports Editor After the presentatjon, several attendees waited in line to meet Somaly Mam. In Cambodia, she comforts rescued victims by using her heart, not by talking, she said last Friday, Nov. 9 , in the St. John Francis Regis Chapel. David Vranicar Somaly from previous page "They're not my parents but they love me like their own . Photography Editors Graham Hunt kid, and my mother, she didn't like me," the girl said, Brett Stakelin "They're not my parents but they love me like their own kid, and my trembling. "She didn't love me, she sold me." mother, she didn't like me," the girl needed money to fund Mam's organi­ they have rights, rights of life." Staff Photographers said, trembling. "She didn't love me, zation in Southeastern Asia, AFESIP. After careful analysis of AFESIP's Chelsea Coalwell she sold me." AFESIP's mission is to rescue, reha­ current assets and operating costs, it Christopher Yamauchi The Somaly Mam Foundation, the bilitate, and reintegrate young victims became apparent that the organization realization of a dream by Lumpp and of the sex slave trade into society. To would be on track for financial hard­ Copy Editor Greenberg, launched on Nov. 7 at a date, over 3000 girls have been saved. ship within the next two months, Caitlin lfealy United Nations conference in New "We want to give the victims finan­ Greenberg noted at the end of the pres­ York City. Mam came to the United cial independence and then teach them entation. Highlander/ KRCS Liaison States for a two-week promotional tour how to say 'no' with the people because "Last year, two of (Somaly Mam's) Lauren Fellows for the event, which ended Nov. 10 in Cambodia, we cannot say 'no'... we five shelters closed because of fund­ with an appearance on the fyra Banks have to sacrifice oui' Jives for the fami­ ing," he said. "That's not going to hap­ show. ly," she said. " .. .And teach them that pen again." Staff Reporters The Somaly Foundation will bring in Ashton Do Emily DuBois Vince Garzone Gus Maxwell Abbey Mermis Vince Sapienza bOWlC H IO DISt"ll!lW>ll: ..Afll'I AMUI.C,AII Emily Sloan ID!lffl'ft An snnnn, TIIDAT" Amy Smith ll:>(CI !'ffi; - ;ii,C,m;l!Hl\1 Staff Writers Matt Fisher Jessica Knapp Aaron Mejia Zach Owens Angelia Shugarts Ta..U,, Now....... ll Ed Timmins, Jr. 1'£vi)l f.U.U. IJll)IAJI DAMCUS rll1ll!t_lllAIICl Amanda Zeuli 1\ ,;,n S- 1"Tl!C ~•r!Pi..~ Faculty Advisor l\fary Beth Callie, Ph.D. Our policies regarding sub­ missions and editorials from the communi.ty: Submissions are encouraged from ciur readers. Email submissjons to [email protected] by 7:00 p.m. every Friday for considera­ tion. All submissions will be reviewed to ensure suitability of content and quality of thought. Editorials are the opinions of the author, and therefore may not nec­ essarily reflect the views of Regis University or the Highlander. OPINIONS I TU ESDAY NOVEMBE R 13 2007 . Highlander 3 f ls?.~~~pe students, voting, and civic education fj_taff Writer that students can get voter registration forms from the Students Activities office; the information also cites Voter Registration in 2004 . Just this past week in a class of www.beavoter.com as a resource for nune, I asked if anyone could think of ~nding out more about the implica­ a, 100 T- -~- ~ an important event that had taken tions of registering to vote in Colorado. RI place on Tuesday, Nov. 6 . Only one (In 2004, to promote student partici­ C -a, person out of about 20 thought of pation Regis collaborated with the u '­ Election Day. Later I asked this of New Voters Project to Regis students a, - P. eg1stered on campus; but, according to Dave 0.. other students and the result was ~i ~-- --·Joted almost always the same. Given these Law, director of Student Activities o l~------------ findings, I think it is an important time they did not show up for Orientatio~ to examine the issue of a lack of voter this year).
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