SHTOKMAN SNØHVIT Pechora Sea AUSTRIA GREECE UNITED KINGDOM ASKELADD KEY DATA MELKØYA 37,3 5,7 44,1 485,0 ALBATROSS 001 Tallesbrunn 3,9246 0,5994 N 1974 119 South Kavala 3,9708 R 2022 219 Rough 36,5000 305,0 N 1985 Hammerfest 29,4 4,5 55,2 Salekhard 223,9 37,3 Rough : Oers capacity under negotiated processes with rules that must be applied (N) Technical working gas volume and Technical working gas volume 002 Schönkirchen / Reyersdorf 17,9716 2,7710 N 1977 Barents 152,7 23,8 HUNGARY 220 Caythorpe 2,3371 N KILDIN N number of underground gas storage facilities per type of underground gas storage facilities per country 30,5 4,5 30,8 Sea 003 Thann 2,4543 0,3732 N 1977 2,9714 R 1978 26,9 4,3 120 Kardoskút 22,8 130,0 221 Hornsea 2,6520 N 1979 TWh 135,4 5,7 30,8 24,0 004 Puchkirchen/Haag 11,6495 0,5655 N 1982 3,6082 R 1979 operational under constr. planned 135,4 5,7 121 Pusztaederics 26,5 342,0 MURMAN Puchkirchen/Haag : GCV 11,31 222 Aldbrough I 2,0819 2009 operational under constr. planned 210,1 311,0 TWh no. TWh no. TWh no. 13,6 122 Hajdúszoboszló 17,4042 109,3 R 1981 005 Aigelsbrunn 1,4700 N 2011 13,6 223 Aldbrough II 0,5500 Austria 94,6 297,1 PomorskiyEU-28 40,7 123 Zsana 23,0287 180,4 R 1996 006 Nussdorf / Zagling 3,2570 N 2014 19,8 Depleted eld 809,9 74 29,6 2 178,0 16 Belgium 8,2 32,6 224 Hateld Moor 1,2540 2000 267,4 29,0 Strait Bulgaria 6,3 23,4 Nussdorf/Zagling : Storage Capacity connected to Germany and Austria 124 Szöreg-1 20,1129 134,1 R 2009 Murmansk Salt cavern 175,1 51 13,9 0 50,2 9 121,0 5,4 225 Hole House Farm 0,5500 2001 Aquifer 175,1 22 0,0 0 10,8 1 Croatia 5,5 0,6 007 Haidach 5 0,1810 N 2006 ENERGY 118,8 5,4 IRELAND 23,1 Other 22,4 2 0,0 0 1,8 1 Czech Republic 37,4 5,0 1,8 2015 104,6 226 Hill Top Farm (Cheshire) 0,2200 60,5 REYKJAVIK 008 Haidach 10,4435 N 2007 28,6 ENERGY 90,2 125 Kinsale Southwest 2,5300 N 2006 Total 1182,4 149 43,5 2 240,7 27 Denmark 12,3 18,7 141,9 195,5 227 Hill Top Farm (Cheshire) 0,8690 2017 France 134,6 4,1 009 Haidach 19,5536 N 2007 ENERGY ICELAND GSA LLC 177,8 ITALY 81,0 operational under constr. planned Germany 260,3 9,9 4,6 Haidach : Storage Capacity solely connected to Germany 228 Humbly Grove 3,1161 93,5 2005 242,7 9,0 0,0 TWh no. TWh no. TWh no. Greece 4,0 N 126 Cellino 1,2476 9,0 0,0317 0,0 R 1984 238,3 010 7 Fields 19,4150 2011 1,8197 2012 161,8 229 Holford 238,3 Hungary 67,1 7 Fields: Storage Capacity connected to Germany and Austria 47,6 37,0 Europe 127 Collalto 5,9207 0,2115 R 1994 250,8 48,6 20,1 2014 Ireland 2,5 230 Stublach 2,6180 277,2 Depleted eld 1180,7 88 34,3 2 194,1 16 Avenue de Cortenbergh 100 Tel +32 2 209 05 00 [email protected] BELARUS 23,3 56,0 128 Cotignola & San Potito 2,3260 0,2432 R 2015 0,0 Salt cavern 180,6 53 25,0 1 66,1 10 Italy 187,6 22,8 60,0 6,1 61,5 2019 44,1 231 Stublach 0,6820 0,0 N Port Vitino 1000 Brussels - BELGIUM Fax +32 2 209 05 01 www.gie.eu 011 Osipovichskoye 3,3090 1976 Cotignola & San Potito : Plant in build-up phase Aquifer 198,3 27 0,0 0 10,8 1 Latvia 25,5 5,3 79,2 52,9 9,5 232 Stublach 1,1000 N 2020 Lithuania 5,5 0,7401 R 2017 52,8 Other 22,4 2 0,0 0 1,8 1 012 Pribugskoye 6,6180 2000 129 Palazzo Moroni 9,5 Total 1582,0 170 59,2 3 272,8 28 Netherlands 150,8 220,6 6,6 233 Deborah 50,6000 N 013 Mozyrskoye 5,5150 2008 130 Bagnolo Mella 0,9680 R ENERGIA ITALIA 6,6 Poland 35,2 3,9 5,0 234 Gateway 15,8483 N Portugal 3,6 0,7 014 Mozyrskoye 5,5150 2020 131 Cortemaggiore R 1964 354,5 Romania 32,7 1,0 12,3 235 Holford Brineeld KGSP 5,2133 N STORAGE MAP 2016 BELGIUM 132 Sergnano R 1965 354,5 Slovakia 36,0 9,4 242,0 169,5 236 Islandmagee 5,5000 N NORNE Mosjoen R 1985 132,0 Spain 31,2 9,5 015 Loenhout 8,1830 88,1 133 Brugherio R 1966 White Sea s 352,0 Tornio Manga LNG Sweden 0,1 Gas Storage Europe is one of the three columns of Gas Infrastructure Europe 237 King Street 3,8280 352,0 N BULGARIA 134 Ripalta R 1967 - the European association of the Natural Gas Industry, the other columns being : 330,0 UK 50,8 0,9 94,5 n 47,9 238 Preesall 0,2805 330,0 N ASGARD HELDRUN 016 Chiren 1,6302 4,6398 R 1974 135 Minerbio R 1975 EU-28 1182,4 43,5 240,7 Gas Transmission Europe and Gas LNG Europe. 47,9 93,5 KRISTIN 66,1 239 Salteetby 8,5250 82,5 N Belarus 15,4 5,5 All data provided on this map is for information purposes and shall be treated as indicative only. 017 Chiren 9,7698 R 2021 136 Fiume Treste R 1982 66,1 NJORD HALTENPIPE Serbia 5,0 3,9 Under no circumstances shall it be regarded as data intended for commercial use. UKRAINE 018 Galata 7,9800 R 137 Sabbioncello R 1985 FAROE ISLANDS Turkey 27,7 6,3 32,1 All data relating to projects indicated on this Map is based on publicly available information. 55,0 (DK) 240 Krasnopopivske 4,6200 R 1977 DRAUGEN T 55,0 NORTHERNUkraine LIGHTS 351,5 019 Galata 5,7000 R 138 Settala R 1986 44,0 Europe 1582,0 59,2 272,8 241 Olyshivske 3,4100 R 1978 Data represents the status of 15 April 2016. CROATIA 139 Bordolano R 2016 46,2 TRANSPORT 286,0 R More current information on storage data 54,5 2595,6 242 Bohorodchanske 25,3000 550,0 1979 020 Okoli 5,3200 0,2100 R 1988 R Tjeldbergodden 34,3 STOGIT storage group 128,7344 1526,8 48,8589 ORMEN LANGE Trondheim can be found on the AGSI+ website at agsi.gie.eu 253,0 22,0 Stogit data: 243 Uherske (XIV-XV) 20,9000 253,0 R 1982 021 Grubisno Polje 0,6000 R 2020 BRENT 15,0 TPA includes volumes allocated for production and transmission operation purposes. 231,0 ASGARD Non-TPA refers to strategic storage volumes with no withdrawal/injection capacity associated. 244 Oparske 21,1200 231,0 R 1984 MAGNUS GSE - 31 MEMBERS in 17 COUNTRIES CZECH REPUBLIC 185,4 Tampen Link MURCHINSON STATFJORD Bereznikovskoye 140 Bordolano 8,7248 R 2019 86,9 SNORRE 163,6 R Nyhamna Gulf of Bothnia 245 Solokhivske 14,3000 143,0 1987 VISUND 022 Lobodice N 1965 0,0 TERN 141 Ripalta 3,9262 R 2020 286,0 KVITEBJØRN 0,0 246 Dashavske 23,6500 R 1987 LANGELED NORTH 286,0 SHETLANDS GULLFAKS AUSTRIA 023 Tvrdonice N 1975 98,2 142 Ripalta 0,0000 0,0 R 2026 93,5 HEATHER 247 Kehychivske 7,7000 99,0 R 1988 024 Štramberk N 1983 0,0 ALWYN HULDRA 143 Sergnano 3,8171 R 2020 113,3 VESLEFRIKK 0,0 248 Chervonopartyzanske 16,5000 R 1989 025 Háje N 1998 176,0 BRAGE BELGIUM 0,0 Petrozavodsk 144 Minerbio 4,5805 R 2020 1320,0 TUNE TROLL 21,8 249 Bilche-Volytsko-Uherske 187,5500 1122,0 R 1990 026 Dolni Dunajovice N 1989 OSEBERG TOGI NORWAY SWEDEN FINLAND 0,0 Kyroskoski 145 Sabbioncello 1,7450 R 2023 110,0 0,0 250 Proletarske 11,0000 R 1991 Pori LNG Tampere 027 Třanovice N 2000 110,0 Nokia BULGARIA 43,6 Pori 146 Fiume Treste F 2,1812 R 2021 55,0 430,7 43,6 251 Verhunske 4,4000 R 1996 innogy virtual storage 28,7131 N 44,0 OGT 316,7 0,0 Rauma Imatra 147 Fiume Treste F 2,1812 R 2021 49,5 Lappeenranta 93,9 0,0 252 Hlibovske 11,0000 R 1987 Lahti 028 Dolni Bojanovice 6,0120 N 1999 44,0 STATPIPE Hameenlinna CROATIA 73,1 0,0 Bergen Kouvola Kirov 8,1795 R 2026 HEIMDAL Gaevle 110,3 148 Settala 54,5 BERYL 029 Uhřice 2,7047 N 2001 FLAGS NLGP JOTUN Vyborg 57,3 27,3 OUTER FUKA Kollsnes 149 Alfonsine 1,6359 R 2026 HEBRIDES Mäntsälä Kotka 17,0 27,3 Pansio LNG Turku Udmurt - Novotroitskoie 030 Uhřice 0,2652 N 2017 Espoo CZECH REP. 0,0 297,0 STATPIPE OSLO 150 Cornegliano 14,3000 9,9000 R 2017 VESTERLED Lohja Tolkkinen Karashurskoye 1 (Udmurd Complex) 74,2 297,0 P Primorsk RUSSIA 031 Dambořice Moravia Gas Storage 4,7519 N 2016 MILLER ZEEPIPE IIA HELSINKI Karashurskoye 2 (Udmurd Complex) 42,4 110,0 Siuntio(Pölans) 151 Cugno le Macine 8,8000 R Bygnes TRA-N-928 St.
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