mmtttthtttttUttthtUtttttUtUtttttUttttttl THE ' UttttUitttUttttttutuuutttUttttttttU] Read The Quiz This Week •• . Read The Quiz This Week And Every Week for And Every Week for . All The News! . [ Truthful Advertising! ll 1Z lllIIlIlIlIlmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l",mllllllUlIllllUlIlIlIllllI';'mlllll r· • SEPTEMlJ~R - ESTABLISHED APRIL 1882 THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASI4, THURSDAY, 1, 1932. VOL: 51 NO. 23' : 0; OrdMan Is Di~tarit Roosev~lt Los~s In VALLEY COUNTY'S Two Scottsbluff Men Are Rivals .. TAYLOR BOY" HAS I RotarIan Straw Vote . ,.'. ISh D' . 'R Fe' VALLEY REGION i, ~ . Rela~iveOfDemo A montllago the Ord RQtaryclub TAX LEVY TO BE n t lstrlct ace or ongress CHAMPION CALF took a straw vote oUts membership .. .. '. SHOWS INTEREST . NOllllnee on president and governor and at 8----------'-------- that time Herbert Hoover received S· AME A'S'c. IN 1 931 People out in Scottsbluff, in' the His opponent, Mr. Carpenter, has 11ldGarner, Valley conntf. 10 votef!, Franklin D. Roosevelt 9, west edge of the 5th Congressional lived in Scottsbluff fifteen years. IN IRRIGATION AT JUNIOR FAIR . farmer of south of Ord, Isn t Dwight Gris'f\'old 15. and Chas. W. district in whch Ord is also located, For a time he 'was employed by the claiming relationship to John :N. Bryan 5. Monday a second straw know that whichever way the wind Burlington as an accountant and Stanley S~tterfield's' Class C Garner, democratic "VIce presl. vote was ta\l:en by the club, the vote In Spite of Valuation Decrease, blows this fall, one of their candi- then went to the west coast where Majority Favors Going Ahead dentlal nominee, though he being: Hoover,' 14, Roosevelt, 6; Board Votes·~.to.Get Along dates will be sent to Congress. he was gener'al manager of the Hereford Tops Show; Many could If he ,,'anted to. Griswold, 14, Bryan 6. The club ' Both Robert G. Simmons, republlc- municipal gas & water departments ·With Ditch, Zangger Says; Fine Animals Shown. BearIng a close resemblance plans to take a straw vote once a On 3.70 Mill Levy. ' an incumbent, and Terry Carpenter, of the city of Long Beach, Calif. Re- Gh'es Crop Figures.- to SJ!eaker Garner, Mid Is kept month untll'the Novtlnber election. ~__ democratic nominee, are long time turning to Scottsbluff, he entered busy these days trying to figure . residents of Scottsbluff. A Hereford ca.lf raised and fed In spite of the:: tact that assessed Both Simmons and Carpenter are Although the actual circulatinl[ i. out the exact relationship, to Tax Leagnes Meet Today. by a Loup county boy who fQr- two satisfy lurlous InquIrers. '. "Of A state wide meeting of county valuation cuts <lP. all kinds of prop- young men. Both are well edu- of petitions for an irrigation dls- years has been a member of a Val­ course," says Mid, "all we Gar. Taxpayers leagues is being' held in erty this year whittled between six cated, clean and capable. Both are trict between Ord and North Loup ley county baby beef club because ners hail from Kentucky, so Grand Island today, September 1, and seven milllon dollars' worth of personally dry, and any Scottsbluff has not started yet a big majority his own county has no such club, "e're all related. As near as I and several officers and member:;! of property off the" tax rolls, Valley resident wlll testify that neither of the land owners involved are was the grand champion in the baby ca,n fi$'UI:e it. out, John and I are the· Valley county league-will be in county wlll ttt ~to get along in has ever been known to take a showing interest in and enthusiasm beef contest held in connection with sb.th cousins, or maybe it's attendance. The meeUng is to 1932 ona tax J(lvy of 3.70 mills, drink. Both are married and have for the project, says W. O. Zangger, the Junior Fair here this week. ninth. Auy'nay, my third con· work ona 1933 legislative program which is the sani~ levy as was made children. one of the leaders in its promotion. Stanley Satterfield, a brother of sIn Will do,m In LouIsiana Is a and other important matters. for 1931. So the county board of He feels that there wlll be no dif- County Treasurer George Satter­ tlIlrd cousin of Speaker Garner." Thirty-two counties will be repre­ supervisors decided Tuesday, at an ficulty in securing the signatures important sessiop. devotell almost of 51 per cent of land owners in the field, is the Loup county boy who Both Jolul and Mid are white sented, it is thought. was so honored by Cecil MeansJ entirely to the discussion of econ- 10,000 acr& tract involved. haired, red faced, blue eyed l\nd omy measures. / i . ..-ho judged all livestock at the fair. closely resemble each other In The new general fund levy is 2.33 As po nted out in last week's QulZt Young Satterfield's Hereford calf, build and general features. mills as compared with 2.25 mills the project is made possible througb smaller and lighter than many in CROWD AT JUNIOR last year, the new bridge fund levy the Reconstruction JI'lnance Corp.. I the show, was shown in Class C ".No, I"'e neHr met JOhn " MId says. "Yes, I'm going l0 is 1 mill as compared with .75 last oration's offer to loan $250,000 at but when the grand champion baby Hlte for 111m this fall." .. year and the Interest on bonds levy 3 per cent interest to build a dam bee!! was choiien it was' judged FAIR YESTERDAY is increased from .31 to .37, yet the and dredge a ditch from the Ord superior to Class A and B animals. total county levy stays at 3.70 mills, railroad bridge to a point 3% miles j Fine exhibits of cattle and swine ESTI~IATED 2000 the same as in 1931. ~ south of North Loup. of all breeds featured the Junior Ord Sheriff Has Holding the county tax fevy to Most of the area involved Is suf.. Fair, 4-H club boys again proving this level is made possible by the ferinlt from drouth this year and that even among senior breeders .No Twin Brother 4·H Club Show Was Big Finan- board not makl~g a levy for road has done likewise for the past three they have few superiors. Sheriff George S. Round of Ord cial Success, Officers State; work nor for the "''Valley county successive summers. Though the I In the Shorthorn class the Ward believes he 'must have a twin bro- fair which was' discontinued this soil is fertile, rain fall has been boys from Arc.adia, J ..0. and Pres­ ther.. At least liuch was the im- Program Pleasing-. year. In 1931 ~e road fund levy lacking and farmers are up against ton, swept all before them and took pression given by th& Omaha World ". " was .3 of a mill and the fair levy it financially. ll' Id I t k h tf 09 of a mlll I Some figures given to the QuiZ first, second, fourth and fifth prizes ~~era as wee w en commen ng Valley county's first Junior Fair . .' J with Harold Garnlck winning third. upon the "holiday farm strike" sponsored by boys and girls 4-H Valley county will realize be- this week by Mr. Zangger wlll be There were not so many entries in they quoted ~heriff George S, clubs and held Tuesday and yes- tween 25 and 30 thousand dollars interesting: either the Shorthorn or' Angus Round of Washmgton county. terday in Ord was a big success for its road fund from gas tax and The cost of raising field corn, he claeses but many fine baby beeves Reading the article in the paper, from every standpoint say County au~o lice~se souties, ~ounty Cle!'k I (he automobile business there and points out, will approximate $1.25 were shown. J. C. Ward's calf was , KI a 0 ts 0 affid It is belie ed three years ago launched a gasQ-, per acre up to husking time, plus the Valley county sheriff wondered Agent C. C. Dale and Harold Benn, 1m p m u. v line and coal business. He now 190C per acre taxes, plus $1.38 inter- reserve champion. if he was seeing double. Knowing president of the Junior Fair as- that ne~essary. work can be Dean Marks was pre-eminent he hadn't taken a drink of "bum" sociation. It is estimated that don~ WIth this money without re- owns and operates several "cut est per acre on farm loans, which among Junior Angus breeders and confiscq.ted liquor: he finally rea- close to MiOO people visited the sorting to general taxation. price" fllling stations in cities of it Is estimated wlll average $25 per his calves won first and third, 01'­ soned the blunder out. He came to fair, most of them attending wed-I Particularly in, its general fund, BOB SIMMONS western Xebraska. acre. The total average cost per vil Sorensen walking away with the conclusion that some reporter nesday which walt "Ord Chamber the county is likely to run short Mr. Simmons, known to most of In one respect, Messrs. Simmons acre of raising field corn in" the second and fourth premiums. on the World-Herald must have of Commerce Day" before the year of 1932 ends, many his constituents as "Bob", was born and Carpenter are markedly dls- Loup valley under present "dry . The Class A Herefords saw Ken­ imagined the Valley county sheriff I The program T~esday was con-I believe.
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