Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations K.of C. Have 75,268 Members in Allied Armed Forces ConteoU Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1943 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on THREATENING CLOUDS Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Service Flag, With F DENVER CATHOLIC Gold Star for 376, T Dedicated in East Letters from the commandant of the United States marine corps Senator David I. Walsh Warns Against Strange to W. F. Walsh of Pueblo reveal REG ISTER that the latUr’s son, Sgt. John The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Political Forms Developing in America K. Walsh of Denver, was to Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller be commissioned an officer in Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. the field had he not been killed Under Cover of War in action during the attack on Parry island in the "Eniwetok atoll VOL. XXXIX. No. 34. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1944. $1 PER YEAR on Feb. 22. Sgt. Walsh, accord­ New Haven, Conn.— United States Senator David I. ing to the letters from the rank­ Gelling Married Proves Walsh of Massachusetts, in an address delivered at the dedi­ ing officers in the marine corps, Hectic in ff'ar Time cation o f a ser\Tce flag honoring 75,'268 members o f the ej^ihited the "highest qualifica­ Lovely Young Opera Star Knights of Columbus serving in the armed forces of the tions traditional to marine corps officers.” United Nations and bearing a gold star for the 376 who Before enlisting in the marine E have already given their lives, warned against “strange po­ corps Sgt. Walsh had diatingui.shed Is Relative of Late Pope litical forms developing in America under the smoke screen himself in Denver and Boys Town. of the war.” One of these, he said, is that we mu.st change Nebr., for his leadership of youth. our form of government in ord er,------------------------------------------------- A Solemn Mass of Requiem will to co-operate succe.'ssfully in thelA* ■ • AL I Possessed of a distinctively Ital- training in this country, and bc- be sung in Holy Ghost church Fri­ liUGH moyeiE post-war organization of ^hei2) | $ | | P Q l l H S P C l lieves that the teachers in Amer-i day, April 28, at 10 o’clock for ian name, and a voice that has world [reports NCWC] ica are just as fine as those inj Sgt. Walsh. Officers of the Mass been heard and loved by thousands Europe, and that there is no rea-i Deputy Supreme Knight John will be priest-acquaintances of the of opera and concert-goers, and E. Swift of Boston, chairman of late marine hero. son America should not be' Bomb Story Is millions of listeners to her radio placed “ first” in regard to music,, BESEIS SOIDIEB the K. of C. War .Activities com­ Citations for gallantry and as it is “ first" in so many other re­ mittee, read messages from Presi­ leadership are contained in the broadcasts. Miss Vivian Della dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime following excerpts from the letters Chiesa would quite naturally be gards. Her views arc being borne out by her own and the successful Ordinarily the weeks before a Minister W. L. Mackenzie King of Branded Untrue addressed to Mr. Walsh; mistaken for a foreign singer who Canada, and Vice Admiral Hum­ April 12. 1944 had made good in the United careers of many young Ameri­ wedding are hectic for the princi­ can artists, whom war-time exigen­ pals and their families, but in war phrey I. Walwyn, Governor of My Dear Mr. Walsh: States. Such is not the case. The Newfoundland. Vatican City.— The report, pub­ cies have forced to remain in this time the riay.s of preparation often The commandant of the marine charming and beautiful soprano lished .April 14, that an unexploded country. are pot far from chaos. The for­ President Roosevelt, after ex­ corps has just received a series of is entirely a “ native product.” She bomb had been found in the Sis- letters concerning your son. Pla­ received her complete education Miss Della Chiesa received her mer Pauline Mary Morrissey and pressing to the knights his wafm her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. appreciation of the many splendid tine chapel is declared hy Vatican toon Sgt. John K. Wal-sh. The con­ and a great deal of her musical first schooling in St. Mary's paro­ authorities to be without founda­ training in that citadel of “ the Mori.ssey of 1410 Grant street. Ca­ contributions that the organiza­ tents will make you very proud, chial school in Chicago. Much of tion Isays NCWC I. and it is hoped ' that they will American way of life”— Chicago. thedral parishioners, affirm this. tion and its members are making her early singing was done in to the nation’s war effort, said; The Xationnl Zeituug, Swiss sec­ bring you some measure of con­ Miss Della Chiesa, who is ap­ Mi.ss Morri.ssey recently became Chicago churches, and her services "It appears to be inevitable that ular newspaper, published a dis­ solation. pearing in Denver Thursday eve-| the bride of Pfc. Ralph R. Thomas On Feb. 21, Lt. Col. W. H. were in demand for special oc­ of Philadelphia, but only after a war should accentuate the tensions patch stating that great alarm had ning, April 20, in a concert in the Fromhold, who was in command casions. Her first public perform- series of complications developed and spiritual disturbances that been caused at the Vatican by the of the first batalion. 22pd marines, Civic auditorium, is so typically and were overcome. Originally, lead to internal strains and the discovery of a bomb containing wrote a letter in which he strongly -American that those who thrill to ance as soloist was at darke col- ^ furlough lege. _Dubuque. la conducted by ^js po.ssibility of disunity. We are 20 pounds of high explosives in recommended that your son be her beautiful voice can hardlv be­ considered for field promotion to the Sisters of Charitv of the Pullman. Wash., post to Denver to now passing through such a the Sistine chapel. The bomb, lieve their eyes when they see her Blessed Virgin Mary. Since that the rank of second lieutenant. He claim his bride. After untangling period. TheTu„ wise counselI andJ ex- I the dispatch‘ . said,n would .i.have been pointed out that during the Engebi long, wavy blonde hair, and light much army red-tape, he was in­ , . 1 sufficient to blow up the entire engagement Sgt. Walsh had ex­ blue eyes. She is so different from formed that his furlough would be ample of all men of good will arei building. It asserted that the bomb Topics Are Announced for hibited exceptional courage, lead­ the ordinary conception of concert granted—of all time.s—m the mid­ needed everywhere to preserve had been found by Swiss guards ership. and ability. When the of­ and opera sopranos. She has the dle of Lent. Undi.smayed. Miss the balanced judgment and .single- in a chest placed in the sacristy ficer in charge of the adjacent appearance that one would like to Morrissey and her parents con­ minded purpose essential to the against the altar-wall upon which Essay Contest in Schools platoon bi^came a casualty, Sgt. associate with all operatic hero­ ferred with the Rt. Rev. Monsignor winning of the war. I know that is Michelangelo’s painting of “ The Walsh assumed command of the ines. Joseph J. Bosetti. Vicar General, I can count on the traditional Last Judgment.” The report went platoon, reorganized it, and pushed Not only are her background and who was to officiate at the mar­ spirit of fellowship that has so on to say that the Holy Father had forward in the face of enemy long characterized the KnighU of ordered- increased vigilance at all The AiThbishop’s annual essay the stimulation of religion study education typically American, but riage; and went ahead with plans resistance, retaining control until her tastes and hobbies are those of for the wedding, which was to be in Columbus to foster and encourage entrances to the building. It w-as contest has been announced by the in the Catholic schools. It is open the national unity without which stated also that all parcels car­ Rev. Hubert Newell, archdiocesan successful completion of the en- the typical .American girl— hats. the Denver Cathedral. But, on the to the pupils of Catholic high gagement. Col. Fromhold said the clothes, movies, books, and the eve of the wedding, there came a our military gains may prove of ried by persons entering Vatican superintendent of schools. The scant avail.” territory were being examined. competition is conducted every year schools and of the seventh and sergeant had exhibited the highest like. She is distantly related to the frantic message from Pfc. Thomas, in the .Archdiocese of Denver for eighth grades. qualifications traditional to marine late Pope Benedict XV. whose name saying that his furlough had been The service flag was bles.sed hy A Vatican provisioning truck corps officers, and that, he would was Jacopo Della Chiesa, but few canceled. He also said he believed the .Most Rev. Henry J. O’ Brien, was machine-gunned near Massa Three general topics have been particularly desire to have him as know of this august relationship. that he was soon to be transferred Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford, and Martana last Saturday afternoon.
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