
f . V '' f"' i. ' T U E S D a V , D E C E M B E R 77, 1 9 U . \' ATtrige DisUjr Net Press Raa Thi Wtsthtr \ iKan»lrf#pr JEoenfno flrraUi . Far ttw Waak Radad Fireew l at V. B. Weather Bateaa Dae. 84. 1668 >-f * ‘ ' ' “ h The Dorcas OHmp of the Soubi Herrmanns Get Fair,: net quite as eeRI teaigkt. tetbodUt Church will meet At the Dedicates Deeds to New Church Property W FOR MAXIMUM HEAT apd TROUBLE FREE OPBBAtlON ^ 11,805 AboutTown !b tomorrow morning at t:S(l( A' Law i'5-86.,Thursday, sonie riandL rug making. f . WorA from Son r al the A«6M aeaa, warmer. High la aslddle 86a. Altwrt H. BoMuc, (uhMr‘1 maU af I a m iiii TON. SO Ford St., rattirn- M anthM ^r^A City a/ ViUag» Charm •d t « NottoUc,*Va.. Nov. SO aboard ^ _ iple ChaptSr. No. 58, Order In Flood Area of the. Eastern Star, nill meet to­ t Use SHRL Furnace 01 j tAa daotroyer UBS VoKalcaaang. '' morrow at j8 p.m.-in.the Masonic ~ - OB Bunion ond Stokon Sold (CSasalflad Advartlatag ea Paga U ) whteli complatad a 17*wetk cniiw Mr. and Mre. Otto '-HwTihann, VOL. LXXV, NO. T4 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCtaESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28.1955 PRICE FIVE CENTS V v ^ tha 6th Fla«t In tha Madlter- Temple. Following .the business 6Md Sorvicod Promptly and EfRUiontly session, entertainment will be pro­ 618 Center St., recetvad m telegram -V- T ' "— vided and .refreslments will be Christmas night t r o jA ih ^ bon. Bgb l.C. RoiMrt-UlZHtr^nn, of TtaaoridCltlaib Jr. arrivad hbma served by Mrs. John Trotter and Air Force Reviftcs ' .-.V 1.;^ her committee. Matysville, CfeHf., whom thay had niiuraday from St Albart'a Junior been unable to . reach since the Samlnary In K ld d lato ^ N. .T.. to t I-. 4 I New Traffic Death little Celifomla town was Inun­ War Output Plans •pant his Oirtstinaa vaeatloh with Army Pfc. Morton Handler, 82, dated by the Tuba River, sweral hU pam U , Mr. and Mrs. Fred- son of Mr. and Mn^ Irving Hand­ days ago. ■ ; Z # ^ ^ .a-v '-ma ^ ^ W* afldc Iilelb. SO Madison S t ler. 36 Gerard St., recently was Herrmann said today the tele­ Washington, Dec. 3S awards the good conduct medal gram was a KasBurance that hla Tbs Air Force today ordered In Germany while servli^’With the Record Seen for an Immediate change in pro­ S ( t Lawrence Decker.Jr., son son, and daumter-in-law, Raba, of Mr.^ and Mfs. Lawrence Decker 359tb Field Artillery Missile Bat- duction Mretegy to meet the talioh. A mechanic In the Hat* and their two '"^ughters,. aged 1 - A of 7S Cooper St. wUI depart from seven and eight, are safe. They threat of violent devastation N*w Toik on Jan. SO with the first taiion's Battery B, he rSceived the at tha outset of a . general decoration tor his exemplary be­ are presently living >1 improvised ,Cah you honestly toy to yourstlifi Increment of tha 11th Atrboma Army quarters near Marysville. New Year Holiday war. havior, efficiency and fidelity. He Division. Prior to his entrance Into. Sgt. Hentmann, in chngs of the Secretary Donald A. Quarlea I Army, he attended Arnold Qol- was a former student at the Uni­ " I have dnough lif t iniuronch laid down the policy, approved versity of Connecticut, enterlni; officers’ meiM hall at tint Beale at Milford. He ts presenUy as- Air For.ee Base fai MarysTdUa'sald to look after my wife, my children, the total for the cor- by the Defense D^^rtment, slinedi to Battery C. 88th Airborne the Army In Februaiy 1654. Chiesgo, Dec. 28 (/P)— in the telegram that a new Borne Bi-la whn fnriM>aaf an all- respondulg monthe'''ef 1654. reversing the okf idee of build­ Anti-alrctaft Battalion of the 11th he and hie wife have bought In the my future?" ' .1 perta who forecast an all- Statlsticlena figure the yeat^f ing up war Induatriee after tha Airborne Division, now stationed Memorial Temple, Pythian Bis­ little town was floodetjl up to tb! time hfgh traffic toll for Oie toll won't comb up to the record of - start of hostllltiee. at F t Campbell. Ky. ^ ters. will meet tonight at 6 o'cldek second floorr He expects to re-oc-. Chriatmaa holidays npw pre­ 36,660 set In 1641, but It may ap­ The new plan, which Querlea In Odd Fellows Hall, with the past cupy th* new home .within several CHARLES $. BENNINGTON ^ dict a Mcotd for thd" New proach 83,000. ordered the' Air Force and In­ Manchester Wates will ymlt chiefs In charge of the' program days, as soon ah the floodwaters 86 SALEM RD__ TEL. MI 6-A700 ^ The blackest of the "c<dd.Bg- dustry to put Into effect at Ice Hmders their usual meeting this et'enmg Members are reminded that ,56-cent recede, his father said. , Year weekend. ures*’ wars recorded this year on ,once, gives top priority, to In Tinker Hall. ahd< instead are gifts will be exchanged ist this Tha National Sbfety Council to­ eelected aircraft and mlsefles The addreis of the home is 1510 day estimated that 430 Americans holi^ys. .n- .! Invited by ^ e piWdent Mrs. meeting. Mrs. Doris Swallow, gen CovlIIand St. ' ‘ ^RIN UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA^ E ^ n g the 6ve 1665 .holiday that would be ueed to deliver I^mpson, to "Open eral chairman of the rKent sue will he killlKl on streets and roads counter atomic blows end to Firemen at Charles H. Thompson, The Herrmanns had been trilng periods traffic sccidsnta coat 2,116 hou«e” at her home, .466 IVoodland cessful Christmas Fair, urges all during the ihrse-<uy New Year defend this, country from nu­ to -contact their r m since Word celebration—"unless ■ there is a lives and the over-all total—in­ Bt., tonight fronf f oHdock on. Th* committee chairmen to be-present. came of Marysville’s inundation cluding deaths from all accidental clear ssreuU. Wates: iWomen’s Association to s aharp Improvement U> the driving Friday. Reports claiming that all hebita that ahocked the nation laat causes—was 8,156. IhUoyBlimmlngl, ^ be one year Madchester Lodge of Elks, No. townspeople and m*en at the Air. And the loss of "life during the old in January, and the sueoass 1868, 'Will hold a regular meeting weekend,’^ „ Force base had - been §vacuated ' .The Council predicted 560 motor 1656 holidsye broke four recorde. By, WHITNBV. JACOBS at thai group in M o le s te r tomorrow night at 8 o'clock In the \ Herald PiM>to. safely Were their only assurance .Here ere thla ysef'a/holiday Tax Men to Aid Elks Homer Reports Will be heard A vehicle fataUties for the (hlha-dey A specticulfiT 8*hour blfiza largely due to the unflagglnf In­ Alton B.VCowles,' chairman of tho building committee of. North until the' Christmas nlglit tele- Reminder! Christmas holiday. .Tha number tolls, with traffic deaths Umd first terest and work of ^ b ^ from, tha commltUas planning the 76 r a # S-{Methodist Churdh, presents the deeds to thd new church nroperty on gram. | ■ and deaths from alt accidental in 18 degree temperature New Year’s Eve party and the added up to 606. ' Thoiqpaon, a* she Is known to the W a Perker St. to Mark Holme*, chairmen of the board of tndteea-of the The record for traffic deaths causes second. ^ Public in Filing Jegtroyed an estim ate 8160,- - taemtoers and her aasodati;. offl> Swedish nijght. A class of 35 v^ll wsB- 'va aw 'church. The Rev." John E. Pbst, pastor of the church, center, dediceted ■ V '*- Order Now! during a New Ynar extended holi­ (.New Year—266 and 863. , -JOOO in prOjMrty after 6:80. cere. be-Initiated on Jan. 85 la honbr df the deeds. ' '. ' Memorial Day—566, traffie rec­ : , • \* day la 407. It waa ..eet during « htwnentheNewl^Dg' tha president of the State associa­ 'four-day weekend period at the ord for that holiday, end 566, over­ Returns for ’56 f tion, MSrrttt Ackerman. ' Given Deeds *laj^n Co. plant, 99 The H dy Ghost Mothers C lr ^ uled for completion Friday mbm- . end Of 1658 end the atarc of 1653. all record for. that holiday. ' will hold Its annual Chrlstmiui presided ovsg.. by Mrs. Ruth J. Independence Day—407 and 805, Washington. Dec. 18 <5$ — The Gardner St., burned to tha Mil^and Mrs. Charles E. Harris Spencer. Ing. ■ ' .;\ HALE'S "Thrcold figures fores us to the party tomorrow night at 8 o'clock To Property In answer to a number of ques­ The decision on accsptipg the eonclusion that 420 will die,” Ned an over-all record for any hbliday Internal Revbnue Service stands ground. , r . , , at the home of h&s. Oeoige D ^ S«d children are moving this week LARGE ECONOMY BOX H. Dearkom, Council president, period. r ; from I I Bidward St., to-their new tions put to the paator of tha low bid for the iaate of short term Headquarters \ ready to flU out your income tax Donald ClfarsIIi, 81 of 66 gpraiffi . COrmler, SO Steep Hollow Lane. A church today about the possible notes will be made by the Board set forth in a statement. "But we Labor Day—438 and 811. eetums fo r you next year, as In St., who shares ownership' of tho buffet supper will be Served. home on Ferguson Rd. Christmas Day was a significant hops the terrible lesson of the < Christmas—806, a traffic record business with his father Victor, lime when construction of the new of Directors at a meeting tomor­ FOR •' njjTnaR.*.
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