HERE AND THERE ABOUT CENTRAL · By Your Roving Reporter Vol. XLVII �1 CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, NOV 27, 1946. �1 . Tumber 13 Bears -Wildcats Meet Tonight PLAY HOME SEASON Flowers A warded Trophy OPENER AT ADAMS; Show "Hi Ya, Doc" MISHAWAKA NEXT Awards were presented to the Cen­ Jackie Moran will star in the tral Varsity football team for special movie, "The Haunted House," to be Coach Bob Primmer's Central merits at the annual football banquet, shown at noon in the auditorium next Bears, winners in their first contest, November 19. The Kiwanis Award week. Two more features, "The Old will meet the Riley Wildcats this was presented to Marshall Ware for Pioneer" and "Hi Ya Doc" will be evening in the John Adams gym for the senior who showed the highest on next week's program. the Bears' second game of the year general ability in athletics and schol­ and Riley's first. Riley's line-up in­ arship. Jerome Perkins was the re­ cludes Foster and Welch, forwards, P T. A. To Hea1· Clark ceiver of the Gilbert Award given to and Kaiser, guard, who are ;·eturned the best man in the backfield. Reco's Dr. William E. Clark will be the lettermen from last year's team, St. award for best linesman went to guest speaker at the P. T. A. Christ­ Clair, last year's "B" team star. will Gene Ring who also received the mas program on December 11, at 2:00 play guard with Hart, who has never Gold A ward for the player displaying p. m. in the Little Theater. This played before, starting at center. The the finest spirit and best attitude for meeting is open to everyone and all Wildcats' reserves include Overhol­ the team. A gold trophy was pre­ parents are cordially invited to at­ ------ ser, Hays, and Rouhier. The probable tend. sented to Dick Flowers for participat­ . starting line-up is: ing in the one sport for four years at .. Central Riley Central. Flowers was voted an all­ Bangle Pins Sold At N. D. Clauson -------- F _ Foster star back on that same date by thP Bond _____ ·----- F ________ Welch Joan Gadomski, selling $39.35 in sports writers of the state. Coach <,[\/ Jensen --------- C ---------- Hart bangle pins and Martha Pease with Elmer Burnham of the University of i� Ring ----------- G -------- Keiser sales amounting to $21.10 secured Rochester and former Central coach Perkins -------- G ______ St. Clair first and second place in the sale at was the principal speaker. The Bears' next game comes up the Notre Dame Stadium November NovEmber 30, with Hammo:,d which 16. Both girls, captains of teams, Gharst Attends Meeting will be played at Hammond (non­ were among the nine Central girls conference). Little information con­ who took in a total of $88.60 out of - Mr. Tolman Gharst from Central cerning the strength of the Hammond the $237.03 turned in by thirty two together with the other three school five is available. On Dec. 4, the Bears girls from the city high schools. Joan, band directors of the school city at­ meet the Mishawaka Cavemen. The captain of the winning team also. has tended the Northern Indiana School Cavemen lost to the Adams' Eagles won top honors both times the pins Band-Orchestra and Vocal As!'ocia­ last Friday and also lost three of have beEn sold this yzar preceding a tion meeting in Fort Wayne, Satur­ their best players, Noble Rhoutsong, Notre Dame football game. day, November 23. George Harley, the team's top scor­ ing thrEat, and John Moore. The loss Dance Band Seeks Name Th1·ee Centralites On Boa1·d of these thr-ee men, who were ex- Th-e addition of three new boys ---- pected to play on the first five, badly now makes the Crntral Dance Band hu he C:,:av:_:e:.:_m:::;e:.:. n ,:.�b. ut.::_ the:_:y sti:: :,: ll have: _: New Campl)s.� >-..,;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;=======-------=-===;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;=;= ======;;;;;;===-.....�.::: :r.::...::.t t:.:, ::..;::;: � . _::.:, :; �.'.:: .._ a very strong team. The probable completely organized. New players from Central have just been an- - Baughman, elec- n,;d starting line up is: are Charles- ''Tiny" nounced. They include Bever 1 Y Hi-Y Boys Visit Kokomo Seal Sale Talks Plan Central Mishawaka tric guitar; Dunald Fox, stiing bass; Farnsworth, .Jack Price, Bob Wolf, · - dob Engel, piano. In order to select . Clauson -------- F -------- H1'ntz an d J1m Wolf. D ick K oehl -er f rom Five boys fr("m Central attended Several datef< have been sc eduled - ------- a n;ime for the bar.d, CI'�O-is spon- � Bond ----------- F - Gatis Central is pr»sident of the club. two day meet i:i. Kok omo, I nd iana for for the speech class stude ts and --------- ------ s s01 ng a contest open to any student. Jensen· C Feather· the 27th annltal YMCA State Boys' ">; - others interested in speech ork to The tudent · ho s .nds in the �w ·n- · � Perkins -------- G --------- Kizer and Pa1·au�:s ..l' ur- .1., uuu- Con!erenc riday and Saturday, present talks in accordance with the . - ------- ------- • • _ . ...._. be--nwar.d.e<i p Ring --- G Qrtosky nan.c wnr ize. �- . .,_ _ --� . W"th1 th e t t empera ure h'tt'1 mg 1't s N ovemb er 22 23 . r . V ermont H ar- Christmas seal sale this year. Over 1et.-1ls nf �ntest will be an- - 1owes t mar k o f the season, c entr a1 ter, sponsor of the Hi YDOY" "'t Cen.:o WHOT at 4:20 p. m. on Friday of this , >uni;eds o�n. Band members, twirlers, and color tral spoke to the group Saturday on'-- w-eek, the first spe'ech wiU be-giv.?n:-­ Barnstonners Lay Plans - guard braved the cold last Friday af- "How Hi-Y May Serve More Effec For two assemblies at Madison on 4 75 Season Tickets Sold ternoon in order to parade from the tively Through Committee Service." December 3, at the Muessel P. T. A. Production plans are being com­ Friday, William Carmichael, pleted and dialogues are receiving Reports at press time indicate that Indiana Club to the Court House L. meeting on December 10, and at Cen­ Chest signboard. The YMCA Bays' Secretary in South Bend their last smooth touches for the the Ushers club still holds first place Community tral's P. T. A. meeting on December parade marked the conclusion of the was in charge of the discussion group. opening of the Barnstormers' annual in the basketball season ticket sale 11, students will give talks to aid in Community Fund workers' meeting. The Central delegation to the con- the seal sale. Speakers will also visit play, "The Canterville Ghost" The as it nears its end. The Smilers have Augustine, Weir play, a famous story surrounded by second place with 80 sales to their Because many of the instruments ference included Pat the homerooms December 4 and 5 to froze, - the credit and the Junior '""altons with the band could not play the Rummel, Bartley Davis, Dick Koeh deliver talks. ghost legends of an English fam­ full length of the scheduled program. !er, Jim Hudson, and Bob Pendl. ily shall prove highly entertaining to 74 tickets sold are in third place. The everyone who attends the perform­ total sales to Monday were 475. The Team Debates At LaPorte ances on th-e evenings of December sale ends this afternoon. NAVY OFFERS COLLEGE PROGRAM Last Friday afternoon, November 5 and 6 in the auditorium. Tickets, 22, Central's debate class traveled to managed by Miss Geyer, are being LaPorte to hold the second series of The Navy announced that the first transfer to the Reserve and return to sold by all Barnstor!T'er members. Uncle Sam Says practice debates with LaPorte. Par­ nation-wide competitive examination civilian life. Admission is fifty cents. for its Officer College Training Pro­ ticipants in the debates were affirm­ Those selecting the Naval Aviation ative: S. Roth, Joan Gadomski, Dan gram has been scheduled for January On Libra1·y Honor Roll College Program may go to any ac­ Bernhardt, Virginia E.wing, and Fan­ 18, 1947, and will be open to high credited university, college or junior The following fifteen home rooms school seniors or graduates within nie Hawk. The negative team in­ college of their choice, providing they have earned the right to display the the age requirements. Successful can­ clud-ed Carolyn Emmett, Dorothy are accepted for entrance, and re­ Honor Roll banner in their rooms didates will be given a four-year col­ Gruszezynski, Marilyn Rohrer, and ceive the same government benefits. this week in completing all their li­ lege education at government ex­ Fred Fishback. After two years of study they will brary business on time: 101, 106, 116, pense and will be commissioned offi­ Plans are being formulated for a enter a two-year program of flight 121, 215, 225, 301, 304, 309, 311, 312, cers of the Regular Navy or Marine quadrangular debate to be held at training and flight duty as midship­ 314, 319, 322, and 401. Corps, or of the Reserve, upon grad­ Central November 30 to which three men, after which they will be com­ - uation. Application forms must be out of-town schools, Peru, Hammond missioned as officers and serve a year forwarded in time for receipt by De­ and Wabash, will be invit-ed. Each on flight duty. Upon completion of c-ember 17. team will bring two teams and each this duty, th-ey will be eligible for a Students selected by these compe­ team will hold three rounds of debate.
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