INDEX AAli AGR Aabenraa (Denmark), 935, 944 Acholi (Uganda), 327 Aachen (Germ.), 1055, 1078 Acklin's Is. (Bahamas), 438 Aalborg (Denmark), 935, 944 Aconcagua (Chile), 881 Aalesund (Norway), 1298 Acre (Brazil), 850, 852, 855 Aargau (Switz.). 1413, 1415 Acre (Israel), ll70 Aarhus (Denmark), 935, 936, 944 Adamawa (Nigeria), 350 Aas (Norway), 1286 Adams (Colorado), 651 Aba (Nigeria), 345 Adana (Turkey), 1446 Abaco (Bahamas), 438 Adapazari (Turkey), 1446 Abadan (Iran), 1134, 1141 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 977, 978, Abaiang Is. (Gilbert and Ellice Is.), 979, 980, 981, 1042 561 Addu (Maldive Is.), 247 Abajo (Cuba), 921 Adelaide (S. Aust.), 464, 504, 505, Abakan (U.S.S.R.), 1480 506, 508, 523 Abancay (Peru), 1320 Adelia Land (Antarctic), 451, 475 Abastuman (U.S.S.R.), 1499 Aden, 227-31 Abdali (Aden), 230 Adi Is. (New Guinea), 1275 Abemama Is. (Gilbert and Ellice Is.), Adilabad (India), 168 561 Adiyaman (Turkey), 1446 Abeokuta (Nigeria), 345, 348 Adizhan (U.S.S.R .), 1476 Aberdeen (S. Dakota), 746 Adjah Bippo (Ghana), 300 Aberdeen (U.K.), 65, 66, 71, 72 Adjaria (U.S.S.R.), 1499 Aberystwyth (U.K.), 71, 72 Admiralty Is. (Bismarck Arch.), 528 Abidjan (Ivory Coast), 1022, 1024, Adola (Ethiopia), 979 1027,1029,1030,1031, 1048 Adowa (Ethiopia), 980 Abilene (Texas), 752 Adrar (Mauritania), 1027 Abkhazia (U.S.S.R.), 1499, 1500 Adrar Temar (Sp. Sahara), 1388 Abo (Finland), see Turku Adrianople (Turkey), 1446 Abo-Bjorneborg (Finland), 983 Adygei (U.S.S.R.), 1485 Abomey (Dahomey), 1031 .iEgeau Is. LGrecce), 1086, 1089 Ab080 (Ghana), 300 .iEtolia (Greece), 1085 Abqaiq (Saudi Arabia), 1373, 1374 Afghanistan, 795--800 Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), I 178 Afyon (Turkey), 1446 Abu Dhabi (Arabia), 1318 Afyonkarahisar (Turkey), 1451 Abu Taluka (India), 192 Agadez (Niger), 1032 Abu Zabad (Sudan), 1394 Agadir (;l1orocco), 1246,12+8 Abyan (Aden), 230 Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 337 Abyssinia, see Ethiopia Agaiia (Guam), 787 Acadia (Nova Scotia), 393 Agartala (India), 202 Acajutla (EI Salv.), 974 Agedahia (Libya), 1224 Acarnania (Greece), 1085 Agder,Aust and Vest (Norway), 1285 Accra (Ghana), 297, 298, 300, 301 Aghios Nikolaos (Greece), 1086 Achiasi (Ghana), 300 Aginsky (U.S.S.R.), 1485 Achimota (Ghana), 300 Agra (city), 146, 148, 194 1563 1564 TilE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1958 AGH ALE Agra (Prov.), see Uttar Pradc,h Alameda (California), G47 Agri (Turkey), 1446 Alan(] (Finland), 911:3 Aguadulec (pan.), 12(Hj Alaska (U.S.A.), 7n-7i Agnascalicntcs (iYJexico). 1234-, 12:l5 - area and population, 5~l:3 Ahmadi (Kuwait), 1314 - educat.ion, 592 Ahmedabad (India), 14G, 175 - highway, 381 , 418, 77G Ahtme (U.S.S.R.), li;05 - justice, 593 Ahnachapan (El Salv.), \17 j - iegislature, 580 Ahvenanmaa (Finland). 083 -- metals, precions, 614 Ahw<1z (Iran), 1134, 1135, 1136, - national guard, 604 1140 -- representation, ii77 Aimores (Brazil), 851 -- social welfare, 596 Ain (France), 994 Alav't (Spain), 1378 Ain Dar (Saudi Arabia), 1373 Alaverdi (U.S.S.R.), 1501, 150:1 Ain·Sefra (Algeria), 1013 Albacete (Spain), 1378 Aill Zalah (Iraq), 1I·17 Alba Julia (Rumania). 1365 Air (Niger), 1032 Albania, 800-05 Aisne (Fmnce), 994 Albany (Georgia), 6G4 Aitutaki Is. (Cook Is.), 548, 549 Albany (N.Y.), 587, 719, 720, 721 Aix (France), 998, 1000 Albany (W. Aust.), 510 Aix·en·Provence (France), 996,1005 Albay (Philipp.), 133:3 Ajaccio (France), 1011 Alberta (Canada), 411-14 Ajaigarh (India), I S3 - area and population, 364 Ajlun (Jordan), 1202 - births, deaths, marriages, 365 Ajman (Ara.bia), 1318 - edue-ation, 36(; Ajmer (India), 192 - field crops, 3n -- area and popnlation, 145 -livestoclt,3i4 .. - cultivation, 156 - mining, 37r; - justice. 150 - municipal govt .. 38li - police, J51 - police, :312 Akerman (U.S.S.R.), 1457. 1491 - popln. born outside, 364 Akershus (Norwa:v), ) 285, 1286 -- religion, :166 Akhaia (Greece), 10115 - representation, 361 Akhal·Scnaki (U.S.:'>.lt.), 1501 Albina (Surinam), 1272 Akjoujt (;vltturitallia), 1028 Albuqucrqu() (~ew illcxico), 717 Aklavik (Canada), 418 Albury (N.S.W.), 481 Akmolinsk (U.:'>.S.K), 1480, 1511, Alcazarquivir (:\,lorooco), 1250 1513, 1514 Alcorn (lIliss.), G9H Aktinbinsk (U.S.S.R.), 15i3 Aldahra Is. (Seychelles), 338 Aktyubinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1511. 1513 Alderncy (Channel Is.), 66, 1:10, 133 Akola (India), 180, 181 Alentejo (Portugal), 1347 Akranes (Iceland), ll20 Aleppo (Syria), 1216, 1425, 1427, Akron (Ohio), 587, 729 1428 Akurcyl'i (Iceland), 1120, 1I24 Ales (France), 1000 Akyah (Burma), 1174 Alcsund (Norway), 1286 Alabanm (U.S.A.), 639-41 Alexandretta (Turkey), 1446 - area and populat.ion, 581 Alexandria (Egypt), 959, !J60, 961, -- cot-ton. 612 962,964,965,969,977,1227 .. -- educa.tion, 5n] Alexandria (Louis.), 682 - iron, GI6 Alexandria (Virginia), 760 - reprc8ellt,ation, 5Ti Alexandropol (U .S.S.R.), see Lenina· Alagoas (Bmzil), 850 kan Alajuela (Costa Rica), 912, 913 AlcxatldroupoIis (Greece), 1086 INDEX 1565 ALE AMM Alexandrovsk (U.S.S.R.), see Zapo. Alsace·Lorraine (France), 995 rozhye Alsancak (Turkey), 1453 Alexishafen (New Guinea), 526 Al Suda (Yemen), 1551 Aley (Lebanon), 1216 Alta Verapaz (Guat,.), 1094 Alfort (France), 999 Altai (U.S.S.R.), 1477, 1485, 1489, Algarve (Portugal), 1347 1513, 1514 Algeciras (Spain), 1250, 1378, 1387 Altan Bulak (Mongolia). 1245 Aigeranza Is. (Canary Is.), 1378 Alto Adigc (Italy), 1176, 1177 Algeria, 992, 993, 1004, 1005, 1013- Alto Giuba (It. Somalia), 1188 17 Alton (111.), 669 Al Ghail (Yemen), 1551 Altoona (Pa.), 738 Algiers (Algeria), 998, 1005, 1013, Aluminium, see Bauxite 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017 Alvsborg (Sweden), 1399 Alhambra (California), 647 Amacuro (Venez.), 1536 Al Hazm (Yemen), 1551 Amagasaki (Japan), 1192 Alhucemas (Sp. Afr.), 1387 Amambay (Para.), 1307 Alicante (Spain), 1378, 1383, 1385 Amamlinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1503 Alice Springs (N. Aust.), 471, 520, Amapa (Brazil), 850. 856 522, 523 Amapala (Hond.), 1105 Aligarh (India), 146, 148, 194 Amara (Iraq), 1144 Alipura (India), 183 Amarillo (Texas), 751 Alirajpur (India), 182 Amarnagar (India), 17(; Al Jauf (Yemen), 1551, 1552 Amarpur (India), 202 AI·Jazira (Iraq), 1144 Amasya (Turkey), 1446 Al Jibla (Yemen), 1552 Amatitlan (Guat.), 1094 Al Khobar (Saudi Arabia), 1375 Amazonas (Brazil), 850, 855 Alkmaar (Neth.), 1261 Amazonas (Colom.), 905 Allahabad (India), 146, 148, 165, Amazonas (Peru), 1320 194, 195 Amazonas (Venez.), 1536, 1537 Allenstein (Poland), 1339 Ambala (India), 191 Allentown (Ponns.), 588, 738 Ambatondrazaka (Madag.), 1037 Alliance (Ohio), 729 Am bato (Ecuador), 952, 953 Allier (France), 994 Ambeno (Port. Timor), 1362 Alma·Ata (U.S.S.R.), 898, 1462, Ambo (Ethiopia), 978 1465, 1466, 1480, 1511, 1513 Amboina (Indonesia), 1129 Almada (Portugal), 1349 Ambon (Indonesia), 1126 Almalyk (U.S.S.R.), 1517 Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 564 Al Matamma (Yemen), 1551 American States, Organization of, Almelo (Neth.), 1261 43-45 Almeria (Spain), 1378, 1381 Amersfoort (Neth.), 1261 Almetyevsk (U.S.S.R.), 1476 Ames (Iowa), 675 Almirante (Pan.), 916, 1299, 1302, Amherst (Burma), 869 1303 Amherst (Mass.), 690, 691 Almora (India), 195 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 394 Alofi (Niue Is.), 550 Amida (Tnrkey), 1447 Alofi Is. (Fr. Pacific), 1044 Amiens (France), 996, 998 Alon (Burma), 873 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 178, Along Bay (Vietnam), 1549 184, 201 Alost (Belgium), 827 Amirantes Is. (Seychelles), 338 Alpes Basses· (France), 994 Amir; (Aden), 231 Alpes Hautes· (France), 994 Amlekganj (India). 1256 Alpes Maritimes (France), 994 Amman (Jordan), 806, 1201, 1202 Alphonse Is. (Seychelles), 338 1203, 1216 1066 THB STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1958 AMO ARA Amoy (China), 8U4 Angra do HeroieUlo (Azores), 1347. Amphis8;t (Greece), 108!) 1348 Amran (Yemen), 1551 Anguilla Is. (W. Indics), 420, 431. Amraoti (India), 181 432,433 Amravati (India), 180 Angul (India), 188, 189 Amritsar (India), 146, 191 Angus (U.K.), 65 Amsterdam (Neth.), 1261,1262,1269 Anhwei (China), 892, 895 Amsterdam (N.Y.), 720 Anin (Bmma), 873 Amur (U.S.S.R.), 1485 Anjonan Is. (Coruoro Is.), 1039 Anaconda (Montana), 704 Ankara (Turkey), 12\(\, 14.43, 14·H, Anadyr (U.S.S.R.), 1482 1445, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1454 Anaiza (Saudi Arabia), 1372 Ankole (Uganda), 326, 327 Ancash (Peru), 1320, 1324 Annai (Brit. Guiana), 446 Anchorage (Alaska), 773, 774 Annam (Vietnam), 1543, 1544 Anchorage (Cook Is.), 548 Annamalai (India), 148, 185 Ancona (Italy), 1181 Annapolis (Maryland), 687 Andaluccs (Spain), 1385 Ann Arbor (Michigan), 693 Andaman and NicoLar Is., 167, 198- Annobon Is. (Sp. Guinea), 1387, 1389 99 Anshan (China), 892 -- area and population, 145 Antalaba (Madag.), 1037 - cultivation, 156 Antalya (Turkey), 1446 - forests, 157 Antartida (Chile), 881 - police, 151 Antigua (GuaL), 1094, 1097 Anderlecht (Belgium), 827 Antigua Is. (W. Indies), 420, 431, Anderson (Ind.), 672 432-3:l Andguphodang (Bhutan), 841 - U.S.A. base, 604 Andhra Pradesh (India), 148, 167, Ant.io<,h (Syria), 1447 168- 69, 185 Antioquia (COIOIll .), 904, 908 - '1rea and population, 1·15 Antipodes Is. (N.Z.), 548 - cultivation, 156 Antofagasta (Chile), 846, 847. 881. -- finance, 151 886,888 - !(ovt., 144 Antrim (N. Irelanrl), 118, 120 - justice, 150 Antsirabe (Madag.), 1037, 1038 -- hw<l tenure, 155 Antwerp (Belgium), 826, 827. 828. - police, 151 832,834 - representation, 141 Anzhero.Sudjensk (U.S.S'-R.), 146a Andizhan (U.S.S.R.), 14(la, 1517, Anzotacgui (Vencz.), 15a6 1519, 1523 Aoba (New Hebrides), fi64 Andorra, 805- 06 Apeldoorn (Neth.). 1261 Andorrc·la· Vieille (Andorra), 805 Apia (W. Samoa), 5G3 Andros Is. (Bahamas), 438 Apolima (W. Samoa), 551 Anceho (Fr. Togoland), 1031, 1047. Apost.les Is. (li'r. Antarctic), 1041 1048 Appenzell (Switz.), 1413, 1415 Ancg't<ia
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