LAWSHALL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12TH NOVEMBER 2019 AT THE VILLAGE HALL COMMENCING AT 7.30PM PRESENT: Cllrs. A. Irish, D.C. Griggs, D. Page, Mrs K. Whordley, T. Elmer. Ccllr. R. Kemp. Mrs D Griggs (Clerk). 15 Members of the public. 59 APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Mrs. L. Williamson, R. Debenham, Dcllrs. S.Plumb., M.Holt. 60 TO RECEIVE COUNCILLOR’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ANY ITEM ON THE AGENDA. Cllr. D.C. Griggs and the Clerk declared an interest in Finance: Clerk’s Home Working Allowance Cllr. R. Debenham although absent from meeting, interest in Planning Applications: DC/19/04663/04662/04660/04659/04658 Lambs Lane. This will be recorded. 61 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON 8TH OCTOBER 2019. The Minutes were agreed and signed. 62 REPORTS: Cllr. R. Kemp: report circulated to Councillors. Dcllr. S. Plumb: report circulated to Councillors. Dcllr. M. Holt: report circulated to Councillors. Dcllr. Holt: suggested that he would organise a once or twice a year meeting with Suffolk Constabulary with surrounding parishes. The Councillors expressed an interest in this project. The Clerk will contact Hawstead, Shimpling. Hartest and Alpheton Clerks to ask if this is something their Councils would be interested in. Crime report: Updated October 2019: Crimes reported September 2019: On or near the sports area: Burglary: includes offences where a person enters a house or other building with the intention of stealing. Under investigation. On or near Donkey Lane: includes offences against the person such as common assault, grievous bodily harm and sexual offences. Under investigation. 63 MATTERS ARISING: S.C.C. Grit bins: The Clerk has been chasing these grit bins since June with no effect. After asking Ccllr. Kemp for his help, eventually an email was received from S.C.C. on 28 October to say that no record of the application was on their files. On 2nd November the Clerk sent copies of the original order. Confirmation from S.C.C. 5th November details received. On the same day email received stating that I had used the wrong forms and if this is the simple case of using wrong form to advise S.C.C. this was done immediately. Now awaiting further update. S.I.D. extra poles: Poles have been erected near Harrow Green and opposite The Willows. The 3rd pole has not been erected near the Village Hall at present. No response to email asking this question, the Clerk will follow this up. Litter bins: Following suggestion for more litter bins, this item has been put on hold at present. Parish Infrastructure Investment Plan: (PIIPs): The Draft Plan was offered to the Councillors for them to approve and adopt this plan. Cllr. Mrs K Whordley proposed that the Draft Plan is approved and adopted, seconded by Cllr. D. Page, all in favour. The Draft Plan will now be sent to Babergh D.C. for their comments. Cont….. -2- LAWSHALL PARISH COUNCIL MATTER ARISING Cont…. Note: Following meeting with KLH Architects detailed plans received. The Chairman stressed this is a future project. Mr Bryan Adams and Mrs Sue Ricketts agreed that the Clerk can record their names as volunteers for any future Working Group to be formed. Speed Watch: Awaiting reply from Hawstead P.C. for our request to join them in a Speed Watch for Lawshall. Mr Darren Marshall offered his name as a volunteer making the number now 4 volunteers. Letter sent to Suffolk Constabulary: re: vague crime reports on police website. Reply from Acting Inspector Matt Gilbert with suggestion for the Clerk to contact the Mayor Haverhill for advice. No new advice available. The Clerk also contacted the Community Engagement Officer Jon Gerrish with details of dates for meeting and asking if an Officer/PCSO could attend once a year. This is not possible as not enough Officers/PCSO’s to cover all the parishes. Mr Gerrish is willing to discuss particular problem; his contact number is 01284 774 302. Lawshall Neighbourhood Facebook: this is now up and running. www.facebook.com/Lawshall-Suffolk 64 FINANCE: Donation request from St Edmundsbury Borough Council: Re: Acquisition of T1057. The discovery of a Silver Mediaeval Seal Matrix with possible links to Lawshall. The Councillors agreed as this would not benefit the village, no donation could be made. Clerk’s Salary & Expenses: £326.53 R. Debenham: £48.00 (cutting grass in Walcher’s meadow 17/10/19) One Suffolk (CAS) £60.00 (hosting website 2020/21) Bradnams Tree Services: £144.00 (cutting back hedges in Lawshall Row). L.B. Engineering: £840.00 (renovating bus shelter at Brands Lane.) TDP Ltd. £415.56 (replacement bench for Harrow Green). R.E.J.B. & Co. £120.00 (inspection of play equipment). On 6/11/19 the Clerk checked the Bank and found that the amount of £610.27 was not enough to cover the 2 unpresented cheques total £663.60. This was due to the shortfall of transfer made in October. The Clerk transferred £65.00 on 6/11/19 to cover this deficit. The following balances were reported: Community Account as at 6/11/19 £610.27 – unpresented cheques £663.30. Balance -£53.33 + £65 transferred = available £11.67. Business Account: as at 6/11/19 £7245.90 + £65 transferred on 6/1/19 = £7180.90. Cllr. Mrs K Whordley proposed that £1970.00 is transferred from the Business Account to the Community Account, seconded by Cllr. A. Irish, all in favour. Precept 2020/21: Interim report presented to Councillors to show up-to-date finances. To discuss Precept for 20/21 at December meeting and to be finalised at January meeting. Clerk’s Home Working allowance Cllr. D. Griggs and the Clerk left the meeting and had declared an interest in this item. Councillors discussed this and decided to make the Clerk’s Home Working Allowance to £300 per year. This was proposed by Cllr. A. Irish and seconded by Cllr. T. Elmer, all in favour. 65 PLANNING: Cllr. Debenham was absent from the meeting. The Clerk will record his Declaration of Interest. Application No. DC/10/04663: Plot 1 Lambs Lane: Application discussed and is supported. No Objections. Application No. DC/19/04662: Plot 2 Lambs Lane: Application discussed and is supported. No objections. Application No. DC/19/04660: Plot 3 Lambs Lane: Application discussed and is supported. No Objections. Cont… -3- LAWSHALL PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING Cont… Application No. DC/19/04659: Plot 4 Lambs Lane: Application discussed and is supported. No objections. Application No. DC/19/04658: Plot 5 Lambs Lane: Application discussed and is not supported. Objections: it does not comply with the Neighbourhood Plan. Comments sent to Babergh D.C. Application No. DC/19/05010 Glebe Stores, 52 The Glebe: Proposal Planning Application: Change of Use from A1 shop to C3 dwelling. The application was discussed and is not supported. A letter received from Babergh D.C. stating that the Community Value Asset could be removed. Objections: as this shop is registered as a Community Value Asset until April 2021 it should remain so until this date. Comments sent to Babergh D.C. Application No. DC/19/03363: Petlau Cottage, Harrow Green: erection of single storey side extension. Application discussed and is supported. No Objections. Planning Permission granted for the following: Application No. DC/19/019/04185: Little West Farm, Melford Road: erection of 3 bay cart lodge with 2 open bays and one bay partitioned with garage doors. Application No. DC/19/03754: Meanda, Shimpling Road: erection of single storey side extension and changes to roof. 66 CORRESPONDENCE: Email from resident in The Street: parking problems e.g. grass verge being damaged. Reply received from S.C.C. to resident from S.C.C. Reply fwd to resident. Email from resident at Hall Mead: parking on the grass. Reply received from S.C. C. Stating that the P.C. can purchase some “Keep off the Grass Signs” to be erected on the grass area. The Clerk will research prices for these. Public Bus 375 service: This was discontinued on the 2nd November. No further update at present. 67 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: The replacement trees for Walcher’s meadow have been purchased and will be planted as soon as possible. Thanks to the anonymous donation for these replacements. Next meeting: Tuesday 10th December 2019 at 7.30pm. ………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………. Chairman Date These Minutes were approved and signed on the 10th December 2019. .
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