ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION COMPANY 2019 LOAD SHEDDING PROGRAMMES INTRODUCTION and other related equipment should be switched Stage 2; Please be advised that the power supply The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission & Distribution off at peak times for more areas to have power. situation is dynamic, in the event that the power Company (ZETDC) is experiencing increased power shortfall increases beyond the planned limits, load shortfalls i.e. demand and supply mismatch, due to Please be advised that ordinarily, load shedding will shedding will move into stage 2. These are additional low water levels at Kariba Power Station, generation be within the morning and evening peak periods areas that will be switched off as per schedule constraints at Hwange Power Station and limited of 5am to 10am and 5pm to 10pm respectively. when the shortfall is higher for the particular time. imports. The power shortfall is being managed However, the durations may be longer in the event through load shedding in order to balance the of increased power shortfall to avoid the collapse Customers will be informed as soon as the situation power supply available and the demand. of the National Electric grid. requires stage two implementation. Every effort is being directed at improving the The load shedding cycles will be in two stages as Large power users are being requested to reduce generation capacity to ensure that supply follows; their power demand during the morning and disruptions are kept at minimum levels. In order to evening peak periods of 5am to 10am and 5pm to Stage 1; the first group of customers as listed on the assist in reducing the power demand, customers 10pm respectively. schedule will be switched off as the power shortfall are encouraged to use the limited available power will be within planned limits. sparingly, by switching off all non-essential loads. Domestic geysers, swimming pool pumps, Jacuzzis ZETDC HARARE REGION LOAD SHEDDING 2019 SUBURB CODE SUBURB CODE SUBURB CODE SUBURB CODE HARARE METROPOLITAN PROVINCE Alex Park - Part H1 Glen Norah H16 Mabvuku H15 Sherwood Park - Part H12 How to use the tables: Alex Park - Part H7 Glen Norah A - Part H19 Machipisa H29 Somerby Area H21 Amalinda H16 Glen Wood H28 Malvern H17 Spring Heights H28 Look up your suburb code in Table 2, then find this code in Table 1 Amalinda Farm H16 Glenview H16 Mandalay Park H14 Stanbury Park H12 Ambleside H4 Glenview - Part H23 Mandara H6 Startmore Farm H16 TABLE 1 : AREA LOAD SHEDDING PERIODS Amby H5 Greendale - Part H5 Marimba Park H4 Stoneridge Rd H17 Arbour Cres H16 Greendale - Part H6 Marlborough H12 Strathaven H1 DAY MORNING PEAK EVENING PEAK Art Farm H2 Greendale - Part H8 Mayfield Park H1 Sunridge H12 Ashbritle H2 Greendcroft H12 Mbare H9 Tafara H15 H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H10, H14, H15, H16, H1, H3, H11, H12, Ashdown Park H13 Greengrove H6 Merwede H11 The Grange H8 H13, H17, H18, Athlone H5 Greystone Park H7 Meyrick Park H13 Thornpark H2 Athlone - Part H6 Grobbie Park H17 Midlands H17 Twentydales Ext. H17 MONDAY First areas to be affected H18, H21, H23, H24, H27, H28, C1, C4, C5 H19, H20, H22, H29, Avenues H22 Groombridge H2 Milton Park H13 Tynwald North H13 C2, C3 Avondale H1 Guildform Estate H7 Monavale H1 Tynwald South H4 Avondale West H1 Gunhill H7 Msasa Park H14 Umwinsidale H28 Additional areas to be affected H30, H31, H32 H33, H34, H35 Avonlea - Part H1 Haig Park H13 Mt Pleasant H2 Uplands H17 Avonlea West H12 Harare Rd W H16 Mt Hampden H3 Upper Mt Hampden H12 Ballantyne Park H7 Harava Dam H17 Mufakose H4 Upper Reaches Rd H11 H1, H3, H11, H12, H13, H17, H18, H19, H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, Bannockburn H2 Hatcliffe H7 Mufakose West H24 Vainona H7 H8, H10, H14, H15, Barrington Rd Area H16 Hatfield West H10 Mutare Rd H15 Valencedene H1 TUESDAY First areas to be affected H20, H22, H29, C2, C3 H16, H18, H21, H23, Belgravia H1 Hat-Twentydales -Part H14 Newlands H5 Waldon Area H21 H24, H27, H28, C1, Belvedere H13 Hatlands Farm H16 Newlands East H25 Warren Park H4 C4, C5 Borrowdale H7 Helensvale H7 Northwood H2 Warren Park - Part H18 Additional areas to be affected H33, H34, H35 H30, H31, H32 Borrowdale Brook H7 Helensvale S H27 Old Highfields H29 Warren Park - Part H18 Borrowdale N H27 Highfield H19 Pangula H28 Warren Park E H13 Bothashof H7 Highlands - Part H5 Paradise Park H29 Waterfalls H17 H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H10, H14, H15, H16, H1, H3, H11, H12, Budiriro H23 Highlands - Part H7 Park Meadowlands H14 Westwood H18 H13, H17, H18, Carrick H7 Highlands - Part H8 Parkridge H24 Westwood H18 WEDNESDAY First areas to be affected H18, H21, H23, H24, H27, H28, C1, C4,C5 H19, H20, H22, H29, Chadcombe H14 Hillside H5 Parkridge Estate H11 Widdecombe H14 C2, C3 Chedgelow H17 Hopley H17 Parktown H17 Wilmington Park H14 Chikurubi H6 Hunyani Poort H21 Pension Farm H23 Winchdon H7 Additional areas to be affected H30, H31, H32 H33, H34, H35 Chiltern Hill H28 Induna H17 Pension Farm H16 Chishawasha H28 Ingwe Farm H16 Pomona H7 First areas to be affected H1, H3, H11, H12, H13, H17, H18, H19, H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, Chishawasha H28 Jerusalem H29 Prospect East H10 Chisipite H8 Kambuzuma H18 Prospect West H17 H8, H10, H14, H15, Colne Valley H7 Kambuzuma H18 Queensdale H14 THURSDAY H20, H22, H29, C2, C3 H16, H18, H21, H23, Colne Valley H8 Kambuzuma South H4 Quinnington H7 H24, H27, H28, C1, Colray H7 Kensington H1 Quinnington S H27 C4, C5 Colray H27 Kensington D26 Rambabvu H28 Additional areas to be affected H33, H34, H35 H30, H31, H32 Coronation Park H5 Kingsmead H7 Reiforntein H8 Cotswold Hills H12 Kintyre H21 Reiforntein - Part H7 Cranborne Park H14 Komani H12 Rhodesville H5 First areas to be affected H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H10, H14, H15, H16, H1, H3, H11, H12, Creagh H7 Kutsaga H14 Ridgeview H13 H13, H17, H18, Crowborough H11 Kuwadzana H11 Rolf Valley South H28 FRIDAY H18, H21, H23, H24, H27, H28, C1, C4, C5 H19, H20, H22, H29, Crowborough Estate H24 Lake Chivero H21 Rolf Valley N H8 C2, C3 Crowhill H7 Langford Farm H16 Ruwa H14 Additional areas to be affected H30, H31, H32 H33, H34, H35 Draycot H17 Lewisam H8 Ruwa H15 H1, H3, H11, H12, H13, H14, H17, H18, H19, H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, Dzivaresekwa H11 Lincoln Green H13 S Mazorodze Areas H17 H8, H10, H14, H15, Eastlea H5 Little Norfolk H2 Safron Area H21 SATURDAY First areas to be affected H20, H22, H29, C2, C3 H16, H18, H21, H23, Eastlea H25 Logan Park H10 San Souci Rd Area H14 H24, H27, H28, C1, Emerald Hill H2 Lonchinvar H4 San Souci Rd Area H15 C4, C5 Epworth H14 Luna H7 Seki Rd Area H17 Additional areas to be affected H33, H34, H35 H30, H31, H32 Getwyn H28 Lusaka H29 Seki Rd N H10 Glen Lorne H28 Mabelreign H13 Sentosa H1 H2, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H10, H14, H15, H16, H1, H3, H11, H12, Glen Lorne West H27 Mabelreign N H12 Sherwood Park - Part H1 H13, H17, H18, SUNDAY First areas to be affected H18, H21, H23, H24, H27, H28, C1, C4, C5 H19, H20, H22, H29, CHITUNGWIZA C2, C3 Zengeza 1, 2,3, 4 & 5 C1 Seke Unit A, B, C, D, E C2 Seke Unit B, Makoni C3 GDC C4 Additional areas to be affected H30, H31, H32 H33, H34, H35 Zengeza 5 Ext C1 Seke Unit F, G Old C2 Seke Unit M,N, O,P C3 Jaggers, Chibuku, DMB C4 Guzha C1 Seke Unit K, L, M C2 Police Flats, Unit B, C3 Southern Granite C4 Key: H - Harare Unit J C1 Town Centre C2 Murisa T/Ship, Dema C3 Sewage Works C4 C - Chitungwiza St Mary’s C1 Manyame Park C3 Surface Investments C4 Manyame Park C1 St Mary’s C3 Parts of Unit K C4 Mayambara C3 ZETDC HARARE REGION LOAD SHEDDING 2019 HARARE METROPOLITAN PROVINCE Key: H - Harare C - Chitungwiza How to use the tables: Look up your suburb code in Table 2, then find this code in Table 1 TABLE 2 : SCHEDULE OF SUBURB CODES IN HARARE REGION Cycle Area B11 Pumula South, Old Pumula, Pumula North, Pumula East, New Magwegwe, Magwegwe West, Magwegwe North, Gwabalanda (Dollar House area,) B21 Nketa 9, Nketa 6, Nketa 8, Emganwini West. B22 Westbury Rd, Monarch Steel, Thorn Grove, Consolidated Textiles, Zimplow, Connollys, Busmetals. National Foods, Turnal Asbestos, Nguboyenja, Umguza, Shiloh, Nyamandlovu. B23 Cecil hotel, Kensington flats, Matopos Investments, Federal Courts, Trewithin flats, Castle crt, Athlone Mansions, Burlington Crt, Rogean Flats, City Centre East. B31 Four Winds, Burnside (Chattie Rd),Hillside South, Eloana, Tshabalala Game Park, Hillside (Chipping Way),Fortunesgate, Relay Stn, Burnside, Douglasdale, Waterford, Burnside, Plumtree,Dingimuzi,Thekwane,Empandeni, Fig tree, Tsholotsho, Solusi, Matopos Research WESTERN REGION Station, Matopo National Park. MATABELELAND NORTH AND MATABELELAND SOUTH B32 Emakhandeni, Njube, Njube, New & West Lobengula, Luveve, Gwabalanda, Old Lobengula, Mzilikazi, Barbourfields. MORNING PEAK EVENING PEAK B33 South World, Montrose, Barham Green, Bellevue, Newton West, West Somerton MONDAY VF; GW; HW1 BB1; HW2; BB2; VF B34 Donnington Industrial area, colcom, BMA, Radar Industries, Dunlop, Edgars industrial park, TUESDAY HW2; BB2; BB1 GW; BB1; BB2; VF Donnington West. WEDNESDAY HW1; BB3; GW GW; VF; BB2 B41 Entumbane, Nhliziyo Shops, Cowdray Park, Hellenvale, Luveve Siding, The Jungle, Highmount, THURSDAY VF; GW; HW1 BB1; BB2; BB3; VF United College, Harrisvale, Umgusa, Aisebley, North Trenance, Umvitshwa Abattoirs, Norwood, FRIDAY BB1; BB2; BB3; HW2 BB1; BB2; BB3; VF; HW1 Richmond, State house, Lobenvale. SATURDAY HW2; BB1; BB3 GW; VF; HW2 B42 Nkulumane1, 11, GMB, Kelvin West, Sizinda, Nkulumane Complex.
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