Евразиатский энтомол. журнал 11(6): 507–512 + 506 + III © EUROASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2012 New genus, species and faunistic records of lichen-moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Lithosiinae) from Vietnam Íîâûå ðîä, âèäû è ôàóíèñòè÷åñêèå íàõîäêè áàáî÷åê-ëèøàéíèö (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Lithosiinae) Âüåòíàìà V.V. Dubatolov Â.Â. Äóáàòîëîâ Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Frunze str. 11, Novosibirsk 630091 Russia. E-mail: [email protected]. Институт систематики и экологии животных СО РАН, ул. Фрунзе 11, Новосибирск 630091 Россия. Key words: Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Lithosiinae, new species, new genus, faunistic records, Vietnam, Indochina, Oriental Region. Ключевые слова: Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Lithosiinae, новый вид, новый род, Вьетнам, Индокитай, Ориентальная область. Abstract. A genus and seven new species, Denteilema Chinese fauna. Later, there were only two authors who unicolora Dubatolov, gen. et sp.n., Dolgoma rectoides Du- prepared reviews of Lithosiinae genera and species batolov, sp.n., D. striata Dubatolov, sp.n., Gandhara viet- from the Oriental fauna using the genitalia structure, namica Dubatolov, sp.n., Danielithosia zolotuhini Duba- namely Holloway [2001] and Bucsek [2012] in their tolov, sp.n., Prabhasa monastyrskii Dubatolov, sp.n., books on the fauna of Borneo and Malay Peninsula Macotasa nedoshivinae Dubatolov, sp.n., are described from species respectively. Černý and Pinratana [2009] fig- southern provinces of Vietnam. Two autapomorphic charac- ters of the new genus are: presence of a distinct ventral ured all species from Thailand, but mainly without process at the valve base and of a similar harp-like process genitalia. These remain the only works that can be on the inner surface of valve near the base. New generic used for determination of the Oriental lichen-moths, in combinations within Brunia Moore are proposed for Eilema addition to various journal articles. gibonica Černý, 2009, and E. lacrima Černý, 2009; these Fauna of lichen-moths of Vietnam is very poorly two species together with Macotasa orientalis (Hampson, studied. There are only two well known articles includ- 1905) and Pseudoscaptia rothschildi (Draudt, 1912) are for ed Lithosiinae from Vietnam: Candèze [1927] con- the first time reported from Vietnam. cerning the Indochina territory, and de Joannis [1928]. These articles contain descriptions of several new spe- Резюме. С территории южных провинций Вьетнама cies, and record of 71 other species. However, species описываются новый род и 7 новых видов: Denteilema from Vietnam cited in these articles had been collected unicolora Dubatolov, gen. et sp.n., Dolgoma rectoides Duba- tolov, sp.n., D. striata Dubatolov, sp.n., Gandhara vietna- in the northern part on this country only. Information mica Dubatolov, sp.n., Danielithosia zolotuhini Dubatolov, about distribution of some species throughout South- sp.n., Prabhasa monastyrskii Dubatolov, sp.n., Macotasa Eastern Asia can be found in: Holloway [2001], Černý nedoshivinae Dubatolov, sp.n. В род Brunia Moore в каче- and Pinratana [2009], Bucsek [2012]. стве новых комбинаций перенесены Eilema gibonica The author received two sets of lichen-moths col- Černý, 2009 и E. lacrima Černý, 2009; эти два вида, lected in South Vietnam by A. Monastyrsky in 2006 а также Macotasa orientalis (Hampson, 1905) и Pseudo- and by S. Nedoshivina, S. Pugaev and A. Solovyev in scaptia rothschildi (Draudt, 1912) впервые указываются с 2011. They contained several new species and several территории Вьетнама. new faunistic records presented in this paper. The type materials are deposited in the Institute of Systematics Introduction and Ecology of Animals, SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Rus- sia, SZMN ISEA). Lichen-moths (Lithosiinae) are a group with an insufficiently studied species composition in the Ori- Descriptions ental Region. Hampson [1900, 1914] was the first reviewer of the Oriental Lithosiinae and their system- Dolgoma rectoides Dubatolov, sp.n. atics but he did not use their genitalia in his investiga- Plate III: 1; Fig. 1. tions. The male genitalia structure started to be used in Material. Holotype, #, Vietnam, Ngoc Linh, Kon Tum the Lithosiinae systematics only in the middle of twen- Prov., 14°45’–15°15’ N, 107°21’–108°20’ E, III–IV.2006, Monas- tieth century by Daniel [1951–1955] in his review of tyrsky. 508 V.V. Dubatolov Description. Male. Forewing length 9.5 mm, yellow, discal cell towards outer margin between veins M2 and M3; dusted with diffuse black dots more densely in wing basal the outer going from wing base beyond discal cell towards part. There is a diffuse narrow transversal band forming tornal angle between veins Cu2 and A. Hindwing unicolor- right angle directed outwards at vein M3 and bent at costal ous light yellow. Head, patagiae, tegulae and thorax bright margin. Hindwing unicolorous light yellow. Head, patagiae, yellow. Abdomen yellow. tegulae and thorax bright yellow. Abdomen light yellow. Female. Forewing length 11 mm. Wing pattern like in Male genitalia (Fig. 1). Uncus moderate in width, slightly male but forewing more strongly suffused with brown dots. broadening to apex but strongly narrowing at tip. Valves Male genitalia (Fig. 2). Uncus moderate in width, slightly roughly oval, with a straight costal margin and ventral mar- broadening to apex, but strongly narrowing at tip. Valves gin convex at 1/3 from the apex. Cucullus apex broad, elongate, with roughly parallel costal and ventral margins, rounded, covered with fine hairs. Sacculus ventral margin but ventral margin is slightly convex 3/5 of its length from convex but not bulged; its apex bears several strong and the apex. Cucullus apex constricted, covered with fine hairs. long downwards directed chaetae of different length, three Sacculus apex broad, rounded at apex, covered with very of them the strongest, about 0.2 mm in length. Juxta desk- small spines. Juxta desk-shaped. Saccus broad, rounded. shaped. Saccus broad, rounded. Aedeagus straight, broad, Aedeagus straight, broad, without spines. without spines. Diagnosis. The new species differs significantly from Diagnosis. The new species strongly resembles Dolgo- all other Dolgoma Moore species by presence of two brown ma recta Černý, 2009 from Thailand but differs in possess- longitudinal stripes on the forewings, while in other species ing unicolorous light yellow hindwings, while in D. recta the forewings are either just dusted with dark dots or bear a the hindwings have a grey external suffusion. Another simi- transverse angular band. In the male genitalia structure, the lar species is D. angulifera (Felder, 1868) from the Himala- new species is characterized by possessing the longest and yas and Thailand [Černý, Pinratana, 2009]; it also has uni- narrowest valves among other congeners. colorous light yellow hindwings, but the brown band on the Дифференциальный диагноз. Новый вид сильно от- forewings is broader, diffuse, and not angled at the costa. личается по внешности от всех других видов рода The male genitalia structure of the new species is similar to Dolgoma Moore наличием двух коричневых продольных D. recta (Fig. 9) but the ventral margin of the sacculus in штрихов на передних крыльях, тогда как у остальных the latter species is bulged subapically; the apex with only видов передние крылья или покрыты тёмными точками, two but strong chaetae, about 0.25 mm in length. All other или несут также поперечную изогнутую перевязь. Dolgoma Moore species with known male genitalia struc- По строению гениталий новый вид характеризуется наи- ture have no strong chaetae at the apex of the sacculus. более длинными и узкими вальвами. Дифференциальный диагноз. Новый вид по внешно- сти очень напоминает Dolgoma recta Černý, 2009 из Таи- Gandhara vietnamica Dubatolov, sp.n. ланда, но отличается одноцветными светло-жёлтыми зад- Plate III: 4; Fig. 3. ними крыльями, тогда как у D. recta задние крылья имеют Material. Holotype, #, Vietnam, Ngoc Linh, Kon Tum диффузное серое внешнее окаймление. Другой похожий Prov., 14°45’–15°15’ N, 107°21’–108°20’ E, III–IV.2006, Monas- вид — D. angulifera (Felder, 1868) из Гималаев и Таиланда tyrsky. [Černý, Pinratana, 2009]; у него также задние крылья Description. Male. Forewing length 14 mm, ground одноцветно светло-жёлтые, но поперечная перевязь на colour greyish brown, costal margin convex at apical 1/3, передних крыльях шире, диффузная, и не изогнута пря- yellow from base to 1/3 from apex. No visible adroconial мым углом у костального края. По строению гениталий scales beyond discal vein. Hindwing unicolorous light yel- самцов новый вид близок к D. recta (рис. 9), но вент- low. Head, patagiae and tegulae yellow; thorax greyish ральный край саккулюса последнего вида выпячивается brown. Abdomen yellow. близ вершины; вершина несёт только две крупные хеты Male genitalia (Fig. 3). Uncus moderate in width, slightly длиной 0,25 мм. У других видов рода Dolgoma Moore, broadening to apex but strongly narrowed at tip. Valves у которых известно строение гениталий, крупные хеты with a narrowly constricted costal process of sacculus and a на вершине саккулюса отсутствуют. long ventral process, reflexed apically and reaching the cucullus apex. Juxta with an apical processes presented as Dolgoma striata Dubatolov, sp.n. spinulose brushes fused with lateroapical parts of aedeagus Plate III: 2, 3; Fig. 2. tube. Saccus short, broad, rounded at apex. Aedeagus very Material. Holotype, #, Vietnam, Hon Ba, Khanh Hoa short, triangular, strongly broadening to apex. Vesica
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