4 NOV 1972 The Australian 15 cents Church Record No. 1525 First Published 1880 November 16, 1972 Federal International Congress funds help Eucharistic on World Evangelisation Congress Support for Melbourne's Roman Catholic Interna- 1)r Billy Graham has announced that the International Congress on World Evangelisation, spon- tional Eucharistic Congress sored by some 200 churchmen front all over the world, will take place at Lausanne, Switzerland, from is included in Federal Gov- July 16 to 25, 1974. ernment grants to the per- forming arts announced in Graham, who is honorary part of the world, suitable facili- Canberra on October 15. man of the congress, said ties for hospitality and the daily The Minister for the Arts, Mr venue for the conference work of the congress, are all Peter Howson, said that $5,000 considered essential. In addition, would be given to help meet the he the Palais de Beaulieu it is intended to involve individ- cost of an art festival being h is the Congress and Arts ual participants to a major organised as part of the Eu- e of the city of Lausanne." extent in small study and plan- charistic Congress. I he building is considered to ning groups, thus necessitating He said that the festival would he almost ideal for the congress the small halls and offices. include several new works pro- with its 3,500 participants, The last major congress on timed specially for the Eu- observers and press corps. In world evangelism held on an sharistic Congress. addition to the main hall and international basis was located in St Paul's Cathedral, Mel- Berlin in 1966. As a spin-off concert halls, it has 75 smaller bourne will receive $1,000 for a from that congress, other re- season of rock opera featuring halls and offices as well as five g,onal gatherings were held in the Webber-Rice opera "Joseph" restaurants, which will enable all Singapore, Bogota, Minneapolis, and the Adamson-Morris work, who attend to have meals at one Ottawa and Amsterdam. "The Prodigal Son." sitting. "Since 1966 in Berlin," Dr It is believed to be the first The Congress Planning Com- Graham said recently, "I have time this century in Australia mittee had hoped to be able to been constantly urged to help in that public funds have been find a suitable venue for the con- convening another world con- given to religious bodies for gress in the so-called Third gress on evangelisation. I think specifically religious purposes World. According to Graham now after much prayer and and that the grants have been many alternative possibilities consultation with churchmen, kept small to test public reaction. were carefully investigated in all bah lay and clergy, from all six continents without success over the world, that the time is and it was eventally found that ripe to mobilise again all our the Lausanne facilities are best resources under the dynamic of Palais de Beaulieu, site of the International Congress on World able to meet the exacting re- the Holy Spirit and to hold Evangelisation to be held at Lausanne, 1974. quirements of the congress at another international congress in reasonable cost. Ease of access 1974. We must press forward to- New World Evangelisation in 1974 wards the evangelisation of the magazine Dr Hoke conducted a ip and freedom of entry from every will be Dr Donald E. Hoke. Dr world in our generation using five months religious survey on Hoke, who has been appointed every modern insight and har- that nation's missionary opportu- co-ordinating director of the nities. Returning to another two ness the faith and dedication of congress, is currently president Christian men everywhere." year term of teaching in the US Dean of of the Tokyo Christian College, he subsequently went to Japan as Bishop A. Jack DaM, execu- an interdenominational Christian a missionary in 1952. In 1955 he tive Chairman of the Congress institution located in Tokyo. founded the Tokyo Christian Planning Committee has said: Dr Hoke's appointment was College to train pastors, teacher, "Plans for the congress are well and evangelists and has been its Brisbane announced by the Executive in hand and an office will be Chairman of the Congress, Bish- president since that time. established at Lausanne, Switzer- op A. Jack Dain, of Sydney. He Rev Ian Gordon George, land, early in 1973, under the also is an immediate past Bishop DaM said: "Dr Hoke's leadership of Dr Donald E. president of the Japan Evangeli- LL.B., S.T.B., has been ap- experience as a pastor, mis- Hoke who has been appointed cal Missionary Association, the pointed Dean of St John's sionary and seminary president Co-ordinating Director. largest association of Protestant makes him well fitted to head up missionaries in the Far East. He Cathedral, Brisbane, suc- "The twenty-five member the staff to plan this Congress." is also active in a number of ceeding Bishop Muschamp planning committee," DaM said, Dr Hoke began his career as a o t he r interdenominational who refired in June. "would meet in Lausanne on De- Christian organisations in Japan journalist on the Chicago Trib- Mr George has been sub- cember 4, 5, and 6, to give full and a board member of the une and has been associated with warden and chaplain of St consideration to the congress Japan Bible Seminary. He is the the editorial staff of the George's College, University of program and other important as- author of many magazine arti- "Christian Life" magazine in the Western Australia sinm 1969 pects of congress planning." cles in American and US for thirty years. He was the Japanese and will begin duties at the publications, of a book entitled The first man to take up per- first pastor of the South Park Cathedral from February next. manent residence at Lausanne, Church in Parkridge, Illinois. "Refugee" detailing the refugee He was eduoated at St Peter's situation in Hong Kong, and is Switzerland. to make ready for Going to Japan in 1950 under College and the University of Ur Ronald Hoke the Inteinational Congress on the auspices 01 "Christian Life" currently completing the editing Adelaide and practised law be- of a reference volume on the his- fore going to the General Theo- tl tory of the church and mission logical Seminary, New York in in Asia entitled "Let Asia 1961. He graduated in theology Speak." This is to be published there in 1964 and was ordained by Moody Press next year. in New York. After a curacy 3 Geoff Bingham resigns there, he returned for a curacy in Adelaide and then to be chap- lain at Woomera. In Perth, he has been a part- time university lecturer in his- as Adelaide B.I. head Ron Beard tory and his special interests are liturgy and the arts. He is mar- red with two small children. Rev Geoffrey C. Bingham, affects one section of God NSW Sec. He is at present completing a in work. Principal of the Adelaide took on the work of the leading Bible Institute since 1967 Mr Bingham's leadership and WA painter, Mr Guy Grey- has resigned from May, spiritual gifts have played no of BCA Smith, commissioned by the 1973, small part in a period of six University of WA Press and to years, during whicih we have Rev Ronald N. Beard, be published in 1973. He has The announcement was made seen great development in all been an active member of the by the president of the Institute areas of ABI. rector and BCA missioner at WA branch of the Australian Council, Mr Bruce Bryson. nd Under Mr Einghaan's lead- Exmouth (NW Australia) and New Zealand Society for "There has never been any ership, the Institute has grown to since 1970, has been ap_ Theological Studies. doubt in our minds, or Mr Bing- be the largest in Australia with pointed NSW Secretary of n1 ham's," wrote Mr Bryson, "that an enrolment of over 100 men the call to ABI was of God. The and women for some years past. the Bush Church Aid concern of the students and wet Society. fare of the work has always been Before taking up the ABI NEXT ISSUE appointment, he had been a Mr Beard volunteered for ser- in his heart . ." vice in the North West with the God has given his servant a CMS missionary in West Pakis- tan from 1957 to 1966 and had BCA after being in charge of Scientist and his- lull ministry of evangelism. South Coogee (1962-64) and All !eadhing and renewal, and we been engaged in a Bible-teaching ut ministry. Saints', Albion Park (1966-70). torian examine nave often seen how released he Both are Sydney docese. has been When exercising this At the moment, Ar Bingham He takes up his duties in Syd- "Chariot of the Ministry. We have to see this has no definite plans but he ney from February next and in new step in the setting of the hopes to devote himself to evan- addition will he the BCA Public Gods." Rev Ceoft Bingham broader canvas and not just as it gelism and teaching missions. Relations Officer. Moor,: Coitcoe The Australian Church Record NOVEMBER 16, 1972 REFORMED AND ROMAN VIEWS OF LORD'S I he healing This is the second excerpt from the presidential , of the nations address of the Archbishop ti UPPER IN PRACTICE One of the loveliest images in the whole Bible is of Sydney to his synod that of the tree of life in Revelation chapter 22 whose turned to wine.
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