UCD School of Politics & International Relations Pre 2006 MA / MSc / PhD Theses Datebase Alphabetical order by surname Student name Thesis Title Agnew, John Challenges and Policy Responses Resulting form the New Politics' of Welfare Ahern, Mark Public Assessment of Junk Advertising Aileen Forbes Munnelly The Hysterical Alienists and the Theatre of Hysteria in 19C Paris Akgunduz, Yucel An Analysis of the Success and Failure of the Common Agricultural Policy and its Recent Reform Apata, T. Olusegun Nigeria: A Case Study of the Role of the Military in Modernisation Arackal, Markose The long and narrow path: East Europe on the road to the European Monetary Union Arthurs, Gerard The Role of the Government Press Secretary in Ireland Atherlay, Margaret GATT and the Audio-Visual Sector: Cultural Preservation or Economic Protection? Avard, Tullan Critical Analysis of the European Community’s Policy on Tourism Baily, Simon A structural and regulatory analysis of the European football industry Baker, Erin, Ms Science, Policy and Regulation: Agricultural Biotechnology in the US and EU. Balfe, Dearbhalla Latin America - An untapped opportunity for European foreign direct investors Bannigan, Vivienne The internationalisation of the Euro: a theoretical approach Barrett, Helen The Irish Labour Party 1916-1918: The Roots of Failure Barrington, Ruth The Shaping of the Policy on Irish Health Services 1961-1970 Barry, John Limits to Growth Barry, Olga Unneutral Ireland: Irish Neutrality and Anglo-Irish relations from the perspective of Ireland’s second largest political party, Fine Gael – United Ireland Party Beamish, Bill Irish Voters:An Empirical Analysis of Their Background Characteristics, Family Influence, and the Importance of the National Question Beckschi, Helen Merger Control in the European Community Bergin, Alan Hunting tigers’ - EC Trade Discrimination and The East Asian NICs Bergin, Eugene Ireland during World War II: A Safe and Honurable Neutrality Berginc, Andrej Costs and Benefits for Slovenia of Joining the EMU Birmingham Emor The Obstacles to Organic Farming: case study Ireland Bjorson, Pamela Regulatory Reform in European Telecommunications Blain, Emma The Protestant vote in the Republic of Ireland 1922 - 1969 Blanchfield, Paul Modern Democracy: The Work of the Democratic Revisionists Blaney, Colleen The Northern Ireland Womens Coalition: Help or Hindrance? Blaney, Niall The North Atlantic Alliance and the End of the Cold War: Whither NATO, Whether NATO? Blankestijn, Eline European Union - Caribbean Relations from a Development Policy Perspective: An Evaluation Blease, JP An Examination of Southern Parties’ Speeches and Statements on NI Bola, Boglarka First 14 years of the PHARE programme in Hungary - Institutional Transformation Boland, Laura The Impact of the Continental Discounters, Lidl and Aldi, on the Irish Food Retail Environment. Bracken, Peter The Role of Whip in the Oireachtas Brady, Conor Police and Government in the Irish Free State Brady, Hugo A European Armaments Agency: Strengthening policy through capabilities Brady, Neil Justice versus order: Humantarian intervention and the ethic of the international system Brady, Saoirse The ‘Polish March’: A National or International Event? Branick, Margaret Swedish Security Policy in the Twentieth Century: Problems and Prospects of Swedish Neutrality Breathnach, Una The Slow Food Movement in Europe Breen, Deirdre A Social, Political, and Economic Overview of the Family in Contemporary Irish Society, a Study of the Changing Role of the Women Within, and Its Relationship with the Catholic Church Brennan, John The role of values in the European system Brennan, Kieron Evolution in Kropotkin’s Social Thought Brennan, Suzanne Physical Disability, the State, and the Voluntary Organisations: the Case of Muscular Dystrophy Ireland Bresnihan, Valerie Unemployment, Community, and the Meaning of Labour Brick, John The Treuhand and its privatisation of East Germany Page 1 of 21 UCD School of Politics & International Relations Pre 2006 MA / MSc / PhD Theses Datebase Alphabetical order by surname Student name Thesis Title Brinkmoeller, Kristen The European Union and the Middle East: A Time to Move Beyond Idealism to Action Brocato, Andrea Nationalism and Language in the Basque country and Quebec Brophy, Fergal Regional Co-operation in Southeast Asia: Explaining the Timing of the Asean Expansion to Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, the CLM Countries Brophy, Maire Machiavelli's Theory of International Relations Brophy, Niall The Collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union Brophy, Stephen Can Eduard Sheverdnadze or Vaclav Havel be held responsible for undemocratic practices in their countries after the collapse of communism Brown, Ross The Political Economy of Japanese Manufacturing Investment in the European Community: Evidence from the Car Industry Brown, Sarah Pornography and Women: An Argument for Regulation Browne, Mary The Impact of European Community Membership on the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, the Federation of Irish Employers, and the Confederation of Irish Industry Browne, Mary The Impact of European Membership on the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. The Federation of Irish Employers and the Confederation of Irish Industry Bruton, Sineaid Peadar O’Donnell: Republican Socialist Visionary Buckley, Caoimhe European Union enlargement: A study of the Copenhagen criteria and their impact on the Czech and Slovak Republics Buckley, Cliona Re-integration of offenders in Dublin and the involvement of their families, state agencies and community projects in the resettlement process Burgos, Javier Villegas The Subsidiary Paradox Burke Daragh Post Conflict Transformation in Bosnia: The Role of the UN and OSCE Burke, Daragh Post Conflict Transformation in Bosnia: The Role of the UN and OSCE Burke, Sean Towards the Liberalisation of EC-Wide Public Procurement in the Excluded Sectors: The Electricity Supply Examined Burke, Sean Towards the liberalisation of EC-wide public procurement in the excluded sectors: the electricity supply industry examined Burton, Emily The EU Generalised System of Preferences, Labour Standards and the Sri Lankan Textile and Clothing Industry. Butler, Grainne The Role of Culture in Irish Nationalism Byrne Grainne What is the Impact of the NGO’s on Government legislation Relating to Asylum Seekers and Refugees from 1992 Onwards Byrne, Gearoid United Kingdom and the Euro. Arguments for and against British membership of the single currency Byrne, Grainne What is the Impact of the NGO’s on Government legislation Relating to Asylum Seekers and Refugees from 1992 Onwards Byrne, Nicholas Colin The European Union and its impact on the Department of Foreign Affairs Byrne, Nuala Making the space between: The Council for the status of women 1972- 1996 Byrne, Sharon The EU: An 'Even closer union' or a crisis in citizen participation. A case study of the Nice Treaty Referenda in Ireland. Byrne, Steven A Rawlsian Argument for Basic Income Cahillane, Roisin Without Distinction of Sex: Irish Women’s Campaign Against the Draft Constitution of 1937 Caldwell, Maria The Human Rights Agenda of the EU’s Foreign Policy – A Failure of Ambition for CFSP? Caldwell,Maria The Human Rights Agenda of the EU’s Foreign Policy – A Failure of Ambition for CFSP? Calnan, Deirdre Joint venture strategies: Hungary, a case study Cambre, Nicole The Protection of Human Rights in the European Community. The Defence of Supremacy Canty, Declan The Changing Character of the Seanad Eireann 1938-1981 Carey Devine, Callista Dr. Patrick Hillery: Our First Commissioner in Europe Carey, Ian The EU’s CFSP: finding its place as an international actor Carey, Sophia The Nature of Trade Union Attachment Carolan, Miriam Gains and Losses from Extending the Internal Market to the Visegrad Four: An International Trade Perspective Carpendale, Louise Room for Russia – Can Russia find a place within the European Security Architecture? Page 2 of 21 UCD School of Politics & International Relations Pre 2006 MA / MSc / PhD Theses Datebase Alphabetical order by surname Student name Thesis Title Carrie, Michael Early Irish Republicanism – The Annunciation of a Creed Carroll, Jennifer You be the Judge: A Study of the backgrounds of Superior Court Judges in Ireland in 2004 Carroll, Thomas A Case Study of Intra-Nationalist Conflict in NI: The West Belfast General Election of 1992 Carton, Conor Action for Freedom Carton, Philip Visual Politics 'The Political Paintings of Sean Keating' Cashin Declan Representations of masculinity in recent Irish cinema Caskey, Mary Intellectual Property Rights: Aspects of the International Debate Casley, Sarah Are Faith Schools Justified in a Multicultural Society? The Case of Muslims in Britain. Cassells, Shane European Citizenship: More discriminatory than necessary? Cassidy, Anne Marie The Identity of the Russian Minority in Post-Soviet Estonia Caulfield, Enda The Irish in Eastern Europe - Are you being served? Cawley, Sheelagh The Role of the Commissioner from an Irish Perspective Chen, Bennett The European Community and the GATT - The 1992 Programme and the World Trade Order Childs, Anne-Louise Books are Different’: Restrictive practices and the European Book trade Christal, Mark The Irish Republican Movement 1977-1981, The Potential for Change Chrysomallis, Stylianos The 2003 Greek Presidency of the European Union: an Evaluation Cintina, Inna Migration Problem in the context of the European Union enlargement: Case study for Latvia. Clarke, Pearl Towards a European Health Policy - Sweden as a case study
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