%jfly|o!,,^,n REGIONAL OFFICE, IRINJALAKUDA AKPJr Ch.isLC. [ge Road. Chr*rNa]a. krnjat uda,Thnsstrr-680125 Ph 0430 21129316, :r32!2i6.. e-nrit rot 0l Taabib @ in TENDER CUM AUCTION SALE NOTICE WHEREAS the Authorized Officer of the Bank (hereinafter rcfened as AO) had issued Denand Notice dated 06.06.2019 ro rhe borrower, Mr Sunilkumar I( M, S/o Madhavan, and guarantor Mrs Nandini Sunilkumar, w/o Mr Sunilkumar K M both residing at Kaithayil House.Velookkara, Nadavarambu P O, Thrissur- 680661 under. Section l3(2) of the Secufitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcer[ent of Security lnterest Act, 2002 (hereinafter refened to as 'The Act') and has taken possession of the immovable property, more fully described in the schedule herounder under Sgction 13(4) ofthg Aot read \\'i!h Rule 8 ofthe Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on 31.08.2019. AND WHEREAS, the borrowe/ guarantor has failed to pay the amount, Notice is nereoy given that the immovable propedy more fully described in the Schedule hereunder will be sold bv way oftender cum auction on "as is where is" basis and "as is what is" condition, on the date and at the place mentiongd hgrein below for realization of a sum of Rs. I 8,33,176.36/-(Rupees Eighteen Lakhs Thirty Three Thousand One Hundred Sevenry Six afd Paise Thirty Six only) as on 02.02.2021 with further irterests and costs from i8.08.2020 subject to the following terms and conditionsr- Name ofPropeny Owner Mr Sunilkumar K M Description of prope(y All that part and parcel of land admeisuring q.0397 Hectares / 3.97 Ares (Equivalent to 9.80 cents) in Sy. No. 901 / I fatong with right to way through 3,95 Metre wide road on the westem boundaryl and all other usufructs arLd improvements thereon situated in Porathissery Village, Porathissery Desom, Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District, owned by Mr. Sunilkumar K. M., more particularly d,.scribed in Sale Deed No. 872 / I / 2014 dated 29.03.2014 of SRO, trinjalakuda, wirh following boundaries; North Property of Kaithayil Nandini East Thodu South Municipal Road Private Road Rs.19,85,000/- (Rupees Nineteen Lakr Five Thousand onry) Earnest Money Deposit Rs.1,98,500/- (Rupees One Laki Ninety Eight Thousand Five (EMD) Hundred only) Date and Place of Sale 17.03,2021 at 12 Noon at The South Indian Bank Ltd, Regional Office, Irinjalakuda, AKP Jn. Chri$t College Road, Christ Nagar, Irinialakuda, Thrissur - 680125 negd. Ofiice iSIBHouse, TB Ro!d, Mtssion Quanes Thrhsur. Kemto 63000I Phone r9r 437-2420020. Fax +91,,137,24,1202t Tol tree (IndLa) 1300,313- 1300. 1300,425-1309 e mail : sibcorpoEie{,sib co.in, Websits {"}.s0trthindnubxnLcrlE coa.rar. Idenlly Numbcr: L65l91K-t929pLC00101? %iflv,\t,^,n REGIONAL I)FFICD, IRINJALAKUDA AKP Jr. Christ Collce. Road, ChrkrN.!dr.Iriiiali[uda, Thnsr-630]25 Pl' 04S0 2829136, :132!236,. e-mail ro10l ?Asib co in TFRMS AND CONDITIONS l) The property will be sold on "as is where is" basis and "as is what is" condition and the Bank is not responsible for title, condition or any other fact affecting the property, The pafticulars furnished regarding the secured assets are stated to the best of infomation of the Bank and thg Bank will not be answerable for any enor, misstatement or omission. 2) The proposed Tenderers shall read and understand th€ terms and condtuons mentioned in the Tender Sale Notice which is published by the Ban+ in its Website/ Nadavammbu Branch, Door No. XIII / 564., Ward : XVIII, Vaikara Road, Nadavarambu, Vellookkara, Mukundapuram, Thrissur-6t0661 ahd Irinjalakuda Regional Office at Vl/950-B , AKP Cenrre, Christ College Road, Christ Nagar, )rinjalakuda, 680125, Phone Number - 0480- 2829336,2829236 and also visit rhe scheduled propedy and satisfy as to its area, bouncaries, ip, title, encumbrance, staiutory approvals, measurements etc. The Bank I not entertain any dispute regarding the Tender process or the scheduled property participating in the sale. 3) lnterested Tenderers shall produce a copy of any valid photo / address proof. In case, the Tenderer is pat'ticipating on authorization, he / she shoul produce the ID proof ofhimself/ herselfand the Tenderer. 4) All amounts payable regading the sale including EMD shatl be paid by way of DD dfawn in favour of"The Authorised Offioer, The South Indian Bank [,td.,,payable at Irinjalakuda,/RTcs,NEFT/net banting to Authorised Officer Account No. 0163073000000104 maintained at Irinjalakuda Christ }Iagar Blanch (IFSC : sIBLO000463) 5) Interested Tenderers shall submit Demand Draft / RTCS Reqeipt as fhe case may be tbr the EMD at The South Indian Bank Ltd, Regional Office, Idnjalakuda along wirh the Tender in a sealed cover before 1 I.30 AM on 17.03.2021. 6) The Right of entry to the place of sale will be restricted to the Tenderers who have submitted the Tender letter and EMD in a sealed cover witlLin the slipulated time or within such time as may be decided by the Authorised officer at his sole discretion. 7) The Authorised Oflicer has got right ro cancel/ postpoDe the without assigning any reason whatsoever, Further, the Authorised Officer have the Regd. Ofil.e : SIB House, T B Road, Mission Qusnes Thrasur, Kerata 6B000I Phone 9 l -{ 37-2420020, Fa x,+9 1 -,137 -2,1,1202 l TottfEe (tndLa) 1300 843-l8i]l]. t 3OO425 l809 e-ma'L : sibcoAonte@sib co in, webslF wrw.s0ulh nrdilnbrnkcr4 CorpoFte lde iry Nuhber L65l9lKLl929PLC00I0l7 2;n REGIONAL ()FFICE, IRINJALAKUDA AKPJn C|rsrColl.gc Road. Ch. Neilarlnn discretion^fr,^n to accept, reject or retum any or all the Tenders already bmitted and the Bank will not enteftain any claim or representation in that regard fro the Tenderers. 8) The Seaied Tenders will be opened by the Authorised Officer on I .03.2021 at 12 Noon. Any tender received quoting a price below the Reserye Price will be rejected outright. 9) After opening the tenders, the Tendercrs who are present ma:/ be gi an opportuniry at the discrgtion ofthe Authorised Officer to have inter se biddins themselves to enhance their offer price. 10)The Successful Tenderer should pay 25 % ofthe bid amount (less EMD) immediately on feceipt of bid acceptance letter and the balance 75 o/o amount within 15 days ofthe sale, failing which the entire amount paid by the Tendercr shall be forfeited by the Authorised Officer, without any notice and the sale will be ctncelled bnd the property will be brought to sale again. However, in desirable cases the time lnay be extended at the sole discretion ofthe Secured Creditor. I l) The sale is subject to confirmation by the Authorised Offrcef, who s{all have right to cancel the sale also notwithstanding that the successful Tendr:rer has lenitted the 25% of Sale amount. Further, the sale is also subject to confirmation by the Secured Cfeditor. 12)On the sale being confirmed and on receipt of the enti:-e sale the +roceeds by Authorised Officer, the successful Tenderer will be issued rvith a S4le Ce ifioate as per the terms and conditions of the Bank and the SARFAESI Act. The successful Tenderer should pay all th9 existing dues etc., to the Goverrment/ L]ocal Authorities includjng charges/ fees payable for registration of sale certilicate suqh as registration Fees, Stamp Duty etc., as appJicable as per law. l3)The Authorised Officer or Bank will not be held responsible for Jny charge, lien, encumbrance, property tax or any dues to the Colernment or anybddy in respect of the property under sale. l4)The successful Tenderer shall pay a1l Taxes / Electricity / \\,ater / S{werage Charges or any other charges demanded by any authority after the acceptance ofthe bid, even if it pertains to previous periods. ls)The Successful Tenderer shall, at his cost, ger rhe Electririty / W]ate, / S"r"u,ug" \ connection etc. and any othgr common services transferred in his / herJname. Rcgd. Ofiice: SIB House, T.B RNd, Mission Quane6 Thn$ur. Kemla -63000l Phone +91-437-2420020, Fax,+gl-437-2442021 Toll fiee (lndia) 1300-343- t 300 1300+25-1809 e mail : [email protected] in, Websire. sw.so( dr n{ irnbrnt . !E coPorate lde fy Nuhber: L6st9lKLl929PLC0010l7 RXGIONALOFFICE, JALAKUDA AKPIn Clrri\r Colllgr Rnad Chny Narar hnjil ?h 0t30 232rt16, 2324216,. :[email protected] 16) The Authorised Officer has obtained EC / search report regarding property from 01.01.1985 to 27.01.2021 and it oontains Nil encumbrance l7)For any further information and for inspection of propefy, the Tenderers may contact the Authorised Officer, The South Indian Bank Ltd, gional Offic€, lrinjalakuda or The South Indian Bank Ltd., Nadavarambu Branch during working hours. .arU For ril: iH I r ilANrr_:D Date : 03 .02.2021 AUTHORISED Place: trinjalakuda (Assistatrt Getrera Manager) Copy to :- 1) HO Credit Recovery Department 2) Br. Nadavarambu Regd. Ofiie : SIA Hous, T.B Rmd. Mksion Q@ne6 Thn$ur, Kedl6 - 680001 Phone +91-487-2420020, Faxa9l -437,2442021 Toll free (India) I 300143-130O, I300425-l e-mail. sib{.ao€r@nbco h, web6 re CorDoBte ldenlity Numbq: L65l9lKLl929PLC00t0l7.
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