UN WOMEN Country Portfolio Evaluation EVALUATION REPORT UGANDA 2016-2020 Beneficiaries: Kalerwe Market Women's Sacco members reconciling the group savings after collection. Date of the report December 10, 2020 Version number of the report FINAL Cheikh FAYE (International consultant) Names of evaluators Harriet KIVUMBI (National consultant) Name of the Evaluation Manager Dan BAZIRA Name of the Regional Evaluation Specialist Casper MERKLE [email protected] Contact details for this report [email protected] a Acknowledgement. As a team of independent external evaluators, we express our sincere appreciation and thanks to all persons who participated in and contributed to this Country Portfolio Evaluation (CPE), for UN Women Uganda Country Office. We thank all staff members in country and field offices for contributing to the evaluation, the implementing partners including: civil society organizations, national and international NGOs, research and academia; Government of Uganda staff from the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, the Justice Law and Order Sector, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments; thank you very much. A special thanks to the Institute for Social Transformation who hosted us during the field visit, and the beneficiary women who ‘gave voice’ to this exercise. We thank the development partners, the donors for the generous contribution to the program and to the evaluation. Our Special thanks to: Ms. Rosa Malango, the UN Resident Coordinator; Dr Maxime Houinato, UN Women Country Representative and Adekemi Ndieli, UN Women Deputy Country Representative & Head of Programmes for joining in the CPE exercise and providing the much- needed strategic insights and guidance on advancing gender equality and women empowerment. Thank you very much. We have worked under the day to day supervision and guidance of Dan Bazira, the Country Office’s Programme Specialist for Planning, Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting; Caspar Merkle, Regional Evaluation Specialist, ESARO and Michael Francis Craft, UN Women Americas, Regional Evaluation Specialist, (Covering for Caspar Merkle). Your guidance and feedback enabled the process to be on track and in line with UNEG and UN Women Evaluation Standards. Thank you very much. This work would not have been realized without the logistics and coordination support of Job Lakal, Monitoring Evaluation Associate (our key operational focal point); Allen Ankunda (M&E and Communications Analyst), and Joan Babirye- Program Assistant, who worked as a team and supported us navigate the day to day needs during the field data collection. Collecting data during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, was enabled by your continued virtual backup and presence. We appreciate you for this generous support, assistance and your inputs and feedback to the early drafts of the report. During the field data collection exercise, we learnt that the Country Office lost Susan Akajo Oregede, the former team leader for the results area on ‘Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls’, we thank her for the inputs to the CPE process. May the team and her family be comforted. We thank you all. b Abbreviations and acronyms ACFODE Action for Development AIDS Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome Art. Article AWPs Annual Workplans BPfA Beijing Platform for Action C4D Communication for Development CARE- Uganda An International Global Health and Development Organization CBOs Community Based Organizations CEDAW Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women CERF Central Emergency Response Fund CO Country Office COTLA/CONATA The Conference of Traditional Leaders in Africa COVID-19 Corona Virus Disease of 2019 CPE Country Program Evaluation CRRF Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework CSA Climate smart agriculture CSBAG The Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group CSOs Civil Society Organizations CSWs Commercial Sex Workers DaO Delivers as One DDP District Development Plans DFID Department for International Development DLGs District Local Governments DOA Days of Activism DPC District Police Commanders DPP Directorate of Public Prosecutions DV Domestic Violence EC Electoral Commission EOC Equal Opportunities Commission EPRC Economic Policy Research Centre ESARO East and Southern Africa Regional Office EU The European Union EVAWG Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls F Female FAWE-U Foundation for African Women Educationist- Uganda c FGM Female Genital Mutilation FIDA-U Federation of International Lawyers, Uganda Chapter GBV Gender Based Violence GEC Gender and Equity Certificate GEEW Gender Equality Empowerment of Women GEWE Gender Equality and Women Empowerment GoU Government of Uganda GRB Gender Responsive Budgeting HACRO Humanitarian Action and Crisis Response Office HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HQ Headquarters HR Human Rights IASC Inter Agency Standing Committee IAWRT International Association of Women in Radio and Television ICASA International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa ICT Information Communication Technology ILO International Labor Organisation IOM International Organisation for Migration IP Implementing Partner (s) IPS Institute of Parliamentary Studies IST Institute for Social Transformation JCU Judicial Center for Uganda JLOS Justice, Law and Order Sector (JLOS) JUPSA The United Nations Joint Support Program on HIV/AIDS KCCA Kampala Capital City Authority KEEP Karamoja Economic Empowerment Program LC Local Council LEAP Leadership, Empowerment and Access to Protection services for refugee women and girls LG Local Government LGBTIs Lesbians Gay Bisexual Transgender Intersex LHIV Living with HIV LNoB Leaving No One Behind M Million M Male MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industries and Fisheries d MDAs Ministries Departments and Agencies MERP Monitoring, Evaluation and Research plan MGLSD/MoGLSD Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development MOES Ministry of Education and Sports MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development MOLG Ministry of Local Government MPs Members of Parliament NAP National Action Plan NAWOU National Association of Women Organizations in Uganda NDP National Development Plan NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NGP National Gender Policy No. Number NORCAP Norwegian Capacity NPA National Planning Authority NSI National Standard Indicator NSS National Statistical System OEC/DAC Overseas Economic Commission/Development Assistance Committee OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner Human Rights OMT Operations Management Team PFMA Public Finance Management Act PLWHIV Persons Living With HIV POM Programme and Operations Manual POS Point of Sale Machines PPDA Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority PSEA Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse PULIDAWO Luganda word that translates as: ‘Your Lawyer’ QCPR Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review RBM Result Based Management RCO UN Resident Coordinators Office RLP Refugee Law Project SACCOs Savings, Credit Cooperative Societies SASA A behavior change communication strategy using change agents SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SDSP Social Development Sector Plan e SGBV Sexual Gender Based Violence SIDA Swedish International Development Agency SOPs Standard Operating Procedures SRHR Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights SSDP Social Sector Development Plan TORS Terms of Reference TPO Transcultural Psychosocial Organization TV Television UAC The Uganda AIDS Commission UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics UBRAF UNAIDS Unified Budget Results and Accountability Framework UCE Uganda Certificate of Educations UDHS Uganda Demographic Health Survey UGX Uganda Shillings ULS Uganda Law Society UN United Nations UN Women United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women UNAC UN Area Coordination Committees UNAIDS The Joint UN Program on HIV and AIDS UNBoA UN Board of Auditors UNCT United Nations Country Team UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDP United Nations Development Program UNDS United Nations Development System UNEG United Nations Evaluation Group UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children Fund UNSCR United Nations Security Council Resolution UPF Uganda Police Force USAID United States Development Aid USD United States Dollar UWEP Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme UWONET Uganda Women Network UWOPA Uganda Women Parliamentary Association f VAC Violence Against Children VAWG Violence Against Women and Girls VSLAs Village Savings and Loan Associations WBE Women Business Enterprises WCC War Child Canada WEE Women’s Economic Empowerment WEP Women Empowerment Program WFD Women for Democracy WLHIV Women Living with HIV WPSHA Women Peace and Security and Humanitarian Action WSR Women’s Situation Room YLP Youth Livelihoods Program YWGLHIV Young Women and Girls Living With HIV g Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Background of the Strategic Note ............................................................................... 1 1.2. Budget (both Planned and Actual) ............................................................................... 1 1.3. Main activities, programmes and projects ................................................................... 3 1.4. Joint programming/joint programmes ......................................................................... 3 1.5.
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