The Herefordian 2014 T he Magazine of Hereford Cathedral School Page 2 The Herefordian | 2014 HCS Art Amy Magee The Herefordian | 2014 Page 3 Editorial Contents The greatest pleasure I derive from compiling the Headmaster’s Speech 5 school magazine is looking back on the previous Guest of Honour 7 academic year and being amazed by the number and Staff News 10 variety of events that have taken place as well as the Organist’s Report 12 many achievements of the pupils and staff. The school calendar, as vital as it is, merely contains a bland list of Music 15 termly dates; in the weekly staff Common Room Drama 18 meetings teachers simply announce that they are going School News 22 to run a trip or they report back briefly on an event. Trips 27 But, it is not until the full report and photographs are Sport 41 submitted to the Herefordian that we can all share in these marvelous experiences. CCF 68 OH News 74 There are so many highlights: Cantabile’s fantastic OH Travel 76 achievements, the superb art work from all year groups, Speech Day Prizes 79 overcoming the privations of Duke of Edinburgh U6 Leavers 80 4 expeditions, sporting achievements and the many trips. If I had to give a prize it would be to Mr Taylor for his 1 versification and the Movember Team for their 0 successful fundraising. Dr Rhodes’ Physics trip to Cover Artwork: 2 CERN, which looked out-of-this-world, comes a close Jason Li second with his unscientific use of ‘stair rods’ to l o describe the weather. o n h c a S Finally, I would like to express my personal thanks l i to Mrs Sue Connop for her considerable a r contribution to the Herefordian magazine over the d d years. Without fail, every year she has produced reports e h r covering a variety of sports: netball, equestrian events, t a athletics, Hull Cup and Sports Day. Her writing is an C o editor’s dream: lively and engaging and always d r peppered with smashed records and ‘PBs’. Her record f o keeping is exemplary: a past pupil’s name may appear in f e e her reports many years after they have left as a current r e r pupil breaks their previous record. When Mrs Connop H Hereford Cathedral School eventually retires from teaching she may wish to take Old Deanery f o The Cathedral Close e up a new career as a sports journalist! Hereford HR1 2NG Tel: 01432 363522 e n Fax: 01432 363525 i Clare Adamson H Email: [email protected] z Website: www.herefordcs.com a Editor The Herefordian g Editor: Clare Adamson a Email: [email protected] e M The Herefordian is printed on recycled e paper using vegetable-based inks. h h Design: Graphics Shack Ltd - 01594 840565 T Print: Allpay Ltd - 0844 557 8325 T Page 4 The Herefordian | 2014 Hereford Cathedral School thE GovERninG body lEaRninG suPPoRt PE & GamEs President: The Very Rev’d M Tavinor, Dean of Miss L R Stevens BA Mr R P Skyrme BSc Director of Games Hereford, MA, MMus Mrs O C Boon BA, DipSpLD Miss S Bushnell BSc Head of Girls’ Games Chairman: Mr R. Haydn Jones BSc MRICS Mrs L.A. Foster BSc Head of Academic PE Mr C D Hitchiner LLB, ACIS mathEmatics Miss P A Blandford BSc Mrs D Bradshaw MA Mr M Taylor BSc, ARCM Mr C R Potter FCCA Mrs S P Connop MA Mr R J Croot BSc Miss C L Keegan BSc Prof E Ellis MA, PhD Mr J A Griffith BPhil (Ed) Lady Mynors BA, Cert Ed Mrs R M Lavender BEng Mr H T Windsor BSc Mrs V Oliver-Davies JP Mrs J Pattison BA Coaches: Mr P J Andrews MA Mr J M Priday BSc Mr A Chung Mr A Teale BSc, PGCE Mr R C Alcock BSc Rowing Coach Ms K Skerrett BA, Dip Law, BVC Mr A H Connop BSc Mr W Hanks BDS Lond modERn lanGuaGEs Clerk to the Governors: Mr R Pizii MA, BSc Mrs N J Teale BA Mr G Griffiths Mrs O C Boon BA, DipSpLD Mr M W Hazleton thE tEachinG staFF Miss L E Hargrove BA Mr I E Johnson Headmaster: Mr P A Smith BSc Mrs R S Hunter BA Mrs S M Lyons Rowing Coach Deputy Head: Mr B G Blyth BA Mrs F L Page BA Academic Deputy: Mr J P Stanley BA, MBA Mrs J C Taylor BA (Head of Spanish) REliGious studiEs Head of Sixth Form: Mr J R Terry BSc Mrs A E D Locke MA music Assistant Director of Studies: Mr R J Croot BSc Rev P A Row MA, CF(V) Senior Teacher: Mr J B Petrie BA Director of Music: Director of Finance: Mr R Pizii MA, BSc Mr D R Evans MA, GBSM. Chaplain: Rev’d P A Row MA, CF(V) Head of Academic Music: sciEncEs Mrs M J Cuthbert BMus Biology: aRt Cathedral Organist: Mrs E Segalini-Bower MSc Mr C A Wilkes BA Mr G R L Bowen MA, MusB, FRCO Miss S M Duignan BMedSc Mrs M Ball BA, HDip., AD, ATD Assistant Cathedral Organist: Mrs I K Whitmore BSc Mrs J Bellis BA History of Art Mr P Dyke MA, FRCO, ARSCM Ms A C Jasieniecka BA Academic Musician: Chemistry: Mrs A C Ruleman BA, MA Art Technician Mr A W Semple BA, PGCE Mrs A J Burdett MSc Head of Science Instrumental Staff: classics Mr G A Smith BSc Mr G Adams FLCM, LTCL oboe Mrs H M Wall BSc Miss E P Sage BA Mrs S Aston ARCM violin & viola Mrs S G N De Souza BA Mrs C L Bowen MA, LRAM voice Mr J.P. Stanley BA, MBA Physics: Mr G R L Bowen MA, MusB, FRCO organ Dr S J B Rhodes BEng, PhD dEsiGn & tEchnoloGy Mrs R Davies BMus piano Mrs H Davis LRAM violin Mrs A Coda-Hancorn BSc Mr C J Howells BA Dr C L Jones PhD Mr A D Howell BSc Mr P Dyke MA, FRCO, ARSCM organ & piano Technology Technician: Mr S Essenhigh AGSM trumpet Mr R K Pillai BSc Mr M P de la Torre BA Mr D Etheridge double bass, technology Dr C A Fisher BA, ARCM recorder Laboratory Technicians: dRama Mrs K A Fisher BA, ARSCM violin, piano & Mrs J A Hart BSc Ms L D A Zammit BEd recorder Mrs C Morris BSc Mr N Gethin MA, LRAM ’cello, double bass Mrs S M Bauress BSc Economics Mrs R Griffiths BA, LGSM clarinet Mr M R Jackson BA (Econ) Mrs H. Hammond ’cello caREERs advisoR Mr M P Jackson BA (Econ) Ms S Heins DipTCL violin & viola Mrs M McCumisky BA, PGCE, MFL, PCPS Mrs J Hiles ABSM, LRAM percussion EnGlish Mrs K Hill GTCL, LTCL piano Mr J B Petrie BA Mrs C Howell GRSM, LRAM piano combinEd cadEt FoRcE oFFicE Mr J J Crowhurst BA Mrs K. Jones guitar Adjutant (SSI): Captain G Smith Mrs J A Curry MA Mr M Lane, BA, FRCO, LTCL piano Mrs A F Mynors MA Miss E Lawrence GRSM, ARCM, LRAM, ARCO flute Examinations oFFicER Mrs M R Wooderson BEd & piano Mrs C J Notley Mr J Madden accompanist GEoGRaPhy Mrs C Morgan MA, BMus, LRSM, LTCL, ALCM ict Mrs R M Floyd BSc piano Mr B Blyth BA Mrs E M Roberts, Systems manager Mr P M Hyde BSc Mr F O’Neil BA, LTCL saxophone & recorder Mr P W Jones Technician Mr J R Terry BSc Mr R G N Rhodes MA early music Ms L Richardson BA, PGCE guitar libRaRians histoRy Mr I Russell horn & trombone Mrs R E Ayers-Nelson MA, MCLIP Mr A W Semple BA, PGCE, Cert RCO academic Mr P A Wright BA Ms C Adamson BA, MCLIP Mrs J F Bellis BA music & piano Mr H James BA Mrs K Soulsby ARCM bassoon Mr M Taylor BSc, ARCM tuba thE studEnts JunioR ict Mr G Thomas MA brass Head of School: Mr M P Jackson BA Mrs A Wessel LGSM flute Serena Linley-Adams Mr B G Blyth BA Mrs J Williamson GBSM voice Deputy Heads of School: Mr H T Windsor BSc Music Administrator: Mrs E Portman-Lewis BA Alfie Oliver-Davies and Matthew Welch The Herefordian | 2014 Page 5 Headmaster’s Address Speech Day July 2014 Our President Mr Dean, However, as ‘excellent’ as Mr Maguire, Chairman, we may have been Governors, Ladies and judged to be, that Gentlemen, and pupils of certainly does not mean we are ‘perfect’. Hereford Cathedral School. Neither are We complacent, as there We haVe enjoYed a hUgelY is alWaYs more that can be done! sUccessfUl Year, one in Which We can all look back With a sense of Good schools eXcel, at What theY pride and achieVement. Last Year, I do, in a consistent manner and their qUoted from the draft Version of the achieVements do not happen bY Good Schools Guide, and the final chance, bUt rather as the resUlt of Version has noW been pUblished highlY reflectiVe, carefUllY planned strategies. I read recentlY that ‘at its and is to be foUnd on oUr neW beating heart the eXcellent school is Website. I trUst YoU Will agree, that a place Where people care more the Good Schools Guide appears than others think Wise, risk more to captUre the VerY essence of What than others think safe, dream more We are, and What We seek to than others think is practical, and achieVe as a caring, nUrtUring and eXpect more than others think is forWard thinking school.
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