LEWIS INSTITUTE BU LLETIN ALU M NI NU M B ER C HIC AGO ULY 1 0 8 , J , 9 T n n t able of C o te s. HE A A E MY E E ME 1 T C D COMM NC NT, 908 TH E LLE E ME E ME T 1 0 CO G COM NC N , 9 8 CLASS ME E TI NGS ; GOV E RNOR WI LLS ON E T RE A D PE AKE R 1 07—1 08 L C U RS N S S , 9 9 I . A L MR . B ON J RNO D ’ E I 1 THE OLD STUDE NTS R UN ON , 908 RE GI STE R OF OLD STUDE NTS . NE CROLOGY Th A d m C mm m e c a e o enc e ent 1908 . y , The Academy Commencement occurred on the evening of June 24 . The P f G E Vi address was delivered by ro essor eorge dgar ncent , A Ph . D . D n F L S , ea of the aculty of rts , iterature , and cience , of the “ T e U C . h P niversity of hicago address , which was entitled laying G h h the ame , was full of sane counsel , and struck a manly note w ic was inspiring to all the young graduates . The A C n -two cademy ertificate was granted to inety students , of - Th h . e w om two thirds were boys list of graduates follows . ACADEMY CERTIFICATE Arthur William Abbott Walter Golden Walter Alexan der Thomas Lloyd Haines Edward Alexander Helen Adelaide Hannan Harry Arthur Atwater Hazel Dean Hapeman Malcolm Bacon Nancy Harris Harold De Villo Christopher Fanchon Helen Hathaway Bann ister Claude Sprague Healy Robert Bauerle Herbert Hedman Clarence Scott Bickn ell Edith Adelia Hewett Main Rosseau Bocher George Hildebrandt Frank Harold Booth Katherine Marion Holden Florence Carolin e Brett Clara Louise Hood Howard Fletcher Burn s Mildred E stelle Hooper David Thomas Hugh Campbell Dun das Hun ter Charles Anthony Coda Victor Lee Huszagh Richard Corrin Inger Amala Jacobsen ‘ Martha Emmeline Cox Jennie Charlotte Jacobsen Doris Alice Davey Ethel Grace Jon es Rhoda Ellen Dick Charles B ohumel Kazda Jacob Crawford Donaldson Arthur Kemn itz Victor Dorzeski Arthur Kimbell Fred David Dunn Edward Klamt Warren Brooks Eldred Chester Warren Kniffen Frank Feely Sophie Loed in g Ignac Stanislaus Filip William Lorenzen 3 4 E W S ST TUTE BU E T L I IN I LL IN . Elsie Brown Lorin g John Lauren ce Robin son George Hughes Merriell Helen Roth Ralph Wh elan Merrill Emerson Colby Russell Maurice Moste Helen Sailor Win ifred Murdock John San ds Marie Nag" Victor E mil Sch aed el Arthur Randolph Nelson Fred Bismark Schafer Robert Theodore Nickelson Frank Chambers Skiles ’ Janet O B rien Richard Irving Stearns Oscar William Olson Milton Washington Stein Harold Peterson Lloyd Gilbert Street Cornelia Pierce Roy Arthur Hull Thompson Edmund Pin c offs Erwin Bateman Timberlake Earl Warren Powers Robert Virgil Titus Dumas Eugen e Puster Helen May Ullerick John Harold Fuster Philip Waldman Clara Elizabeth Quayle William Albert White John E dward Reger Clarence Hen ry Wieneke Max Carl Reich Paul Wilder Hen ry Rein in ga Dwight Emw rest Wyre James Arthur Reisenh us Wal ter Zitzewitz Don ald Harrison Barnett Riley C mm c m The olle e o en e ent 1908 . C g , The A i 25 h h cadem c year of the Institute closed on June , w en t e degree of Mechanical Engineer w as conferred upon nineteen candi Oi A A n - dates , the title ssociate in rts upon twe ty two , and the title i of Associate in Domestic Economy upon n ne . The order of exer ll cises fo ows . E X ORD R OF E ERCISES . T . I . he Procession — TH E R HE A PROCE SSI ONAL O C STR . Th n . II . e Invocatio TH E RE VE RE ND WI LLI AM OH N LI B B E T N D D R O . J , ” T i n : III . h ne is the Ki gdom TH E LE E G CLUB S . The n . IV . Fi als in Public Speaking THE NE w BASI S OF CI VI LI ZATI N * O . The in B R s . G W M asis esource eorge illiam uench . Th e A B F L e . T S asis in amily if lice itsworth herfy . The . B S C . A n R C asis in ocial lasses rthur Joh amage urtis . The Basis in Social Con sciousness n Martha Isabella Cun ingham . Th A e B . F n N . asis in musement rank Joh ovak , Jr The An ll B . L W asis in aura gela i iams . The Basis in Social Con trol i n Joseph Nathan el Swa son . The Outlook . Hugh McClurg Reid . V . O F B n to the ield a llard . ’ TH E ME N S GLE E CLUB . The f n T . VI . Con erri g of itles Th VII . e Goblins Whither ? ” ’ TH E GI R L GLE C U S E L B . The nf i VIII . C D o err ng of egrees . “ I X . The I S E nstitute ong , studiantina Lewisian a . TH E CH ORUS AND TH E AUDI E NCE . The Recessional . * S u ested b the olume beari n this title b P fe r Sim on Nel n P a t en g g y v g , y ro sso so t . 5 E S ST T TE E T 6 L WI IN I U BULL IN . AT CANDIDATES FOR THE TITLE OF ASSOCI E IN ARTS . i n B r ck o v . Al l wo d . F N bert Wi liam , Jr rank Joh o ak , Jr Blaine Jackson B rickw ood Carl Alfred Nowak Fann ie Amanda Butcher Eugenia Palmer Edith Gertrude Coon ley Helen Pierce Martha Isabella Cunningham Hugh Mc Clurg Reid Arthur John Ramage Curtis Gertrude Schofield Grace Perle Holden Mildred Alice S cott Irene Jenn ie Hubbell Mary Etta Shafer E dith Kammerlin g Amy Shurick E dn a Adelaide Kubitz Joseph Nathaniel Swan son Elsie Elizabeth Mauritzon Theodore Szmergalski CANDIDATES FOR THE TITLE OF ASSOCIATE DOMESTIC ECONOMY . Mabel Clara Ben tley Alice Titsworth Sherfy Grace Gordon Hood Mildred E velyn Stavers Ethel Iren e La Due Laura An gela Williams Maud May Lyons Zoe Wolcott Mabelle Catherin e Schueler CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MECHANICAL ENGINEER . Charles Webster Adams Thesis : The Relation between B all I mpact Tests and the Chemical an d Physi cal P roper ties of S teel Rails Ernest Frederick Bergman n Thesis : E con omy and Regulation of a Gas E n gin e David Cohn Thesis : The Effect of Tempera tur e Chan ges on Electrical M easur i n g I n strumen ts Albert Lewis Dieckman Thesis with Ern est Frederick Bergmann John Patrick Hall Thesis : The Efiect of Cond en sers on the Oper ation of a Gas E n gin e with Jump S park I gn ition Jesse Herbert Libberton Thesis : ‘ The Calibration of Vari ous Forms of the Pitot Tube UMN UMBE R AL I N . Thomas Herbert Libbey Thesis with Jesse Herbert Lib berton Frank Leslie McDan iels Thesis with John Patrick Hall . Edward Jasper Morgan Thesis with Charles Webster Adams George William Muench Thesis : The Effect of Low Tem per ature on the I llumin atin g P ower of I lluminating Gas James Aloysius Rafferty Thesis with George William Muen ch David Skooglun d Thesis : Con struction of a Rotary Con vertor Edward Ambrose Smith Thesis with David Cohn Porter Edwards Stone Thesis : The S tud y of the Holding P ower of Commercial Glues Elmer Moore Summerhays Thesis : Tests of Commer cial Heli cal Sprin gs Grover Sikes Thesis with David Skooglun d . : Roy S . Thompson Thesis The Design an d Con struction of an Experimen tal Gas E ngin e Richard Henry Wh itehead Thesis : Test of Econ omy of a - i - e 10 K . W. Steam Turb n e G n crator Un it William John Wolf Thesis with Richard Henry Whitehead a M i Wi C l s s eet ngs ; G ov ernor ll son . All the graduating classes of 1908 were addressed on the morn n 16 G A E W l n K n ing of Ju e by overnor ugustus verett i lso of e tucky . The distinguished speaker impressed the classes deeply by his earnestn ess and sympathy . He made them feel that effort is An d worth while . when he assured them that he had hi mself f n n never su fered from a half hour of ge ui e blues , he was greeted i with applause wh ch came from the heart . The A n 2 cademy Class held its exercises on the evening of Ju e 3 . h i A n T e . class g ft was presented by the President , Walter lexa der The D M history was read by wight Wyre , the prophecy by alcom n h n . T Baco . T e song was wr itten by Cor elia Pierce hose members of the class who were members of the Academy Dramatic Club ’ “ M C n The T G f presented argaret amero s comedy , eeth of the i t ” T Horse . he Vice President of the class is Helen Sailor ; the Sec retary is Marie Nagl the Treasurer is Arthur Abbott ; the Perma — nen t Secretary is Lloyd Haines ; the Sergeant-at Arms is Arthur l Kimbe l .
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