-tf - TE1 R ,4,1- • ,».• Visaed Weekly. Entered u gHOnd-Class Usttet st tie Pot* VOLUME L, NO. 1; ofBae e< Red Bank. N. J. fwoei the Ait ef Harsh a. lilt. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE .29,1927. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 PRIZE FOR RED BANK EIKS; BRIDGE WORKER HURT. NEW HOME FOR KNIGHTS. WESTSIDE'S ANNUAL FAIR Sllver Cup Won for Beit Appear- IBD BANK WOMAN'S WILL. GIRL HURT AT PICNIC. verhead Truss Knocked Robert MIX-UP ABOUT A ROAD. ENDS HIS LIFE WITH GUN. 1 —> V \j ing Lodge in Parade. Mulligan Unconscious. *^ RIVERSIDE AVENUE HOUSE FESTIVE EVENT, UNDER WAY MRS. RUTH HOWARD LEAVES ACCIDENT MARS RED BANK PROBLEM FOR MIDDLETOWN BODY OF THOMAS ARCCER, JR.,v Red Bank lodge of Elks got An overhead truss weighing BEING REMODELED. ON CORNER PROPERTY. ESTATE TO SISTER. SUNDAY-SCHOOL PARTY. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEEMEN. FOUND IN CAR. double honors at the . annual re- bout 400 pounds on the Newman Knights of Columbui Spending It Began SaturdaTNIght and it Will union at Long Branch last week.' Little Silver' Woman Bequeaths Nancy Ivins, Nine Years Old, iprings bridge became dislodged Twenty-Five Foot Strip of Land Tragedy Took Place Last Thursday 130,000 on Alterations—A Big Continue for at Laait a Week— The lodge won the silver cup of- Her. Estate to Four Nieces—Lone Daughter of • Ellwood B. Ivins, 1st Thursday and fell from the ton Was Dedicated to the Township Near Pine Brook—Archer Killed Addition to t>. Built Which Will Lost Latter Contest One of the fered 'by the Garfleld-Grant hotel Branch Man- Makes Cash Re- Was Hit by Auto While Crossing the bridge. Its descent was arrest- -. as a Road, But Committee is Now Himself With a Shotgun—Dog Overlook the River, Big Attractions. for the best appearance in the par- quests—Other Wills Probated. Road at Belvedere Beach. d somewhat by several cross pieces Asked to Give it Back. Kept Watch Over Body. Alterations casting About 530,000 , The annual fair of Westalde fire ado arid Peter J. Elchcle, part ex- Mrs. Ruth t. Howard of Wallace The annual outing of the Red vhich it struck. Robert Mulligan The Middletown township com- Thomas Archer, Jr., of Ncptun« arc being made,.to tho Knights ot company of Red Bank began Satur- alted'ruler of the lodge, was elected street, Red Bank, widow of Thomas Bank Sunday-schools last Thursday if Monmouth street, who is, em- mittee spent most of the time at City, aged 36 yen™, a veteran of Columbus homo on Riverside ave- day and it will contlhuefor at least vicei ' presideni t of thh e central dis- Howard, mado her .will tho second at Belvedere Beach, near Keanaburg, loyed by the Schenck S. Thompson their meeting last Thursday night the world war, was found dead in nue. An addition of hollow tllo'and a week. Tho fair may last two trict. Red Bank had about 120 day of this month. Her husband had was marred with an accident when pany; was working on the bridge considering an ordinance to vacate his automobile last Thursday night stucco, 47x00 foot, Is bolng, built on weeks. It la being held to meet the men in line for the parade. About lied about six months ago. Mrs. Nancy Ivins, nine years old, daugh- lirec'tly below tho truss when it a piece of road 25 feet wide and on the road leading from Tlnton the east side, of the house, overlook- general running expenses of the 25 members of the Rod Bank cav- Ioward left all . her property of ter of Ellwood B. Ivins of Washing- . The truss struck him a glanc- 1,000-feet Tbng in front of the El-Fulls to Pino Broqk. He had killed Ing the river.' The now part .will be company; Tho fair grounds are at alry, troop were dressed as Indians every kind to her sister, Angelinc ton street, was_hit by an automobile blow on the head and he was mer E. Runyon property near Leon- himself with n shotgun, tho muzzle- used.as a lodge roam and for enter- the corner of Shrewsbury avenue with war paint nnd everything and Marcellus of Fair Haven. This sis- driven by Dennis M. Slattery of :nocked unconscious. He was tak-ardo. Action on the matter was of which was against his chest, with tainments and other social func- and the Newman Springs road, on they rode horses. The second de- ter is BIBO made guardian of Mrs. Ideal Beach. n to n doctor's office, where he was postponed until Thursday night, the butt resting on the floor of the , tions, A stage will be built at orro landj owned- by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- gree team members were drenacd Howard's daughter Dorothy until The accident happened in front of Hi; July 14th. ear. evived with restoratives. end of the addition. llamBroy. as pirates. The main part of Rod Dorothy roaches full ago, and she a pavilion at the beach. Mr. and lie The strip of road is in effect ad- The tragedy v/na discovered by ' Bank's delegation wore blue coats, ot seriously injured and There will be no changes to the The principal feature of the fair is the executrix of the will. The Mrs. Ivins were sitting at a table in iack at work Saturday. The pros- ditional .width for the county road, George Warden of Eatontown, who i white trousers, straw hats and car- front of tho house facing on River;. Is known as the missing letter con- witnesses were Laura A. Johnson of the pavilion. Mr. Ivins gave Nancy nt bridge at Newman Springs will although legally it is not part of the woa passing by ..in his automobile, ,' ried * canes with banners bearing ; Bide.avenue, but the interior of,the test,.' The firemen have arranged Wallace street and S. Morris Bor- a quarter for tickets on the merry- ic replaced with a new one, and th<:county road but is a township road. A hound dog in the oar would not the name and number of the lodge. house will be completely remodeled. with most of the storekeepers of Red den of Little Silver. go-round. Tho girl started to cross chenck S. Thompson company U The county road is paved. let Warden get near the body. Tho , JCrescent~band-flf—Eatontow.r_fur* —Miss-Elisabeth-Mullinor-of-iittli ItilllrillbllHd -Bank^to—have-cai-ds—with—certain -the-rond and was- only.a. fow- feet building ,ik__ •_._. _ ., Mr.-Kunyon. .died, very unexnect- dp.E. madciievejaL_iittcmpts_to .iiltaj nished music for the Red Bankers. Silver died some time ago but- her room, women's card room and re- letters on them given to customers from the opposite side of the rood ly about two weeks ago at Eliza- Warden. The county authorities Walter B. Connor was chairman of will was not probated untU last ception room, In the basement will at the stores. A word with certain when she was hit by the car. The SCRAP FOR ASSESSOR. beth, where he was engaged in the were notifipd and William S. Mui- the Red Bank parade committee. week. She was a daughter, of Capt be two bowling alloys and shower letters missing Is displayed each machine was going slow and stopped nursery business. A day or two be-toe was assigned to the case. Thi g y Mulliner ofj/ittle Silver. Miss Mul- Atlantic Township Republicans Put bth Wh ltd th h night on a large banner on thi fair within n short distance,. The car -foro. his -death- ho mailed-on affi- full charge of-shot ontered-ATi:h«r*i —bRthJi. Whon^ completed the home liher~ 6rdefcd~ that her niece, Ethel grounds. Anyono wno can tine "Of? - FIR^SERVICETESTED. did not run over the girl. When the Up a Candidate for the Job. davit to Howard W. Koberts clerk body, and thero wero powder burns will rank with the best of Ittpklnf M. Errickson, daughter of Miss Mul- letters on his or her c>rd and fit car stopped one wheel was pressing Atlantic township voters to the of Middletown township. In this' on his hands. A loaded Bholl was In the state, Charles R. Davlson of A Satisfactory Condition of Affaire liner's sister, Mrs. Mary Sarles, bo trsv. |n the partially completed against her back and she was hold- lumber of 37 cast ballots at tho affidavit Mr. Eunyon stilted that a | on the scat of the car and two more Keyport has the contract for tho at Rivor Plaza. paid a fair and just compensation word on the tanner in such a way ing on the front bumper with her rimary election last week. Twen- mistake had been made in the map i shells were in tho man's coat pock- general construction work, Vincent for her care of her aunt and for as to form a word will receive a That River Plaza has ample- ft>( hand. She had been dragged scv y-six Republican votes and eleven of his property. The map, which lets. When the body was found tho J.^Eck Is tho architect, Thomas all services to her. Ono thousand prize of a 100-picce dinner "set. protection was demonstrated las oral feet, but by holding on thi Democratic votes were cast. A was accepted by the township com-1 man's head was resting on the dog's Cleary is doing the plumbing work, week by a test made by Middletown dollars each was left to three other bumper she probably saved her life and Carl Clark tho electrical work; Dancing on an,' outdoor platform, ownship assessor is to be elected mitttNi several years ago, dedicated body.
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