r GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO ! ! THE WOOD BRIDGE LEADER Per Copy AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOpDBRIDGE TOWNSHIP Woodbridj*, N. J., Friday Afternoon, April W, 1929 t)Feserfl£ 'Cert, U. Ocfhtti*s"mflKterpiV(^ Mhri in the Wflifcl1 at Hie St. IRDS Thinks Rutgers Prof. ??!! ne« ^huTdfty "vniniSr. M»y *"<1. TIIOHC who hav,. not sonirrd the necessary pasteboards AIT nd- at the box oflki} early, as advance sales of ticket* indicate- ;» CJIpacity houso. BIG CROWD IS !IG HIT WITH M«urice A. Blake, of the Department of Horticul- ture at ilutgern University wii; EXPECTED AT LARGE CROWDS •ounrt a -rarntnq tit gardener) .n a, tiul:, adu>n [omorr^v afternoon, urging; thi-m ,to »•'- FACULTY PLAY ntertaining Fun-Fest Staged Miye ol -u dr..- ,u'iin'<-r which is certain to ot'nr "Seven Keys to Baldptte" to by Woman's Glut Ir.-fp.r nn' It mny ic In be Presented Tonight and Fords Fire Co. be the fourth of a series nf on' agrlwilturai mihjects Tomorrow Night .' '• . 4- "t'owk-Ffollca^, wiia presented Tuesday and over Station WOK. •'. •"lviiiii'k'..jial»,_tki <lrkf(i r«r - ,, thiy cvanlnRg' in the auditty- "Exeemionally t raq u « n t • irii Kt>)« To Bttl(1|i,,l* ", the rains have pecuvrod the two ,,r Kurds SchooVNo 14,* under li;i!iiiii Avenur Hitli School In;- previous summers'of 19^7 and pluy. to be stniw-d tonight ,l; pic'i-H of the Fords t[ti Qom- VMS, and the prem-nt month of miirniw night, Imllriiicn a re<- ;ni,l the FT>rdB Woman's Ghib. April, v^92!)p j,an \mn notable iffi.-1i.-tj-. No «fats have b^en \\ liiiccn hundred people^Vlt- loi the number- of cloudy ninl U aiyl imlroris are tulvlned'tu ,i ih< pci-ftirmajTCefl, the second min,v daya," he said. "Thlk i-iirly lo m^urc thc'Vtit seuls, niayntend to establish a false ri'lu-arHBlit of pfciyrrg- and! 1,1,-h' was neceBsary to acoem- confidence that- a plant onfe iiiindH were held yi'Btordtty 1 i,- the large number who Were placet in 'the. Boil rmnilreH no • iiixl rendition .,1s promised. further attention. Two abnor- liraci'^riiiber1, who in coach- I, in tiPt Into the crowded hu- 1 rint mi the first tlight., Arnold mally miolst su-mim-rn have .oc- i loi uiiuu't, IIHH entablislmi curred In thr I l-'.iiHt. A dry on'in - ajnatejir theatricals eoti'd the ^hqw. Hane] hl:.'"i summer l» ci-rlaln to, oeniV 1 hjy» anirtBfed In Hie. statm.- •awn wn« tjje-^accompa- sooner or latrr ami It may h«- i'irf\H "ittvwi'Tjy• tii'tj x/oiijttn'i!""*"" in 1921" • Junior Woman's Club. Chapior of tin- Order of lii si net wan a'. ahoH Bklt In The Apierlrau I.KKIWI, the • ,,wnshi|i Cummitteeman Ben -i.'i' ('lull und Bfyt-ral churt-h-- -Un'tnl. Conimltteeman Jen-a FUNERAL FOR ;ii ions. , il the part of a Lord mast-] oiinniliti'i's In charge p! tho u nsMi garbage man to win it1 as follows:- i nr his Indy love, played by VICTIM OF HIT- niaiuiwiH, M. II. Suundors, m-viivo Ryan. Her' parents, ILIHIUI, (Howard Madison), riii-s, Allla Van Sljkc s Doughnut ( tOjadys Rod< Mary limit)'. ihji-ct HtrBhuounljr'-to "their RUNJ)RIVER manager, S, K, kumu, L. p. Hoiaot^ attorney, played by "Tax df Avenel Man, Neck Ciii|ientry, J. M. McKlro/, C. Albert Lar»< t'tiblicity, JiuU> Erb. liluT of tbe cast on High- Tb« niunilwrs of the caul ar»: A. ( Kiirl Dollttl f l 'l't to liulil: I-'] Cirity, Margaret Dalton, TIIIHHHH Iiri'iiniin, .hinics )ln rflv, U, Nelson. Miss Martha Morrow, A. i il hy Ralph Sullivan iind Palsy Pelllureno. C. Kerry, D. A. Wwtcott, MISB. Vera id ini'lr parts.well, the au- Seated, left to rlsiht: MarKat'H Oerlty, John Helen Dnllon, Amhtw The.funeral of Htephen Matyas, Btln'i ('aiiiplini, Ellin Cnniplon. AlUhesky, James Brttln; 'Miss Vertm ciiiK keirt lB"e»(Hi' humor by McL'lroy, Miss Florence Cowlns; E. winy lines and. the clever por- 5S, who was kllleil by a hit and run J. Dougherty, S. fe. Werlovk, H. 'E. driver at the Intersection of Green White, E. J. RdblDBon, L. C. Holdeu, !•-• . ' • Deadlinsadline Jar. Filing iflnrt'f Fm*ffPt fn Father of Four Who in- Frollcera",' a dairce mrnrber BtFtTet afld Amboy avenW TSHI "STU ri" T l0 Third Ward M. -R. Kaundera, „ ,| hy Miss Eleanor Olsen, was day evening, was held from the.la.te Primary Candidates \}f* \ "«« ' Deserted Family Found Al nitter's orchestra will furnish n-ei-ivi'd. Those tailing part ,muslc for danclns in the gym niter Cynthia Ahdjersori, Bdltti -Morrlwiey avenue, Petitions Announced by Woodbridge PoKce both perfoftnancen., gilbert, Janet 011- yesterday morning. Services were Set Clocks Ahead Improvements Ferbel, Vivian Warren, held in the Churcli of Our Lady of "The deadline for fllitiK peti- •» Matht'w l'ocPa),r46i father of four Sullivan, and HunBary, In Perth Ainhoy. nev. Fr. tions for all Townsh4p candi- children, was released after furnish Being Planned F'TAKES lJi-satnyik. HoryatHth h ofllctatedffiitd . IInterment t wan dates to be voted on at the Tomorrow Night inu $500 bail lor tils appearance on CAsfl ^EWELRY lliiirt act was 14 *- lU'iuuu'iL. filiation, Juno lHtlv i .1.7. ^T , j^liijfc 8th., wtii-n arraigned in police |h 1><-Hk Sergeant Jack Egan of ,Tli!r exact way in which Matyas lias been set for niidnlght, May The annual cerlmony of scttlni; Ifturt here yesterday morning, on a, Two improve^, „„,,„„„« wf, 2 :Jrci., while candidates for Township Police Department was Killed Is not known. Officer R. f^" the clocks In tho housij ahead desertion charse. «P*cnal was ar-l be introduced at tlin np\t meeting of ill a daytime bi«Wk at the (In- part of a "cop". Wayne Simonsen, who wa^on duty In the county offices must file four e te<5d in Fianklin Furnace, N. J., iju, Township Committi-e. Township I home" of HJrs, Lfan. 1 days earlier, not lat(*r~tliun mid- one hour will be observed in nearly •• * ^ e Pastark, of E ,».-* "iTsfcBy", completed preeh street Waffle booth, «wtr th« : ; Friday. li'uin. They were Jeompelled to body lyirtg In the road opposite the nisht. May 18th., according to home in the Township tonior-. ......r •Traffic" Se^etnt Ben" .pl!r4l lh1;lneer Merrili-and TiiwtiKh'p At-tMreet, Port, fteiding Wm. S. Hlilter, County Clerk. ro«w nl^t.i. Those-'tho forget— and feona, mqde the ari'estT .'. I lorney U^ln havliiR br-n authorlted Et"^w o«,i.?fi _?*jLf*!woman's wriBt Imviral encoris. tiooth. He Immediately'stbpped all »U' ,i.»tm, Valued Ets^Jfi; a man's slg- ilus rredinori", banloist and traffic and examined J*ll "the cars Candidates for county UWOIB there are always a. IHW-T^will liud i- Kofal ppolice received 'a tip that to prepare plans and estimates al |net rliij$ valued a»i*18 and a child's h;i|iiro, vlolinlBt, t;ave a pleas- about the croSsinn for marks, but are required to have. 100 sign- th'emselves an hotfrJate. fur church the man .was working »in a small the meeting ot the Committee Mon- ruby 1 lmpurBonailon- of two clowns.(was unable to find any. '.if"is" " ers, regardless of the po|iulu- 8\|nday' morning-. ^ itown only u few ihll^s from the pantomime was most amusing j lleved that the victim stepped off tion of their own municipali- fctatt! line in lSoi'tl»ei h. Jertiey. the ties. Candidates for municipal ty^*" g 'fipv!tig'<A?iinSprt e will aactu- infaimant said he T)ettevecl th Joseph I,. GUI In- their musical-, numbers 'Welljthe curb into the side of a passing ally go into : effect|tluouKhuut the car Offices are required to have was work.lhK-in a zftic iiiilipiilr . troMtf8Wifcjn*ii«re, to provide u rid. I - state at 2'0'ctocf't 'jt ^ morning, sanitary sewer1 f6n Douglas street, Funeral for last act oil' 'the first halOoft Coroner E. K. Haeson examined, fifty signers if the population The complainant in the case Train schedul railroads u Avenel. The line, which will con- •"Ki'aiu was '» dialogue by Al- the body^ and pronounced dpath us of the community is more than : Schiavo, Ovemeer of tliq 16.P0Q and twenty-five ^signet* wnf be ^ me hour and'ii_, r. Mrs. l'ocsiii will In a witness nect'wlth the Rahwuy Vulley Trunk l'uttTson,' Vho played the 4ue,a broken.neck, Hu gfc ,per- 1 William B,Krug If,' th£ ; population; is less than , tialn erenS 'wi their tlrae-jf,^. the Township. Sewer, will eft(ibll» the Township to g iiiun and frej p)rtn> the mission for fo*ramoyul ot thev^ody Diicea- ae,t..fur, in Standard •! i sewep. .the Hllusiens-U•••••-> tool* peopl-^-e to thi. urelnir^Funerttl * HQiiie oti that ngtire. ' _,._ |ht many Ia\i#h««-J''- - h Ore'en street, whtre It, v^e liuld for Thfe • i Few , qhjjngea have been made In "* •lust lmir o( til* program was ldentlflcatlou. A • tentative agreement has been tlriW-tiibles affecting Woodbrkise, so 40 Contractors lnade through the efforts of Town- ul show. It wus run off Identification ot the body was j far as could be learned tills morn*' 1- High School ship Engineer Merrill with Karltnn lit a "iii'u , , t-very muHfcal made by a brother, Michael of Perth 1 ing.
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