LEGISLATIV~ L[!~PARY, COMP. 77/78. PARI,IAMEN'L'i+iJILD£N3S' . • , , • .t ;. ' VIO~ORTA, B.C., . #hi. , . Clark " ,,aflcels..fall%. -1X4 . .const' • tutl,onaltalks• OTTAWA (CP) .-- Prime but there are other methods promises and call a federal. Exact timing of the confer- of'.a constitutional con. Mimster Clark does not plan' of dealing with that issue." provincial economic con.~ enceis uncertain but is to be, ference, "he'.ll listen 'to ef constitutional conference tional unity issue which had before the Quebec by cooperating with the a .federal-provincial con- " PregressiveConservativ.es ference before year's end. discussed when' the inner them," a spokesman for preoccupied the 'former premiers. The style of the stitutloasl conference this have been saying for years Senator Robert de Cotret, cabinet meets next month in Jarvis said. referendum planned for next Liberal government since spring. former Liberal governmant autumn d~pite a campaign that economic disparity is as economic development Jasper, Alta., the Clark aide Tory premiers such as On. the Nov. 15, 1976, Patti was described as con. promise .~t0 convene one damaging te •national minister, told reporters said. • tario's William Davis and During the election Quebecois election victory frontative. sboHlY'~after the May 22 disunity, as an outdated Tuesday the' conference •'Bill Jarvis, federal." Alberta's Peter Lougheed campaign, Clark balked at has all but died on Par- "election. ' constitution. + would include both levels of provincial relations are known to favor a con. providing a concrete plan for liament Hill. Clark vowed his planned "Th,eae.'a been a delay Faced with~ gloomy eco-. ~t~:~eontm an:je.presen, minister, plans to meet his stitutioual conference soon. revamping the constitution cooperative approach, there, a Clark aide said, nomic future, the. govern- _ . mteres~ provincial counterparts Federal officials have in. so Quebec. Ideas for changes The Conservatives resulting in •provinces Wednesday, "not because" ment has decided te honor, gr~upa an nusmess ane individually this summer; dicated Clark is still com. would have to follow federal- predicted during the election gaining greater powers, IPs.not an tm~rtantis~' another of its e!ect!on ,,~,_ ' : and if they raise the subject related.to calling some type' provincial consultation. • campaign they could ease would put "a fresh face on. Since the election, the us- federai-previncial tensions J, federalism." 5555 TAXI TERRACE-KITIMAT RilPEBT STEEL l • (1978 LTD.) " 24 HOUR SERVICE SALVAGELTD. / Seal Cove Bd., Pr. Rupert 635-5555, 635-2525 624'M39 635-5050 WE Bulr oopper, brass, all metals, LIGHT • DELIVERY SERVICE • batteries, elo. hll us- We are • .. Volume 73 N6. 1119 20¢ Thureday, July 19, 19'/9" op~ll Non, thro~g~. ,,m,-6 !,!,i..... f Gov't to end ! lrCBC rate • Ii discrimination VICTORIA (CP) -- The i 'British Columbia govern- ment is'legislatingan end to discrimination in automobile PR 0 ViNCES OKAY insurance rates set by the i Crewnowned Insurance Corp. of B.C. REFUGEE DEAL A bill introduced Wed- OTTAWA (CP) -- 10 per Cent of refugees. nesday by Haman Resources Immigration Minister The province has in- Minister Grace McCarthy Ran Alkey says the troduced legislation will eliminate age, sex, provinces have co- designed to provide a "marital 'status and ge- operated'with the federal range of government ographic location aa factors gn~;ernment ou the programs and to direct used in setting auto in- question of Southeast financial and other surance rates. The move was As!an re{ugess, support to groups promised in the throne He says the bulk of the engaged in, helping speech March 22. 50,000 refugees the refugees. The legislation But Mrs. McCarthy, the government expects to sets no limit on refugees. minister responsible for arrive this year and next Vancouver has started a ICBC, would not say if rates will go to Ontario, canipaigu to prepare for will increase as a result of Quebec, British Columbia 5,000and the lntortor city this bill and Would not say if and Alberta. of Kelowna has another the current safe-driver Here are some Program. :' ,+discountwould be Continued.. provincial views: • Qu6bec.says Itwill . ,.z,++.:..~.~.third _o ta.ke ... The Alberta ffovern: +++ ++++:+++++~+~+~ area or any category that ~:- .:::.:.~ ..::::...~:~<~ :::~: ~:~+~ ".:::~,~ ~:~ - . u.g~.~r~t .morea ~,e flgare, Atkey hns seld the :~+++~+++:++~:+~+++~!+++~;.++,++:~++::++++++::nab had an umbrella of' al+~'utau,tam rexugoeS mlS Drevince sav~ it will tnk~, ....................+,:+:;-~+ ~ •+~.'..++.:++++~,++~+.-.i++:+.+.-+.+'~++::+ ..............+................ + ........... +++ protection by_ virthe of a year and, pos.sibly na.x! a slguiflca-n~t-numl~r. I'-'t discriminatory /~regram," year. quenec wm would not base its intake Two members of the city's park maintenance crew do the not-yet completed walk Ways which will be an she told a news conference. continue to receive more on the size of Alberta's than its share of refugees, +work on Lower Little Park wl~le a pedestrian trysout • integral part of the parks d_,,,n£.. At a subsequent news • population but on the conference, Premier Bill at least until the end of ability to create jobs. Bennett conceded that rates this year,"says Jean In New Brunswick, B Y COMMISSION will go up because of the bill, Dorian, provincial ira. Darrell Msscheau, but said he hopes the ~in. migration spokesman. director of immigration, crease can be .reduced by Premier William Davis says the province has tra- gradually phasing out Abe of Ontario has said the ditionnlly absorbed about variOus categories. ,'province will accept as one par cent of total Workers aske,,:l to restrict demands many refugees as wanVtp OTTAWA (CP)- The Na- large wage and salary in. the pul~llc to inflationary He said that mesf refugee immigratlan -- timml Commission on In- creases. consumers will decide before consumers feel the reasonable people who have come. Alkey has e.~l- about 250. pressuresp says Canadians whether the July 1 oil price mated Ontario would take flatian asked workers today . The commission, the ~aonot escape the impact of full effects of the latest $1' been getting a reduction in to resist theurge tocope with agency established last fall increase raises the general per-harrel ollpries idereaso, i'ates because of the about 40 par cent. Culture Manitoba Manpower higher world oil prices, but price• level by half a per- Minister Reuben Baetz oilprices by asking for by the government to alert they can control the potential "If the response hy discrimination would be Minister Ken MacMnstar centage point era full per. Canadians is to seek fully- prepared [o pay "as muchas says it is statistically says the province will a : economic damage by oentage point. possible that 13,000 refu- changing their way of life. compahsating increases in they are now paying or more lake about five per cent of Latest government " ' their lneemes, it has been for the sake of justice." gees could arrive in the refugee total. He has This analysis Is in the statistics show the cost of Ontario by the end of the second newsletter of the estimated that the eventual Bennett said the first mentioned a total of about living, as mcasured by the impact of higher costs and priorityshould be to end age fiscal year next March 31. 15,.000 in Indochinese Union claims agency. The newsletter was consumer price index, rose Ottawa is •talking of released in response to the wages could be as much as discr.iminatiou. immigrants and refugees. last month at an annual rate taking 4,000 refugees. He says the percentage of 8.9 per cent. one per cent of the cent of Mrs. McCarthy said the British Columbia Labor gov't mislead .Julybarrel I prlceincreaso for domestic oil of and$1 par to living for each extra $1 per government "feels very could rise because the The commission estimates Minister Allan Williams Mennonite Church is • the decision last month by barrel." strongly that the people has said that traditionally that the inflationary effect of The comm'i~sionis about to this province should not sponsoring so many OTTAWA (CP) -- The government to either scrap oil-producing countries the Jdly oil pries increase Abe province takes about refugees. federal government misled or amend the act to allow full raise world oil prices by 25 begin Its own coaservatiou" penalized when buying auto per cent. will come slowly as' the cost campaign, urging con- insurance because of factors the public with a report disclosure. The commission says the effects filter down to the sumers to: ever which they have no indicating that international The picture now presen, understandable reaction of consumer level. --Reduce their car trips, control." unions do not give Canadian ted, because incomplete' workers will"be to ask for The initial impact, ex, ALCAN WORKERS members full value for their 'information is used, in- more pay to cope withhigher pected in September, will be • models.--Buy smaller, gas-saving "We feel there should be dues, the Canadian' head of dicates that the dues oil prices. a three-tofive~ents-a.gnllon only two basic classifications thelntornationalAnsociation C~nadian workers, pay to. "But it won't work. The increase in the price of --Use mere public transit, of people: safe drivers, S UPPOR T PARR 0 T --Install better insulation which the vast majority are, efMachinisteandAerospace international unions, are commission believes that if gasoline and home heating in their houses. The Canadian Association of Smelter and All/nd Workers said Wednesday, more than doublewhat they Canpdisns are adequately oil, Natural gas prices will and unsafe drivers" Workers, Local I, at Alcan's Kitlmat Smelter, will also rise. --Turn down thermostats. Canadian director Mike get back in strike funds and info~med of the problem they Although the government She said a plan ending dis- support the Confederation of Canadian Un/ons in a Rygus.
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