April 24, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H1853 TRIBUTE TO 53RD ANNIVERSARY man force, nearly a quarter were miss- reforms have opened India to United OF WORLD WAR II EXERCISE ing or dead. Official Department of De- States businesses and industries. In a TIGER OPERATION fense records confirm 749 dead, at least recent meeting with the Indian Presi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a 441 Army and 198 Navy casualties, al- dent Sharma, he assured the President previous order of the House, the gen- though facts suggest the numbers that all the economic policies of the tleman from Missouri [Mr. HULSHOF] is could be greater. previous government will continue and recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. Speaker, it is finally time that be strengthened. Mr. HULSHOF. Mr. Speaker, I rise we acknowledge the indispensable role Prime Minister Gujral has already today to honor a group of great and that members of Exercise Tiger played shown that given the opportunity he honorable Americans. On Monday, in preparing for the D-day invasion and will bring peace to South Asia. His April 28, the Veterans of Foreign Wars in making it a success. To that end, I policies as Foreign Minister in the pre- Post 280 in Columbia, Missouri, will am proud to acknowledge VFW Post vious government have been coined as pay tribute to the 53d anniversary of 280 as the first organization in the the Gujral Doctrine. He has already the World War II Exercise Tiger oper- State of Missouri to commemorate the laid the groundwork to ease tensions in ation, in which more than 750 Ameri- men of the historic battle of Exercise this traditionally volatile region. As cans made the ultimate sacrifice. Tiger. After 53 years these great Amer- Foreign Minister for Prime Minister Few Americans are aware of the cir- icans deserve to be properly honored by Gowda, Mr. Gujral helped orchestrate cumstances surrounding the Exercise those who have benefited so much from the Bangladesh Water Agreement, a Tiger operation. What began as a top- their sacrifices. water treaty that ended years of dis- secret military operation ended in a CONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE pute over water sharing rights between horrible moment frozen in time. In De- HEROIC EFFORTS AND SACRIFICES OF THE India and Bangladesh. He supervised an cember 1943, the U.S. Army began con- AMERICAN SERVICEMEN WHO TOOK PART IN accord in which India and China agreed ducting a number of training exercises EXERCISE TIGER AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS to reduce troops along the Himalayan in preparation for the Normandy inva- TOWARD THE SUCCESS OF THE HISTORIC D- border. sion. These exercises concentrated on a DAY INVASION DURING WORLD WAR II But most important, Mr. Speaker, long stretch of beach at Slapton Sands Whereas the D-Day invasion of Normandy Mr. Gujral has vowed to improve rela- in Devon, England. This unspoiled on June 6, 1944, was one of the most heroic tions with Pakistan and made this the beach of coarse gravel greatly resem- battles of World War II and a critical turning point leading to Allied victory; priority of India's foreign policy. Mr. bled Omaha Beach, and it consequently Whereas during the Exercise Tiger training Gujral helped initiate peace talks be- made for an ideal simulation of what mission for D-Day, members of the operation tween India and Pakistan after a lull of would be the D-day invasion. were exposed to great danger by carrying out 3 years. He is confident that the two Soldiers engaging in these maneuvers this treacherous exercise in the English neighbors can reach agreement in were under constant threat of attack, Channel during a period of increased German many areas through bilateral talks, however, due to the many German E- torpedo boat patrols; and on May 12 of this year Prime Min- boats patrolling the English Channel. Whereas on April 28, 1944, soldiers and sail- ister Gujral and Pakistani Prime Min- One such exercise was utilized to pre- ors of the Exercise Tiger mission were unex- pectedly attacked by 9 German Torpedo ister Sharif will meet in the Maldives pare United States and British forces to discuss peace. and was given the code name Exercise boats off the coast of Slapton Sands, Eng- land; Mr. Speaker, what is extraordinary Tiger. These training exercises were Whereas 749 American soldiers were killed about these accomplishments is that conducted from April 22 to 30, 1944. The in the attack; they were achieved within 10 months troops and equipment who participated Whereas the heroic efforts of these soldiers since the united front first took charge in this maneuver embarked on the have not been sufficiently recognized in of the Indian Government. An even same ships and for the most part from American history; stronger sign of Prime Minister the same ports from which they would Whereas the United States Congress has not provided adequate recognition to sailors Gujral's ability to bring peace to the later leave for France. region can be seen in the troubled re- In the early morning hours of April and soldiers who participated in Exercise Tiger; and gion of Jammu and Kashmir. This 28, 1944, the convoy was maneuvering Whereas April 28, 1997 will be the 53rd anni- morning Kashmiri leaders stated that in Lyme Bay. Eight landing ship tanks versary of the tragedy of Exercise Tiger: they believe that the new Prime Min- and their lone British escort were en Now, therefore, be it ister could help normalize relations be- route to the landing area. Suddenly, in Resolved, that the American Servicemen tween Pakistan and India and bring the pitch black night, nine German who took part in Exercise Tiger be recog- peace to Kashmir. A popular Navy E-boats patrolling the English nized for their contributions towards the Kakshmiri separatist leader told Reu- Channel struck quickly and without success of the historic D-Day invasion during ters News Service that if Mr. Gujral warning. The presence of enemy boats World War II, preserving the virtues of free- dom and democracy. continues to be Prime Minister of India was discovered only when the U.S.S. for a long period, I believe he can play LST±507 was torpedoed. The ship burst f a historic role in bringing India and into flames and survivors abandoned INDIA'S NEW PRIME MINISTER, Pakistan closer and solve the Kashmir ship. Minutes later, the LST±531 was INDER KUMAR GUJRAL torpedoed and sank in 6 minutes. As problem. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. Speaker, Prime Minister Gujral the convoy returned fire, the U.S.S. NEY). Under a previous order of the is India's third Prime Minister in the LST±289 was also torpedoed, but was House, the gentleman from New Jersey last 11 months. However, as we have able to reach port. [Mr. PALLONE] is recognized for 5 min- The surprise German attack did not, seen, democracy remains strong and vi- utes. however, stop Exercise Tiger. Landing brant in India. As the Prime Minister Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise operations resumed the next day, on said in a speech on Monday, we can today to congratulate India's new April 29, 1944. This is a credit to the te- change government but the system Prime Minister, Inder Kumar Gujral, nacity and determination of the sol- goes on, democracy continues, and it is for winning the vote of confidence of diers and sailors involved in Exercise strengthened. Tiger. The D-day invasion of Normandy the Indian Parliament this past Tues- As cochairman of the Congressional occurred as planned. However, casualty day. This vote of confidence has put an Caucus on India and Indian-Americans, information and the details surround- end to the 24-day government crisis I believe that Prime Minister Gujral ing Exercise Tiger were not released and provides yet another indication can best lead India toward the 21st cen- until after the Normandy invasion in that India's democratic institutions re- tury, and I look forward to working an attempt to keep the Germans from main very strong. with the Prime Minister in strengthen- learning about the impending attack. Mr. Speaker, Prime Minister Gujral ing United States-India relations. is committed to strengthening United I want to also urge the Clinton ad- b 1630 States-India ties. He has assured for- ministration, Members of this House I believe, Mr. Speaker, it is time we eign investors that he will support free and the Senate to support Prime Min- recognize these brave men. Of the 4,000 market reforms and initiatives. These ister Gujral and assist him in bringing.
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