r»-- r—r.— www.magicvalalley.com - ■ ' ■ S n i 0 3 ■■ ■ . f e n e m m a $ 1 , 5 0 - •^Tvyin F alls, Jddaho/96th-year, a N[0.1 o. 7 5 Sunday, June'2 4 , 221 0 0 1 ; . jGobp >RN1NG , , 11V ^ - , buneil— ^ ■ISO)EES GOonsid^FS—^ ■ roject h BB ,TF'F could develop HHH y d r o p o w e r : A uger F alls Our Generation had Baldwin ~ T ~ T»mes-N«s-News writer______________ Findoutwhat^insi1 store for' • the balv boomerss-and.to - . TWINVIN FALLS - With a nation- the seasoned adzerzenship • scrambleSCI to find new ener- tbey*re ^ u t to inhiiherit—ih ources and a Bush adminis- a spedal section in todays on that is friendly to hydro- I'Hmes-News.. electrictrie proposals, the time could b r i gight h t for the city of Twin Falls to ursue a long-discussed pro- at Auger Falls, three engi- . W e a t h e r ring firms told the City Counciln dl last week. ; - ; Todaday: Partly ’ it councilc members must sOnninny.lCgh H Q H de if they have the political 82,1.; low SO. - |i*rUrW ^ will topto promote tlie project in the P a g 8 A 2 face of 1numerous legal and regu- 7 hurdles and certain upposi- , fromfr< environmentalists, ; M a g i c V a l. lL E Y ^ coundlidl Imembers agree, “Areire we prepared to 'push tlus ahead?'id?” Councilman Trip Craig- |B|B|H||gS asked*d 1his colleagues after'the- body<j U:listened to the last of the f c S P ^ H B j l threee eiengineering presentations T h u rsdrsday. “When it’s time to NHNT.Hr.moT/n.w..« lobby,ly, willv we pick' up our cards QregWlWlllisms of Lot Qatos. CBllf.’,, «usurveys Jarbidge Creek as h<he stands atop tha South CarCanyon Road. Wllllama wasI on vacation wltkfamlly In Jartirtildga last '' and go Ihome?” le City Coundl is scheduled Almost ona year a^o, on Julylly 44,2000, a protest rally wai>as ataged at the foot of thaa road,r near where Williamss Is standlng,'to protMt the U.iU.S. Forest The C Wide open spaces:: BBurley w^k. A M ondaiday to again discuss the reopened. ; . K gh School gradual)lateK atl^ . 8«^vlce’ca’a closure of tha road In 1995995. The road was crudely rebebullt at tha rally and thus re( Augerer IFalls project and possibly Braegger skied 80 mimiles to the .. 1 selectct one0 of the three engineer- ) NorthPole.. V • rw arn ing firmsfirr - Duke Engineering, PageB l ^ a r after Ja[arbidge upprising, de;sal quiedy moves forly v aiu Montg.itgomery Watson Harza Engineineers and CH2M Hill - to - ByJohnTnT.Kuddy : . f“ landmark in the: ccommunity - conduciiuct a feasibility study. The idl expects to soon receive a T l m ^^aW y »rK *r - creaked open.. council M oney ,'.7;- ' ■ 'Wialmismiur^l^purgM l mas^ to open the road. A reporter tookk a seat at the prelimIiminary permit from the Tourism appeal: A ffederal, e J ALBIDGE, ^ Nev. > N ot m uchh , Our secondgxuiJwas tofftthemuntyfi^JU> own tJie road, and/ counter. He was grgreeted with.a Federaeral Energy Regulatory ^^t'vnilhcQp chartart driving c h ^ easin si Jarbidge. smile and frien^yy “hello” from Please see FALLS. Page A2 homes are still wooden:n w e succeeded itl both.bt But obviously ise;i? havei a Forest Servicece . the waitresi^ JoahU■Hawker. ; . toure.oftheMeigic'ViiValley. The h ..... A cpnyersation-jL^ensued abQ ttt-, -^•PageD l •and.amimaiibr>teiaJStTe«tis:StiU u - - d a r tisnothdppphat%: s foawdprdpefrf^ -^' ' — red; a di^t haze kicks up . the sleepy town, i i H b d w s , ‘Pei€§t . , unpavec tl th e F o u rth ,” tourists in thelr s ^ ^ andid - Grant: Gerber,C Elko lawyerer “Just wait until when tot ’s going to get itility vehicles roll th ro u gIx. Hawker said. “It’s ; jF a m i l y L i f e , si»rtud] ' • • • irvice work to 1 it’s still quiet most days - real busy.”, And it ____ _ .L astyear, die Fov . ' Nervptra breakdownsm srlt^n b t • exacdyr!yrhow.the reddents-of-this”i s - ‘The'ForisstSenTviaismostd^niulya ' committed taworking- rustic town n ear the Idaho-0- b Jarbidge marked a historic o o t - prototect habitat" ----- jiu t an inconveniencBice to b e OTall, ru sion. 1 stranded by the sided e o f t h e . “ la border like it . with E/to County.fy- 0 people, m any The AssociatedAss< Press__________ iost one y ea r ago, when the M ore than 1,000 road anymore. S - E r i n OO’Connor, Forest Setlervicc spokeswomanin from out of smte aiand some firom 1 hordes with their multi- .fassach u setts, BOISOISE - The Boise National - Pago El n-doUar satellite' trucks andid ______________^------- ___ as far away as M? gathered at the bas«ise of the South Forest^ t and> followers of the coun* high-deldefinition video cameras ulture,Rainbow Family have _ ; into town for the july 44“ r - A quiet place ....... ........... H um boboldt-Toiyabe Nationatnal.. Canyon RoadL.Thele purpose was._ _terculti . ............. ' ■ niUedlr st - a lush cornucopia o oulder blocking reacheched an accommodation of . .“Jarbidge Rebellion” a of to move a huge bot r SpoRre , 2Q00 . »” ,0 n a warm day lasl^ M k , h a r d . brush, pine and flowinifing th e road’s entranceX and ultimate- sortss thattl could limit problems Bjg boats: The Idahciho Regatta it 'riJly to reopen th e South^ ly a soul stirred in to 1. duringing the group’s 10-day gather- m Road, it was a surreal ms. / ly reopen the road, al' - . .The now-and-agaiiS l ^ i m d o f . e' door entrance to Thirhe The U.S. Fore!est Service - ing thattha begins next Thursday roared into full gearlarSatuntey ‘ience for Jarbidge resi-si- truck or motorcycrcle rumbled at the Bvrley-MarinsUW. dents. oor Inn - a little restauranrant which had maintaiilined the South and preservepn sensitive fish habi- over, the, dirt'-cov.vered Main “ burned down a few yearsars Canyon Road, aliilso known as tat Rake Cl AndaE aii experirace that menyly Street, tracking its:s vmy toward , ^ut )ut was rebuilt and is sdll i IW81ME,Pa8aA7 it is still at diis time an illegal localswiwish not to repeat. one of many campp sites in the ^ ' PleaseseaJAB nt,” Forest Service Inddent ^ « Comminmander Malcolm Jowers, • O p i n i o n he said he was encouraged by Water for salmon: TlT h e F ) talks with Rainbow Family ' National Marine Fis]Fisheries J L iX ' hustleito meeet statee deadlline srjwers. )airics h arrick Beck, a longtime G a rr Service shoul,d stop>p 1badgering ' Rainbonbow Family follower and a ': ' Id ^o Fbwer Co. to r businesInessman from Santa Fe, NAI. ^ Water from Brovmle< : Nuutriefit managejement plans ppourin ■ ■ calledted the talks productive. V Reservoir. phosphorus: and nicitrates in cow . Did we solve all our prob- PageA14 gS iS , manure can be sprea:ad on Gelds tp lems?s? No. Did we solve a couple p v e CTOps their neeceded nutrients thehe tmost important problems? IN FALLS ' Idahb dairieses without over applicacadon. Dairies S e c t i o n b y SECTIONs i "Twpi ^ e the event in Bear yalley lo hot have a nutrient man>n- that don’t have thehe acreage to Whil< . A that do 1 aboutut 75 miles northeast of Boise S ection A Seclection C agemeniuit'plan'by the end of thele .'handle the'manunire must find lk someone who will tala k e it still, dodoes not have the required . .Weather . .2 , Spor will face loss of their milk ts. ' Ju st 326 of th e staitate’s 850 op ^- groupip (permit. Forest Service, offi- Nation . .3-10 '“"V ;"''® : ! final push is on for Idaho’si’s ating dairies had firPin^zed plans s said they will help gatherers I suitable places for camps ____ West ...11-12■ ,Slegion « D . commetlercial milk producers to by the beginning offjwe,butthe ^ le ■ Idaho Department ofoi Agriculture ' ’ dther activites and sources of 'W orld...13,16 Moral o n e y . 1-7 m eetththe . state’s Jidy 1 deadline: ed by the 2000 Legislature,•e. overseeing the regigulation said . :er that will avoid salmon : OpW on ..1 4 - 1 5 Mov)lo v les..........7 takers ^ t e d environmen-n- ' plans, have been co;oming m fast' , spawniwning areas. Those who coop- .. .'c ialassifled g i .8-24 , tal, proi*biections to guvd'againstist • ' this rnonth. eratete willv^ not be dted for use or ■ppQudoh from a burgeon-,n- \ “If lo o k s Uke th<here'^re only . othersr viviolations.’ ; S e c t l o n B ut the Forest Service wiU co n :. ai^. industry that besideses . gbing to be a small11 handful who -■Magicvsil^ w ■ SiectlonE e i re , might not make it,iti” said Marv L— tinuele eenforcement actions that produces tons of manure , K.cau»/n*TtaMii>M • focus 0 i,0Wtua>le5 .'. .2, ftalleaUires. .1-6 ah Irad to groundwater andid - Patten, Dairy Bureaiau chief at the, ,is on public safety violations ■ limcli me'hus 2 ' Dear«arAbby :. .2 ‘ streamm pollii'tibn; if handled->d- Agriculture Departmm ent. Dairy owowner Une Franco, laft, gatsIts computer aulstanca develc■loplnfanlitriant tike5 <drunken driving and An updated tally V Jansen, center, and Jennifer BeB.cia«..rUM. }urce violations like entering :li5l!6/VV^ .M ' CrosroMwbrd...2 gam^nt plan from Haathar Jan sed areas and creating a A • Nutriirrient.management plans;ns; • • able last'week, butL r r a t M d r rlepartment of A^leultura IsI sponsoringsp the wortuhops tool,.lpi.l„own.
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