June 26, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1421 Project Name: South San Francisco Bay older), Bonen Kai (end of the year party for A TRIBUTE TO BATTLE FOR IWO Salt Ponds Restorations (USGS). This fund- seniors), Shinnen Kai (Recognition of the JIMA VETERAN CORPORAL ing request would provide $900,000 to the New Year); and offer the gym to Japanese CHARLES W. LINDBERG United States Geological Survey. USGS American youth who have tournaments and would use these funds to conduct inter- practice during the evenings and weekends. disciplinary monitoring (biological, HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO hydrological, and water quality studies) of f OF GUAM Salt Ponds in San Pablo Bay and San Fran- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cisco Bay. Project Name: South San Francisco Bay HONORING THE MEMORY OF MRS. Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Shoreline Study. The project will restore the DOROTHY MOORE Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise health of the San Francisco Bay, one of the today to honor the life and accomplishments nation’s largest estuaries, by creating the of Cpl Charles W. Lindberg (Retired). Corporal largest restored wetlands on the West Coast. HON. JO BONNER Project Name: Student Partners Reaching Lindberg is one of six United States Marine Kids. The Students Partners Reaching Kids OF ALABAMA Corps servicemembers that climbed Mount (SPRK) program serves more than 1,000 Suribachi on Iwo Jima and raised the Amer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES young adolescents through a series of offer- ican flag. At 10:20 a.m. on February 23, 1945, ings which form a continuum of opportuni- Tuesday, June 26, 2007 the 3rd Platoon, E Company, 2nd Battalion, ties throughout the year for students in the 28th Regiment, 5th Marine Division were the fourth through ninth grade age range such Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, the city of first group of Americans during World War II to as: Discovery Youth, Getchy.com, CDMedia Mobile and indeed the entire state of Ala- raise the American flag on Japanese soil. This Studio, Safe Nights and Summer of Service. Project Name: The Japanese American Ex- bama, recently lost a dear friend, and I rise momentous occasion demoralized the Japa- perience: Making it Available. This museum today to honor her memory and pay tribute to nese and signaled the beginning of the end of will allow the broader community better ac- her for a lifetime of exemplary service. the war in the Pacific Theater. cess to and, understanding of the history, According to several accounts, Corporal Mrs. Dorothy ‘‘Dot’’ Moore, a dedicated culture and arts of Japanese Americans in Lindberg along with about 40 other members mother, grandmother, and great grandmother Santa Clara Valley. of the 3rd Platoon climbed Mount Suribachi to was a devoted family matriarch. A native of Project Name: Trades JOBS for At-Risk secure the highest point on the island. Despite Out-of-School Youth. The Center for Em- Pensacola, Florida, Dot attended Leinkauf Ele- clear danger to life and limb, Corporal ployment Training’s Building Trades JOBS mentary before attending Murphy High School Lindberg, carrying a 72-pound flamethrower Program will provide comprehensive occupa- in Mobile. tional skills training and employment serv- and his platoon captured Mount Suribachi, ices to 50 at-risk out-of school youth (age 17– Dot’s professional career began in the forcing many enemy combatants out from their 24) and place 85% of them in demand jobs in steamship business where she worked as a entrenched positions in tunnels on the hill. the building trades. secretary. She then went on to become a reg- After raising the flag, Corporal Lindberg and Project Name: Upper Guadalupe River istrar at the University of Alabama Expansion members of the platoon continued to fight Jap- Flood Control Project. All proposed flood Center. While working for the Expansion Cen- protection improvements include long-term anese forces to gain complete control of the environmental benefits for fish and wildlife ter, she was offered a job with the U.S. Corps strategic location. Nearly a week later, on habitat and continuous creekside trail ac- of Engineers and the U.S. Air Force. Dot then March 1, 1945, Corporal Lindberg was shot in cess. The Upper Guadalupe River Flood Pro- went on to open ‘‘Dot’s Dress Shoppe.’’ It was the stomach while fighting on other parts of tection project will provide flood protection in this dress shop where she met a radio per- the island. Corporal Lindberg received a Pur- for 7,500 homes in Santa Clara County with sonality and TV chef who helped her launch ple Heart for his injury and Silver Star Medal potential damages from a 100-year flood her radio and television career. for valor for his heroism on Iwo Jima. He was event exceeding $280 million. a member of the elite Carlson’s Raiders, a Project Name: Upper Penitencia Creek Dot was a receptionist at WABB in 1958, Project. The Upper Penitencia Creek Flood and it was this position that led to her speak- group of Marines that operated behind enemy Protection project will provide flood protec- ing before a wide radio audience. With her lines, and was also a part of the Guadalcanal tion to over 5,000 homes, schools and busi- trademark low tone voice, Dot was the voice and Bougainville campaigns. nesses in Santa Clara County, specifically of many radio and television commercials, and History was not always fair to the 3rd Pla- the communities of San Jose and Milipitas. toon. History has immortalized the second she later became the host of WALA’s daily Project Name: Yu-Ai Kai/Boys & Girls Club raising of the U.S. flag rather than the first half-hour program ‘‘Channel 10 Kitchen.’’ Senior Youth Wellness Center. The funds raising. The well-known photo taken by Asso- will establish a Senior Youth Wellness Cen- On May 14, 1963, ‘‘Dot Moore & Company’’ ciated Press Photographer Joe Rosenthal oc- ter. The new Senior Youth Wellness Center went on the air, and viewers across the cen- will offer the following programs: preventive curred nearly 4 hours after the initial raising of health programs through education, i.e., tral gulf coast welcomed Dot into their homes. the U.S. flag and has been commemorated by stroke prevention, diabetes prevention, cog- The show remained on the air with various the United States Marine Corps Memorial and nitive wellness, nutrition education, heart names, including ‘‘The Dot Moore Show’’ well is depicted in history books across the Nation. disease prevention, etc.; therapeutic support into the 21st century. Dot also became well- After his discharge from the United States Ma- groups and recreational activities; caregiver known for her coverage of Mobile’s Mardi rines in January 1946, Corporal Lindberg re- support groups with short term individual Gras celebration for over 33 years on WALA. turned to Grand Forks, North Dakota, and and family counseling, outreach, prevention eventually Minneapolis, Minnesota. He began and resource referral; M.D. and nurse visits/ For five decades, Dot was a fixture on Mo- consultation for foot care/diagnosis, and pre- bile’s WALA–TV, and she was an outstanding to raise awareness of the initial raising of the ventive education; physical therapist visits/ example of the quality of individuals who have U.S. flag but was rebuffed time after time. Fi- consultation and alternative health pro- devoted their lives to the field of broadcast nally, in 1995 the United States Marines offi- grams such as Tai-chi, Qi-gong, Yoga and journalism. cially set the record straight and had Corporal Reiki; and indoor and outdoor physical fit- Lindberg flown to a reunion of war veterans on ness programs. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Iwo Jima. Project Name: Yu-Ai Kai/Boys & Girls Club me in remembering a dedicated community Corporal Lindberg’s heroism in securing Senior Youth Wellness Center Gymnasium. leader and friend to many throughout Ala- Mount Suribachi from Japanese forces sym- The new Senior Wellness Center and the bama. On behalf of all those who have bene- Boys & Girls Club gymnasium will offer the bolized the strength, perseverance and for- fited from her good heart and generous spirit, titude of American servicemembers during following programs: physical fitness pro- permit me to extend thanks for her many ef- grams for seniors from the Minority Senior World War II. Raising the American flag de- Providers Consortium; recreational and forts in making Mobile and south Alabama a moralized the enemy and gave hope to the physical rehab programs for seniors, i.e., bas- better place. beleaguered Marines on the beach. The hope ketball, volleyball, handball, badminton, Mrs. Dorothy ‘‘Dot’’ Moore will be deeply rallied the U.S. Marine forces to fully secure etc.; physical fitness for youths; recreational missed by her family—her son, Robert J. Mil- the island by March 26, 1945. The efforts of programs for youth, i.e., basketball, volleyball, badminton, handball, indoor soc- ler Jr.; her grandson, Robert J. Miller III; and Corporal Lindberg are also similar to the ef- cer, indoor flag football, etc.; alternative her great grandson Carter B. Miller—as well forts of other United States Armed Forces health programs such as Tai-chi, Qi-gong, as the countless friends she leaves behind. when they liberated Guam and the Mariana Is- Yoga and Reiki; annual cultural events, i.e. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all at lands in July 1944. Let us pause and honor Keiro Kai (honoring seniors 75 years and this difficult time. another outstanding member of the Greatest VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:17 Jul 28, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\E26JN7.REC E26JN7 mmaher on PROD1PC70 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E1422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 26, 2007 Generation and his contributions to our Na- America’s Junior Miss scholarship program the tumultuous period in American history fol- tion’s defense.
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