DONATED BY. Sat. uQMATI fliitAAIiATHAS, THE JOURNAL OP THE MUSIC' # ACADEMY MADRAS A QUARTERLY DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC Vol. XXXVII 1966 Parts MV H ji t o tB t si i *nr m^rf^cr foHTfa 11 «* I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor in the hearts of Yogins, nor in the Sun; (but), where my Bhaktas sing, there be I, Narada ! ” EDITED BY V. RAGHAVAN, M .A., p h .d . 19 66 PUBLISHED BY THE MUSIC ACADEMY, MADRAS 115-E, MOWBRAY’S ROAD, MADRAS-14 Annual Subscription—Inland Rs. 4. Foreign 8 sh. Post paid, f THE JOURNAL OF THE MUSIC ACADEMY, MADRAS OPINIONS The Indian Express: “The resumption of the Journal is an event of the first The Oriental Literary Digest, Poona magnitude in the musical world.” writes : The Hindu : “ The revival of this “ A journal of all-India character, valuable Journal devoted to the study solely devoted to music, has been a and promotion of Indian Music will be serious and long-standing desideratum. welcomed by all lovers and exponents Though the Sangita, a quarterly pub­ of the art. lished from the Marris College, The Madras M ail: “We are glad to Lucknow, and the Journal of the Music note the revival of the Journal of the Academy, Madras, (JMAM), were start­ Madras Music Academy (a quarterly ed in 1930, both had unfortunately to devoted to the advancement of the be suspended after issuing a few excel­ science and art of music) Fulfilling lent numbers. The re-appearance of the as it does a real need of music lovers, JMAM will therefore be welcomed by we are sure all lovers of art and culture all thoughtful lovers of Indian music will support it.” and culture with no small amount of H. H. The Maharajah o f Dharampur : gratification. The volume under review, “...His Highness is also delighted to though dated 1934, was published only read the articles in your magazine which a few months ago, and the promise of are undoubtedly very interesting and soon bringing out the volumes due for instructive. He is also pleased to read each of the years 1934 to 1938 resumes the proceedings of the Academy’s the thread of its publication from where Music Conference...” it was broken. The Adyar Library Bulletin: The “Though naturally it is devoted resumption of the publication of this chiefly to South Indian Music, there are journal devoted to the promotion of features which make it indispensable for research in the field of music must be serious students and lovers of music welcomed by all lovers of Indian culture. throughout the length and breadth of The Journal fulfils a real need as it is India. Publication of original articles the only journal of its kind in India.” on music by experts, and of classical S- N. Battacharya, Benaras Hindu works of Indian music are instances in University: “A glance at the Index for point. Authoritative reports of tbe the last ten years’ articles in your Maga­ annual conferences of the Music zine reveals to me the keen interest in Academy, Madras, are to be found only music taken by the South Indians. in the pages of this journal, and em­ There is no such journal in the North.” bodying as they do the discussions on The Visva-Bharati Quarterlyt Santi- important topics by experts and niketan: “The present issue of this acknowledged authorities, they cannot Journal like its predecessors, maintains a be overlooked by serious students of uniformly high level of musical research. Indian music. The contributions exhibit variety and “This alone should suffice to draw present music as a rich cultural pattern the attention of all scholars, societies characteristic of the genius of our and institutions concerned with Indo- country. Those who care to study logy to this important Journal. Indian music seriously, especially its Southern School, would be happy to dis­ “We wish the Journal a long and cover that each article in this Journal brilliant career of service to the cause embodies some aspect of faithful re­ of Indian music. Let all lovers of search in the domain of music...This Indian music make common cause Journal should inspire the lovers and with those in charge of the Journal to patrons of Hindustani music to start a ice it* growing prosperity.” similar magazine from the North.” DONATED 6Y. Sat. MMAII TISiWiJiilEAR, THE JOURNAL OF THE MUSIC ACADEMY MADRAS A QUARTERLY DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC Vol. X X X V II 1966 Parts I-IV = - ....................... m r zrz fogrfar ii t “ I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor in the hearts of Yogins, nor in the Sun; (but), where my Bhaktas sing, there be I, Narada ! ” EDITED BY V. RAGHAVAN, M.A., PH.D. 1966 PUBLISHED BY THE MUSIC ACADEMY, MADRAS 115-E, MOWBRAY’S ROAD, MADRAS-14 Annual Subscription—Inland Rs. 4. Foreign 8 sh ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES g s COVER PAGES : Full Page Half Page f.1 Back (outside) Rs. 25 Rs. 13 * Front (inside) „ 20 „ 11 | Back (Do.) „ 30 „ 16 | INSIDE PAGES : Ijj 1st page (after cover) ,, 18 „ 10 m Other pages (each) „ 15 „ 9 | ^ Preferance will be given to advertisers of musical | instruments and books and other artistic wares. k J . io v l p Special position and special rate on application. | NOTICE All correspondence should be addressed to Dr. V. Raghavan, Editor,'Journal of the Music Academy, Madras-14. Articles on subjects of music and dance are accepted for publication on the understanding that they are contributed solely to the Journal of the Music Academy. All manuscripts should be legibly written or preferably type­ written (double spaced—on one side of the paper only) and should be signed by the writer (giving his address in full). The Editor of the Journal is not responsible for the views expressed by individual contributors.. All books, advertisement moneys and cheques due to and intended for the Journal should be sent to Dr. V. Raghavan, Editor. CONTENTS Page THE XXXIXth Madras Music Conference, 1965 Official Report 1— 68 Rare Composiu ons King Shahaji by Sri T. G. Anu ntasubramaniam 6 9 - 74 Appreciation and Appeal of’Wusic ? , by Sri N. M. Adyanthaya 75— 82 * Sastra and Tradition v by Sri V. V. Satakopan 83— 97 Pushpanjali by Sri Y. Satyanarayana 98—105 The Importance of Kaku in Music by Sri Thakore Jai Dev Singh JL06-110 The Culture of Music in Egypt by Swami Prajnanananda 111-117 Suddha Scale of North and South by Prof. G. H- Ranade 118—121 The Necessity of Proper Cannotation of the Meaning of Technical Terms of our Musi^ by Prof. G. H. Ranade 122—124 The Authenticity of Some of the Svati Tirunal Kritis by Sri S. Venkatasubramonia Iyer 125-130 Perception Theories of Sankara and Ramanuja in relation to Mathematical and Musical Concepts by Sri G. N. Ramabhadran 131—137 Confused Theories in Indian Musicology by Prof. R. L. Roy ».<• 138—144 CONTENTS Page Acoustics of the Auditorium of the Music Academy, Madras by M. Pancholi, A. F- Chhapgar & Davinder Singh ••• 145—162 Samples of Devarnamas of Haridasas Edited with Notation by Asthana Vidvan MvjSOre N. Chennakesaviah 163—176 A Rare and Unpublished Swarajat]^ Qf Svati Tirunal and a Kriti of Maha Vaidya^atha Iyer Edited by Sangita Bhushana S. Ramanathan ... 177—185 Dasavatara Ragamalika Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar Edited by Veena;i Vidvan Sundaram Iyer ... 186—207 In Memoriam by Prof. G. H. Ranade, Prof. Vissa Appa Rao, N.M. Adyanthayya, Dr. D. G. Vyas ... 208—209 Book-R eviews : Bharata Bhashya, Sangita Raja, Mridanga Tattvamu, A Historical Study of Indian Music, Artistic Values in Traditional Music, Music Memory, Ramakirtana Manjari, Musical Instru­ ments of India, Sangeet Natak, Kirtana Ratnakara, Ramarpana Gita Puja Kirtanas, Pallavi Ratnamala, Krishnattam, Ashtapadi Attaprakaram, Shadraga Manjari, The Great Integrators-The Saint-Singers of lndi a f by Dr. V. Raghavan, Sangita Kalanidhi Mudicondan C. Venkatarama Iyer, L. S. Rajagopalan, Sandhyavandanam Srinivasa Rao and N. Raghunatha Iyer ... 210— 228 THE XXXlXth MADRAS MUSIC CONFERENCE 1965 OFFICIAL REPORT f The Opening Day bii M 19th December, 1965 A H tQ f «*/• •• A \ uu(“W? J <*'♦ fff f 1** The XXXlXth Conference and Music Festival of the Madras Music Academy were held in the Academy’s premises. 1 15-e , Mowbrays Road, Royapettah, Madras-14 fro m 19th December 1965 to 2nd January 1966. The Conference was presided over by Vidwan Sri Afathur Srinivasa Iyer and was declared open by the Hon’ble Sri R. Venkataraman, Minister for Industries, Government of Madras. The Conference was attended by musicians and music scholars from all over the South and also by representatives of Hindustani music and musicians and musicologists from the West. Opening Function As the Hon’ble Sri R. Venkataraman was unable to be present at the function owing to indispostion, the Hon’ble Smt. Jyoti Venkatachallum kindly deputised for him. On arrival at the pre­ mises of the Academy, the Hon’ble Minister was received by the Secretaries and other office-bearers of the Academy and introduced to the other Members of the executive and Vidvans of the Experts Committee and the President-Elect of the Conference Vidwan Sri Alathur Srinivasa Iyer. After introduction, there was a group photo after which the Minister was taken to the auditorium. The proceedings began with prayer by the students of the Teachers’College of the Music Academy. , • Messages * * * > Sri T. V. Rajagopalan, Secretary, then read the messages received for the success of the Conference and the opening function: Dr. Zakhir Hussain, Vice-President of India, said in hii message: x„l *2 .........
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