Taqman® Human and Rat Phosphodiesterase Arrays

Taqman® Human and Rat Phosphodiesterase Arrays

TaqMan® Gene Signature Arrays TaqMan® Human and Rat Phosphodiesterase Arrays These arrays are part of a collection of TaqMan® Gene pathway, is released and can act as a signaling molecule in Signature Arrays that enable analysis of hundreds of TaqMan® apoptosis or growth arrest. Gene Expression Assays on a micro fluidic card with minimal Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterases (GDPDs) catalyze effort. the hydrolysis of deacylated glycerophospholipids to glycerol Phosphodiesterases are a group of enzymes that cleave a phosphate and alcohol. Members of this family may provide variety of substrates, including phosphodiesterase and a link between phosphoinositide metabolism and G protein pyrophosphate bonds of nucleotides and nucleotide sugars. signal transduction. Five distinct families are included in these arrays: 1) cyclic The TaqMan® Human Phosphodiesterase Gene Signature Array nucleotide phosphodiesterases; 2) nucleotide pyrophosphatase/ contains 43 human assays and five human controls. phosphodiesterases; 3) acid sphingomyelinases; 4) neutral Orthologous genes to the human array are in the Rat membrane sphingomyelin phosphodiesterases, and Phosphodiesterase Array with two exceptions: Pde6g and 5) glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterases. Gdpd4 are missing and two added controls (Arbp and Ywhaz) The cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) superfamily are in the rat array. currently includes 24 different genes grouped into 11 different Group Category Description # Human Gene Symbols PDE families. They degrade the second messenger molecules, PDE1 CaM-dependent PDE 3 PDE1A–PDE1C cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP). PDEs have an PDE2 cGMP-stimulated PDE 1 PDE2A important role in signal transduction because they regulate PDE3 cGMP-inhibited PDE 2 PDE3A, PDE3B cyclic nucleotide signaling. PDEs are often targets of drugs due PDE4 cAMP-specific PDE 4 PDE4A–PDE4D to their ability to regulate cyclic nucleotide levels, their unique PDE5 cGMP-specific PDE 1 PDE5A tissue distribution, substrate specificity and pharmacological PDE6 Photoreceptor PDE 6 PDE6A–C, PDE6D, PDE6G, PDE6H properties. Inhibitors of PDEs prolong or enhance the effects PDE7 cAMP-specific PDE 2 PDE7A, PDE7B PDE8 cAMP-specific PDE 2 PDE8A, PDE8B of physiological processes mediated by cAMP and cGMP PDE9 cGMP-specific PDE 1 PDE9A providing therapeutic benefits for erectile dysfunction, asthma, PDE10 dual specificity PDE 1 PDE10A heart failure, inflammation and depression. PDE11 dual specificity PDE 1 PDE11A The ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterases ENPP ectonucleotide PPase/PDE 7 ENPP1–7 (ENPPs) are a structurally diverse group of enzymes that have SMase sphingomyelin PDE, neutral 2 SMPD2, SMPD3 ASM sphingomyelin PDE, acid-like 3 SMPD1, SMPDL3A, SMPDL3B an extracellular, catalytic site that releases nucleoside 5’- GDPD glycerophosphodiester PDE 6 GDPD1–5, MIR16 monophosphates from nucleotides. There are seven genes in CNP 2’3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’ PDE 1 CNP the family, and increased expression of ENPP1 is associated Controls 5 18S, ACTB, B2M, GAPDH, PPIA with type 2 diabetes. TOTAL 48 The acid sphingomyelinases (ASMs) and neutral membrane References: sphingomyelin phosphodiesterases are enzymes that catalyze PDE Nature 2003, 425:98–102 hydrolysis of sphingomyelin (SM) into ceramide and CNP J Mol Biol 2005, 346:789–800 phosphorylcholine. Three forms of ASMs have been described, ENPP J Biol Chem 2001, 276(2);1361–1368; J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006, 91(12):4948–52 an intracellular form found in lysosomes and two extracellular GDPD BBRC 2006 Mar 31, 342(1):323–9; Gene 2006 Apr 12, 371(1):144–53 secreted forms. Two neutral SM phophodiesterases have been MIR Gene 2006 Apr 12, 371(1):144–53 studied, a plasma membrane and a Golgi membrane protein. SMase J Biol Chem 2006, 281(23):16157–16167 Ceramide, which is generated by the sphingomyelinase ASM Protein Science 2004, 13:3172–3186 TaqMan® Gene Signature Arrays Gene Signature Array Name # of Targets/Controls Format Pack Size Part Number Human Phosphodiesterase Array 43/5 Format 48 4 arrays/pack 4378705 Rat Phosphodiesterase Array 41/6 Format 48 4 arrays/pack 4378706 Human Phosphodiesterase Array A CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 1 B PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA C CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 2 D PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA E CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 3 F PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA G CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 4 H PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA I CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 5 J PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA K CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 6 L PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA M CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 7 N PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA O CNP ENPP1 ENPP2 ENPP3 ENPP4 ENPP5 ENPP6 ENPP7 GDPD1 GDPD2 18S GDPD3 GDPD4 GDPD5 MIR16 PDE10APDE11APDE1A PDE1B PDE1C PDE2A PDE3A PDE3B PDE4A 8 P PDE4B PDE4C PDE4D PDE5A PDE6A PDE6BPDE6C PDE6DPDE6G PDE6HPDE7A PDE7B PDE8A PDE8B PDE9A SMPD1 SMPD2 SMPD3 SMPDL3A SMPDL3B ACTB B2M GAPDH PPIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Port Rat Phosphodiesterase Array A Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 1 B Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m C Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 2 D Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m E Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 3 F Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m G Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 4 H Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m I Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 5 J Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m K Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 6 L Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m M Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 7 N Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m O Cnp1 Dpde1 Enpp1 Enpp2 Enpp3 Enpp4 Enpp5 Enpp6 Enpp7 Gdpd1 18S Gdpd2 Gdpd3 Mir16 Pde10a Pde11a Pde1a Pde1b Pde1c Pde2a Pde3a Pde3b Pde4a Pde4b 8 P Pde4d Pde5a Pde6a Pde6b Pde6c Pde6d Pde6h Pde7a Pde7b Pde8a Pde8b Pde9a RGD1559673 Smpd1 Smpd2 Smpd3 Smpdl3a Smpdl3b Actb Arbp Gapdh Ppia Ywhaz B2m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Port More arrays will be available soon! Register to receive new Gene Signature Array product announcements, or suggest an array at taqmanarray.appliedbiosystems.com For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Practice of the patented 5’ Nuclease Process requires a license from Applied Biosystems. The purchase of TaqMan® Human and Rat Phosphodiesterase Arrays includes an immunity from suit under patents specified in the product inserts to use only the amount purchased for the purchaser’s own internal research when used with the separate purchase of an Authorized 5’ Nuclease Core Kit. No other patent rights are conveyed expressly, by implication, or by estoppel. For further information on purchasing licenses contact the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA. The TaqMan® Array is covered by U.S. Patents Nos. 6,514,750, 6,942,837, 7,211,443, and 7,235,406.

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