Connecticut Daily Campus p Serving Storrs Since 1896 VA VOL. CXVI NO. 157 STORRS, CONNECTICUT MONDAY, MAY 13, 1963 Alums Return Saturday Dean Ackerman Honored As For Annual Celebration Archons Tap New Members Seventy-five years of service to 1888, the Alumni unit has grown At special ceremonies last ar, an executive officer in the ed as ttie aihlcte of the year by Its alma maler will be marked from a small body of 47 to a night, 19 outstanding Junior and AFROTC wing and the president the Uconn Club. by the University of Connecticut. vast contingent of more than senior men were tapped as mem- <<( 'he Bankiva Club. Robert M<( nllougli. is a civil Alumni Association May 18, 25,000. bers of Archons. They were elec- Robert Haines, an accounting engineering major, post president when it holds its annual Alumni A highlight of the 1963 pro- ted on the basis of si>ecial dis- major, is a three year letter man of Chi Epsilon, the civil engineer- Day exercises. gram will be the recognition of tinction in at least one or more 'on tlie basketball team, student ing honor society, member of Tall areas of student activities includ- representative to the athletic ad- Some 400 old grads from 13 two outstanding alumni C. Ray- Beta Pi. deputy wing commander mond Brock of Northford and ing student government, student visory commit lee, past president of AFROTC "and distinguished " classes, dating back to 1898. are publications, scholarship athletics and vice-president of Chi Phi. expected to return to the Storrs Augustus J. Brundage of Mans- AFROTC Cadet. field. They will receive the As- social and religious affairs. campaign manager of the USA's Helvin ParaOna, a pyschology campus for the Association's 75th recent senate elections and re- reunion. Since its founding in sociation's Distinguished Alumni In addition to the students, the major, is past president of Phi Awards during the annual lunch- Archons have named Lawrence ceipent of tlie I.F.C. Gold Key Kappa Tau. group commander of eon at 11:30 a.m. Uconn Presi- Award. the AFROTC, captain of the dent Homer D. Babbidge Jr., will Robert Jordan, arts and track team and a mem!x>r of IFC. Noted Novelist deliver the luncheon address. icience major, is president and Donald W'ar/oeha. a marketing Registration me of the founders of Kingston business major, is a letterman in Registration for the Alumni House, past vice-president of the both baseball and football, cadet -William Styron Day will be held at 9 a.m. in Board of Governors Student Un- colonel of the AFROTC and com- the student Union lobby. Campus ion operations committee, and a mander of the cadet wing. He bus tours will be conducted for | member of Scabbard and Blade. is also a member of the American Speaks May 15 the old grads from 10 to 11:30 Myron Krasll. an engineering Marketing Association and the a.m., with a concert scheduled major, a member of the varsity American Finance Association Storrs, Conn., May -William by the University Concert Band soccer team and the Olympic and past pledgemasler of Chi Styron, one of the nation's lead- at 11:30 a.m. on the Student Un- Soccer team. He has been select- (Concluded on Page 5) ing novelists, will deliver a public ion Terrace. lecture at the University of Con- Following the luncheon the As- necticut. May 15 at 8 p.m., in the sociation will hold its annual Panhellenic Alumnae Association Social Sciences Lecture Hall. business meeting and election of Fifth Speaker officers. At 2 p.m. the Alumni A native of Virginia who now will witness a Yankee Confer- Presents Scholarship Awards Wakes his home in Roxbury, Mr. ence baseball game between Styron is the fifth modem novel- Uconn and Rhode Island at Gar- The Storrs Panhellenic Alumnae the Scholarship Cup for the house ist to participate in a special sem- dner Dow Field. A State 4H Association held its annual Pan- with the highest scholastic aver- inar-lecture program sponsored I .uvrence .\rl,,-i-ina n hellenic Awards Reception at thej Clothing Revue is scheduled at 1 age for the calender year 1962. by the Uconn Department of Eng- 3:30 p.m. in the Von der Medhen Community House Tuesday even- Tlie "Phi Mu Centennial Tray." lish this spring. J. Ackerman. retiring dean of the ing. The awards were presented Recital Hall and a series of class School of Business Administra- awarded to the house showing the Earlier in the day Mr. Styron reunion dinners will be held in for the calender year 1961-62. mosi improvement from callender tion as an honorary Archon. Spring semester, and 1962-63. Fall will meet with Uconn graduate the evening at several restaurants The honorary position is the year to calender year went to Al- Btudents who will criticize his (Concluded on Page 4) semester. pha Delta Pi. published works. Archons way of showing their ap- Two sorority women from each preciation for Dean Ackerman The "Hartford Panhellenic Mr. Styron'a first novel, "Lie class are recognized for having Alumnae Association Plaque" Down in Darkness" was publish- many years of service to the Uni- the highest cummulative tor the Library Hours versity. was awarded to Pi Beta Phi for ed in 1951 and won for him the 1962 calender year. In the Sopho- the house showing the most im- Prix de Rome of the American Starting Monday May IS, Merrill Brown, an economics more class Gail Worsnopp, Delta major, and a brother of Chi Phi, provement fnmi semester to se- 'Academy of Arts and Letters. The Wilbur Cross Library will Pi and Sheila Lasher, Alpha Ep-', mester. Delta Pi received tlie Two years later he published a be open until 11:00 p.m. on he is editor of the Nutmeg in its silon Phi received awards. Re-1 "Storrs Alumnae Panhellenic Ac- short novel. "The Long March." Monday through Friday. The record breaking year. cognized in the Junior class were Brie t'ollelt, a marketing ma- tivities Award for the house hav- His most recent novel, "Set This library will continue to close- Marilyn Martenson. Pi Beta Phi ing the greatest individual and • House on Fire," was completed st lt*> regular time on Satur- jor, is president of Alpha Phi and Joyce Scott, Pi Beta Phi. Sen- chapter participation in campus In 1960. days and Sundays. The late Omega, assistant executive chair- iors receiving awards were Fran- man of the Campus Comunity ces Tiller. Delta Pi and Carol Niz- activities dludng the calender vear This will be the last lecture in closing will continue until the 1962. the special series sponsored by Carnival and a member for the lek, Delta Pi. Constance Carlson, end ot final exams on May 28, Miss McCal] and Miss Noftsker, the English department. Other and women will be granted Society for the Advancement of Delta Pi, was the senior with the , lecturers have been Norman Management. highest scholastic average for 3' ■ along with Mrs. Thomas Diesal, late* until 11:00 p.m. in order the president of the alumnae as- Mailer, Philip Roth, Bernard to study there. Donald Ellsworth, a agricul- years. Malamud and Ralph EUison. ture major, is a university schol- Phi Sigma Sigma was awarded sociation, presented the awards. 4» WHO WILL WKAR THE CROWN? King and Queen of Senior Week will by We, ( oy ingtoii. be chosen from these 10 finalists who will reign at the Senior Ball and oilier Tlie events will end with a Clambake at NstchSMff Stale Park. Tickets r.»r Senior Week Event**. Selection will be made tonight al a coffee. the three days of evenls are still on sale in the III B lobby. Cssmpua 1'hoto— The events begin Wednesday. May 29th, with a picnic at Gardner I.»ke. Albino. Thursday the Sutler Hilton will be the scene of th« Senior Danoe with nuuie F ■I PACE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS MONDAY, MAY 13, 1963 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Figment Of Imagination work. Connecticut It is true that they are all Juniors or To the Editor: Seniors but the fact remains that they are doing work along lines of interest to The Negro revolution is a figment of themselves which have not been laid down my imagination, or so I thought one by formal courses. The way this is man- month ago when 1 wrote the article. But aged is simple. A student enrolls in Bot Daily Campus today, the demonstrations in Alabama, 298 or 299 (and may do so more than led by Dick Gregory and Martin Luther once), indicates which member of the King, have shown that revolution is no staff he wishes to work with and then in longer a ridiculous proposal. It is not a cooperation with that faculty member lays surrealistic fantasy anymore; these dem- out a course of action in his field of in- onstrations are skimming the brink of vio- terest. The hours and credits are all "by MONDAY, MAY 13, 1963 lent action. arrangement" and determined by the stu- By the stream of acidic thought in your dents' needs. letters, I can only conclude that either In ease ours was the only department you misread my article, read it superfi- offering such a plan I have leafed through cially, or merely read the bold print, be- the catalouge and find that a large ma- cause you both have totally misunderstood jority of the departments have "299" the essence of my proposal. courses or something similar. Most of The first, and most important, point Uiem are numbered 299 in fact.
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