) I .*• T //.?•/ . i w e a t h e r • ' Min, M#x, PfecJp. QUOTE . Miy 9 ;A0 ‘ 88 , 0.00 10 •» ■ o-oo *.*% ...»0 89 O.flft' Avarice and happiness never H j u " / ,43 ..« » m i saw each other> hpw then should j, e */ yj - , ; ,6i os o.oo they become acquainted? . *• g*$ IS..... 84 84 0.00 . —Benjamin Franklin PY-FIRST YEAR—F g, 46 ; 14 Pages This Week " / ' , - CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 17,-196? lOcper Copy SUBSCRIPTION ?3.00-PER YEAR, MICHIGAN WEEK DISPLAY ARRAVfiF.n FOR MONDAY: HS Choirs Friends^ofUbraru fill Present Jo Elect Officers , 1,-fl MjBSiai At Monday Meet Lint Concert ..Friend^. _pf.;r.Mcj<une Memorial Library will hold the • spring meet­ Lor and Senior High school' ing Monday, May 21/ at 8 mm., a t Dm will present a joint-concert the library and an invitation 'is U ay evening, M ay-21.,at 7:80 being extended to area residents u -• ^ mm l jp the auditorium.:#l Chel»ea to attend. ’ m school. ' ' ' - , ' Especially, in.vited to-bo-pres’ent. ^ nf the high school c r o u p ’s-. -are-all past m'embers-,of. the group. - Ljentatioj) _T“is' “Say ■ It With. na ilia ill E ^ iii:Ti'hich:--fhy---zingegsP^ititt; - /-Offlcers for the coming year will- E^pt to show hOw.;-a songwriter \]r Ejyej f e e lin g s - of. humor, of the past year’s activities as well Umtesln iJphts of home antf-frionds; ro- as future plans foi- the group'will Electors OK ^f 'aiid patriotism.througn the ing World Set To Climax SiunnoUiuM^c1-.. ™c._. ■... Tie Junior High-"'school' choir About Michigan 2 Extra Mills Week’s Activities ii perform- “Ballad -for Amerii “Jaycees Win ifj'-j. cantata by Earl Robin- . Everytiling is In readiness here flml. thmuglfout theTHfn.te• for the For Srtinnls 'Therrrm th ^nrfuaT~bt)servHnr.^ nt T ‘.ml^lohn-LaTouche. ------■ r v i " ta ^m - Mayor’s Exchange Day, the cMp* r ttatured as :soloist with .-the ninth-annual Michigan Week which x■ / ■. ocur- or ''—jaeven ' ' ■'_' ' ' _' '1" ' opens’Sunday. ■-.v A totaLof 954-.electors “ofrnthf ^tlvlty- of MiehiganAVeelrln-Cheli |iof 'tiioir: will be-Willis. CT-Pat- Gh&lsea.-School District voted" on" sei»V will "take place Monday, May "Ch a r 1 es. Wi na ns i s~Chelsea chair ^ rJOOi a teaching-fellow/at -the the; operational millage; proposal 21, and plans have" been “complete^ ..man for the observance of M ichk eui»ity of .Michigan. He is State Awards MondayT-approving the-frmilHevy for an—outstanding progranrTop"~ irking on;'-a doctbf’a degree in gnn Week in- .Chelsea, . - the day. : . • • ___L._ v Chelsea Jaycees-received a total by a vote of 522 “ves” and 423 — r—r Bit at- the Ui)iver8jty...-_Accom- Pr i n c i p a l-- C helsea observance of-'^seven --state—awards—Saturday "no,” 'a majority, of 99 votesc: Nine - In addition to.the customary, vis« ■ ’V ... / _centeiss' on M ayors’ Exchange Day wing on- the piano will be Miss- at .the Jaycees state convention jin of the 95.4 ballots were listed Sas it, of the mayor/of' another com nmUDht—Louis-. j.-- Pnul, ^village Pin Gustafsoh, a graduate stu- Flint; .this-Was—the^-flrst—time' the spoiled for varjous reasons. - -- munity - while Chelsea’s; village il of*paino" in-, the University councilman,.; was. appointed chair­ Voting, was. steady, •' averaging' president- spends',the .day in "the Chelsea Chapter had ever received man pf that project.: folTofi Music, a state awai’d. about tOQ 'peO iibur! frpiii' 1 pim/ exchange city, CKelseaTs going "all feketa for the joint, concert are Awards are' given on a Basis.-of While the: annual bbs^rvance of­ until 7 p.m.j -however,- the number out” for-an extra celebration-- ag sold by members., of- both popuT5Uon. of the town or city in ficially opens with a Spiritual stepped up to approximately 200 which is expectexl to briog many .- junior and, senior classes. l which; the organization is Tocated, TWISTED- PAPER -THREAD—Jack Duntr, nt Foumlations Day program -on -the during the final hour from 7 p,m. peoplc-to the- downtown area, ■■=')■ The concert, will be conducted ect. Dunn, a .representative of the, company is; Chelsea being in Division "III“(pop- right, and Donald Bacon, ehairman of (he board pf Hlat'e-^apitaol-steRS-^in ^Lansing, atr hr-Rr-pTro. — ; ■ All of Chelsea’s industries are; > David Sanborn; who ia-direotor; Working here. The cent lie is .wearing is minte of -1-2,36 p.m, Sunday, many functions ulgtion l to'5,000.) , Central T'ibrtrProdhCls Co., arc shown ntidvo hnaide. ~matVHal woven—on-et = Tke==tMy==number=ef==vdte»=east= 1 rocal music in C hels^r schoolti. - HonorsHmeludfedrani'i’Mti/'dwPtL ■ =wttl=l)t‘—Jr^lcl in nadyance^ o f„ th a t to be placed along Main- St., in t h ^ -®^30.fooniong' machine ihslalled at the plant' re- here". He said - tlre. cout had * been cleaned several .date, - " was approximately 750 less than r given for .general excellence .of the .■ ... V downtown jiToa 'showing-'the vai led cently-for experimental purposes. Tlie eqftipment times. Principal end "uses~of (lie material under the 1961 record vote which;- ap^- chapter, in' which - the Chelsea -Four of Michigan’s| agricultural proved-a similar .operational levy products'mahufact'ur'ed-here. "J'-— - "u^ftbayter placed sixth jn" the 'slate; ^hown-'flpinH'^iaper^aWj-Twfstetl^lattPttnr^sirekl -devetopme'nt at the present time- are aiftomobile que,eps wi 1 i depart Fnd^ay piorn- bf/two mills. - - size~from stripsior'.wet strength paper ns jt is mi- . slip covers, luggage- protectors and- table.^placo ,, Committees in charge o f thlaT^- Health anti Safety "'award for -plac­ ing'fi-Qm" Willow: Rub iritrjiortv‘on a phase. of the day’s observance said ing in 'the top 25_of__the- state; wQund "-from the largc_QV£rhefldrgc_QV£rhMd ...roll, -T-lie-pape-rr^^mats^aJong^-wUh^severai induHtrlal-^ipplicattons- touV^df "therr/Ppcific Coast where T ^ - it is their opinion ,that “many Chel* / ?nsus Will "Blue Chip Chapter" designation which is 12 inches wide ini the roll; is slit by the sitch Us lamination materials for the plastjcs Tiold, they will makec-numerous televi­ se.a residents will be amazed” when , - for performance of all projects machine into 64 ribbons 3/16 of an inch wide and packaging materials and- wall coverings. This un-' sion appearances. - On / ’Saturday Kindergarten they • see the numerous products dutlined by ’ the state organiza­ those stri|>s are fed into 64 s]>indles. at the opposite usual equipment in a local plant gives Chelsea th,0i'P. will. ;.be" a Michigan;- Week that.are,made in Chelsea/Commit­ i m it Underway tion (in the'top 41); second place side where they are twisted into yarn, The twisted j .ntlded prestige;during Michigan Week when pride kick-off - at Sturgis ,with . a huge tees believe Chelsea' people will dward in civic and community im­ paper yarn is then transferred on bobbins to knit- of. community %and of the entire state is stressed, parade, "festival, and many -other Round-Up r hanew pride in their .community ’ - . census workers in . the events. <■ ' "' School District received provement,- /largely for, the work ting'machines nearby where it i« woven into a' sur- In addition to the 64-spindle machine pictured two when they view ; the ; array of eki ' Materials this week to begin on the Pierce Park .project'; second prisingly durable nnd attractive fabric. Endless smaller ones are also being-used in the oxpei-lment- . Everywhere, citizens -of all ■ age.s Is Tomorrow htfjilS. annual count of all efflldren- Lln in^axMfluh relations: second in paUerns- are uossibie by i ne7nUrorco~ml>iniiuj ct rotc('t^inTF-7r~;t‘2^sptrrrttir--rinr-thiiz-o>h, and,- from "all w a|ks n f lifP -»wt —-T-lieyr-pomt out/thgtrrfgBtgriffg" im-public "working together tg focus atten­ Tomorrow '(.Friday)’ the annual | young poo]ilti ~umjer~the~t The Carthage Cord Co., Carthage, Mb., is co-nper- spinflle model. - - ( . pride in oners own ■ community *rid fM years.. y .; V relations; - ----- - tion on tneli*. owri communities and kindergarten “ro,und*up’’, for chil- state fs the principal; aim of the ’ ating with Central Fibre in the <•' dren who will be entering Uindp.i;.' riraacy. money for the" schools The awardd were earned for the the state, carrying out the objec­ Chelsea chapter during the term tives of Michigan Week. ~ garten in the fall is; to tdke place ne<l upon the number, of. chit*- they :;are hoping that . Chelsea peo. at South ^Elementary- school, - - jfliL^umtig-^poopifer-jfr of office-of Past President Daniel The objectives• o f - the -state- 6b.-. -pie will ..take ".advantage "of this op- rrotsp anil;. it._ is important Maroiley. servance as adopted by the Great- Parents of children who will be pprtunity to show, interest and ap­ At the "state convention officers (-or—M4ebiga.rt-;-F-oundationj s old-.oir or—before, Dec". preciation for the effo rts-o f; GheD were elected as follows: Millard" census also Ogives the school »£ Mic-hican Week^. are;' 1, 1962' should, bring, the children' sea firms- in- making the~downtowrr RusJr~of- Alma-,- prcsident^-Robert incra "count or.pI'e-schodT chil- — L~To— give;— Michigan citizens to South_school—tomorrow to—be- 4ikplay- po$stbler- ffaTWood of Owosau, external-vice^- pn so the school is able'to plan greater . knowledge; and apprecia­ registered. •In addition; the committee says, each year's prospective kin- president; and Robert Beard of tion of.
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