Saint George Church November 1, 2020 OntheGreen Thirtyfirst Sunday in Ordinary Time 33 Whitfield Street, Guilford, CT 06437 www.stgeorgeguilford.org Email: [email protected] Parish Office: 2034532788 Fax: 2034531707 Religious Education Office: 2034533496 Parish offices located in the Fr. Sullivan Center Office Hours: MondayNThursday 9:00AM to 5:00 PM Friday 9:00AM to 1:00 PM Closed Saturdays and Sundays Mass Schedule: Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM. Sunday: 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 AM Confessions: Saturday 3:15 4:00 PM Monday 6:00 7:00PM PreBaptism Class Contact Cara Correll for information: 2034532788. Parish Staff Fr. Stephen Sledesky x 207, Pastor Bulletin Notices for the Church bulletin should be [email protected] submitted by the Monday afternoons for inclusion in Fr. Dennis Vincenzo x 206, Parochial Vicar that Sunday’s bulletin. Notices should be dropped off [email protected] or sent to the Parish Office in the Fr. Sullivan Center; Deacon Robert Tartaris or email [email protected] [email protected] Homebound/Hospitalized Sr. Kathleen Lynch x 201, Pastoral Associate If you or someone you know is homebound and [email protected] would like to receive Holy Communion, or Patricia Nealon x 202, Financial Manager hospitalized and would like a visit, please call the [email protected] Francine Wainer x 215, Operations Manager Parish Office. [email protected] Cara Correll x204, Baptism, Family, Pre K & K [email protected] Diane Birdsall x205, Grades 1 M 6 Prayer Line To request prayers or to receive the list [email protected] via email, please contact Dede Collins at 203453 Claire Nicholls x209, Grades 7 10, Peer Ministry 2306 or [email protected]). [email protected] Sara Trotter x210, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Justine Lovelace x203, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Emily Phillips, Music Ministry [email protected] Margot Burkle & William White, Trustees Sarah Celotto, Pastoral Council President DONE Michael Tufano, Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus Cheryl Panzo, Principal Saint George Mission Statement Sr. Annette D’Antonio, MPF, Assistant Principal As unique disciples of Jesus, we seek to know, to teach 62 Cedar Street and to reflect Christ by welcoming and serving others Branford, CT 06405 through our Catholic faith. 2034888386 Our Lady of Fatima Rosary is recited in the Church every Wednesday at 7:15PM. The Divine Mercy Chaplet Masses are still being celebrated and livestreamed on our website. is recited every Tuesday immediately after the 8:30AM Mass. SATURDAY, 10/31/2020 4:30 PM Carl Balestracci Fiondella Family Padre Pio Prayer Group meets in the Ruiz Center SUNDAY, 11/01/2020 M All Saints Day First Saturday of the month 8:00 AM Albina Pauzano Beirne Family after the 8:30AM Mass. 10:00 AM Brian Korn Family The Rosary for Healing & Protection 11:30 AM Scott & Dennis Frohlich Family is recited in the Church on the 4th Sunday of every month at 6:00 PM. MONDAY, 11/02/2020 M All Souls Day 8:30 AM All Souls of the Faithful Departed 6:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration & Confessions TUESDAY, 11/03/2020 M St. Martin de Porres Sunday: 8:30 AM Clarence & Vivian Oppel Family Rv 7:24, 914/1 Jn 3:13/Mt 5:1 12a WEDNESDAY, 11/04/2020 M St. Charles Borromeo Monday 8:30 AM Clayton Martaan Janer Mommy Wis 3:19/Rom 5:511 or THURSDAY, 11/05/2020 Rom 6:39/Jn 6:3740 8:30 AM Parishioners of St. George Tuesday Phil 2:511/Lk 14:1524 FRIDAY, 11/06/2020 8:30 AM Wednesday Phil 2:1218/Lk 14:2533 SATURDAY, 11/07/2020 8:30 PM Angelo Sordilli Daughter, Joann Thursday: 4:30 PM Bernard Forget Family Phil 3:38a/Lk 15:110 Friday: SUNDAY, 11/08/2020 M Thirtysecond Sunday in Ordinary Time Phil 3:17N4:1/Lk 16:18 8:00 AM Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus Saturday: 10:00 AM Bob & Mary Petrillo Family Phil 4:1019/Lk 16:915 11:30 AM Walt & Eva Greenwood Dale & Janet Greenwood Next Sunday: Wis 6:1216/1 Thes 4:1318 or 4:1314/Mt 25:113 November All Souls Month During November, we will be praying for the Faithful Departed at all Masses. You are invited to bring pictures of your deceased loved ones and place them in the Sanctuary in front of the altar. You also may September Parish Support Offertory $55,777 include the names of your loved ones in a Book of Remembrance which (includes $19,997 in will be in the vestibule near the Pieta. online giving) Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine There were 4 weekends and the average was $13,944 per weekend upon them. May they rest in peace. Matthew 25 $8,056 (includes $2,892 in online giving) Prayer Line To request prayers or to receive the list via email, Upcoming Second Collections please contact Dede Collins at 2034532306 or Oct 31/Nov 1 Matthew 25 [email protected] Nov 21/22 Campaign for Human Development From the Pastor’s Desk… Fratelli Tutti On October 3rd, the eve of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis released his latest encyclical letter to the world entitled, “Fratelli Tutti” meaning “Brothers and Sisters All” to address the topic of social friendship. The pope, referencing St. Francis’ call for a love for one another that “transcends barriers of geography and distance,” seeks to call not just Catholics but all people to a greater care and concern for one another. In his introduction, Pope Francis calls for us to “dream together” noting that when we dream alone by ourselves, we run the risk of seeing “mirages.” He says, “Let us dream, then, as a single human family, as fellow travelers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all,” (par. 8). With this introduction, Pope Francis sets the stage for the rest of his thoughts, beginning by outlining the regression that the human family has more recently experienced, a regression from the efforts of the last century of trying to build international friendships and coalitions, to a more narrow, nationalistic spirit that builds walls rather than bridges. In the second chapter, the pope presents a thoughtful and contemporary reflection on the parable of the Good Samaritan, and how that parable calls us to be neighbors who transcend all the usual divisions that pit us one against the other, as “us” and “them.” This forms a springboard to his third chapter which calls for the consideration of how we form a global family, respecting the dignity of every human being, stressing that our very survival hangs in the balance. In the remaining chapters, the Holy Father touches upon questions of borders, the richness of many cultures, better politics, truth and forgiveness, the place of religion in effecting human fraternity, and many other practical topics that can potentially bring us into better relations with one another on an individual and global level. I encourage you, if you are able, to read this beautiful, challenging yet motivating letter of the Holy Father. Taken to heart we will reap the benefits of a more unified society. I end by reprinting the Pope’s closing prayer in the encyclical: Lord, Father of our human family, You created all human beings equal in dignity: Pour forth into our hearts a fraternal spirit And inspire in us a dream of renewed encounter, dialogue, justice and peace. Move us to create healthier societies and a more dignified world, A world without hunger, poverty, violence and war. May our hearts be open to all peoples and nations of the earth. May we recognize the goodness and beauty that you have sown in each of us, And thus forge bonds of unity, common projects, and shared dreams. Amen. Use the following link to the Vatican Website to find the encyclical online: http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papafrancesco_20201003_enciclicafratelli tutti.html or order a hardcopy from usccb.org or wherever you typically shop for books. Adoration Update Matthew 25 Collection November 2nd this Weekend Adoration will begin at 6:00 pm on October 31 & November 1 Monday, November 2nd. Due to CCD Classes that evening in the church, Adoration will end at 6:45 pm. Saint of the Week St. Charles Borromeo Charles Borromeo was born in Arona, Italy near Lago Maggiore on October 2, 1538, into a powerful and wealthy Milanese family related to the Medici’s. Charles studied both church and civil law, obtaining his doctorate by the age of 21. Before even being ordained a priest, Charles was named a Cardinal by his uncle, Pope Pius IV, and summoned to Rome to assist his papal uncle with the third session of the Council of Trent (156263) and as Secretary of State. He simultaneously pursued theology studies, was ordained a priest in 1563 and then, only a few months later, was consecrated as Archbishop of Milan. There he dedicated his ministry to founding seminaries for the education and formation of priests and the building of churches, schools and hospitals. He also founded a congregation of secular priests known as the “oblates” and committed a vast portion of his family’s wealth to caring for the poor. At the same time, he undertook the reform and renewal of the clergy and laity, challenging them to strive for a life of sanctity, through prayer and penance.
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