University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-24-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 02-24-1913 New Mexican Printing company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 02-24-1913." (1913). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news/3729 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "SANTA MEW :.,ritr A4JVri4 F, JVW M?0. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1913. 11 next day In favor of the adoption (if E tin! resolution. MOR "STRUCK OIL" IN The resolution in lull is as follows: MADERO AND SHXATK .lOIXT KKSOLUTION SUAREZ NO. 15. an amendment to the con-- . i Proposing YEAR stitution of the state of New Mexico, 1910 ACCORDING prohibiting tin? uiannfacture, sale, LISTEN TO FAREWELL keeping for sale of beverages contain-- I ing alcohol, except in certain sjieci- - tied cases. TO OFFICIAL REPORT He it resolved by the house, the senate concurring. That there be OF MEXICO'S RIFLES submitted to the electors of the state of Xew Mexico, at the next regular 'election held in November, one Ihou-- ' OVER GALLONS OF OIL WERE "INSPECTED" AND nine hundred and in 1,500,000 $15,773.33 sand, fourteen, OFFICIAL REPORT HAS IT THAT THEY TRiEO TO ESCAPE FROM AN said state, the proposed amendment COLLECTED IN FEES, ACCORDING TO STATEMENT OF MAR- MALAQUIAS hereinafter set forth, which shall be AUTOMOBILE WHICH WAS CONVEYING THEM TO THE PENITENTIARY TINEZ WHO SERVED IN DOUBLE CAPACITY. valid to all intents and purposes as a part, of the constitution of the state AND THAT THEY WERF SHOT DOWN IN FIGHT WITH WOULD BE of New Mexico, when a ma- - ratified by RESCUERS. jority of the electors voting thereon. .'After the last article add a new arti- THREE MORE NEWSPAPERS HAVE cle, amending the constitution as fol-- , lows: "Section 1. The MOBILIZATION OF INVADING FORCES REPRESENTATIVES TO BE PROBED! sale, manufacture for sale, keeping lor sale, barter, giv- - ing away or otherwise of furnishing ON BORDER GOES STEADILY ON TODAY i any malt, vinous or spirituous Honors, . wine, beer, ale, porter, or any intoxi- drink, mixture or MORE WHO "STRUCK OIL." cating preparation is forever prohibited' in the state of Jan. 1, 1910 Dec. 31, 1910. X v V v: Xew Mexico on and after the first day investigation by the attorney general, S OROCZO, REBEL LEADER of July, one thousand, nine hundred " Major Card en a and two other officers . M. M. Padgett, (Editor of Las AT DEATH'S DOOR. and fifteen, except, for medicinal, v. ho were in charge of the of Vegas Optic). 21. "Gen- - guard sclenlilic, mechanical and sacrament-- i Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. O. A. sfi . rurales escorting the automobile con- Foster, (Editor RioNj al purposes." oral" J'ascual Orozc.o, Jr the Grande - veying Madero and Suarez,' have been Republican). V "Section 2. The shall, V rebel leader, is lying danger- Don W. Editor legislature imprisoned. Lusk, (News without enact such with ously wounded in a hospital delay, laws, The bodies of Madero and Suarez. Albuquerque Journal). regulations, conditions, securities and somewhere in the northern part T. S. Hubbell, (Albuquerque). penalties as may lie necessary to en- of .Mexico, according to reports are held in the penitentiary. Relatives John Owens, (Chama). force the provisions of this article." received today by members of and friends are every effort Alexander making Hart, (Aztec). DISTRICT ATTORNEY the Phoenix branch of the league to recover them. W. E. Carmack, (Alamogordo). of Mexican HON. MALAQUIAS MARTINEZ, BILL IN CAUCUS for the protection Xew York, Feb. 21. Tn the H. H. Betts, (Silver City). tragedy Coal Oil Inspector. When the president of the senate political refugees. yesterday at Mexico City, President J. A. ' Jackson, (rvielrose). called (he district, bill this Word was given out Hint. Taft sees no cause for intervention. J. Y. Val- attorney Thornton, (Pecos afternoon at the hour set for its con the rebel leader had been shot, a News of the killing of Madero nud ley). ideration, Mr. Holt moved that con- week ago, but where or how was 'Snares was given to the president as Sena, George (Santa Rosa). MR. CATRON GETS sideration of the measure be post- S not stated. V he boarded a train for Washington J. Y. Armijo, (Santa Rosa). poned and said in explanation thereof S' V after attending services al Saint liar- - Douglas C. Crowell, (El Paso). V. SANTA FE IN BILL that when the order of business - tiiolomew church. After reading tlm coal oil 2 - Fran-1 o Malaquias Martinez, "Hills of Third Heading" was reaclv Mexico City, Mex., Feb. Associated Press dispatches the presl-clsc- In- - inspector and deputy coal oil V 0: ed, that, the Republican members Madero, deposed president, and dunt expressed his deep regret but. spector, (Espanola and Willard). V would move for a recess of one hour Jose Pino Suarez, deposed vlce-presi- - made it clear that he regarded the Santa Fe, X. jr., Feb. 24. Through i ate. The bill also provides approprla to further confer on the measure andlP"t of Mexico, were shot and killed killing ns that of one citizen by fellow .the efforts of Senator Santa tious for !'as Cruces, $125,000; Las to MALAQUIAS MARTINEZ, Catron, that thereafter they might, proceed when an attempt was made citizens. He said that although this New L, Vegas, $125,000 and $75,000. tot'ay, in The Mexican today presents ,Fe has an in the ; . consider it. It is understood that a rescue them from an automobile country had done all in its power and Deputy Coal Oil Inspector. appropriation public:,,,Should these remain in another installment of the "History of appropriations number of amendments are in content-- ' which they were being conveyed from! all that consistently could be done to buildings bill for a new federal build lne bill af(pr Ule conference, Coal Oil" in New Mexico. Fourteen they and bill as it is drawn 'tlie national palace to the peulten-- i save Madero'H life, he saw in the at. a cost of $295,000. The bill will be botn jplation that the it ore names ing doubtless passed by occurrence appear of persons having a not meet the united approval of tfary. plorable at Mexico City no ' February . 101.790 1.017.90 now goes to conference of senate houses making a liberal appropriation rtrtick oil" and these names are the Old Guard. Previously it had been announced cause in itself for intervention. Noi- - March 151.422 1,514.22 and house. The appropriation for thelfor the new state. Both Congressman found in a report made to Governor The senate tne transfer had been made success-- j ther did the president see any cause April 13D,loi 1,391.09 city of Santa Fe was placed in the bill Curry and Congressman Fergnsson this afternoon passed Mills by the coal oil inspector, ISenate Bill No 154 bv Mr rillly, but this appears to Have been ior a cauiuei in w asiv 1.300.71 by the efforts of Senator Catron worked hard for New Mexico while the Ilfeld caning meeting Martinez. The cov- May 130,071 a of the ington on his arrival there Malaquias report i j which the state piece iinesse, designed by tonight. June 85,121 S51.21 while the bill was pending in the sen bill was pending in the house. provides tliat supreme ers the year January 1 to December ;court may adopt u seal, There was government defacto to prevent just Washington, D. C, Feb. 24. No off- July 82,130 821,30 - SI. 1910. !no opposition. jsuch an attempt as eventuated yes- icial the August . ... 101.816 1,018.16 dispatches regarding killing During this time one million, five tl'r(1a'- - of Madero and Suarez had re- 147.61 1 1.47C.14 These new bills were introduced: been n September .. MRS. PANKHURST hundred and seventy-seve- thousand, S. H. No. bv Mr. Ilfeld Estab-- ln a official statement, oeneral ceived here up to two o'clock Sun- October . .. 140,720 1,407.20 155, three hundred and thirty-thre- e gal- IS ARRESTED nractice and Victoriano Huerta, provisional presi- afternoon. As.Kcciuted . PROHIBITION l'thine certain rules of day Vr" ,." oil November 117,678 1,176,78 lons of were "inspected" by the in court. dent, asserts that Madero aud Suarez Hatches given U llnni: December . 181,763 1.S17.03 jpiocedure district '"wit coal oil deputies. tried to escape when the rescue was accrets' "" 24. re-- agBlsjallt London, Feb. Mrs. Emmeline. S. B, No. 156, by Mr. H inkle To ! I Mr. Dunne seems not to have been attempted. tary Stim; ' T Total . ...1,377,333 $15,773.33 Pankhurst waB arrested today in con- imburse trustees of Dattery A fol' i ' of ihe war department, the only newspaper man to draw, a nection PROPOSED IN ,,,'ihe government, lie continues. Majq; General Wood ' the destruction of the lands and This bill was and other offl. for i ?ity gunsheds, - salary services rendered. Three! e wrtu u country residence of David Lloyd-Georg- drawn in accordance with a cwv.j pa.n- htuis werfi reofiml with great sur piominent newspapers besides the! Statement of Oil Inspected by Deputy! message ueiu oi me iacis tn tne case The by a bomb explosion last week.
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