University of California, Hastings College of the Law UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Law News UC Hastings Archives and History 3-14-1977 Hastings Law News Vol.9 No.15 UC Hastings College of the Law Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln Recommended Citation UC Hastings College of the Law, "Hastings Law News Vol.9 No.15" (1977). Hastings Law News. Book 89. http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln/89 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Law News by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. セ。セエエョァセ@ lLatu ェスエエオセ@ The University of California Hastings College of the Law VOL. IX NO. 15 SAN FRANCISCO MARCH 14, 1977 MASSIVE ENDOWMENT TO ALUM ON SUPREME COURT HASTINGS While it won't appear in the Place- A fellowship trust of over a half legal education should not only be the ment Office, there is an opening on million dollars has been established study of law, but should also sensitize the bench of Alameda Superior at Hastings by Mrs. Francesca the student to the needs of society. Court. The vacancy occurred when Turner in memory of her son the late The Fellowship Trust is interested Gov. Jerry Brown appointed Judge Antenor Patino, Jr., a Hastings in helping applicants whose personal Wiley Manuel, a Hastings graduate, student who died in 1973. and academic history shows initia- to the state Supreme Court. Relieved This fellowship, the largest dona- tive, motivation and good citizenship. that his appointment has been well tion ever received by Hastings Col- Applicants must evidence this by received, Manuel commented upon lege of Law, is founded on Tony's showing participation in organiza- the controversy surrounding the ap- often expressed desire to help his tions or programs that study and pointment of Rose Bird, "There are fellow students. The Patmo Fellow- contribute to the solution of a wide various points of view on how to fill ship Trust now amounts to over a half range of society'S problems. the bench. Some feelit's necessary to million dollars and is expected to Consequently, the Screening and go through the chairs, others say reach a full million within the next Selection Committees will consider 'Why?' ." three years. whether applicants have demonstra- Confident and soft spoken, Judge This new Hastings endowment is ted qualities of leadership and are Manuel began his legal career with unique among other law schools in inquisitive and concerned about the the Attorney General's Office after that it provides for both educational world around them. This is stressed his graduation from Hastings in 1953. and living expenses. Each recipient by the donor in the hope that the For Manuel, the Attorney General's torney General Manuel was ap- will be granted $5,000.00 per year. financial support from the Fellowship Office had several advantages. "I got pointed to the bench in Alameda Additionally, if the fellowship holder will give recipients the opportunity to to try cases immediately, had expert County. By then he was the head of should require child care for his or continue to engage in activities in help and wasn't buried in a library the Civil Division which included her young children, aged six month to areas of their own interest related to turning out memos for somebody welfare, tax, administrative law, gov- three years, such care can be pro- the needs of society, in addition to else." After 23 years with the At- continued on page 14 vided through the Antenor Patmo Jr. their actual legal studies. Endowment Fund. On the basis of performance the An especially important feature of Fellowship will be renewable each Mrs. Turner's endowment, which year. After receiving two renewals of NO MORE STUDENT LOANS gives it further unique character, is the Fellowship and obtaining the The 1977-78 Budget recently sub- As a Graduate School, Hastings the method and criteria of selection of Juris Doctor degree, the recipient will mitted to Congress by President Students are categorically eliminated Fellowship rocipients. It is Mrs. be known as a • 'Tony Patmo Fellow." Carter essentially eliminates the Na- from the Basic Grant and the Supple- Turner's conviction that a proper continued on back page tiOlial Direct Student Loan Program mental Grant Programs, leaving only for Hastings Students. the Federal Insured Student Loan The "0" funding level of the NDSL (FISL) for Hastings Students from D.A. HITS SAVINGS AND LOAN Program is particularly alarming in so Federal Loan sources. American Savings and Loan, one of newspapers as carried the original far as it is a clear disregard of the Even though the criteria for FISLs California's largest savings institu- ones. In addition, Freitas said they Higher Education Amendments of have been relaxed by the Amend- tions, has been charged with false, would ask the court for civil penalties 1976 which require at least a thres- ments of 1976, the Commercial Lend- fraudulent, and deceptive advertising in excess of $750,000 for violation of hold level of 286 million dollars in ers have by in large not relaxed their in a civil action filed by the Consumer the state's consumer protection laws. NDSL before funding the Basic Grant stringent requirements. Fraud/White Collar Crime Unit of the The San Francisco District Attor- Program. The Financial Aid Office is urging San Francisco District Attorney's ney's Consumer Fraud Unit has re- Because of the relatively short per- all students to contact their personal Office and the California State cently settled false advertising cases iod of time that Hastings has been in congressmen as well as members of Department of Consumer Affairs. against two large corporations. In the NDSL Program, this action would the Appropriation Committee to re- In announcing the suit, District At- January, the Bank of America agreed deny loans to approximately 95 % of instate funding for the NDSL torney Joseph Freitas, Jr., said that to pay $275,000 in fines and resti- the students currently receiving this Program. continued on page 8 they would seek a court order re- tution in settlement of charges that form of assistance. quiring American Savings to print re- its auto loan ads were misleading; tractions and corrections of its and last week Fingerhut, one of the JOB OFFERS: MORE WILL COME allegedly false ads in as many continued on page 10 An aggressive, polished and com- its own student body. (The Law News prehensive information/placement will shortly carry the story of a SUPER SACRAMENTO ALUMNI campaign publicizing Hastings grads, Hastings student who transferred to the Hastings curricula and the super- Boalt but is transferring back-totally A christening, as it were, has been ior quality of Hastings students. dissatisfied with the Berkeley law given the Sacramento chapter of the What will it mean? It means jobs. It school.) Hastings Alumni Association. Key- means clients. But how many people really know noted by the presence of the Alumni The legal community that has about the 'new' Hastings? The Board of Governors who had held heard of Hastings very often labors College'S alumni are in many in- their quarterly meeting in Sacramen- with the image of the College as it stances just as misinformed and to earlier that day, nearly a hundred was ten and even five years ago uninformed as those who still think of alumni and guests dined, danced and when, admittedly, there wasn't too a clothing store when Hastings is revelled at Sacramento's posh Del much besides a great faculty to brag mentioned. Paso Country Club. about. A recent survey by the magazine Numerous Sacramento alumni Today Hastings boasts an even Juris Doctor, notwithstanding its have been actively promoting Hast- stronger faculty and students and methodological flaws, failed to com- ings in the capitol city for some years. curricula to match. Entrance statis- plete many ratings on Hastings be- The names of Sacramentans Kree- tics for Hastings students are very cause those surveyed didn't have land "Kay" Lobner and James Hage- I nearly equal those of Harvard, Chi- enough facts to form an opinion. Who dorn appeared in Hastings alumni cago, Stanford and Columbia. Boalt were those surveyed by Juris Doctor? news over and over again. Hall, once a powerhouse, is rapidly continued on page 8 continued on back page losin that re utation even amon HASTINGS LAW NEWS Non-Profit Organization INDIAN LAW u.s . POSTAGE Haellnge College of the Law PAID University of California 198 McAllleter St. PAGE 12 San Franciaco. Ca. SIIn Frenclaco, Ca. 94102 Permit No . 10286 PAGE 2 IIA8'I1NGS LAW NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS CORRECTION The last issue of the Law News contained an article referring to the COMM/ENT journal which may have been misinterpreted: 1. COMM/ENT is not yet officially accredited. There can be no official status for COMM/ENT until a first issue is published and it is approved by the Faculty. At present students may not participate in COMM/ENT as an GET YOUIt MUG SHOT FltEE alternative to their Moot Court requirement, although this might be available at a future date with Faculty approval. 2. The joint writing program was prepared solely by the diligent efforts of members of the Hastings Law Journal and the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly. However, as a convenience to students, COMM/ENT will 7' accept copy memos prepared for the program. 6'6" The COMMIE NT Editorial Staff apologizes for any misconception which may have arisen due to the aforementioned article.
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