肭厫 2018 榱 3 ━篚檬轄繩磚̅ Hotel Supply Situation - as at Mar 2018 猹 CONTENTS 1. ljkmZ142ZljlkZツ木îェ襯猹 Number of Hotels / Guesthouses and Rooms 2013 - 2021 2. ljkrZツɞ木ェ襯猹靴弭〝闟 A Summary of Changes in Number of Hotel / Guesthouse Rooms in Hong Kong 2018 3. 嘲ZkrZúú⺪;諸靴木îェ襯猹 Number of Hotels & Rooms by 18 District Council Districts 4. 貨ZljkrZツ朅89閬渞木昫˦湓木 Hotels Opened / Obtained Hotel Licenses in 2018 5. 88乄c湓木猹Zを142ZljkrZツZmZ庙Z New Confirmed Hotel Projects ( as at Mar 2018 ) 6. 晥耀琡病蓪c1375逆砲鯱D湓木猹を142ZljkrZツZmZ庙 Other Hotel Projects without specific information on planned completion date ( as at Mar 2018 ) 7. 嘲ZkrZúú⺪;諸靴木㌶飶誻を142ZljkrZツZmZ庙 List of Hotels by 18 District Council Districts ( as at Mar 2018 ) 8. 嘲ZkrZúú⺪;諸靴îェ襯猹を142ZljkrZツZmZ庙 Number of Guesthouses & Rooms by 18 District Council Districts ( as at Mar 2018 ) 鯱僊Ź : 頣拏濯‒鑌鮨昫˦濯‒甒↓エ9鮨嘲îɞ慨渞セる木鯱苯魸譚〓 Source : Office of the Licensing Authority, Home Affairs Department, Building Department and HKTB Hotel Survey. ɞ慨渞セる䌂饠蹜BZljkrZツZoZ庙賰 ɞアoj奛 Published by Research, HKTB May 2018 HK$50 Tel 2807 6543 Fax ″䭯2806 0303 Internet 詗◇www.discoverhongkong.com / partnernet.hktb.com Email : [email protected] 尞KCL ㌶諶鯱カ騙㌶ジュールäĶî⒟挽揃忇〓慨渞る㎏⺪覉ま選覉↓ま⒏/病鯱ヤ 甕ッ忇〓Z 望賰槵愰58蟚fり蹜魗‒鯽ú騙ť蓪鯱⒬病84まょ慨渞るゕ㎏〓 ㎞63揃忇ま驝病鯱玺訠揃î13憘¦㎞望湓籯〉鉎卸〓 ㎏彩乚校㎱脖∃まヤ窀63甕ッゾ∋㎞⒬8/11揃忇病鯱ま鯱病甕ッまょQ 143㎞ま甕ッ挽ぬ惼」獫Ë↓Ë↓え↓沘賙↓ず餡▪ま獱(湓Ǒ52³ɛ㋼£朅‒ま銧 メE揃慨渞る88閬ぼ病サ56﨟劂刨Ǒ52禱釻ン㎞ま甕ッ挽ぬュ建甕〓 Disclaimer All information is for general reference and personal use only. We do not make any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, for any particular purpose. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Hong Kong Tourism Board accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. In your use and interpretation of this information, you will exercise and rely solely on your own skills and judgment. In no event shall we be liable (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including any loss of business or profit, arising out of any use of this information, or any errors or omissions in this information, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. - 1 - 1. ljkmZ142ZljlkZツ木îェ襯猹 Number of Hotels / Guesthouses and Rooms 2013 - 2021 木襯猹 ェ襯猹 慨35襯猹 ェ襯猹 望71挽ぬ襯猹 ェ襯猹 襯猹 ェ襯猹 ツ火ZYear End No. of No. of No. of Tourist No. of No. of Local People No. of No. of No. of Hotels Rooms Guesthouses Rooms Guesthouses Rooms Guesthouses Rooms c襯猹 Actual Figures 1 2013 225 70,017 818 7,630 256 1,952 1,074 9,582 2014 244 72,721 na na na na 1,205 10,712 2015 253 73,846 na na na na 1,356 11,712 2016 263 74,868 na na na na 1,464 12,438 2017 277 78,935 na na na na 1,469 12,271 2018 bZmZ庙ZMar ) 283 79,231 na na na na 1,482 12,313 |魸襯猹ZEstimated Figures 2 2018 306 84,888 2019 320 87,549 ( Zェ襯ム³ɛZkZ⒟木遂㍀猹が昕mnlZェぎ , Room figures including 1 hotel extension project 2020 326 90,433 with 342 rooms ) 2021 327 90,893 晥耀琡病蓪c1375逆砲鯱湓木猹Zm ( ェ襯ム³ɛZkjZ⒟木遂㍀猹が昕ZkfjkjZェぎ , Room figures including 10 hotel extension Other hotel projects without specific 46 8,443 projects with 1,010 rooms ) information on planned completion date 3 鷮Z Remarks : 1. c襯ム嘲頣拏濯‒鑌鮨昫˦濯‒甒∩¦校嘲慨35ま望71挽ぬ;諸靴襯ム貨ZljknZツ㎏槢ú騙〓 Actual figures are obtained from the Office of the Licensing Authority, Home Affairs Department (HAD). Breakdown by Tourist or Local People Guesthouse are not available with effect from 2014. 2. |魸襯猹彩乚校を142ZljkrZツZmZ庙ZmkZ逆衤㤗⒟鉙猹湓渞セ*ZiZ㍀媲Sú騙⊿88閬ϛ㍀媲濯‒㹠眚ミ琪湓猹〓靴襯ム⊿㎏³ɛ63愰〓 Estimated figures are based on information provided by respective developers / architects of individual hotel projects that have been approved by the Building Authority known as at 31 Mar 2018. The number of guesthouses is not included. 3. 88閬ϛ㍀媲濯‒㹠眚ミ琪Zぁ渞セ*ZiZ㍀媲S琡病ú騙蓪c魸;1375逆砲鯱湓木猹〓 Hotel projects that have been approved by the Building Authority, but developers / architects do not disclose specific information on planned completion date. - 2 - 2. A Summary of Changes in Number of Hotel / Guesthouse Rooms in Hong Kong 2018 No. of No. of Hotels No. of Rooms No. of Rooms Guesthouses Balance as at Dec 2017 : 277 78,935 1,469 12,271 As at Jan - Mar 2018 : New Addition + 6 + 261 + 59 + 443 Reduction - - - 46 - 291 Existing Room Changes na + 35 na - 110 Balance as at Mar 2018 : 283 79,231 1,482 12,313 As at Apr - Jun 2018 : New Addition Reduction Existing Room Changes na na Balance as at Jun 2018 : As at Jul - Sep 2018 : New Addition Reduction Existing Room Changes na na Balance as at Sep 2018 : As at Oct - Dec 2018 : New Addition Reduction Existing Room Changes na na Balance as at Dec 2018 : Remarks : Figures are obtained from the Office of the Licensing Authority, Home Affairs Department and HKTB's Hotel Survey. - 3 - 3. Number of Hotels & Rooms by 18 District Council Districts Actual Figures Estimated Figures Hotel By Districts 2017 03 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 Hong Kong Island Number of Hotels 123 124 129 133 135 136 Number of Rooms 26,017 26,067 28,080 28,475 28,866 29,326 Central & Western Number of Hotels 52 52 52 52 52 52 Number of Rooms 9,068 9,068 9,068 9,068 9,068 9,068 Eastern HK Number of Hotels 18 11 13 14 14 14 Number of Rooms 4,985 4,091 5,602 5,662 5,662 5,662 Southern HK Number of Hotels 8 8 9 10 10 11 Number of Rooms 1,483 1,483 1,955 2,039 2,039 2,499 Wan Chai Number of Hotels 45 53 55 57 59 59 Number of Rooms 10,481 11,425 11,455 11,706 12,097 12,097 Kowloon Number of Hotels 116 120 134 142 145 145 Number of Rooms 33,779 33,950 36,146 37,416 38,359 38,359 Kowloon City Number of Hotels 17 17 18 18 18 18 Number of Rooms 7,867 7,867 7,966 7,966 7,966 7,966 Kwun Tong Number of Hotels 4 5 8 10 11 11 Number of Rooms 1,340 1,398 1,961 2,396 2,850 2,850 Sham Shui Po Number of Hotels 2 2 4 4 4 4 Number of Rooms 192 192 324 324 324 324 Wong Tai Sin Number of Hotels 1 1 1 2 3 3 Number of Rooms 695 695 695 1,132 1,466 1,466 Yau Tsim Mong Number of Hotels 92 95 103 108 109 109 Number of Rooms 23,685 23,798 25,200 25,598 25,753 25,753 - 4 - 3. Number of Hotels & Rooms by 18 District Council Districts Actual Figures Estimated Figures Hotel By Districts 2017 03 2018 2018 2019 2020 2021 New Territories Number of Hotels 27 28 32 34 34 34 Number of Rooms 14,149 14,189 15,637 16,633 16,633 16,633 Kwai Tsing Number of Hotels 7 7 9 10 10 10 Number of Rooms 3,888 3,888 4,641 5,021 5,021 5,021 North Number of Hotels - - - - - - Number of Rooms - - - - - - Sai Kung Number of Hotels 4 5 6 6 6 6 Number of Rooms 843 883 1,148 1,148 1,148 1,148 Sha Tin Number of Hotels 5 5 5 6 6 6 Number of Rooms 3,253 3,253 3,253 3,869 3,869 3,869 Tai Po Number of Hotels - - - - - - Number of Rooms - - - - - - Tsuen Wan Number of Hotels 6 6 6 6 6 6 Number of Rooms 3,931 3,931 3,931 3,931 3,931 3,931 Tuen Mun Number of Hotels 2 2 3 3 3 3 Number of Rooms 751 751 1,181 1,181 1,181 1,181 Yuen Long Number of Hotels 3 3 3 3 3 3 Number of Rooms 1,483 1,483 1,483 1,483 1,483 1,483 Islands Number of Hotels 11 11 11 11 12 12 Number of Rooms 4,990 5,025 5,025 5,025 6,575 6,575 All Districts Number of Hotels 277 283 306 320 326 327 Number of Rooms 78,935 79,231 84,888 87,549 90,433 90,893 - 5 - 4. 於 2018 年開業/已獲民政事務總署牌照事務處發出之酒店牌照的酒店 Hotels Opened / Obtained Hotel Licenses from the Office of the Licensing Authority, Home Affairs Department in 2018 18 區區議會 劃分 日期 酒店名稱 酒店地址 房間數目 18 District Date Name of Hotel Address No. of Rooms Council Districts 2018 年第 1 季 灣仔 旭逸雅捷酒店 . 灣仔 香港灣仔駱克道 376 號 50 1st Quarter Wan Chai Hotel Ease Access . Wan Chai 376 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, HK 2018 油尖旺 - 九龍旺角東方街 4 號 24 Yau Tsim Mong Tribute Hotels 4 Tung Fong Street, Mong Kok, Kln 觀塘 - 九龍觀塘觀塘道 326 號 58 Kwun Tong IND Hotel 326 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kln 油尖旺 - 九龍尖沙咀棉登徑7號 33 Yau Tsim Mong MW HOTEL 5 Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln 油尖旺 康境酒店 九龍尖沙咀金馬倫道 8 號 56 Yau Tsim Mong The OTTO Hotel 8 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kln 西貢 - 新界西貢白沙灣第 210 約 535 地段 40 Sai Kung The Pier Hotel Lot 535 in DD 210, Pak Sha Wan, Sai Kung, NT 註 Remarks : 數字以獲得民政事務總署牌照事務處發出之酒店牌照為依據。 Figures are confined to those hotel obtained a hotel licenses from the Office of the Licensing Authority, Home Affairs Department. - 6 - 5. 已核實的新酒店項目(截至 2018 年 3 月) New Confirmed Hotel Projects ( as at Mar 2018 ) 18 區區議會 房間數目增加 計劃完工日期 劃分 酒店/發展項目/位置 發展商/建築師 (暫定) Planned Date18 District Hotel / Project Name / Location Developer / Architect Increase in of Completion Council No. of Rooms Districts (Provisional) 2018 2018 年 4 月 葵青 【旭逸雅捷酒店 .
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