C ASS CITY CHRONICLE VOLUME 30, NUMBER 19. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1935. EIGHT PAGES. / ' ff~ G. A. R. VETERAN v/ .... CASS CITY GUN ry, Michigan State College, and i CLUB ORGANIZED HOIVIE-I]OrvllNGAT ,/ CELEBRATED HIS 85TH MRS, I], WALIFRS90 Bob Mackey, manager of the Mete- l FOOTBALLPLAYERS GROP OUTLOOKIS BIRTHDAY ON AUG. 13 mura i.--urm~, Oxford, whu will b~| The (Jass City Gun Club is a so-t toastmaster of the evening, will be i ciety organized here recently with GiTYAUG, ,9-30 YFARSOLD SATURDAYpresent as well as many other not-! TART WORK OON the following officers: President, B£SI SINCEi922 ed horse breeders of Michigan.] Ed Baker; vice president, A. N.I Several of these men will offer Bigelow; secretary-treasurer, War- Preparing Big Program of Came with Husband to Elm- brief remarks. Worthy Tait will Thumb Champs Begin Work ren Wood. Above Average Yields for the be the local speaker. Bob Robin- The development of better Entertainment and wood Township in son will be the honor gues.t of the Sept. 1st to Defend Title marksmanship and the conserva- Major Field and Fruit evening and arrangements are be- tion of wild game are two objects Amusement. 1863. ing made by County Agent E. L. Held for Two Years. of the organization, while trap and Crops. Benton. skeet shooting may be practiced later. OFFICERS ANNOUNCE Mrs. Catherine Walters, Tuscoia DETROIT MAN BUYS Cass City is preparing football WEATHER HAS FAVORED county pioneer resident, was hon- ENTIRE PROGRAM IS FREE equipment and making" ready to MARRIAGE LICENSES. THE CULTIVATED CROPS ored at a dinner Sunday at the A 120 ACRE FARM defend their Thumb and State home of her daughter, Mrs. Bay IN TUSCOLA COUNTY championships which they have Bruce Dennis, 23, Caro; Ada May Crane, where she makes her home. held for the past two years. A Cass City is planning a home- Middleton, 19, Mayville. The dinner, a surprise to Mrs. Wai- squad of 70 men are expected to From the standpoint .of crop con- coming for Thursday and Friday, Peter F. Termini of Detroit has William J. Shaw, 65, Mayville; ters, was given in honor of her report for the first practice. Out ditions as a whole, the Michigan Aug. 29 and 30. bought a 120-acre farm in Tuscola Harriet Munson, 57, Minneapolis, 90th birthday, which was Saturday. of ,this group the coaches are outlook on August 1 this year was While all details have not been county, it was announced this week Minn. the best for that date since 1922. Catherine Spitler Waiters, who by C. P. Whip of Flint, field repre- hoping to find material to replace completed as y~t, the preliminary was born in St. Thomas, Ontario, Robert ~Hessler, 21, Bach; Mollie Barring unusual late-season weath- announcements of officers and sentative of the Federal Land such men as Ballagh, Ward, Gra- Ramij, 17, Gagetown. is still hale and hearty and is pos- ham, Moore, Vyse, Stafford, Mc- er damage or losses, yields promise committees promise a program re- Bank of St. Paul. Lebbeus Pomeroy, 20, Unionville; sessed of charm and friendliness as Naughton, Barrel and O'Dell, who to be above average for practically t The farm was formerly known Hazel Rogers, 20, Akron. plete with much amusement and well as a keen mind and an unsel- all of the major field and fruit entertainment. Clark S. Bixby. i as the Richard Sargent place and is were graduated last June. Louis Leannis, 62, Denmark fish devotion to her family. She The regulars who are returning crops. According .to the Federal- Officers of the home-coming are: t located 1½ miles southwest of De- township; Mary May Ferris, 62, Mr. Bixby, the last G. A. R. l was married to William Walters, State Crop Report released today President, Samuel Champion. ford. It is one of a number of are Quick, tackle; Boulton, center; Saginaw. veteran in Cass City, and one of t March 18, 1863, in Ontario, and the by James F. Thomson, Commis- Vice president, Stanley Asher. farms the bank has sold in Tuscola Davenport, guard; A. Reagh, half- George Albert Jakovatz, 21, the youngest survivors of the Civil following month, they came with a sioner of Agriculture, and Irvin Secretary, A. N. Bigelow. county this year. back. Other prominent candidates Flint; Margaret Cook, 16, Mayville. War now residing in Michigan, team of oxen to Sarnia, crossing Holmes, assistant United States Treasurer, Dugald Krug. for regular poMtions this season celebrated his 85th bi~h anniver- t St. Clair river to Port Huron, and are: N. quarterback; Statistician, Michigan is surpassed Samuel Champion and B. J. Dail- S,tafford, sary on Tuesday, Aug. 13, as a din-1 then to a place of dense woods 4½ Morris, halfback; Martin, fullback; by only one northern state on the ey were named as a committee to ner guest at the ho~ne Of his daugh- miles west and ~£ mile south of Gallagher and McAlpine~ tackles; basis of present combined crop secure free acts for the occasion. yield prospects. ter, Mrs. C. J. Striffler. Cass City. Here a clearing was FARM PRO[}UC[ Kermedy, Ryan, Fort and Withey, Other committees include: Mr. Bixby stands well over six made to build their home and on The month of July was noted for Finance committee~B. J. Dailey, guards; Kloc, Reyes, Hoffman, feet today and is unusually active l this farm they resided until Mr. excessive humidity and, although S. A. Striffler. Wright and Doerr~ backfield. An- for an octogenarian. He served Welters passed away April 14, RF.oELECT5BIFIECTOFtS other promising candidate will be rainfall was below normal, it was Advertising--Thomas Farson, A. one year in Company A, Third New 1903. The next year Mrs. Walters OF MICHIGANFIAIN ample in practically all sections H. Kinnaird, M. C. McLellan, Wil- Grant Reagh who was unable to York Infantry, was with Sherman left the farm and came to make compete last season due to an oper- except the eastern part of the Up- lis Campbell and A. Champion. on his "March to the Sea~" and re- her home in Cass City. The last per Peninsula and some northern Sports--Kenneth Kelly, Kilburn Stockholders Received Checks ation. Grant Ball and Don Hunt- Crop Prospects Expected to ceived his discharge at Rawleigh, fourteen years she has lived with er will be newcomers to the foot- counties of the Lower Peninsula. Parsons, Alex Tyo. The loss of moisture through evap- N. C., at the close of the war. her daughter, Mrs. Crane. ball squad and much is expected of Music--Alex Tyo, Henry Tate, Representing a 5% Encourage Large Entry oration was much less than usual Mrs. Walters has one living" sis- both. Other men who will be fight- George Dillman. for a hot month. These unusual ter, Mrs. George Burnett, of Flint, Dividend. ing for positions are: Davidson, List at State Fair. Horse pulling contest -- R. S. who celebrated her 88th birthday weather conditions were especially Kerbyson, G. A. Tindale, R. M. Kelly, Hicks, Vaden, O'Connor, J. in June of this year, Mrs. Walters I Ballagh, M. Moore, Crane, Clement, favorable for cultivated crops and, Taylor. as a result, corn shows marked im- [ E TE J IAL HOW making her a visit at that time. Stockholders of The Farm Pro-I Mark, V. Moore, all linemen from Good crop prospects and changes Pavement dance--Mr. Kettlewell, provement over July t while beans A sister, Mrs. Susan Matthews, duce Company of Cass City re-I last season's reserve squad. Vance, contest regulations are expected C. Brown, E. Wright, H. Doerr. in and sugar beets made moderate passed away at the age of 100. to encourage Michigan farmers to Concessions--Ed Baker. ceived checks the latter l~art of last l Rawson, Simmons, Sweeney, are gains and potatoes maintained the AI [;OUNTYFAIR Mrs. Waiters has three daugh- week representing a 5% dividend, t other backfield candidates who have make a record number of entries Thursday's program opens with previous month's figure. On the ters, Mrs. Sarah Welsh, Care; Mrs. At the annual meeting held on] had some experience. in ,the farm crops show at the De- a wrestling match with Dr. H. T. other hand, winter and spring Ellen Wilson, Ellington and Mrs. Tuesday, Aug. 13, the following Additional material will be se- troit State Fair, Aug. 30 to Sept. 8, Donahue, "Big Ten" champion for grMns are generally turning out Colorful Pageant of Floats Crane of Cass City. She also has were elected members of the board lected from the following candi- according to members of the farm three years, and Jack Donahue, his eight grandchildren and four great poorer than was anticipated a brother, prominen£ among Michi- of directors to succeed themselves: dates who have declared their in- crops department at Michigan! Will Be Event of Friday grandchildren. tention of participating in football State. mon£h ago, both in yield and quali- gan State College wrestlers, as W. J. Schwegler, Smith Hutchin- tty. The damp weather favored the A beautiful birthday cake with this season: J. Fox, Allured, Dafoe, No entry fee will be charged on contestants. Preliminary bouts at Evening° son, N. A. Perry, John A. Benkel- development of and harvest- lighted candles graced the table at H. Stine, Courliss, G. Stine, Gallo- grains, seeds, or potatoes. Last rust, 8:00 p. m. open the first day's pro- man, C. J~ Striffler, I. W. Hall and t ing and threshing have progressed the dinner Sunday when the two way, Q.
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