PUBLISHED APPLIED KINESIOLOGY TEXTS Applied Kinesiology Research Privately published yearly (1964 to 1998) Manuals Goodheart, G.J. You’ll Be Better – The Story Privately published of Applied Kinesiology, Goodheart, G.J. Collected Published Articles 1969 & Reprints, Goodheart, G.J. Collected Published Articles 1992 & Reprints, Goodheart, G.J. Observation of Sonagraphic 1981 Computerized Analysis, Goodheart, G.J. A New Approach To An Old 1990 Problem, Goodheart, G.J. Being A Family Doctor, 1993 Goodheart, G.J. Applied kinesiology: The Systems D.C., Pueblo, CO; 1976 advanced approach in chiropractic, Walther, D.S. Applied Kinesiology: Basic Systems D.C., Pueblo, CO; 1981 Procedures and Muscle Testing, Vol. I., Walther, D.S. Applied Kinesiology Vol. II, Systems D.C., Pueblo, CO; 1983 Head, Neck, and Jaw Pain and Dysfunction—The Stomatognathic System. Walther D.S. Applied Kinesiology, Systems DC, Pueblo, CO; 2000 Synopsis, 2nd Edition, Walther, D.S. (translated into (www.icakusa.com.) Italian and Korean) Common Glandular Chapel Hill, NC: AK Study Program; 1981 Dysfunctions in the General Practice – An Applied Kinesiological Approach, Schmitt, W.H Compiled Notes on Clinical Chapel Hill, NC: AK Study Program; 1979 Nutrition Products, Schmitt, W.H. Quintessential Applications: Health Works!, St. Petersburg, FL, 2005 AK Clinical Protocol, McCord, K.M., Schmitt, (www.quintessentialapplications.com) W.H. Complementary Sports Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, 1999. Medicine: Balancing traditional and nontraditional treatments, Maffetone, P. In Fitness and In Health,3rd David Barmore Productions, Stamford, NY, 1997 Edition, Maffetone, P. Applied Kinesiology David W. Leaf, Plymouth, MA, 1995 Flowchart Manual, III. Leaf, D. Applied Kinesiology: A North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA; 2002 training manual and reference book of basic (www.northatlanticbooks.com/store/1556433743.html) principals and practices, Frost, R. The Eclectic Approach to F.L.S. Publishing Co., Las Vegas NV, 1975. Chiropractic, Stoner F. Your Inner Pharmacy: Taking Beyond Words Publishing, Inc, Hillsboro, OR; 2006 Back Our Wellness, Blaich R. (www.beyondword.com) Applied Kinesiology: Muscle Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, UK, 1985 response in diagnosis, therapy and preventive medicine, Valentine, T., Valentine, C. Radical Medicine: Profound International Medical Arts Publishing, San Francisco CA, 2008. Intervention in a Profoundly Toxic Age, 2nd Edition. Williams LL. TMJ Therapy Balances Body Color Coded Charting and Filing Systems, Riverside CA, 1983. Chemistry, Peshek RJ. Dental Kinesiology, Eversaul, Self-published, 1977 G.A. Advanced Kinesiology, 2nd Self-published, 1999 Edition, Deal, S.C. New Life Through Natural New Life Publishing Co., Tucson, AZ, 1979 Methods, Deal, S.C. New Life Through Nutrition, New Life Publishing Co., Tucson, AZ, 1974 Deal, S.C. Say Good-Bye To Illness: Delta Publishing Company, Buena Park CA. 2002 Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (N.A.E.T.), 3rd Edition. Nambudripad, DS. Your Body Can Talk: How to Hohm Press, Prescott, AZ, 1996. use simple Muscle Testing to learn what your body knows and needs, Levy SL, Lehr C. Breakthrough for Dyslexia Self-published, 1984 and Learning Disabilities, Ferrari, C., Wainwright, R.B. The Chiropractic Theories: Williams & Williams, Baltimore, MD, 1994. Principles and Clinical Applications, Leach RA. Lehrbuch der Applied AKSE-Verlag, Munchen; 1996 Kinesiology (AK) in der naturheilkundlichen Praxis, Gerz, W. (in German) AK Muscle Tests At A Glance, AKSE. [email protected]. Ramsak I, Gerz W. Trans. Gates TS. Lehrbuch Applied Urban & Fischer, Munich; 2004. Kinesiology Muskelfunktion- Dysfunction-Therapie, Garten, H. (in German) Teoria e impiego pratico Tecniche Nuove, Milano Italy. 1995. della Kinesiologia applicata, 2nd edizione. Dujany R. (in Italian) Cranio-Sacral Energetics, Privately Published, Rome, Italy, 1997 Volume 1, Crisera, P. CHAPTERS ABOUT APPLIED KINESIOLOGY PUBLISHED IN COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE TEXTS Neurobehavioral disorders of Kluwer Academic: New York, 2004. childhood: an evolutionary perspective, Melillo R, Leisman G. Principles and Practice of Churchill-Livingstone: Elsevier Science, Philadelphia, 2002 Manual Therapeutics: Medical Guides to Complementary & Alternative Medicine, Edited by Patrick Coughlin. Chapter 6: Applied Kinesiology. Walther, D.S. The Whole Mind: The New World Library, 1998. Definitive Guide to Complementary Treatments for Mind, Mood, and Emotion, Edited by Lynette Bassman. A chapter on AK titled Individualized Assessment Using Applied Kinesiology Procedures, by Schmitt W. New Concepts In Mosby-Wolfe, London, 1994:349-368 Craniomandibular and chronic pain management, Edited by Harold Gelb. Chapter 15: Applied Kinesiology and the Stomatognathic System, Walther, D.S. Healers on Healing, Edited Jeremy P. Tarcher, Los Angeles; 1989:53-57 by Carlson, R., Shield, B. Innate Intelligence Is The Healer, Goodheart, G. The Dental Clinics of North W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 27(3);1983:613-630 America: Symposium on Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and Treatment, Edited by Harold Gelb, D.M.D. Chapter 13: Applied Kinesiology in Dysfunction of the Temporomandibular Joint, Goodheart, G. Holistic Medicine, Edited by Reston Publishing Company, Reston VA;1982:115-140. Deliman T, Smolowe JS. Chapter 5: The Structural Dimension, Walther DS. Clinical Management of W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1977. Head, Neck and TMJ Pain and Dysfunction, Gelb, H. APPLIED KINESIOLOGY RELATED PUBLISHED TEXTS -- COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Muscles: Testing and Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1993 Function, Kendall, F.P., McCreary, E.K., Provance, (www.amazon.com/gp/product/0683045768) P.G. Muscle Strength, Harms- Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1993. 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