Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3 Volume 1 Number 6 November-December, 1952 Article 16 11-1952 Trees of Western Australia - swamp or flat oppedt yate, brown mallet and four-winged mallee C A. Gardner Department of Agriculture Follow this and additional works at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture3 Part of the Botany Commons Recommended Citation Gardner, C A. (1952) "Trees of Western Australia - swamp or flat oppedt yate, brown mallet and four-winged mallee," Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3: Vol. 1 : No. 6 , Article 16. Available at: https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/journal_agriculture3/vol1/iss6/16 This article is brought to you for free and open access by Research Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 3 by an authorized administrator of Research Library. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TREES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA By C. A. GARDNER, Government Botanist Nos. 10 and 11—THE SWAMP, or FLAT-TOPPED YATE (Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl.) and THE BROWN MALLET (Eucalyptus astringens Maiden) HE two trees described hereunder may be readily distinguished when growing Tas they differ considerably in their barks and general appearance and grow under different conditions, but in common with some other trees of the South­ west each has the mallee form, and the mallee forms are very difficult to dis­ tinguish. The reader who has so far followed usually spread widely giving the crown this series is probably aware of the fact of the tree a typically broad and flat that Eucalyptus species, like all other appearance, hence the name of "flat- flowering plants are identified not by topped" yate. their field characteristics of habit, bark The rough bark where it meets the and foliage, but mainly by their buds, smooth bark is frequently ribbony and flowers and fruits. It is by these char­ adheres in rough-looking masses, while acteristics that their status as species the trunk itself has a thick, persistent and their relationship to other species dark grey, rough, Assured bark, and the are determined. trunk is usually thickened or almost A glance at the accompanying plate buttressed at the base. The timber is will illustrate how close these relation­ pale in colour, hard, and somewhat ships really are. People acquainted straight-grained, somewhat like that of with the two trees can never confuse yate but inferior to it in strength and them, but when one has to rely on the durability. usual specimens consisting of leaves, Travelling southward along the Great buds, flowers and fruits, the two are Southern Railway, one first encounters very difficult to separate especially in this tree in the Wagin and Dumbleyung the case of the mallee or shrubby forms. districts, growing on alluvial flats which are subject to flooding—as for example THE SWAMP or FLAT-TOPPED YATE the margins of the Wagin and Dumble­ (Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl.) yung lakes. From there southward the The swamp or flat-topped yate is a tree is common in such situations tree attaining a height of about 70ft. especially around Katanning and Cran- with a trunk up to 20in. in diameter and brook. a rough flaky-fibrous bark covering the From the latter locality, it extends whole of the trunk and the lower parts almost to the south coast and eastward of the main branches. The branches to Esperance and beyond. It is usually have a smooth yellowish-grey bark, and associated with wet depressions or clay 805 I Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 B nSr^J^0*™? YATE ^-occidentalis Endl.). A—Branchlet with leaves, buds and fruits; B—Bud In the opening stage; C—Section of bud showing the erect filaments; D—Anthers- T t„ M Bt.r.l^JEJK iir^onglt.udlnal section of fruit; G—Seeds; H—Cotyledons. I to M—BROWN MALLET (E. astnngens Maiden). I—Branchlet showing leaves, buds and fruits- _ K—Fruit; L—Section of fruit; M—Seeds. wagln- Icon, origin. 806 Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 flats with a characteristically sparse appearance when contrasted with that undergrowth of low shrubs and of the yate tree (E. cornuta) which it cushion-like or mat-like plants. The somewhat resembles, but from which it' flat-topped yate soils are "cold" soils in can be superficially distinguished by its which the annual plants germinate late smooth branches. The appellation in the season, but dry out earlier than "swamp", not quite so apt, is used be­ in the lighter soils. Around and to the cause of its typical environment. north of Esperance the tree may be found in sandy soils close to swamps BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION A tree attaining a height of 50-60 feet, or a shrub, and depressions. often flowering when very young; bark rough on the trunk, dark grey, fissured, the branches smooth. While this soil condition remains Leaves alternate, stalked, spreading, the leaf-stalks up to one inch in length, the blade lance-shaped, fairly constant there is one notable ex­ somewhat curved, 4-7 Inches long, leathery, shining, ception which is interesting. At Jarra- oil-dotted, the midrib conspicuous, the lateral nerves diverging from the midrib at an acute angle, the mongup on the Gairdner River the tree intramarginal nerve distant from the margin. is found on the high undulating Umbels axillary, 3-7 flowered, the peduncle flatten­ ed upwards or at least compressed, sometimes rather country. broad, 1-2 inches long, spreading or recurved. Pedi­ cels nearly half an inch long, slender, gradually The late Mr. E. A. Hassell who owned, thickened upwards into the calyx-tube. Calyx-tube bell-shaped, less than an inch long (7-9 mm.), the and for many years lived at Jarra- rim expanded when in flower. mongup, told me that the name "Jarra- Operculum cylindrical, rather acute, usually some­ what dilated at the base, half to threequarters of mongup" was a corruption of the native an inch long. Stamens numerous, the filaments erect in the bud (not kinked), white, the anthers "Yarramoitch", which means "Moitch narrow and opening in parallel longitudinal slits. standing up", or "Moitch on high Fruit bell-shaped, smooth, from above half an inch to nearly an inch long, the rim prominent and ground". The natives had noticed this flat, the capsule slightly sunk, with usually four strong broad acutely pointed valves with slightly peculiarity in the tree, which here spreading tips. Fertile seeds pale brown, small, occurred on granitic country practically variously shaped with thin margins. Seed-leaves devoid of shrubs and carrying excellent Y-shaped. natural pasture of wallaby and other THE BROWN MALLET grasses. Jarramongup was a place (Eucalyptus astringens Maiden) famous for game. "Moitch" was the The brown mallet (Eucalyptus astrin­ native name of the tree, and it would gens Maiden) was formerly known as be well if this name were restored in E. oecidentalis var. astringens. This place of "Flat-topped yate". Accord­ tree is valuable because of the high ing to the same authority, "Poot" was tannin content of its bark. Although the local name for the red morrell, and now rarely seen in a fully developed "Moe" the name for the flooded gum. condition in the field, the tree attains a Apart from a limited value as a source height of 50 feet with a trunk up to two of timber, the tree is of little import­ feet or more in diameter, and erect ance. Owing to the confusion between branches. The bark is smooth and brown mallet and flat-topped yate, the brown or grey (usually both colours are figures available concerning its essen­ present) but with small flakes of un­ tial oils must be disregarded, and the shed bark usually adhering in small bark, in marked contrast to that of the patches, especially near the base. The brown mallet, is very low in tannins. bark is thin, usually with kino vessels On the other hand it is a tree which running longitudinally through it, flowers profusely, and probably would somewhat "gummy", and during the be of interest to beekeepers on this winter and spring weather is easily account. stripped. It is astringent to the taste The specific name, oecidentalis, and rich in tannins. The specific epi­ meaning "western", given by the bot­ thet astringens refers to this bark. The anist Endlicher (who did not see the timber is pale brown, very strong and living tree) is of no significance. The straight-grained and somewhat like vernacular name of flat-topped yate is that of the gimlet tree. Young trees used in reference to its flat-topped have a dense bushy crown, but trees Journal of agriculture Vol. 1 1952 #*#"""&„ § High road speed between jobs is almost as important to you as a good drawbar pull on the job I The Nuffield Universal tractor has both! With a top speed of 18 m.p.h., the Nuffield Universal, with 6-way power, is the ideal tractor for Australian conditions. Completely equipped with swinging drawbar, belt pulley, power take-off, five forward speeds, hydraulically-operated 3-point linkage, and full electrical equipment, the Nuffield Universal handles the work of a 10-horse team at an average fuel consumption of from 1J gallons per hour. Kerosene operated. "Cold Start" Diesel models also available. IT HAS EVERYTHING! IT DOES EVERYTHING! Distributors tor Western Australia : PARK LANE MOTORS PTY. LTD. 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