61 20 20 21 Bankura University

61 20 20 21 Bankura University

BANKURA UNIVERSITY Department of Controller of Examinations Programme for UG SEM-III Practical Examinations, 2018-19 Subject: Mathematics (Core P-7) Venue: Department of Mathematics, Bankura Christian College, PO+Dist: Bankura No. of Date Time UID Examinee 17633121001 17633121002 17633121004 17633121005 17633121006 17633121007 17633121008 17633121009 11.00 Noon 2/18/2019 to 17633121010 17633121011 17633121013 17633121014 17633121015 17633121016 17633121017 17633121018 20 01.00 PM 17633121019 17633121020 17633121021 17633121022 17633121023 17633121024 17633121027 17633121028 17633121029 17633121030 17633121031 17633121032 02.00 PM 2/18/2019 to 17633121033 17633121034 17633121035 17633121036 17633121038 17633121039 17633121040 17633121041 20 04.00 PM 17633121044 17633121046 17633121048 17633121052 17633121054 17633121055 17633121057 17633121058 17633121059 17633121060 17633121062 17633121063 11.00 Noon 2/19/2019 to 17633121064 17633121065 17633121066 17633121067 17633121068 17633121069 17633121070 17633121071 21 01.00 PM 17633121072 17633121073 17633121074 17633121075 17633121076 Total: 61 Copy forwarded to The Principal, Bankura Sammilani College, Bankura for information with the request to give wide circulation among the candidates concerned for proper guidance. Controller of Examinations BANKURA UNIVERSITY Department of Controller of Examinations Programme for UG SEM-III Practical Examinations, 2018-19 Subject: Mathematics (Core P-7) Venue: Department of Mathematics, Bankura Christian College, PO+Dist: Bankura No. of Date Time UID Examinee 17363121016 17933121002 17933121003 17933121005 17933121007 17933121008 17933121009 17933121010 02.00 PM 2/19/2019 to 17933121011 17933121012 17933121014 17933121015 17933121016 17933121017 17933121018 17933121021 20 04.00 PM 17933121022 17933121023 17933121024 17933121026 17933121027 17933121028 17933121029 17933121031 17933121032 17933121034 17933121035 17933121036 11.00 Noon 2/20/2019 to 17933121037 17933121038 17933121039 17933121040 17933121043 17933121044 17933121045 17933121047 19 01.00 PM 17933121048 17933121049 17933121050 Total: 39 Copy forwarded to The Principal, Bankura Saradamani Mahila Mahavidyapith, Bankura for information with the request to give wide circulation among the candidates concerned for proper guidance. Controller of Examinations BANKURA UNIVERSITY Department of Controller of Examinations Programme for UG SEM-III Practical Examinations, 2018-19 Subject: Mathematics (Core P-7) Venue: Department of Mathematics, Bankura Christian College, PO+Dist: Bankura No. of Date Time UID Examinee 11 Noon to 2/20/2019 17483121001 17483121002 17483121003 17483121006 17483121007 01.00 PM 5 17483121009 17483121010 17483121011 17483121012 17483121013 17483121014 17483121015 17483121017 02.00 PM 2/20/2019 to 17483121018 17483121019 17483121023 17483121025 17483121026 17483121027 17483121028 17483121029 24 04.00 PM 17483121030 17483121031 17483121032 17483121033 17483121034 17483121035 17483121036 17483121037 Total: 29 Copy forwarded to The Principal, Saldiha College, Bankura for information with the request to give wide circulation among the candidates concerned for proper guidance. Controller of Examinations List of Roll Numbers (Examination-Datewise) for B.Sc Semester III Honours Examination 2018-19 Subject: Mathematics Course ID: 32321 Course Code: SH/MTM/303/P-7 Course Title: Numerical Model Lab Venue: Bankura Sammilani College, Kenduadihi, Bankura Date of List of Roll Numbers Total Examination Number of Candidate 18/02/2019 College Code: 117 College Code: 101 15 1st Half 17183121001, 17183121002, 17333121001, 17333121002, (11am - 1pm) 17183121003, 17183121004, 17333121004, 17333121005, 17183121005, 17183121006, 17333121006, 17333121007, 17183121008. 17333121008, 17333121010. 18/02/2019 College Code: 117 College Code: 101 14 2nd Half 17183121009, 17183121011, 17333121011, 17333121013, (2pm - 4pm) 17183121013, 17183121014, 17333121014, 17333121015, 17183121015, 17183121016, 17333121016, 17333121017, 17183121017. 17333121019. 19/02/2019 College Code: 117 College Code: 101 15 1st Half 17183121018, 17183121021, 17333121020, 17333121021, (11am - 1pm) 17183121023, 17183121024, 17333121022, 17333121023, 17183121027, 17183121028, 17333121024, 17333121027, 17183121031. 17333121028, 17333121029. 19/02/2019 College Code: 117 College Code: 101 14 2nd Half 17183121032, 17183121036, 17333121034, 17333121036, (2pm - 4pm) 17183121037, 17183121039, 17333121037, 17333121038, 17183121040, 17183121042. 17333121039, 17333121040, 17333121041, 17333121042. 20/02/2019 College Code: 111: College Code: 114: 14 1st Half 17363121003, 17363121005, 17273121001, 17273121003, (11am - 1pm) 17363121006, 17363121007, 17273121004, 17273121005, 17363121009, 17363121013, 17273121006. 17363121014, 17363121015, 17363121017. 20/02/2019 College Code: 101 13 2nd Half 17333121044, 17333121045, 17333121046, 17333121047, (2pm - 4pm) 17333121049, 17333121050, 17333121051, 17333121054, 17333121055, 17333121057, 17333121058, 17333121059, 17333121060. Total = 85. Paper Colleg Date Semester Exam Centre Subject UID 1st/2nd half Name of the college Type e Code 2/19/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121001 2nd half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/19/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121002 2nd half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/19/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121003 2nd half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/19/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121005 2nd half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/19/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121006 2nd half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/19/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121008 2nd half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/19/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121009 2nd half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121010 1st Half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121011 1st Half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121012 1st Half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121015 1st Half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121016 1st Half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121017 1st Half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 109 17753121018 1st Half Indas Mahavidyalaya 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121001 1st Half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121003 1st Half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121004 1st Half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121005 1st Half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121008 1st Half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121011 1st Half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121012 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121015 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121016 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121018 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121020 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121021 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121022 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121024 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121026 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121027 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121028 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/20/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 120 17093121029 2nd half Sonamukhi College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121002 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121003 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121006 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121007 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121008 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121009 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121010 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121011 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121012 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121014 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121015 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121017 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121018 1st Half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121019 2nd half Panchmura College 2/18/2019 3 Ramananda College(117) MATHEMATICS C-7 113 17963121020 2nd half Panchmura College 2/18/2019

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