

ສາທາລະນະລດັ ປະຊາທິປະໄຕ ປະຊາຊນົ ລາວ LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC ກະຊວງ ວທິ ະຍາສາດ ແລະ ເຕັກໂນໂລຊ ີ ກມົ ຊບັ ສນິ ທາງປນັ ຍາ MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ຈດົ ໝາຍເຫດທາງລດັ ຖະການ ກຽ່ ວກບັ ການເຜີຍແຜຜ່ ນົ ຂອງການຈດົ ທະບຽນ ຊບັ ສນິ ອດຸ ສາຫະກາ ຢ່ ສປປ ລາວ OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY ສະບບັ ທີ (Vol.) 89 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ສາລະບານ ພາກທີ I: ຜນົ ຂອງການຂໍຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ພາກທີ II: ຜນົ ຂອງການຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ພາກທີ III: ຜນົ ຂອງການຂໍຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ສາກນົ ພາກທີ IV: ຜນົ ຂອງການຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ສາກນົ ພາກທີ V: ຜນົ ຂອງການຕື່ ອາຍກຸ ານຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ CONTENT Part I: New Application of Trademark Part II: Registration of Trademark Part III: Madrid New Application of Trademark Part IV: Madrid Registration of Trademark Part V: Renewal of Trademark I Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ພາກທີ I ຜນົ ຂອງການຂໍຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ຄາ ແນະນາ ກຽື່ ວກບັ ລະຫດັ ຫຍ ້ (540) ເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ (511) ໝວດຂອງສນິ ຄາ້ ແລະ ການບ ລິການ (210) ເລກທີຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (220) ວນັ ທີທື່ ີຍື່ ນ ຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (732) ຊື່ ແລະ ທື່ ີຢື່ ຂອງຜຍ້ ື່ ນຄາ ຮອ້ ງ Part I New Application of Trademark Introduction of Codes (540) Trademark (511) Classification of goods and services (Nice Classification) (210) Number of the application (220) Date of filing of the application (732) Name and Address of applicant II Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ພາກທີ II ຜນົ ຂອງການຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ຄາ ແນະນາ ກຽື່ ວກບັ ລະຫດັ ຫຍ ້ (540) ເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ (511) ໝວດຂອງສນິ ຄາ້ ແລະ ການບ ລິການ (210) ເລກທີຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (220) ວນັ ທີທື່ ີຍື່ ນ ຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (732) ຊື່ ແລະ ທື່ ີຢື່ ຂອງຜຍ້ ື່ ນຄາ ຮອ້ ງ (111) ເລກທີໃບທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ (180) ວນັ ໝດົ ອາຍຂອງໃບທະບຽນຸ Part II Registration of Trademark Introduction of Codes (540) Trademark (511) Classification of goods and services (Nice Classification) (210) Number of the application (220) Date of filing of the application (732) Name and Address of applicant (111) Number of the registration (180) Expiration date of the registration/renewal II Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 30 (210) No. 39853 (220) 16/08/2017 (732) WHITE CAFE SDN. BHD. No. 2, Jalan Portland, Kawasan Perindustrian Tasekr 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia, Malaysia (111) No. 46171 (180) 16/03/2030 ( 540 ) (511) 03 (210) No. 40445 (220) 19/12/2017 (732) Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 4- 10, Doshomachi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka JAPAN. , Japan (111) No. 46172 (180) 16/03/2030 1 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ພາກທີ III ຜນົ ຂອງການຂໍຈດົ ທະບຽນເຄື່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາ້ ສາກນົ ຄາ ແນະນາ ກຽ່ ວກບັ ລະຫດັ ຫຍ ໍ້ (540) ເຄ່ ອ ງໝາຍການຄາໍ້ (511) ໝວດຂອງສນິ ຄາໍ້ ແລະ ການບ ລິການ (210) ເລກທີຄາ ຮອໍ້ ງ (220) ວນັ ທີທ່ ີຍ່ ນ ຄາ ຮອໍ້ ງ (732) ຊ່ ແລະ ທ່ ີຢ່ ຂອງຜຍໍ້ ່ ນຄາ ຮອໍ້ ງ Part III Madrid New Application of Trademark Introduction of Codes (540) Trademark (511) Classification of goods and services (Nice Classification) (210) Number of the application (220) Date of filing of the application (732) Name and Address of applicant I Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 03, 09, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 34 and 35 (210) No. M/0661553 (220) 20/12/2019 (732) BENETTON GROUP S.r.l. Via Villa UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON. Minelli, 1 I-31050 Ponzano Veneto (Treviso), Italy ( 540 ) (511) 03, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30 and 33 (210) No. M/0857087 (220) 28/01/2020 (732) N.V. TOPRANK CORPORATION, société de droit des Antilles Néerlandaises BLUE ELEPHANT Landhuis Joonchi, Kaya R.J. Beaujon, P.O. Box 837 Curaçao, Curaçao 1 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 09 (210) No. M/0884085 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) Phylion Battery Co., Ltd. No.181, PHYLION Jinshajiang Road, Suzhou New District, Suzhou 215153 Jiangsu, China ( 540 ) (511) 09 (210) No. M/0884363 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) Phylion Battery Co., Ltd. No.181, 1 Jinshajiang Road, Suzhou New District, Suzhou 215153 Jiangsu, China 2 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 43 (210) No. M/1003211 (220) 15/01/2020 (732) RRI Financial, Inc. 7815 Walton Parkway RED ROOF New Albany OH 43054, United States Of America ( 540 ) (511) 07, 12 and 37 (210) No. M/1007692 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY DUTY TRUCK GROUP CO., LTD. No.53, Wuyingshan Zhong Road, Jinan Shandong Province, China 3 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 07 and 37 (210) No. M/1072851 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY DUTY TRUCK GROUP CO., LTD. No.53, Wuyingshan Zhong Road, Jinan Shandong Province, China ( 540 ) (511) 42 (210) No. M/1191650 (220) 23/01/2020 (732) Frontify AG Unterstrasse 4 CH-9000 St. FRONTIFY Gallen, Switzerland 4 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 12 (210) No. M/1197073 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY DUTY TRUCK GROUP CO., LTD. No.53, Wuyingshan Zhong Road, Jinan Shandong Province, China ( 540 ) (511) 06, 35 and 42 (210) No. M/1209294 (220) 20/01/2020 (732) JFE HOLDINGS KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2-2- J F E 3 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100- 0011, Japan 5 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 06, 35 and 42 (210) No. M/1211073 (220) 20/01/2020 (732) JFE HOLDINGS KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2- 2-3 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0011, Japan ( 540 ) (511) 29, 30, 32 and 33 (210) No. M/1231079 (220) 22/01/2020 (732) KABUSHIKI KAISHA MIZKAN HOLDINGS 2-6, Nakamura-Cho, Handa- Shi Aichi-Ken 475-8585, Japan 6 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 29, 30, 32 and 33 (210) No. M/1234150 (220) 22/01/2020 (732) KABUSHIKI KAISHA MIZKAN HOLDINGS 2-6, Nakamura-Cho, Handa- Shi Aichi-Ken 475-8585, Japan ( 540 ) (511) 09 (210) No. M/1260188 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) Apple Inc. One Apple Park Way Cupertino CA 95014, United States Of America 7 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 08, 13, 16, 18, 25, 28 and 35 (210) No. M/1281973 (220) 13/08/2019 (732) Joint stock company "Concern "Kalashnikov" proezd Deryabina, 3 Izhevsk RU-426006 Udmurtia, Russian Federation ( 540 ) (511) 20 (210) No. M/1304223 (220) 05/02/2020 (732) SPRING AIR IP HOLDING, LLC 70 CHATTAM & Everett Avenue Chelsea MA 02150, WELLS United States Of America 8 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 07 (210) No. M/1311585 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) ZIBO WATER RING VACUUM PUMP FACTORY CO., LTD. No. 299 Xiguojing Road, Boshan, Zibo City 255200 Shandong Province, China ( 540 ) (511) 07 and 37 (210) No. M/1332818 (220) 06/01/2020 (732) China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd. No. 53, Wuyingshan Zhong Road, Jinan Shandong Province, China 9 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 07 and 37 (210) No. M/1333576 (220) 06/01/2020 (732) CHINA NATIONAL HEAVY DUTY TRUCK GROUP CO., LTD. No.53, Wuyingshan Zhong Road, Jinan Shandong Province, China ( 540 ) (511) 07, 09, 12 and 37 (210) No. M/1338464 (220) 23/01/2020 (732) Ponsse Oyj Ponssentie 22 FI-74200 PONSSE Vieremä, Finland 10 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 18 (210) No. M/1404454 (220) 03/01/2020 (732) TINGTAO SUNVENO CO.,LTD No. 11, Huqing Road, Sifang District, Qingdao Shandong, China ( 540 ) (511) 05 (210) No. M/1417242 (220) 29/01/2020 (732) Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. 171 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 300 South San OXBRYTA Francisco CA 94080, United States Of America 11 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 09, 12 and 35 (210) No. M/1465160 (220) 05/02/2020 (732) SHANGHAI QIAKONG INDUSTRIAL DESIGN CO., LTD. ROOM 109, BUILDING 4, NO.455, YANZHAN ROAD, SONGJIANG DISRICT SHANGHAI, China ( 540 ) (511) 09, 12 and 35 (210) No. M/1467361 (220) 03/02/2020 (732) SHANGHAI QIAKONG INDUSTRIAL DESIGN CO., LTD. ROOM 109, BUILDING 4, NO.455, YANZHAN ROAD, SONGJIANG DISRICT SHANGHAI, China 12 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 35 (210) No. M/1511882 (220) 17/10/2019 (732) BEIJING JINGDONG 360 DU E- COMMERCE LTD Room 222, Floor 2, Building C, NO. 18, Kechuang 11 Street, Beijing Economic And Technological Development Zone Beijing, China ( 540 ) (511) 43 (210) No. M/1511911 (220) 12/12/2019 (732) FUJIAN RIDE THE WIND AND WAVES CATERING MANAGEMENT CO., LTD Room 2-41/43, No.10 Building, Zhongjun World Town, No.69 South Anji Road, Fengze District, Quanzhou City Fujian Province, China 13 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 09, 28 and 41 (210) No. M/1511915 (220) 26/12/2019 (732) ALPHA GROUP CO., LTD. Auldey Industrial Area, Wenguan Rd., Chenghai District, Shantou City 515800 Guangdong Province, China ( 540 ) (511) 33 (210) No. M/1511950 (220) 18/12/2019 (732) GUANGDONG BAIXI LIQUOR INDUSTRY CO., LTD (Land No. 02692) The first plant, The west of Xingye Company, (Plot 1) North Section of Beishan Road, Industrial Zone, (He Nei) Xiangqiao District Chaozhou, China 14 Official Gazette of Industrial Property Vol. 89, 20/03/2020 ( 540 ) (511) 17 (210) No. M/1512027 (220) 29/11/2019 (732) Zhejiang Shichuang Optics Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd. No. 68 Fangjiadai Road, Economic Development Zone, Haiyan Town, Jiaxing City Zhejiang, China ( 540 ) (511) 09, 18 and 20 (210) No.

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