Committee: PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS REGULATORY COMMITTEE Date: TUESDAY, 7 MAY 2013 Venue: LANCASTER TOWN HALL Time: 10.30 A.M. A G E N D A 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Minutes Minutes of meeting held on 8 April 2013 (previously circulated). 3. Items of Urgent Business authorised by the Chairman 4. Declarations of Interest To receive declarations by Members of interests in respect of items on this Agenda. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. (It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting). Whilst not a legal requirement, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10 and in the interests of clarity and transparency, Members should declare any disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, at this point in the meeting. In accordance with Part B Section 2 of the Code Of Conduct, Members are required to declare the existence and nature of any other interests as defined in paragraphs 8(1) or 9(2) of the Code of Conduct. Planning Applications for Decision Community Safety Implications In preparing the reports for this agenda, regard has been paid to the implications of the proposed developments on Community Safety issues. Where it is considered the proposed development has particular implications for Community Safety, this issue is fully considered within the main body of the report on that specific application. Category A Applications Applications to be dealt with by the district council without formal consultation with the county council. 5 A5 13/00209/VCN Lancaster Moor Hospital, John (Pages 1 - 5) Quernmore Road, Lancaster O'Gaunt Ward Extension of time limit on application 07/00556/OUT for outline planning application for residential use (up to 440 dwellings) involving the residential conversion of the annexe and Campbell House, demolition of existing buildings and associated access, car parking and landscaping (pursuant to the variation of condition 18 on planning application 11/00379/RENU to remove the requirement for a signalised junction at Quernmore Road/Derwent Road junction) for Homes And Communities Agency, Story Homes And PJ Livesey 6 A6 13/00232/REM Lancaster Moor Hospital, John (Pages 6 - Quernmore Road, Lancaster O'Gaunt 15) Ward Approval of reserved matters (layout, scale and appearance) of 197 dwellings, associated internal road layout, car parking, boundary treatments and landscaping for Story Homes 7 A7 13/00265/RENU Land At Badgers Wood, Overton (Pages 16 - Middleton, Lancashire Ward 25) Renewal of planning permission 09/01188/FUL for the erection of 33 no. dwellings with associated external works for PRV Middleton Towers In Administration 8 A8 12/01192/FUL Greenlands Farm, Burton Road, Kellet Ward (Pages 26 - Priest Hutton 35) Change of use of two agricultural buildings into (1) multi purpose leisure use and (2) workshop and retail use, part of yard into car park, removal of redundant silos/water towers and installation of four photovoltaic panels on each converted building for Mr Roger Mason 9 A9 13/00035/FUL Silverdale Hotel, Shore Road, Silverdale (Pages 36 - Silverdale Ward 43) Combined sewer separation works, new sewage treatment plant, new soakaway, new pump house, new grease separator and general modifications to existing drainage (revision of 12/00305/FUL) for Marstons Pub Co 10 A10 13/00036/LB Silverdale Hotel, Shore Road, Silverdale (Pages 44 - Silverdale Ward 49) Listed building application for combined sewer separation works, new sewage treatment plant, new soakaway, new pump house, new grease separator and general modifications to existing drainage (revision of 12/00418/LB) for Marstons Pub Co 11 A11 13/00223/CU The Knoll, Westbourne Road, Castle (Pages 50 - Lancaster Ward 55) Change of use from resource centre (B1) to create single residential dwelling (C3) for Mrs D Whittle 12 A12 13/00301/LB The Knoll, Westbourne Road, Castle (Pages 56 - Lancaster Ward 59) Listed building application for internal alterations to facilitate the change of use of building into a residential dwelling for Mrs D Whittle Category D Applications Applications for development by a district council. 13 A13 13/00240/FUL 8 Ennerdale Avenue, Morecambe, Westgate (Pages 60 - Lancashire Ward 63) Erection of a single storey extension to the side to form bedroom and bathroom for disabled person for Mr Tom Greenwood 14 A14 13/00295/LB Assembly Rooms, King Street, Duke's (Pages 64 - Lancaster Ward 67) Listed Building Application for remedial works to part of ceiling, re- pointing of south facing gable wall and repair plaster cornice in dance hall for Mr John Campbell Other items:- 15 List of Delegated Planning Decisions (Pages 68 - 73) 16 Planning Enforcement Schedule (Pages 74 - 81) ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS (i) Membership Councillors Keith Budden (Chairman), Roger Sherlock (Vice-Chairman), Eileen Blamire, Dave Brookes, Roger Dennison, Sheila Denwood, Helen Helme, Tony Johnson, Andrew Kay, Margaret Pattison, Robert Redfern, Sylvia Rogerson, Richard Rollins, Ron Sands and Paul Woodruff (ii) Substitute Membership Councillors June Ashworth, Chris Coates, Mike Greenall, Tim Hamilton-Cox, Janice Hanson, David Smith, Keith Sowden, Susan Sykes and Malcolm Thomas (iii) Queries regarding this Agenda Please contact Tom Silvani, Democratic Services: telephone (01524 582132) or email [email protected]. (iv) Changes to Membership, substitutions or apologies Please contact Members’ Secretary, telephone 582170, or alternatively email [email protected]. MARK CULLINAN, CHIEF EXECUTIVE, TOWN HALL, DALTON SQUARE, LANCASTER, LA1 1PJ Published on 23 April 2013. Page 1 Agenda Item Committee Date AgendaApplication Item Number 5 A5 7 May 2012 13/00209/VCN Application Site Proposal Lancaster Moor Hospital Extension of time limit on application 07/00556/OUT Quernmore Road for outline planning application for residential use (up Lancaster to 440 dwellings) involving the residential conversion Lancashire of the annexe and Campbell House, demolition of existing buildings and associated access, car parking and landscaping (pursuant to the variation of condition 18 on planning application 11/00379/RENU to remove the requirement for a signalised junction at Quernmore Road/Derwent Road junction) Name of Applicant Name of Agent Homes And Communities Agency, Story Homes And Mr Vincent Ryan PJ Livesey Decision Target Date Reason For Delay 31 May 2013 N/A Case Officer Mr Andrew Drummond Departure No Summary of Recommendation Approval 1.0 The Site and its Surroundings 1.1 The site is located on the very eastern fringe of Lancaster approximately 1.5 miles from the City Centre. It is situated on the north side of Quernmore Road, from which it is accessed. The site is generally bounded by stone walls and mature trees and hedgerows and covers an area of approximately 16 hectares. The site falls significantly from west to east and is dominated by the massive Listed Annexe building. This is prominently located on the high ground at the western side of the site, with commanding views towards the east and high visibility from the M6, Quernmore Road and the rising land in that direction. Further former hospital buildings were grouped within the western side of the site, to the north of the Annexe. These were mostly of stone under slate construction, date from the early 1900s. The best and most prominent of these is Campbell House which frames the northern side of the disused cricket pitch. It has been retained. The eastern side of the site consists mostly of grassed areas. The whole site contains a large number of mature trees, but the heaviest concentrations and the oldest and largest trees are located around the buildings. There is also an area of dense, immature woodland in the north east corner of the site. A blanket Tree Preservation Order No. 381 (2006) A1 and A2 covers the site and all of its trees. 1.2 To the east of the site lies an unsurfaced but walled field access track with open agricultural pastures beyond, extending north, east and south east to the nearby M6 motorway and then beyond into the rising land of an open, drumlin field, pastoral landscape. To the south and on the same side of Quernmore Road lies an area of land owned by the Hospital Trust, comprising a Social Club, a disused bowling green and Primary Care Trust Offices, while on the south side of the road lies an Page 2 extensive area of recently developed housing within the grounds of the original Lancaster Moor Hospital. To the west lie areas of play fields, open ground and immature woodland with a cemetery, the Ridge Lea Hospital and Lancaster Farm Young Offenders Prison beyond. 1.3 Access to the site is through two road junctions onto Quernmore Road, one at each end of the site frontage and a pedestrian access in the centre of the frontage. Two main access roads run through the site either side of the Annexe building and a network of smaller roads gives access to the other buildings. The boundary wall along the Quernmore Road frontage, its railings, gates, gateposts and steps forming the original entrances to the Annexe building are also separately Listed at Grade II status. 1.4 The site is allocated primarily as a Housing Opportunity Site by saved policy H3 in the Lancaster District Local Plan. The Annexe building is also identified as a Business Opportunity Site by saved policy EC17. The existing cricket ground and bowling greens are identified as Outdoor Playing space by saved policy R1 and the east and north margins of the site are identified as Urban Green Space by saved policy E29. The saved Supplementary Planning Guidance note (SPG2) sets out a Development Brief for the site.
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