News | page 2 Profile on SAC Chair Nick Kadulski uvvMrOSl The Student-Run Independent Newspaper at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Information Sciences undergoing Candidates lay rebranding different tracks Sports | page 7 Feature on Robbie and to Madison Bryce Boyd Walker, Barrett debate benefits of proposed rail line Women's soccer loses to the University of Texas, 4-3 By Mike La Count for the race here in Wisconsin News Editor echoes that heard on the na­ [email protected] tional stage. Whether you're at a fringe | page 9 Barrett rally or a Walker shindig, The gubernatorial race is jobs, fiscal responsibility, health rounding the last corner and care and education will be the Interview with heading for the final stretch, cornerstones of conversation. Milwaukee's Ragadors with just four weeks left before Both men, if elected, aim to the Nov. 2 election. Walker and pursue many of the same goals Barrett have shifted into high differing ideologically in how gear and are frequently mak­ to get there. Both have talked ing stops across the state, do­ about creating jobs, balancing ing what they can to sway voters Wisconsin's budget and improv- into their respective camps. A lot of the political rhetoric See TRACKS page 5 The Milwaukee Intermodal Station. Post photo by Sierra Riesberg Residency rules at UWM a possibility UWM tries Tribute to Jim Henson By Tom Swieciak Editorial | page 19 Asst. News Editor to keep ties [email protected] Reasons why voters •** As of right now, 10 of the UW to students should choose Feingold ". -^f\^.. System's 13 four-year campuses have instituted a "residency re­ By Mike La Count quirement." The only UW schools News Editor Ending homophobia in listed without residency require­ [email protected] America ments are the UW-Madison, UW- Green Bay and UW-Milwaukee. There is a lot of talk amongst A residency requirement dic­ the administration, faculty and tates that incoming students staff at UW-Milwaukee about must live in university dorms in growing the university both in ply did not graduate. order to attend the university. size and influence, as is the goal Another important However, should outgoing of any major research institute. number to consider is Chancellor Carlos Santiago's vi­ Rhetoric which does not arise UWM's student retention sion be fulfilled, UWM will no as frequently is the success rate rate. In 2007, 72 percent longer be on that list. With the of the students who attend said of full-time and 42 per­ addition of the new Cambridge institution. cent of part-time students Commons on North Avenue, Retention and graduation rates remained from the previ­ and the potential of turning the have been an area of great focus ous year. newly purchased Columbia St. at UWM for the last six years. UWM serves, for many Mary's Hospital complex into When one compares the statis­ students, as a "gateway" dormitories, Santiago noted that tics between UWM and other school. Students may be­ UWM has enough space to house members of the UW System there gin their college career at all incoming freshmen at UWM. is a noticeable disparity. UWM but after their first "We now have sufficient uni­ A common statistic univer­ year or so transfer. Forty- versity housing to provide beds sities use to determine student three percent graduated to all incoming new freshmen," success is the graduation rate does not mean 57 percent Santiago said during his farewell after six years enrolled. UWM's of UWM freshman fail to plenary address. "And it is time current six-year graduation rate get a college degree; many for us to institute a residency is 43 percent. What this num­ of them just may do so at requirement, similar to others in ber means is that after six years another college. the UW System, for UWM fresh­ only 43 percent of freshmen By comparing this num­ men to live in a university-run leave school with a diploma from ber with other universities facility." UWM. in the UW System it can be Director of University This number can be mislead­ put into context. In 2009 Housing Scott Peak noted that ing and hard to interpret because UWM's student population the requirement has not been it doesn't factor in transfers. If a was about 25,239. The implemented beyond Santiago's student transfers and graduates next closest UW School is from another college it will ap­ UW^Milwaukee's four residence halls. Post photos by Sierra Riesberg See REQUIREMENT page 5 pear, by this stat, that they sim- See RETENTION page 6 2 Octobers 2010 News The UWM Post uwMrOSt Monday, Oct. 4 Kids, don't smoke that The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra will perform at Alterra on Humboldt at 7 Milwaukee aldermen have been working to Editor in Chief Editorial Editor Business Manager p.m. The event is part of their coffeehouse ban the sale, use and possession of synthetic Kurt Raether Jackie Dreyer Simon Bouwman concert series. pot. K2, Cloud 9 and Spice are some brands of a new incense being sold at head shops around News Editor Production Editor Advertising Manager Mike La Count Josh Evert Stephanie Fisher Wednesday, Oct. 6 Milwaukee. The incense, if smoked, can produce many of the effects of marijuana. Last week The UW-Milwaukee Benefits and Asst. News Editors Multimedia Editor Account Executive the Milwaukee Common Council's Public Safety Wellness Fair will take place in Wisconsin Tom Swieciak Sierra Riesberg Joey Morgan Committee unanimously recommended an or­ Room from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. This Zach Erdmann dinance should be passed banning its use in Puzzle Editor Advertising Designer is chance for UWM employees to speak Milwaukee. The Journal Sentinel reported it will Special Projects Editor Jonas Wittke Kim Sullivan to representatives from the benefit pro­ likely be discussed at the Common Council meet­ Jonathan Anderson grams offered by the university. Chief Copy Editor Distribution ing Oct. 12. Lindsey Millard Patrick Quast Fringe Editor Thursday, Oct. 7 Jacob Schneider Asst. Copy Editors Alek Shumaker Sarah Hanneken Enjoy the sights and sounds of Jam Ak A bigger and better Asst. Fringe Editors Board of Directors Jam perform traditional African Dance. Caitlin PenzeyMoog Trapper Schoepp Kurt Raether The group features authentic African Lambeau? Michael Ray Derek De Vinney Simon Bouwman dance, drumming, costume and choreog­ Mark Murphy, president and CEO of the Green Josh Evert raphy. The performance will be held in the Bay Packers, is looking into the feasibility and Sports Editor Web Editor Tim Prahl Kim Sullivan Union Wisconsin Room at 8 p.m. effect of adding 10,000 seats to Lambeau Field. Kody Schafer An economic report showing the impact Packer Tim Prahl Asst. Sports Editor Friday, Oct. 8 games have on Brown County revealed Lambeau Jeremy Lubus Henry Rollins, a musician, comedian, generates $12.3 million for the county per game. activist and actor, will be at the Peck Projections claim an additional 10,000 seats could increase that number by $1.7 million. Phone:(414)229-4578 SHIPPING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS School of the Arts Mainstage Theatre at Fax:(414)229-4579 2200 Kenwood Blvd. Union Box 88 7 p.m. Proponents hope the proposed expansion will [email protected] Suite EG80 UWM P.O. Box 413 allow them to host non-football events, such as www.uwmpost.com Milwaukee, Wl 53211 Milwaukee, Wl 53201 The UWM Manfred Olson Planetarium, concerts and soccer. located in the Physics building, will host "Terrific Telescopes." The event will ex­ A call for help from Osama THE UWM POST has a circulation of 10,000 and is distributed on campus and plore different kinds of telescopes and the throughout the surrounding communities. stars they view. Bin Laden The first copy is free, additional copies $.75 each. The UWM Post, Inc. is a An audio message played over a still image Sunday, Oct. 10 registered student organization at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee of Osama Bin Laden emerged last week. The and an independent nonstock corporation. All submissions become the "10-10-10" at 10 a.m.: the sixth annual al-Qaeda leader expressed his deep concern for property of The UWM Post, Inc. Panther Prowl 5K will take place Sunday. those destitute from the flooding in Pakistan that End this year's family weekend with a jog The UWM Post is published Mondays in the fall and spring semesters, except began in July. Estimates attribute over 2,000 across the Upper Eastside. If you're not during spring break and exam periods. The UWM Post also publishes once in deaths to the flooding as well as 21 million either a runner, there is still a chance to be late summer. homeless or injured. Bin Laden calls for swift ac­ a winner. Awards will be given for best tion and aid from fellow Muslims. In his message The UWM Post is written and edited by students of the University of Wiscon­ dressed dog and most creative display of he acknowledges more people are killed by cli­ sin - Milwaukee and they are solely responsible for its editorial policy and Panther spirit, as well as one for the most mate change than wars. The tape's authenticity content. The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee is not liable for debts in­ fly stroller. Participants can register online has not yet been confirmed. curred by the publisher. The UWM Post is not an official publication of UWM. at http://www.uwm.edu/pantherprowl. The UWM Post is a student organization at UWM. The UWM Student Association Senate Playing children pay the meeting will be held in the Union Fireside Fisher-Price The First Amendment Lounge at 6 p.m.
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