3' . 1 Assets ScA J2i Belgium. B m 60; CrnnMH KL*Si Ouuda Tea 22Si 905 cents: Pctmuiv DJx it-ooe &Kw MX 15 . 00S FOUU* F Jiott DM 4.00c Gibraltar Ron; Greece Dr 30K Holland Cl 4.00; Utah INTERNATIONAL Republic SOW Wl 5W Luxem- bourg 12 S st Madam Esc 2TS: Mana EDITION «3e Morocco- Dir 25.00; ittnajr Kr lB.OOLPQftHKa) ftc27S; Spaing** 23* Sweden Bkr l«tt Swlowfland S ns 3JO: TWtsU DOT I.StK-USA.(3JX>. TIMES No 64,354 TUESDAY JUNE 9 1992 45p MICHAEL POVUCn Maxwell victims given £2.5m help TODAY IN Lilley THE TIMES launches WINNING review of UK IN SWEDEN pension schemes By Jill Sherman, political correspondent ' THE government yester- Mirror Group Newspapers from fraud or theft of sav- day pledged £2.5 minion shares in 1991 and a special ings.” he said. The govern- Teny Venables selects unit set _• to help to ease the plight of has been up in the ment would not offer an the six players who 'Maxwell pensioners sorial security department to open-ended guarantee which and could prove to be *'• retrieve £350 million of miss- would take pressure away announced a thorough re- ing assets. from others to contribute. match-winners in the view of Britain’s 400,000 Opposition MPs described He pointed out that finan- European football -occupational pension the emergency fund as “deri- cial institutions who had championships schemes in an attempt to sory" and said it would not “profited handsomely” from 16-page colour prevent a repetition of the cover all pensioners dealings with Maxwell com- who guide today > scandal. needed hdp. Maxwell pen- panies “may wefl fed some < Peter Lilley. social security sioners who lobbied Parlia- moral obligation to assist the > secretary, also fold the Com- ment yesterday said that they pensioners who have so cruel- WAITING mons that his department were bitterly disappointed. ly lost at Maxwell's hands”. would set up a special unit to There were 25,000 pension- There was a gap of £350 IN ETHIOPIA “speed up the return of as- ers who would not be affected million between the assets sets” taken by Robert Max- by the scheme. which were secure in the vari- well from his company The money will be paid to ous Maxwell pension pension hinds. “Rarely in the about 6,000 pensioners over schemes and their liabilities catalogue of crime has there the next six months and will to present and future pen- been a fraud as callous and be allocated to pension funds sioners, said Mr lilley. About despicable as the pillaging of which were plundered by £100 million given to banks pension funds by Robert Robert Maxwell and are un- and financial institutions Maxwell," he said. able to maintain payments. were locked in the Common Inspectors have been ap- The recipients will include Investment Fond while the pointed by the trade and in- 240 members of die Head- courts derided how these dustry department to ington Pension Plan who should be allocated. The investigate the sale of the have not been paid for two emergency scheme would op- months and over 4.000 pen- erate until these assets had sioners in the Maxwell Works been released, said Mr Lilley. Communication Scheme who Urged by to put fur- MPs Rastafarians who have were to have their payments ther pressure on clearing returned to their reduced by 70 per cent next banks to return the assets Mr spiritual home wait for UN plan to month. lilley said: “I have no doubt The new unit will deride they are paying dose atten- Armageddon despite free airport which schemes need urgent tion to the proceedings of this local problems hdp but h will be up to each House at die moment” Life & Times The United Nations Sec- fund’s trustees to decide how Micfaad Meacher, shadow Pagel retary General yesterday the cash is allocated to then- sorial security spokesman, proposed sending 1.000 pensioners. The government dismissed the £2.5 million as peacekeepers to secure Sa- expects to recoup the cash “a derisory half a per cent of WALKING rajevo airport for humani- once the missing money has the stolen assets." He con- IN FRANCE tarian flights and said he been found. In the longer demned the sum as “insult- hoped eventually to place term the unit wifi alro set up a ingly meagre” compared to the whole ofthe embattled trust for voluntary contribu- the £160 million paid to Bar- Bosnian capital under tions from the private sector. low Clowes shareholders, who UN Making tracks: Scorpion tanks trundling through Horse Guards Road in the London rash hour yesterday in control.. In a Commons statement Ire said had chosen to risk preparation for the ceremony of beating retreat to mark the golden jubilee of the RAF Regiment The proposal came as Mr Lilley confirmed that an their cash for profit rebel Serbs devastated Sa- independent committee was Mr Meacher. who said die rajevo with heavy shelling, to be set up to review pension one-year period for the pen- leaving a trail of destruo- legislation, chaired by Profes- sion review was for too long, London sor professor of said yesterday's lobby of criticises papers tionin the city Roy Goode, mass Watchdog but Muslim and Croat defenders hit English law at Oxford Univ- Parliament by Maxwell pen- bade hard for the first time ersity. The year-long enquiry sioners and today’s Opposi- bombing in days Page 10 wlQ examine the rights and tion debate had finally jolted for ‘intrusive’ royal reports Letters, page 13 interests of scheme members, die social security depart- pensioners and employers. It ment out of a six-month admitted By Melinda Wittstock, media correspondent will also consider the status of stupor. Death crash speculative pension funds and the roles of Ken Trench, chairman of INTRUSIVE and matters has exceeded the am sure many people will Passport to France reporting about the Prince boundaries which should be welcome today’s statement driver accused trustees, fund managers and the 32.000-strong Maxwell by IRA by takes walkers in the Princess Wales’ mar- the advisers. Pensioners Action and of observed in a society claiming Press Complaints Com- articulat- pension scheme Group footsteps of Robert The driver of an riage was criticised yesterday to respect basic Lilley dear that said: “I tremendously dis- human val- mission. The government will ed lorry may have been Mr made am Louis Stevenson and the government did not take appointed with the whole By PaulWilkinson by the Press Complaints ues,” die archbishop said. Continued on page 16, col 5 asleep when he crashed at Commission. finds the Grande for statement 1 feel it hasn’t tak- and StewartTendler Dr Carey joined the com- into of responsibility what had 65raph a queue It said such reporting Randonnke exhausting happened to thousands of en the situation any further at was mission in voicing concern TV joins war, page 3 traffic on the M42, killing “an odious exhibition or jour- pensioners and would not all.” THE IRA yesterday claimed about the effect the past Janet Daley life & Times six prople. it was alleged at responsibility for the explo- nalists dabbling their fingers week’s reporting would have and Diary, page 12 Page 5 Birmingham crown court offer fun compensation as they in the sion outside the Royal Festi- in the stuff of other people's on Prince William and Prince Letters, page 13 yesterday. Vincent Par- had Barlow MPS' pressure, page 2 val Hall early on Sunday, but souls in a manner which adds Clowes affair. “No govern- Pensions lifcraft page 12 Harry. The commission said sons, 26. of Newport, nothing to legitimate public ment could accept a duty to remained silent about any tile allegations contained in Gwent denies charges of Leading article, page 13 Units to the Irish gunmen who interest in the situation of the make good losses resulting DTI Investigation, page 17 Andrew Morton’s book causing death by reckless heir to the throne”. left one North Yorkshire con- serialised in The Sunday /jroSv. driving Page 3 stable dead and a second The commission's condem- Times and widely reported fay Countermove seriously wounded. nation of such “prurient re- most other newspapers only Tories rethink treaty The IRA made its claim as porting” in some sections of added to the burdens borne Britain's leading airports searches continued in North the press came as the Arch- by the royal children and plan to double the amount Yorkshire close to the area bishop of Canterbury. Dr “greatly increased the diffi- of space allocated to as rebellion grows round Bunon Salmon and George Carey, assailed the culties for members of the shopping Page 2 Monk Fiyston. near the wood media for their growing ten- royal family in canying out By Philip Webster, chief political correspondent where the Sierra was found dency to intrude insensitively their public duties”. burnt oul At one point last into the private lives of public Nadir cleared BRITAIN is to bade an addi- doned hope of bringing back The commission, chaired night armed officers sealed figures. “The current specula- by Lord McGregor A judge at Birmingham tion to the Maastricht treaty the treaty ratification bill be- of Durris, CAL off the tiny village of Poole for tion about intimate personal said it was Crown Court has dis- amid evidence of growing fore the summer recess and distressed by what more than two hours and an it as missed the bulk of the theft Conservative hostility, ext- Douglas Hurd, the foreign saw a reversion by some Army bomb disposal team charges brought against ending to members of the secretary, rejected demands newspapers to the worst ex- was brought in by helicopter cesses AsQ Nadir, the former cabinet to' ratifying it in its for renegotiation.
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