No. 787,302, PATENTED APR, l905. M, C. A. LATOUR SINGLE PHASE DYNAMO ELECTRIC MACHINE, APPLICATION FILED AUG, 30, 1904, Witnesses. Inventor 3262.2%.-- a 322e. Marius C.A. Otour. 7. (4-f-c- 1 by (24-4-2------39tt'U. No. 787,302, Patented April 11, 1905. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. MARIUS CHARLS ARTHUR LATOUR, OF PARIS, FRANCE, ASSIGNOR TO GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY., A CORFORATION OF NEW YORK. SNGLE-FHASE DYNAMOELECTRIC MACH NE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 787,302, dated April 11, 1905. Application filed August 30, 1904, Serial No. 222,683. To all, Luhon, it notif concern: in inductive relation to the armature to act as Be it known that I, MARIUS CHARLS AR damping-windings for damping out the fluc THUR LATOUR, a citizen of France, residing at tuations, and this arrangement has improved Paris, Department of Seine, France, have in the operation of the machines. vented certain new and useful Improvements My invention consists in providing a novel in Single-Phase Dynamo-Electric Machines, form of field-winding and connections there of which the following is a specification. for, such that the field-winding itself may act 55 My invention relates to single-phase alter as a damping-winding. nating-current machines of the type having a More specifically considered, my invention IO field-magnet excited with direct current, and consists in providing the armature with a dis has particular reference to single-phase rotary tributed field-winding instead of the usual converters, though it is not limited to this par polar winding and short circuiting equipoten ticular application. tial points on this distributed winding. This It is well known in the art that polyphase short-circuit between the equipotential points, rotary converters can be readily designed to while it is of no effect as regards the direct operate sparklessly over wide variations of current excitation, acts in conjunction with load, while more difficulty is experienced in the field-winding to produce efficient damping designing single-phase rotary converters to of the armature fluctuations. operate without sparks at the commutator. My invention will best be understood by 2 O The reason for this is that the polyphase cur reference to the accompanying drawing, which rents in the armature are equivalent in their shows diagrammatically a single-phase rotary magnetizing effects to a direct current equal converter arranged in accordance with my in and opposite to the direct current which is vention. delivered by the commutator, or, stated in In the drawing, (t, represents a source of al 25 other words, both the alternating-current in ternating current connected, through the put and the direct current output are constant switch S. to the collector-rings C, which are 75 and always balance each other. Consequently connected to fixed points on the armature there is, theoretically, no armature reaction in winding A. The armature-winding A is also a polyphase rotary converter, and in practice provided with a commutator and commutator such converters will carry large overloads brushes, to which are connected the direct with a weak field and without sparking. Ob current mains d (l, through which the direct viously the balance between the alternating current output of the machine is supplied to and direct currents cannot exist in a single the load. phase rotary converter, since the direct-cur Frepresents the field-winding, which is con 35 rent output is constant, while the alternating nected in shunt to the direct-current mains (l current input is varying from Zero to a quan d, with a field-rheostat R, in series with it. tity above the direct-current output. Fluc The field-winding Finstead of being the usual tuations in the distribution of the armature form of polar-winding is a distributed wind current are thus produced, and these fluctua ing, which in the drawing is shown as a tions produce an armature reaction which Gramme ring. It will be understood, how tends to shift the field magnetization back and ever, that any other well-known form of dis forth with double the frequency of the alter tributed winding may be employed, such as nating currents. This armature reaction in a distributed drum-winding placed in slots on creases with the load and renders it extremely the inner periphery of the field structure, 45 difficult to design a single-phase rotary con which is a common construction in alternat verter that will carry a proper load. In or ing - current machines. The equipotential der to remedy this difficulty with single-phase points ee on the field-winding are connected 95 rotary converters, it has been proposed here by a short-circuiting conductorf. It will be tofore to provide short-circuited conductors seen that while this conductor has no effect as 2 787,302 regards the direct-current excitation, since the modifications which are within the scope of pointse e are equipotential with regard to this my invention. excitation, nevertheless this conductor, to What I claim as new, and desire to Secure gether with the field-winding itself, forms a by Letters Patent of the United States, is 3th short circuit in inductive relation to the ar 1. In a dynamo-electric machine, a distrib mature, which consequently serves efficiently uted field-winding connected to a source of di to damp out fluctations due to armature reac rect current, a single-phase armature-wind tion. In this manner the magnetization of ing, and a conductor short-circuiting equi the machine is maintained more nearly con potential points in the field-winding. 35 O stant, and the sparking at the commutator is 2. A single-phase rotary converter having greatly reduced. a distributed field-winding, and a conductor Although I have shown my invention as connecting equipotential points on said wind applied to a bipolar machine with Gramme ing. ring windings on both members, it will be un 3. In a dynamo-electric machine, a distrib 4) 5 derstood that my invention is applicable to uted field-winding, an armature provided with machines having any number of poles and, as commutator and collector-rings, a source of has been pointed out heretofore, with any well single-phase current connected to said rings, known form of distributed winding. Fur and a conductor short-circuiting equipoten thermore, although I have shown only one tial points on the field-winding. 45 short circuit connecting two equipotential In witness whereof I have hereunto set my points, it is obvious that other equipotential hand this 18th day of August, 1904. points on the field-winding may be similarly connected, if desired. Accordingly I do not ARIUS CARIS ARTUR, ILATOUR. desire to limit myself to the particular con Witnesses: 25 struction and arrangement of parts shown; HANSON C. Cox E, but I aim in the appended claims to cover all JOHN BAKER. .
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