Department of Medical Sciences Annual Report 2014 Fastställd av Lars Rönnblom 2015-04-29 Introduction Following the trend from recent years, 2014 was also a positive year for the Department of Medical Sciences. The Department has continued to grow, both in staff and in revenues. The staff is now 210, and the Department has more than 300 associated co-workers at the Uppsala University Hospital, working in more than 20 different clinical specialities. The turnover has increased to 250 MSEK, and the external research funding to 170 MSEK which can be attributed to the sustained ability of the researchers at the Department to attract grants from e.g. the Swedish Research council, the Cancer Society, the Swedish Heart & Lung Foundation and from the EU. As two examples of large grants awarded, I would like to mention the 300 MSEK grant from the Heart &Lung foundation and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.to Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS), coordinated by professors Lars Lind and Johan Sundström, and the 35MSEK grant to professor Agneta Siegbahn for “Biomarkers for Cardiovascular disease” from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. In this context I also would like to mention the excellent services provided by the platforms hosted by the Department; the SNP&SEQ Technology platform and the Array and Analysis facility, and the two new platforms, Clinical Biomarkers, and In Vitro and Systems Pharmacology] The performance of the Department's research groups is also shown by the close to 650 peer reviewed publications during 2014, an increase with 10% from 2013, and by the 11theses produced during 2014. The theses presented represent all six research programs at the Department, namely Cancer, Cardiology and Clinical physiology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Epidemiology, Inflammation and autoimmunity, and Microbiology and Infectious diseases. Major research findings achieved during 2014 by researchers at the Department will be presented on the following pages. Teachers at our department are very active in many of the undergraduate programs at the Faculty of Medicine. Some 2000 students pass courses for which we are responsible every year. The department aims to provide a good environment for learning combined with education given at a high academic level. During 2014 a few persons retired after long and very successful careers. On behalf of the Department I would like to thank professor Eva Vingård for her many important contributions As a new head of the Department, I would like to thank my predecessor Eva Tiensuu Janson for performing such an excellent job during her years as head of IMV, which has been handled over to me in very good condition! Finally, I would like to conclude by thanking all personnel at the Department for their dedicated work during 2014. Lars Rönnblom Head of department 2 Contents Contents 3 Organization of the Department of Medical Sciences 5 Employees 6 Funding 9 Scientific Reports 10 Cancer 10 Endocrine Oncology Eva Tiensuu Janson and Kjell Öberg 10 Haematology Martin Höglund _16 Cancer Pharmacology and Computational Medicine Rolf Larsson, Mats Gustafsson, Peter Nygren _21 Endocrine tumour biology Britt Skogseid _26 Biochemical endocrinology Mats Stridsberg _30 Epidemiology 33 Cardiovascular epidemiology Lars Lind _33 Respiratory medicine and allergology Christer Janson _45 Clinical Pharmacogenetics and Osteoporosis Håkan Melhus, Mia Wadelius _55 Occupational and environmental medicine Eva Vingård _60 Molecular epidemiology Erik Ingelsson _71 Inflammation and autoimmunity 83 Biological structure and function Anders Larsson _83 Coagulation and Inflammation Science Agneta Siegbahn _94 Dermatology and Venereology Hans Törmä _99 Gastroenterology and hepatology Per Hellström 103 Molecular Medicine Ann-Christine Syvänen 108 3 Renal Medicine Bengt Fellström _ 113 Rheumatology Lars Rönnblom _____________________________________________ 117 Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 124 Clinical microbiology Hilpi Rautelin _____________________________________ _124 Infectious diseases Jan Sjölin, Otto Cars _________________________________________128 Infection medicine Björn Olsen ________________________________________________139 Cardiology and Clinical physiology _____________________________________ 146 Cardiology Bertil Lindahl _______________________________________________146 Cardiology-Arrhythmia Carina Blomström-Lundqvist __166 Clinical physiology Hans Hedenström __172 Diabetes and Metabolic diseases _______________________________________ 180 Clinical diabetology and endocrinology Jan Eriksson __180 Endocrinology and mineral metabolism Östen Ljunggren __187 Transplantation and regenerative medicine Per-Ola Carlsson ____ 191 Undergraduate Teaching 196 Core Facilities 197 The SNP&SEQ Technology Platform in Uppsala_______________________________197 Array and Analysis Facility _199 Awards and Appointments 2014 202 4 Organization of the Department of Medical Sciences Chair, head of department Lars Rönnblom Deputy head of department Johan Sundström Assistant heads of department Jan Sjölin, responsible for graduate studies Christer Janson, responsible for undergraduate studies Department board Lars Rönnblom chair Lars Lind teacher Håkan Melhus teacher Erik Ingelsson teacher Eva Lindberg teacher Birgitta Sembrant technical staff Juliana Imgenberg Kreuz PhD student Sandra Porath student representative Vacant student representative Deputies Johan Sundström teacher Martin Wohlin teacher Jan Eriksson teacher Per Hellström teacher Karin Eriksson technical staff Henning Karlsson PhD student Vacant student representative Vacant student representative 5 Employees 2014 Adolfsson Sofia Carlsson Ingmarie Enström Camilla Alassaad Anna Carlsson Lena Eriksson Barbro Alexsson Andrei Cars Otto Eriksson Jan Alfredsson Jenny Cars Thomas Eriksson Karin Ali Ahmed Abir Castegren Markus Eriksson Oskar Almlöf Jonas Castillejo-Lopez Casimiro Eriksson Per Andersson Claes Christersson Christina Fall Tove Axelsson Tomas Chu Xia Fellström Bengt Backlin Carin Collin Sofie Flachskampf Frank Bandaru Kumar Manoj Dahl Staffan Floderus Gustaf Berggren Olof Dahlberg Johan Foyer Anna Berglund Eva Dalin Frida Freyhult Eva Berglund Malin Den Hoed Marcel Fryknäs Mårten Bergquist Maria di Lorenzo Sebastian Fuxler Lisbeth Berne Berit Diaz Hetzel Fällmar Helena Billing Ewa Dubois Louise Ghaffari Mostafa Björnerfeldt Susanne Edén Desirée Giandomenico Valeria Björnerfeldt Susanne Edlund Hanna Grönberg Malin Blomström Lundqvist Carina Ekberg Sara Gumpert Amanda Bryon Kristin Ellström Patrik Gustafsson Mats Brännvall Mathias Eloranta Maija-Leena Gustafsson Stefan Bäcklin Christofer Elvingson Veronika Hagberg Margaretha Bäckström Lars Emami Khoonsari Payam Hagberg Niklas Carlson Marie Emmanouilidou Anastasia Hagforsen Eva Christina Carlsson Axel Englund Edvard Haglund Caroline Carlsson Elin Engvall Karin Halim Muhammad Abdul 6 Halin Lejonklou Margareta Kamble Prasad Lindell Magnus Hall Jan Kashif Muhammad Linder Stig Hallböök Helene Kask Lena Lindersson Marie Hartman Anna Kjeldgård Eva Lindgren Komp Patricia Hasan Badrul Klingström Tiffany Lindqvist Mårten Haukkala Anna Kriegholm Cecilia Lindqvist Ulla Hedman Åsa Kultima Kim Lindström Elisabeth Helgesson Magnus Lagensjö Johanna Ljunggren Östen Helgesson Magnus Lagerbäck Pernilla Loftsdottir Heidur Hellström Per Lampinen Maria Lundmark Anders Henriksson Karin Landegren Nils Lundmark Per Hjärner Veronica Larsson Anders Manninen Johanna Holloway Bronwen Larsson Gunnel Marincevic-Zuniga Yanara Hägg Sara Larsson Kristina Marklund Elisabeth Hägglund Maria Larsson Pontus Marzouka Nour Al-Dain Högman Marieann Larsson Rolf Mcloughlin Anette Ilbäck Nils-Gunnar Laxman Navya Melhus Håkan Imgenberg-Kreuz Juliana Leek Christina Melhus Åsa Ingelsson Erik Lehmann Sören Moberg Lena Jacobson Rasmusson Annica Lenhammar Lena Mokhtari Dariush Jakobsson Charlotta Li Su-Chen Monazzam Azita James Stefan Liedén Martina Mubanga Mwenya Janson Carolina Liljedahl Ulrika Munir Muhammad Janson Christer Liljegren Andersson Ulrik Muntlin Athlin Åsa Jarvius Malin Lind Lars Najafi Nasrin Jasovsky Dusan Lind Monica Nilsson Anna Joelsson Martin Lindahl Bertil Nisser Katarina Jonasson Katarina Lindberg Eva Nordlund Jessica 7 Nordstedt Michael Schedin Johan Törmä Hans Norsted Hanna Sembrant Birgitta Törnros Christel Nowak Christoph Senkowski Wojciech Uusitalo Pia Nykvist Marie Sidibeh Cherno Wadelius Mia Nystedt Sara Siegbahn Agneta Wahlberg Per Oldgren Jonas Signér Linnéa Wallentin Lars Olofsson Caroline Sjölin Jan Wallmenius Katarina Olsen Björn Skarp Astrid Wang Juan Omar Shumi Skogseid Britt Webb Dominic-Luc Parrow Vendela Smeds Patrik Vega Enrique Pereira Maria Sollander Karin Westholm Susanne Pränting Maria Stenemo Markus Weström Simone Quarfordt Pernilla Stenemo Markus Widell Mikael Raine Amanda Storm Marianne Wiman Ann-Christin Ramqvist Ulrica Strese Sara Wohlin Martin Ramsell Jon Stålberg Kjell von Kartaschew Anna Rask-Andersen Anna Sundelin Johan Vretman Helena Rautelin Hilpi Iiris Sundström Johan Zhang Hanqian Rebello Lisa Svartengren Magnus Zorzet Anna Rollman Ola Svensson Johanna Åberg Mikael Ronquist Göran Syvänen Ann-Christine Ånnhagen Eva Rosenfeld Daniel Tandre Karolina Åslin Matilda Rydåker Maria Sonja Tano Eva Åström Paulsson Sofia Rönnblom Lars Tao Lingjie Ärnlöv Johan Rönnerblad Michelle Thulin Åsa Örn Thorsteinsson Ingvar Salihovic Samira Tiensuu Janson Eva Öst Torbjörn Sandling Johanna Tängdén Thomas Övernäs Elin 8 Funding 2014 GRANTS SWEDISH RESEARCH COUNCIL 39 MSEK SIDA 10,5 MSEK THE SWEDISH
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