ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2007 Band/Volume: 20_1_2 Autor(en)/Author(s): Cisneros-Heredia Diego F. Artikel/Article: Notes on the natural history of the casque-headed treefrog Trachycephalus jordani (Stejneger & Test, 1891) 92-94 ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 92 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 20 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2007 SHORT NOTE Notes on the natural history Machala (pers. obs.). Province of ES- of the casque-headed treefrog MERALDAS: FHGO-alive 2448, Rio Verde. KU 221679-80, Castelnovo. DHMECN Trachycephalus jordani 1321-26, 2711-13, 2721, Cabo San Fran- (STEJNEGER & TEST, 1891) cisco. Province of GUAYAS: KU 111992- 94, 40 km E Duran. CAS-SUA 2272, Mil- Trachycephalus jordani (STEJNEGER & agro. CAS-SUA 6407 Isla Punâ. C. MAR- TEST, 1891) is a treefrog mostly endemic to TINEZ (pers. comm.): Loma Alta. STEJNEGER Ecuador. It inhabits the lowlands from ex- & TEST (1891): Guayaquil. Province of LOS treme southwestern Colombia across west- RIOS: DFCH-USFQ Bl74, USNM 285297- ern Ecuador to extreme northwestern Peru, 285307, KU 146582-146604, 164477-89, between 0 to 1000 m elevation (ICOCHEA et MCZ A-88441, 95413-428, MCDIARMID & al. 2004; FROST 2006). Although T. jordani ALTJG (1990): Rio Palenque Scientific is a common treefrog species in various Center (00°35'S, 79°21'W, 200m). KU habitats (including secondary forests and 132451-61, 4 km N Quevedo. ALMENDÂRIZ agricultural areas), very few information is & CARR (1992): Jauneche. Province of LOJA: available on most aspects of its natural his- FHGO 3387, Cordillera Mangahurquillo tory or ecology. Herein I present some in- (04°03'S, 80° 16'W, 325 m elevation). formation on the habitat preferences and FHGO-alive 2470, 2474, Quebrada Fayque diet of T. jordani. Verde, Canaverales, canton Zapotillo. Examined specimens are deposited at FHGO 975, Puyango (03°53'S, 80°05'W, the following collections: Universidad San 300 m elevation). Province of MANABÌ: Francisco de Quito, Quito (DFCH-USFQ); FHGO 979, Salango (0 m elevation). RON et Fundación Herpetológica G. Orcés, Quito al. (2004): Puerto Rico. CISNEROS-HEREDIA (FHGO); National Museum on Natural His- (2006a): Cerro La Mocora (ca. 550 m a.s.l.). tory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Province of PICHINCHA: FHGO 616, D.C. (USNM). Some distributional data were 976-978, Hacienda Margarita, km 35 Santo obtained from records held in the following Domingo de los Colorados- Quevedo road institutions and accessed through HerpNET (300 m elevation). KU 142647, 217771, data portal (http://www.herpnet.org) on 08 MCZ A-88442, Santo Domingo de los November 2006: California Academy of Sci- Colorados. KU 178888, 2 km E, 1 km S ences, San Francisco (CAS, collection data- Santo Domingo de los Colorados. KU base portal httpy/www.calacademy.org/research/ 202747, Tinalandia, 15.5 km SE Santo herpetology/catalog/), Los Angeles County Domingo de los Colorados. KU 217772, La Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles Concordia, Bosque Protector la Perla. CAS- (LACM), University of Illinois, Museum of SUA 10605, 35 km E of Santo Domingo de Natural History, Urbana (UIMNH), The Field los Colorados, near Hacienda Lelia (Fig. 1). Museum, Chicago (FMNH, collection database All localities are restricted to decidu- portal http://fml .fieldmuseum.org/collections/ ous, semi-deciduous, and seasonal ever- search.cgi?dest=herps), Natural History Mu- green habitats across the entire Pacific seum and Biodiversity Research Center, Uni- coastal region of Ecuador from 0 to 1000 m versity of Kansas, Lawrence (KU), and Mu- elevation. There are records of this species seum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Uni- in all five coastal provinces (Esmeraldas, versity, Cambridge, (MCZ, collection database Manabi, Guayas, Los Rios, and El Oro), and portal httpV/collections.oeb.harvard.edu/Herp/ in the lowland regions of three inland pro- AmphSearch.htm). Classification of vege- vinces (Pichincha, Canar, and Loja). The tation formations follows SIERRA (1999), species inhabits a wide variety of vegetation with modifications proposed by CISNEROS- formations in western Ecuador, including: HEREDIA (2006b). Mangrove, Seasonal Lowland Evergreen forest, Lowland Semideciduous Forest, Information for T. jordani was ob- Lowland Deciduous forest, Lowland Dry tained from 24 localities across western Shrubs, Littoral Dry Shrubs, Littoral Spiny Ecuador (italics = specimen examined): Pro- Shrubs, Seasonal Foothill Evergreen forest, vince of CANAR: CAS 104973, 70 km E and in the Cordillera de la Costa: Low Mon- Guayaquil. Province of EL ORO: near ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 20 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2007 SHORT NOTE 93 available field data were active at night), but during the breeding season males can be Pacific Colombia Ocean heard calling during the late afternoon and evening. Otherwise, during the day individ- uals of T jordani usually hide inside cavi- ties of trunks or bamboos, amidst palm or banana leaves, inside bromeliads, or inside human settlements. Dissection of the diges- tive tract of five specimens of T jordani revealed mainly arthropods parts (Ortho- ptera, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera); but specimen FHGO 3387 had shells and parts of at least two terrestrial snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda), elytra and head of one adult beetle (Coleoptera), one larva of moth (Lepidoptera), and remains of wood and soil. Feeding on mollusks (molluscivory) has been reported few times in anurans (SAVAGE 2002; NUSSBAUM et al. 1983; METTER 1964), and this is the first report for T. jordani. The Fig. 1: Map of Ecuador showing the 24 localities of Trachycephalus jordani (STEJNEGER & TEST, 1891) absence of mollusks on the other specimens mentioned in the text. suggests opportunistic feeding. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: I am grateful to R. W. MCDIARMID, G R. ZUG, and W. R. HEYER (USNM), tane Cloud forest, Foothill Semideciduous and to J.-M. TOUZET and A. M. VELASCO (FHGO) for forest, and Seasonal Foothill Evergreen for- granting access material under their care; to F. NOGA- est. Similar vegetation formations are occu- LES and D. ALMEIDA for access to their specimens from Loja; to D. MOSQUERA, A. BAQUERO, K. DAMMER, K. pied by the species in extreme southwestern NEWMAN, C. SCHNEIDER, and C. KIESWETTER for field Colombia (Department of Narino); and companionship; to D. PROANO, M. O. BORJA, C. PRO- northwestern Peru (Department of Tumbes) ANO, and F. ARTEAGA for laboratory assistance; and to (ICOCHEA et al. 2004, this paper). Trachy- M. E. HEREDIA and L. HEREDIA for their constant sup- cephalus jordani occurs and breeds in pri- port. Fundacion Natura-Ecuador coordinated and fi- nanced fieldwork at Machalilla National Park, through mary and secondary forests, as well as plan- the project Parks in Peril; Boston University provided tations, gardens, and even human buildings financial support for fieldwork at Rio Palenque. Mini- (in certain altered areas it reaches even sterio del Ambiente, and C. ZAMBRANO, Machalilla Na- higher densities than in pristine area, e.g., tional Park's director, provided research permits. Uni- Mompiche and Rio Palenque). Trachyce- versidad San Francisco de Quito provided institutional phalus jordani is among the few frogs found and in-kind support as well as lab work facilities. in mangroves, together with Chaunus mari- REFERENCES: ALMENDÂRIZ, A. & CARR, J. L. nus (LINNAEUS, 1758) and Scinax quinque- (1992): Amphibians and reptile list; January-February trip; pp. 128-130. In: PARKER, T. A., Ill & CARR, J. L. fasciatus (FOWLER, 1913). It is an explosive (Eds.): Status of forest remnants in the Cordillera de la breeder, using ponds and open flooded areas Costa and adjacent areas of southwestern Ecuador, for reproduction (MCDIARMID & ALTIG RAP Working Paper 2; Washington, D. C. (Conserv- ation International). CISNEROS-HEREDIA, D. F. (2006a): 1990, pers. obs.). Males call from inside the Amphibia, Machalilla National Park, western coastal water (e.g., several males heard and Ecuador.- Check List, Sao Paulo; 2 (1): 45-54. CIS- observed at ponds in littoral shrubs and pas- NEROS-HEREDIA, D. F. (2006b): Distribution and ecolo- tures in Mompiche, April 2006) or from gy of the Western Ecuador frog Leptodactylus labrosus (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae).- Zoological perches in shrubs or low trees (e.g., a male Research, Kunming; 27 (3): 225-234. FROST, D. R. was heard calling during the late evening (2006): Amphibian species of the world. Version 4. and early night from an arboreal bromeliad <http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/index ca. 5 m above ground in old-growth Low .html> New York (American Museum of Natural Montane Cloud forest in Cerro La Mocora History) [Accessed on December 2006]. ICOCHEA, M. J. & COLOMA, L. A. & RON, S. & CISNEROS-HEREDIA, on June 2000). Trachycephalus jordani is D. F. (2004): Trachycephalus jordani. < http://www. mostly nocturnal (85% of 28 specimens with globalamphibians.org >, Global Amphibian Assess- ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 94 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 20 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2007 SHORT NOTE ment. Washington, D.C. (IUCN, Conservation Inter- (1938) who had visited the island and listed national, NatureServe) [Accessed on December 2006]. McDiARMiD, R. W. & ALTIG, R. (1990): Description of from Amorgos
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