9734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JULY 19 Visit with him socially in his chambers. Reservatfon, N. Dak., and for other re­ Mr. REED of New York. Here is the I always came away from those visits in­ lated purpose:s," disagreed to by the point: During the war' we sent all sorts spired by his humility, his patriotism, House; agrees to the conference asked ·of material overseas. I myself have seen and his devotion to high ideals. Of by the House on the disagreeing votes of acres of tanks and vehicles over. there course I shall miss him, as all of us will. the two Houses thereon, and appoints piled up as scrap. We need that scrap I want to record here this afternoon Mr. KERR, Mr. MCFA.RLAND, Mr. MILLER, today. We have not got that scrap and that we who knew Justice Murphy and Mr. ECTON, and Mr. WATKINS to be the our industries need it. It will not inter­ worked with him truly count his loss as conferees on the part of the Senate. fere with producers in this country. a tragedy visited upon our country and The message also announced that the Without this scrap we do face unemploy­ our people. Senate disagrees to the amendment of ment. The VICE PRESIDENT. The ques­ the House to the bill <S. 1407) entitled Mr: RICH. What are you going to do tion is on agreeing to the resolution sub­ "An act to promote the rehabilitation of when you take the tariff off of watches mitted by the Senator from Texas [Mr. the Navajo and Hopi Tribes of Indians and off of all the things that are manu­ CONNALLY]. and the better utilization of the re­ factured in foreign countries and they The resolution was unanimously sources of the Navajo and Hopi Indian come in here and put our American men agreed to; and <at 12 o'clock and 22 Reservations, and for other purposes," out of work? What are you going to do minute;.; p. m.) the Senate, in executive requests a conference with the House on then? session, took a recess until tomorrow, the disagreeing votes of the two Houses The SPEAKER. The Chair calls for Wednesday, July 20, 1949, at· 12 o'clock thereon, and appoints Mr. McFARLAND, the regular order. Is there objection to meridian. Mr. ANDERSON, Mr. KERR, Mr. ECTON, and the present consideration of the bill? Mr. WATKINS to be the conferees on the There being no objection, the Clerk part of the Senate. read the bill, as follows: The message also announced that the Be it enacted, etc., That the act of March HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President pro tempore has appointed 13, 1942 (ch. 180, 56 Stat. 171), as amended, is Mr. JOHNSTON of South Carolina and Mr. hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 1. (a) No duties or import taxes TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1949 LANGER members of the joint select committee on the part of the Senate, as shall be levied, collected, or payable under the 12 Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, or under sec­ The House met at o'clock noon. provided for in the act of August 5, 1939, tion 3425 of the Internal Revenue Code with The Acting Chaplain, Rev. Jacob S. entitled "An act to provide for the dis­ respect to metal scrap, or relaying and re­ Payton, D. D., offered the following position of certain records of the United rolling rails. prayer: States Government," for the disposition "(b) The word 'scrap,' as used in this act, We wait upon Thee, 0 God, ir_ prepara­ of executive papers referred to in the re­ shall mean all ferrous and nonferrous ma­ tion for the duties of the day. Because port of the Archivist of the United States terials and articles, of which ferrous or non­ numbered 50-3. ferrous metal is the component material of no man's labor is in vain in the Lord, chief value, which are second-hand or waste may the work of these, Thy servants, be FREE IMPORTATION OF SCRAP M;IJ:TAL or refuse, or are obsolete, defective, or dam­ begun, continued, and ended in Thee. • Mr. EBERHARTER. Mr. Speaker, I aged, and which are fit only to be remanu­ May no pressure deflect any Member ask unanimous consent for the immedi­ factured. from honor, nor unworthy threat dispel . "SEC. 2. Articles of which metal is the com­ ate consideration of the bill <H. R. 5327) ponent material of chief value, other than his courage. But should doubt or con­ to continue until the close of June 30, -fusion cause anyone to waver in pur­ ores or concentrates or crude metal, imported 1950, the suspension of duties and im­ to be used in remanufacture by melting, shall pose, grant to sustain him with assur­ port taxes on metal scrap, and for other be accorded entry free of duty and import ances inherent in an old inquiry of a purposes. tax, upon submission of proof, under such searcher for the good way of life: The Clerk read the title of the bill. regulations and within such time as the Sec­ And what doth the Lord require of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to retary of the , Treasury may prescribe, that the present consideration of the bill? they have been used in remanufacture by thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, melting: Provided, however, That nothing and to walk humbly with thy God? Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, contained in the provisions of this section reserving the right to object, and I shall In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. shall be construed to limit or restrict the ex­ not object because I am in favor of· the emption granted by section 1 of this act." The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ bill, I would suggest the gentleman from SEC. 2. The amendment made by this act terday was read and approved. Pennsylvania make just a slight ex­ shall be effective as to merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consump­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT planation so that the Members will have the benefit of it if they wish to refer tion on or after the day following the date of Sundry messages in writing from the ·to it in their correspondence with their the enactment of this act and before the close President bf the United States were constituents. of June 30, 1950. It shall also be effective as communicated to the House by Mr. Mil­ to merchandise entered, or withdrawn from Mr. EBERHARTER. I will be glad to warehouse, for consumption before the period ler, one of his secretaries, who also in­ explain the bill for the benefit of the specified where the liquidation of the entry formed the House that on the fallowing Members. or withdrawal covering the, merchandise or dates the President approved and signed Mr. Speaker, since 1942 the import the exaction or decision relating·to the rate bills of. the House of the following titles: duty on scrap metal and other types of of duty applicable to the merchandise, has On July 18, 1949: scrap had been suspended because of the not become final by reason of section 514, H. R. 623. An act for the relief of Sadako critical shortage of scrap metal. Tariff Act of 1930. Takagi; This bill will continue for one more Mr. EBERHARTER. Mr. Speaker, by H. R. 2349 . .An act for the relief of Col. year the suspension of this import duty. direction of the committee, I ask unani­ Wlodzimierz Onacewicz; and The situation with respect to scrap is mous consent to withdraw the amend­ H. R. 3017. An act for the relief of Ramon very critical at the present time; we ment. G. Hunter and Arthur Nancett. have a supply for only a few months. On July 19, 1949: The SPEAKER. Is there objection to H. R. 2848. An act for the relief of Leon The committee unanimously agreed that the request of the gentleman from Penn­ Nikolaivich Volkov; and I ask unanimous consent to consider the ·sylvania? bill in this manner. H. R. 3812. An act for the relief of Myrtle There was no objection. Ruth Osborne, Marion Waltz, and Jessie A. Mr. RICH. Mr. Speaker, reserving Waltz. the right to object, I would like to ask The bill was ordered to be read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE the gentleman this question: If you take the duties off of scrap metal, having and a motion to reconsider was laid on A message from the Senate, by Mr. Mc­ taken the duties off of many articles un­ the table. Daniel, its enrolling clerk, announced der the reciprocal trade agreements, FOREIGN-TRADE ZONES that the Senate insists upon its amend­ when these foreign countries begin to ments to the joint resolution (H. J. Res. ship merchandise in here and our fac­ Mr. BOGGS of Louisiana. Mr. Speak­ 33) entitled "Joint resolution providing .tories shut down what do you expect to er, I ask unanimous consent for the im­ for the ratiflcation by Congress of a con­ do then? mediate consideration of the bill <H. R. tract for the purchase of certain Indian Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, 5332) to amend section 3 of the act of lands by the United States from the will the gentleman yield? June 18, 1934, relating to the estabJish­ Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold Mr. RICH. I yield. ment of foreign-trade zones. 1949 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9735 Mr.
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