TANGMERE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD AT SAGE HOUSE, CITY FIELDS WAY, TANGMERE PO20 2FP Present: Councillors Andrew Irwin (Chairman), Roger Birkett (Vice-Chairman), Kirsten Lanchester, Simon Oakley, and Trevor Ware In attendance: Louise Steele - Clerk No. ACTION 001 AGENDA ITEM 1 – ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Upon the proposal of Cllr Birkett, seconded by Cllr Ware, Councillor Andrew Irwin was elected as Chairman of Tangmere Parish for the civic year 2021/22.Councillor Irwin signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office after the conclusion of the meeting. 002 AGENDA ITEM 1 – ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Upon the proposal of Cllr Ware, seconded by Cllr Lanchester, Councillor Roger Birkett was elected as Vice-Chairman of Tangmere Parish for the civic year 2021/22 Councillor Birkett signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office after the conclusion of the meeting. 003 AGENDA ITEM 3 – APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Kate Beach, David Blythe, Paul Spencer-Ellis and James Stanbridge and the Council resolved to accept Cllr Beach’s and Cllr Blythe’s reasons for absence. 004 AGENDA ITEM 4 – TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS Cllr Oakley declared non pecuniary interests, in general terms, as a member of Chichester District Council (CDC) and as a member of West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Cllr Oakley withdrew from the meeting to the public gallery for the duration of the Committee’s deliberations on the planning applications at Agenda Item 19 under consideration by Chichester District Council due to his Membership of that Council’s Planning Committee. Any comments and observations from Chichester District Councillor Simon Oakley on planning applications were personal ones made at the invitation of the Chairman and related to matters of fact and clarification. Cllr Irwin declared a non pecuniary interest, on grounds of proximity to his home, in Agenda Item 19 planning application 21/00752/DOM. Cllr Irwin remained in the meeting and in the chair for that item. 005 AGENDA ITEM 5 – PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There was no public participation. 006 AGENDA ITEM 6 – MINUTES The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 11 March 2021 were approved as an accurate record and were signed as such by the Chairman. 007 AGENDA ITEM 7 – MINUTES & REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES Members received the draft minutes and oral reports from Committee Chairman for the meetings indicated: Environment Committee 23 March & 20 April 2021 Village Centre Committee 9 February & 13 April 2021 Finance Committee 23 February & 20 April 2021 It was noted that the next Environment Committee would consider the issue and implications of re-providing allotments as per the Neighbourhood Plan and the outline planning application for the Strategic Development Location (SDL). The Chairman of the Village Centre Committee reported that the new gate in the bund, the new bin and the bollard by the CCTV camera column would all be worked upon from 19 May leaving the recreation field inaccessible by vehicle while the concrete sets (approx. the end of May). Upon noting the Village Centre fees and charges for 2021/22 appended to the Finance Committee minutes Council was informed that these were to be revisited by the Village Centre Committee at its next meeting. 008 AGENDA ITEM 8 – REPORTS FROM WORKING PARTIES Members received brief oral reports from each of the working parties: Covid-19 Working Group – work supporting vulnerable residents is continuing – this may change over time from supporting those in food poverty to reducing food waste and will be discussed at the Annual Meeting of Electors. • Tangmere Action Group – the summer fair will be held over the weekend of 25/26 September 2021 • Tree Planting Working Party – 400+ whips have been received and are in the ground being cared for by Cllr Birkett pending autumn planting • Strategic Development Master Plan Working Party – additional work may be required on the detail of S106 and community facilities but not much else is required until the Compulsory Purchase Order is resolved probably early in 2022. 009 AGENDA ITEM 9 – SCHEME OF DELEGATION Members reviewed and adopted the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. It was noted that while this was apparently duplication of an item from the Council meeting held on 11 March 2021 (and the document was unchanged from that date) it was good practice to review this document at the Annual Meeting of Council and was included as a procedural matter to ensure it was reviewed next year. The same applied to agenda items 13 and 14. 010 AGENDA ITEM 10 – MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES The membership of the Council’s Committees for 2021/22 was appointed as shown below: FINANCE COMMITTEE ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Cllr Beach Cllr Beach Cllr Birkett Cllr Birkett Cllr Irwin Cllr Blythe Cllr Oakley Cllr Irwin Cllr Stanbridge Cllr Lanchester Cllr Oakley Cllr Spencer-Ellis Cllr Ware VILLAGE CENTRE APPEALS PANEL Cllr Birkett Cllr Birkett Cllr Irwin Cllr Lanchester Cllr Oakley Cllr Ware 011 AGENDA ITEM 11 – WORKING PARTIES Membership of working parties for 2021/22 was agreed as shown below: Covid-19 Working Group Cllr James Stanbridge, as Chairman, Cllr Kate Beach, Cllr Birkett, Cllr Blythe, Cllr Andrew Irwin, Cllr Trevor Ware the Parish Clerk, and, the Parish Administrator. Strategic Development Master Plan Working Party Cllr Andrew Irwin, Cllr Roger Birkett, Cllr Kate Beach, Cllr Paul Spencer-Ellis, Cllr James Stanbridge and Cllr Kirsten Lanchester Tangmere Action Group Working Party Cllr Roger Birkett, Cllr Trevor Ware, Cllr Andrew Irwin, Judy Simnett, Jo Irwin, Sue Saunders, Hilary Barclay, Ann Forster, Jayne Sansby, Alex Halswell, Debbie Shawcross, Michelle Stone Tangmere Tree Working Party Cllr James Stanbridge, Cllr Roger Birkett, Cllr Kate Beach, Cllr Trevor Ware and Cllr Andrew Irwin with the Parish Administrator and/or the Parish Clerk in attendance. 012 AGENDA ITEM 12 – REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Appointments to outside bodies for 2021/22 (and some internal appointments) were agreed as shown in an annexe to these minutes. 013 AGENDA ITEM 13 – STANDING ORDERS Members reviewed and adopted the Council’s Standing Orders. 014 AGENDA ITEM 14 – FINANCIAL REGULATION Members reviewed and adopted the Council’s Financial Regulations. 015 AGENDA ITEM 15 – INTERNAL AUDITOR’S REPORT Members received the Internal Auditor’s Report noting that because of work to progress the recommendations from last year there were no recommendations this year. The Clerk and the Parish Administrator were thanked for their work in bringing about this position. 016 AGENDA ITEM 16 – ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT Members considered and agreed the Annual Governance Statement. Each question was considered and the evidence, including the relevant section of the Internal Auditor’s report, was weighed. Question 4 “We provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of electors’ rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations” gave pause for thought in the light of the External Auditor’s report for the Financial Year 2019/20 but Members resolved to accept the Internal Auditor’s view. 017 AGENDA ITEM 17 – STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS Members considered and agreed the Statement of Accounts for 2020/21, having previously received the Finance Committee’s minutes of 20 April 2021 where the matter was considered in some detail. It was noted that for the first year the figures were prepared on an accruals or income and expenditure basis and that it had taken three years of planning to reach this point. Going forward, year on year comparisons would be much clearer. It was noted that the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return would be published on 2 June 2021 and that the period of inspection would run from Thursday 3 June 2021 to Wednesday 14 July 2021 inclusive. 018 AGENDA ITEM 18 – ANNUAL MEETING OF ELECTORS 27 MAY 2021 It was agreed that in order to maximise potential participation the Annual Meeting of Electors would be held as a remote meeting. 019 AGENDA ITEM 19 – PLANNING Members considered the Council’s observations on the following planning applications and commented on them as indicated: 21/00580/LBC Proposed single storey rear extension, replacement flat roof to pitched roof with 3 no. rooflights and internal alterations including creation of floorspace for access. Bay Cottage Tangmere Road Tangmere PO20 2HE Tangmere Parish Council has no objection to this application 21/00752/DOM Conversion of existing garage to bedroom with en-suite accommodation and utility area. April Cottage Chestnut Walk Tangmere Chichester West Sussex PO20 2HH Tangmere Parish Council has no objection to this application 21/00492/DOM Proposed garage conversion and side extension for disabled use. Sheldrake Gibson Road Tangmere PO20 2JA Tangmere Parish Council has no objection to this application 020 AGENDA ITEM 20 – ANY OTHER MATTERS FOR INFORMATION Some matters of Council administration were discussed and thanks were offered to Dementia Support for providing such a good venue for the meeting, though it was hoped to resume meetings at the Village Centre as soon as possible. Date of next meeting: 8 July 2021 Chairman: Date: .
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