St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All for the Hail Mary, Greater Glory SSWT'012 20##2Q*72-,QZZVSW $$'!#S WYWUYVVZZ[V6S WYWUYVV[WRR Full of Grace! of God! +#0%#,!7,*7SWRWX[YVSZYWWYWUYVVZ[RR Holy Mary, St. Francis Xavier Website: www.sfxclayton.org Mother of God! '11'-,1S#1-',#1Q -*1-+Q-1#1Q#2#,2'-,!'*'27 “But the seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and yields a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.” 0'1&2$$ 12-0S 0T -#*3%1 #!-,S!,-3'1-,2-7 SXQTRSY 02V'+##!0#207S-,'!0031 2T0,!'14'#0Q*72-, 02V'+#--))##.#0S!,2 !##)#,"11S230"7WSRR.+3,"7SRSUR+ -++3,'!2'-, #!&,-*-%7S"7*#7#,!','1 $#*'%'-31#"3!2'-,S&,"0#'0,(- $'*711S-,"7Q%3#1"7Q!#",#1"7ZSRR+ &"3*2$#*'%'-31#"3!2'-,S-.&'#&0%3#**- 7830"7-$:3"*3.#&.#* 0'1& $$'!#-3013'*"',% -,$#11'-,S230"7VSSWVVSWR.+8$ 7..-',2+#,2 Q,Q SSRR.+VWSRR.+ -*7-30S230"7VSRRVWSRR.+ #$-0#11 *-1#"-,Q","&30!&'4'*"-*'"71 30&"7-$'3"*3.#Q$#1-',#1 !0+#,2-$.2'1+ !##)#,"11S3,"7ZSRR+8!2SV7US *11#1,"0#,212,2#04'#5 -,$#11'-,S3,"7 #$-0#ZSRR+8$ 7..-',2+#,2 -,2!2#!-,-3'1-,2-7 2T(-1#.&Q-*1-+ !0+#,2-$00'%# *11#1,"-3.*#2,2#04'#5 !##)#,"11S3,"7ZSRR+ 3,SV#.2UR -,2!2 0T -#*VX-,2&10'-0 -,$#11'-,S3,"7 #$-0#ZSRR+8$ 7..-',2+#,2 !0+#,2-$2&#,-',2',%-$2&#'!) )*)$#2#,2'-,!'*'27Q*72-, 7..-',2+#,25'2&2&#12-0 %3#1"7S12U0"TSRR.+$-0$#1'"#,21 2$$-,*7 PLEASE VISIT… www.sfxclayton.org For more information & announcements To sign up to receive text message announcements & updates • Text 84576 • Type the message: SFXClayton • Follow instructions The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of July 2017 June and July 2017 Lapsed Christians: That our brothers and sisters who have **PARISH RECORDS MONTH** strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord Please check all your sacramental documents and the beauty of the Christian life. (Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage) If you are missing any documents, please visit the CHURCH OFFICE HOURS office and fill out the request forms. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Men’s Altar Ministry Schedule 1:00PM-5:00PM Saturday, July 15 Kirk, Abade, Joey MEETINGS! — MEETINGS! — MEETINGS! Sunday, July 16 Craig, Ross, Richy OLOG/SJ KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS MEETING: Saturday, July 22 Ross, Craig, Abade 2nd Sunday after the 8 am Mass, Community Center SFX KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS MEETING: Sunday, July 23 Kirk, Richy, Joey 1ST Tuesday, 6:30 pm, Parish Hall Please call Donna Kimble 374-2789 or cell 575 207-7203 if there are errors or ALTAR LADIES SOCIETY: problems with the schedule that will help with future scheduling. Thank You. 3RD Thursday, 6 pm, Parish Hall CONFIRMATION CLASS: ***WE NEED TO BORROW YOUR OLD PICTURES!*** To be announced Fall 2017 All related to church events and activities! Family Weddings, Confirmations, First Communions or Church Cleaning Schedule any thing about SFX Activities/Programs. July 9-15: Lewie & Patty Baker Please bring them to the office M,W, F 1-5 pm. July 16-22: Shelley Carter, Joann Padilla, Donna Kimble July 23-30: Rosie, Joe, Christina, & Jennifer De Herrera Parish Collection Counters Schedule Sun, July 16: Craig and Debbie Reeves This is my body, which will be Sun, July 22: Larry and Mary Lou Harkins given up for you. Questions? Contact Mary Alice Gallagher (575)374-8353. This is my blood, the blood of the new Ask another team to substitute if necessary. and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all… Lay Minister Schedule so that sins may be forgiven. Lector Extraordinary Ministers Do this in memory of me. of the Eucharist *** Masses will be offered July 2017*** Sat, July 15th Sammie Wood Brittney & Danielle + All the Departed Parishioner’s & Family Member’s Arellano SI All the Sponsors, Benefactors & Supporters of SFX Clayton SI Good Health & Well Being of all Parishioners & Families Sun, July 16th Andrea & Jacob Debbie Reeves & Naranjo Pat Crisp Tues, July 4 SI Veterans, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement SI City, County, State, National Government Officials Sat, July 22nd Shelley Carter & Monica Barrus & Sat, July 8 + Clare Wood by Sam & Rosalee Britt Family Mary Gallagher Sophie Arguello Sun, July 9 SI Veterans, Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Sun, July 23rd Dixie Fernandez Mary Bleiker & SI City, County, State, National Government Officials & Jack Chosvig Mary Gallagher Sat, July 15 + Clare Wood by Sam & Rosalee Britt Family Please find substitutes if you are to be absent. Refer any errors/problems SI Peace around the world/family/community with the schedule to Donna Kimble 374-2789. Sun, July 16 +Walter Stadjuhar by Frances Green (OLOG) +Walter Stadjuhar by Lara Lusk (OLOG) Sat, July 22 + Felix Ruiz by Viola Ruiz & Family VISIT www.SFXClayton.org + Robert Ruiz by Viola Ruiz & Family For up-to-date information, announcements, & awesomeness! + Clare Wood by Sam & Rosalee Britt Family Sun, July 30 + Roy Kimble by Donna Kimble & Family SI ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Pope Francis, Archbishop Wester & ASF Priests ACA GOAL FOR SFX and MISSION IS $13,000.00 EVERY SATURDAY OF THE MONTH and 100+ FAMILIES! HOLY HOUR — “Could you not spend ONE HOUR with me?” As of June 30th, we have 65 signed up!!! EVERY Saturday HOLY HOUR at SFX: Your cooperation and participation to this campaign 4:00 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 4:15 PM Holy Rosary and Confession with any amount is truly appreciated! 4:50 PM Benediction Thank You Very Much for your 5:00 PM Regular Saturday Mass kindness and generosity! Please be a part of our weekly family “prayer warrior” sponsors!!! KNOWING YOUR FAITH... FRIDAY: Ex 11:10-12:14 Mt 12:1-8 St. Lawrence of Brindisi, priest and doctor Please visit the following very informative websites: St. Lawrence, the first Capuchin Franciscan to www.archdiocesesantafe.org www.usccb.org be honored as a Doctor, was born in 1559 at Brindisi, a w2.vatican.va/content/vatican/en.html www.ewtn.com www.catholic culture.org www. sfxclayton.org town located on the Adriatic coast of the heel of Italy. Educated from his youth by the Conventual Franciscan LECTIONARY READINGS & REFLECTIONS Friars, he acquired great facility in languages and is Monday, July 16 — Sunday, July 23, 2017 considered the greatest linguist among the Doctors of the Church. His fields of labor were many: army chap- MONDAY: Weekday Ex 1:8-14 Mt 10:34-11:1 lain, diplomat, leader of the Counter-Reformation in TUESDAY: Ex 2:1-15a Mt 11:20-24 Austria and Bohemia, teacher of Sacred Scripture, exe- St. Camillus de Lellis gete and mariologist. St. Lawrence offers priests a won- St. Camillus, entirely without means of exis- derful model for their studies and preaching. He was tence and from his early youth suffering from an incur- canonized in 1881 by Leo XIII. able wound in his foot, experienced the horrors of the Before the reform of the General Roman Calen- Roman hospitals in the sixteenth century in which the dar today was the feast of St. Praxedes, whose history is nursing and other staff were drawn from the dregs of rather obscure. A sixth century account makes her a sis- ter of St. Pudentiana and a daughter of the senator Pu- the population. He effected a great change for the bet- dens, which would place her life around the origin of ter, not content with making himself a slave of the sick the Church in Rome. (Catholicculture.org) and diseased he established for them a congregation of SATURDAY: SGS 3:1-4b Jn 20:1-2,11-18 Clerks Regular pledged to this work, even when it in- St. Mary Magdalene volved those suffering from the plague, and whatever Mary Magdalene wasted the great beauty that their state of life or disease. God had given her in a life of sin, but one day she saw St. Camillus died in Rome on July 14, 1614. Christ and was touched by grace. On the day of our Leo XIII proclaimed him patron of hospitals and the Lord's crucifixion, she stood with the Mother of Jesus at sick and Pius XI declared him the protector of all nuns the foot of the cross. At early dawn on the first Easter who care for the sick. His name has been inserted in morning, Mary Magdalene and other women who had the Litany for the dying. This is also his feast accord- ministered to Jesus went to the Lord's sepulcher. Two ing to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordi- angels said to them, "He is not here, but is risen....Go, tell his disciples." Mary Magdalene ran to tell the Apos- nary Form of the Roman Rite.(Catholicculture.org) WEDNESDAY: weekday Ex 3:1-6,9-12 Mt 11:25-27 tles what she had seen and heard. Then Peter and John, hastening to the sepulcher, saw and believed. THURSDAY: Ex 3:13-20 Mt 11:28-30 (Catholicculture.org) SUNDAY: Wis 12:13,16-19 Mt 13:24-43 St. Apollinaris, bishop and martyr Early accounts report that Saint Apollinaris was GROWING IN FAITH-Why Do Catholics Venerate Saints? ordained Bishop by Saint Peter himself and sent as a The saints were ordinary people, like us, but they had an ex- missionary bishop to Ravenna during the reign of the traordinary love for God. Relics—their remains and personal emperor Claudius. Renowned for his powers to heal in possessions—represent those who are in glory with God.
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